Download - Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

Page 1: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

Sort the given string, without using string handling functions

Page 2: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• #include<conio.h>• #include<stdio.h>• void main()• {• char s[20],t;• int i,j,n;• clrscr();• printf("Enter a string ");• scanf("%s",s);• printf("given string %s",s);• for(i=0;s[i]!='\0';i++)• {• for(j=i+1;s[j]!='\0';j++)• {• if(s[i]>s[j])• {• t=s[i];• s[i]=s[j];• s[j]=t;• }• }• }• printf("\nsorted string %s",s);• getch();• }


Page 3: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

Sort each words in the given paragraph

Page 4: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• #include<conio.h>• #include<stdio.h>• void main()• {• char s[20],temp[20][20],t;• int i,j,n=0,k=0,l=0;• clrscr();• printf("Enter a string ");• gets(s);• printf("given string %s",s);• for(i=0;s[i]!='\0';i++){l++;}• for(i=0;i<=l;i++)• {• if(s[i]==' '||s[i]=='\0')• {• temp[n][k]='\0';• //printf("\n%s",temp[n]);• n++;k=0;• }• else• {• temp[n][k]=s[i];• k++;• }• }•


Page 5: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• for(j=0;temp[i][j]!='\0';j++)• {• for(k=j+1;temp[i][k]!='\0';k++)• {• if(temp[i][j]>temp[i][k])• {• t=temp[i][j];• temp[i][j]=temp[i][k];• temp[i][k]=t;• }• }• }• }• k=0;• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• for(j=0;temp[i][j]!='\0';j++)• {• s[k]=temp[i][j];• k++;• }• s[k]=' ';k++;• }• s[k]='\0';• printf("\nfinal string : %s",s);• getch();• }


Page 6: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

Compare two strings, the length of each stings will be calculate using function and the function return the length,(without using string

handling functions)

Page 7: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• #include<conio.h>• #include<stdio.h>• void main()• {• int strlength(char *);• char s1[20],s2[20];• int i,j,e=0,b=0,s=0;• clrscr();• printf("enter two strings :- ");• scanf("%s%s",s1,s2);• if(strlength(s1)==strlength(s2))• {• for(i=0;i<strlength(s1);i++)• {• if(s1[i]==s2[i])• {• e++;• }• if(s1[i]<s2[i])• {• s=1; break;• }•


Page 8: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• if(s1[i]>s2[i])• {• b=1; break;• }• }• }• if(e==strlength(s1)){printf("\nTwo strings are Equal");}• if(b==1){printf("\nFirst string is Biggest");}• if(s==1){printf("\nSecond string is Biggest");}• getch();• }• int strlength(char *s)• {• int i,l=0;• for(i=0;s[i]!='\0';i++)• {• l++;• }• return(l);• }


Page 9: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

Sort N Strings, without using string functions

Page 10: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• #include<conio.h>• #include<stdio.h>• void main()• {• int strcompare(char *,char *);• char s[20][20],t[20];• int i,j,n,k;• clrscr();• printf("enter limit ");• scanf("%d",&n);• printf("Enter strings ");• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• scanf("%s",s[i]);• }• printf("Given Strings ");• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• printf("\n%s",s[i]);• }•


Page 11: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• for(j=i+1;j<n;j++)• {• if(strcompare(s[i],s[j])==1)• {• for(k=0;s[i][k]!='\0';k++)• {• t[k]=s[i][k];• }• t[k]='\0';• for(k=0;s[j][k]!='\0';k++)• {• s[i][k]=s[j][k];• }• s[i][k]='\0';• for(k=0;t[k]!='\0';k++)• {• s[j][k]=t[k];• }• s[j][k]='\0';• }• }• }•


Page 12: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• printf("\nsorted Strings ");• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• printf("\n%s",s[i]);• }• getch();• }• int strcompare(char *s1,char *s2)• {• int strlength(char *);• int i,e=0,b=0,s=0;• for(i=0;i<strlength(s1);i++)• {• if(s1[i]==s2[i])• {• e++;• }• if(s1[i]<s2[i])• {• s=1; break;• }


Page 13: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• if(s1[i]>s2[i])• {• b=1; break;• }• }• if(e==strlength(s1)){return(e);}• if(b==1){return(1);}• if(s==1){return(-1);}

• }• int strlength(char *s)• {• int i,l=0;• for(i=0;s[i]!='\0';i++)• {• l++;• }• return(l);• }


