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  • 7/26/2019 sources-of-long-term-finance-1194352169348636-3 (1)




  • 7/26/2019 sources-of-long-term-finance-1194352169348636-3 (1)


    Need for long term Finance

    Long term vs. short term(working capital)funds requirements

    For modernisation, expansion,diversification; huge quantities reqd.,irreversible decision

    Asset-liability mismatch, interest rate risk,liquidity risk, if LT reqts.met by ST funds

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    Equity Capital

    Authorised, Issued, Subscribed and Paid upcapital

    Par/face value, Issue Price, Book value andMarket Value

    Rights of equity shareholders-Right to Income:PAT less preferred dividends-Right to Control: voting rights-Pre-emptive Right: for additional issues, rightsissue in the same proportion-Right in liquidation: residual claim over assets

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    Pros and cons of equity Capital


    No fixed maturity, no

    obligation to redeem No compulsion to pay


    Provides leverage

    capacity Dividends tax exempt

    for investors

    Disadvantages Dilution of control of existing

    owners High Cost: rate of return

    expected by equityholdershigher than debtholders

    Dividends are not taxdeductible: hence cost ishigher

    Issue costs higher:

    underwriting, brokerage, otherissue expenses

    Higher servicing costs: holdAGMs, post annual reports etc.

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    Internal Accruals


    Readily available, notalking to outsiders

    Effectively additionalequity capital, howeverno issue costs of loss dueto underpricing

    No dilution of control No expansion in equity

    base, hence no dilution ofEPS, BV per share etc.


    Quantum very limited

    High Opportunity costs:

    dividends forgone byequity holders

    Requires careful attentionto NPV of projects

    Consists of retained earnings and depreciation charges

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    Preference Capital

    Is a hybrid form of financing, payment after debt but before equity Equity features:-out of distributable profits-not an obligatory payment-dividends not tax deductible Debt features:-dividend rate is fixed-capital is redeemable-normally no right to vote Can have other featureslike cumulative, convertible,


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    Preference Capital


    No obligation to pay dividend,no bankruptcy or legal actionfor non payment

    Financial distress ofredemption obligation not veryhigh

    Part of net worth, henceincreases its creditworthiness/

    leverage capacity No dilution of control

    No pledging of assets required


    Expensive source sincedividends not tax deductible

    Though no legalconsequences, liability to paydividends stands, can spoilcompanys image

    Can acquire voting rights insome cases

    Have claim prior to equityholders

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    Term Loans

    Provided byFIs/banks

    Can be in domestic/foreign currency, liability on FC loanstranslated to rupees for payment

    Are typically securedagainst fixed assets/ hypothecationof movable properties, prime security/ collateral security

    Definite obligationson interest and principal repayment;interest paid periodically; based on credit risk and

    pegged to a floor rate Carry restrictive covenantsfor future financial and

    operational decisions of the company, its management,future fund raising, projects, periodic reports called for

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    Term Loans


    Interest on debt is taxdeductible

    Does not result in dilution ofcontrol

    Do not partake in valuecreated by the firm

    Issue costs of debt is lower

    Interest cost is normally fixed,protection against highunexpected inflation

    Has a disciplining effect onmanagement


    Entails fixed obligation forinterest and principal, nonpayment can even lead tobankruptcy/ legal action

    Debt contracts imposerestrictions on firms financialand operational flexibility

    Increases financial leverage,

    excess raises cost of equity tothe firm

    If inflation rate dips, cost ofdebt higher than expected

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    Like promissory notes, are instruments for raising LT debt More flexiblecompared to term loans as they offer variety of

    choices as regards maturity, interest rate, security, repayment andother special features

    Interest ratecan be fixed/floating/deep discount Convertibility :Can be FCDs, NCDs, PCDs Warrants :Can have warrants attached, detachable or non

    detachable, detachable traded separately Option :Can be with call or put option Security:Secured or unsecured Credit rating: Need to have a credit rating by a credit rating agency Trustee:Need to appoint a trustee to ensure fulfilment of

    contractual obligations by company

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    Other forms of Finance

    Leasing:asset leased out in lieu of lease rentals, title nottransferred, only economic use of assets given; can be financiallease or operating (service) lease

    Hire Purchase: ownership transferred to the buyer after all the

    installments paid up Securitisation:assets involving financial claims pooled and financial

    instruments created, thus creating cash out of receivables Government Subsidies: central and state govts offer cash subsidies

    to units in backward areas, classified in three categories Sales tax deferments and exemptions: payment deferred for a fixed

    period, like interest free loan; or exemptions given for certain no. ofyears Suppliers credit: available from suppliers of machinery, other fixed

    assets, terms devised to defer payment, or pay in installments overa period of time

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    Leasing vs. Hire Purchase

    Leasing Ownership not transferred to lessee Depreciation benefit to lessor

    Magnitude of funds high, for big ticketitems

    No margin money/down paymentrequired

    Maintenance of asset by lessor inoperating lease

    Tax benefits of depreciation taken bylessor; lessee gets tax shield on lease

    rentals Considered off balance sheet mode of

    financing, as no asset or liabilityfigures in balance sheet

    Hire-Purchase Ownership transferred to hirer on

    payment of all instalments Depreciation shield available to hirer Maybe for smaller value capital goods Some down payment reqd