Page 14: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

Write a function which receives 2 integer arrays with limit n, add

each element of the 2 arrays and the function return the resultant


Page 15: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• #include<conio.h>• #include<stdio.h>• void main()• {• int *array(int [],int [],int);• int a[10],b[10],i,n,*p;• clrscr();• printf("enter limit ");• scanf("%d",&n);• printf("enter first array ");• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• scanf("%d",&a[i]);• }• printf("enter second array ");• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• scanf("%d",&b[i]);• }•


Page 16: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• printf("resultant array ");• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• printf("%d ",*p);p++;• }• getch();• }• int *array(int a[10],int b[10],int n)• {• int i;• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• a[i]=a[i]+b[i];• }• return(a);• }


Page 17: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

Write a C program using pointers to find the sum of all elements sorted

in an array

Page 18: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• #include<conio.h>• #include<stdio.h>• void main()• {• int a[10],i,n,j,t,s=0;• clrscr();• printf("enter limit ");• scanf("%d",&n);• printf("enter array ");• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• scanf("%d",(a+i));• }• printf("given array ");• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• printf("%d ",*(a+i));• }•


Page 19: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• //sorting• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• for(j=i+1;j<n;j++)• {• if(*(a+i)>*(a+j))• {• t=*(a+i);• *(a+i)=*(a+j);• *(a+j)=t;• }• }• }• printf("\nsorted array ");• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• printf("%d ",*(a+i));• s=s+*(a+i);• }• printf("\nsum= %d",s);• getch();• }


Page 20: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

Using an array of pointers to store address of n variables and sort the


Page 21: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• #include<conio.h>• #include<stdio.h>• void main()• {• int a[10],i,n,*ptr[10],*t,j;• clrscr();• printf("Enter limit ");• scanf("%d",&n);• //sorting address to array of pointers• for(i=0;i<n;i++){ptr[i]=&a[i];}• printf("Enter array ");• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• scanf("%d",ptr[i]);• }• printf("\ngiven array ");• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• printf("%d ",*ptr[i]);• }•


Page 22: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• //sorting• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• for(j=i+1;j<n;j++)• {• if(*ptr[i]>*ptr[j])• {• t=ptr[i];• ptr[i]=ptr[j];• ptr[j]=t;• }• }• }• printf("\nsorted array ");• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• printf("%d ",*ptr[i]);• }• getch();• }


Page 23: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

Write a C program that receives one command line argument,

which is a file name. open this file in the main and read an array of all

integer values

Page 24: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• #include<conio.h>• #include<stdio.h>• void main(int argc ,char *argv[])• {• FILE *fp;• int a[10],i,n=0;• clrscr();• fp=fopen(argv[1],"r");• while((a[n]=getw(fp))!=EOF)• {• n++;• }• fclose(fp);• printf("\ncontent in the array ");• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• printf("%d ",a[i]);• }• getch();• }


Page 25: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

Write a C program that read a 2D array and prints whether it stores a

unit matrix or not

Page 26: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• #include<conio.h>• #include<stdio.h>• void main()• {• int a[10][10],i,j,n,m,f=1;• clrscr();• printf("enter order of the matrix");• scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);• if(n==m)• {• printf("enter matrix");• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• for(j=0;j<m;j++)• {• scanf("%d",&a[i][j]);• }• }•


Page 27: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• printf("\ngiven matrix\n");• for(i=0;i<n;i++)• {• for(j=0;j<m;j++)• {• printf("%d ",a[i][j]);• if(i==j)• {• if(a[i][j]!=1)• {• f=0;• }• }• else• {• if(a[i][j]!=0)• {• f=0;• }• }• }• printf("\n");• }


Page 28: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• if(f==1)• {• printf("\ngiven matrix is unit matrix");• }• else• {• printf("\ngiven matrix not unit matrix");• }• }• else• {• printf("\nNot a square matrix");• }• getch();• }


Page 29: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

Write a program that will receive a filename and a text as command

line argument and write the text to the file

Page 30: Sort the given string, without using string handling functions.

More Questions• #include<conio.h>• #include<stdio.h>• void main(int argc,char *argv[])• {• FILE *fp;• char c;• fp=fopen(argv[1],"w");• fprintf(fp,"%s",argv[2]);• fclose(fp);• fp=fopen(argv[1],"r");• printf("\ncontent of the file %s",argv[1]);• while((c=getc(fp))!=EOF)• {• printf("%c",c);• }• fclose(fp);• getch();• }