    Maintenance cost borne by hirer

    Hirer allowed depreciation claim andfinance charge for taxation; seller mayclaim interest on amount borrowed to

    acquire asset Asset figures in balance sheet on

    complete of purchase

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    Raising Long Term Finance

    Initial Public Offer (IPO) Secondary Public offer Rights Issue Bought out deals Euro Issues Private Placement

    Preferential allotment Venture Capital/ Private Equity transactions Obtaining a term loan

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    Initial Public Offer

    Pros Access to larger amount of funds Further growth limited companies

    not using this route

    Listing: provides exit route topromoters; ensures marketabilityof existing shares

    Encash on value created in thefirm

    Recognition in market Stock prices provide useful

    indicators to management Sometimes stipulated by private

    investors in the company

    Cons Pricing may have to be

    attractive to lure

    investors Loss of flexibility Higher accountability More disclosure

    requirements to be met Visibility in market Cost of making a public

    issue quite high

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    Steps in an IPO

    Approval of BOD Shareholders approval Appointment of lead manager(s) Due diligence by LM Appointment of intermediaries like registrars, printers, bankers, advertisers

    Prepare draft prospectus Filing with SEBI Listing applications filed alongwith draft prospectus Agreement with registrars and depositories Appoint underwriters (if reqd.) Make changes in draft prospectus as per SEBI observations, SE suggestions File prospectus with ROC Issue marketing exercise commences Application forms dispatched Issue opened Basis of allotment finalised Allotments made, refunds posted, shares listed on SEs

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    Other aspects of a public issue

    Eligibility criteria defined: net worth, track record ofprofitability, issue in same year; secondary issues haveno such restrictions

    Book Building process: process of tendering quantities atprices within a band Issue expenses: underwriting, brokerage commissions,

    fees to managers to the issue, registrars, printers,advertisers, listing fees, stamp duty

    Issue pricing: free pricing, disclose basis for issue price Public issue of debt: appointment of debenture trustee,

    creation of DRR, credit rating reqd., security to becreated

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    Rights Issue

    Issue of capital to existing shareholders

    Offer made on a pro rata basis

    Offer document called Letter of Offer

    Option given to apply for additional shares Rights renunciation: are tradeable, may be sold off in the market

    Value of a share after rights:

    (NP0+S)/(N+1); N=no. of existing shares required for rights; P0=cum rights MP per share; S= subscription price of rights issue

    Value of a right= (P0S)/(N+1) Comparison with Public issue: with familiar investors, hence

    likely to be more successful; less floatation costs since nounderwriting; but lower pricing to benefit shareholders

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    Private Placement

    Sale of securities directly to wholesale investorslike FIs, banks, MFs,FIIs,PE funds etc.

    Called private placementin equity/equity related instruments, inunlisted companies and in all cases of debt

    Called preferential allotmentin case of unlisted companies forequity/equity related instruments

    Different from reservationsmade for such QIBs out of a public issue Subject to SEBI regulationson pricing, lock in period, open offer to

    be made to public QIB placement guidelinesrecently issued by SEBI for compliance

    and disclosures

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    Private Placement


    Less expensive mode

    Lesser SEBI and other

    regulations Easier to market the issue to a

    few investors

    Entry of wholesale financiallysophisticated investors incompanys profile

    May use this route until IPOdecision taken

    Less administrativemaintenance


    Does not qualify for listing inan unlisted company

    Restrictive covenants may beimposed by the investors

    May call for managementparticipation

    Issue pricing more tight

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    Venture Capital/Private Equity

    Equity financeto potentially high growth companies Reasonably longto medium term commitment Hands on managementapproach, active participation in management Considered value add investor VC: primarily high risk high returninvestment esp. in technology oriented/ knowledge

    intensive businesses with long development cycles, greenfield ventures Can be in unlisted or listed(PIPES) Companies Exit routeto be defined at the time of investment Restrictive clauseson promoters holding sell off and other financial/operational

    issues Detailed memorandum/businessplan on company, its financials to be prepared Shareholders agreementto be signed by both parties Valuation of Companykey issue Leads to dilution of controlby existing promoters

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    Obtaining a Term Loan

    Submission of loan application:a project report containing completedetails of the project given to the FI/Bank

    Initial processing of loan application:prepare flash report to decide ifproject worth an appraisal or not

    Project Appraisal:Detailed appraisal done to decide if project taken ornot, in terms of market, technical, financial, managerial appraisal

    Issue of Letter of Sanction:to the borrower containing amountsanctioned and terms and conditions thereto

    Acceptance of terms and conditions by the borrowing unit:thru aboard meeting and conveyed to the FI/Bank

    Execution of loan agreement:signed by both parties

    Disbursement of loan:in tranches based on progress of the project, tieup of means of finance

    Creation of security:formalities to be completed within a timeframe Monitoring:at implementation and operational stage thru periodic

    progress reports, site visits etc.