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Page 1: Sophia (Student Magazine) Year 01,  Vol.II (November 2012)

World Philosophy Day-2012


SOPHIA(Student Magazine)

Year-01, Issue-02 November, 2012

Nisha Khangan (Editor)

Rajni Bala(Co-editor)

The Positive Philosophy Society

P.G.Govt. College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh

Page 2: Sophia (Student Magazine) Year 01,  Vol.II (November 2012)

World Philosophy Day-2012



Happy World Philosophy Day to all Teachers & Students

It’s our pleasure to edit the second issue of Sophia on the occasion of World Philosophy Day.

Previous issue was released on the occasion of Teacher’s Day. UNESCO considers Third

Thursday of November of every year as the World Philosophy Day and also celebrated it as the

birthday of great Greek philosopher Socrates. This year 15th

November designated for this

precious occasion.

In the present issue we have included an introductory text on Socrates and also what consideration

made for World Philosophy Day by UNESCO this year and why we celebrate world philosophy

day. Here are also some articles related to philosophy and educational issues. We have also

included three poems written by students of philosophy which reflect on different aspects of life.

Philosophy reflects most fundamental concepts of life and guide us day to day life. Philosophical

texts and the lives of philosophers provide us various ways to deal with our social, educational and

personal life problems. So, this kind of event has a very important role in our academic

environment. Hope our present initiative become successful by your valuable comments and kind


Nisha Khangan


November, 2012 Rajni Bala

Contact Us:

Nisha Khangan, Editor ([email protected])

Rajni Bala, Co-editor ([email protected])

“Four things belong to a judge;;; to hear courteously, to answer wisely, to consider soberly and to decide impartially.”


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World Philosophy Day-2012


SOCRATES (469-399 B.C.)

“A philosopher of Athens, generally regarded as one of the wisest people of all time. It is not known who his teachers were, but he seems to have been acquainted with the doctrines of PARMENIDES, HERACLITUS, and ANAXAGORAS. Socrates himself left no writings, and most of our knowledge of him and his teachings comes from the dialogues of his most famous pupil, PLATO, and from the memoirs of XENOPHON. Socrates is described as having neglected his own affairs, instead spending his time discussing virtue, justice, and piety wherever his fellow citizens congregated, seeking wisdom about right conduct so that he might guide the moral and intellectual improvement of Athens. Using a method now known as the Socratic dialogue, or dialectic, he drew forth knowledge from his students by pursuing a series of questions and examining the implications of their answers. Socrates equated virtue with the knowledge of one's true self, holding that no one knowingly does wrong. He looked upon the soul as the seat of both waking consciousness and moral character, and held the universe to be purposively mind-ordered. His criticism of the Sophists and of Athenian political and religious institutions made him many enemies, and his position was burlesqued by ARISTOPHANES. In 399 B.C. Socrates was tried for corrupting the morals of Athenian youth and for religious heresies; it is now believed that his arrest stemmed in particular from his influence on Alcibiades and Critias, who had betrayed Athens. He was convicted and, resisting all efforts to save his life, willingly drank the cup of poison hemlock given him. The trial and death of Socrates are described by Plato in the Apology, Crito, and Phaedo.”

World Philosophy Day-2012

UNESCO's General Conference was convinced that “the institutionalization of Philosophy Day at UNESCO as world philosophy day would win recognition for and give strong impetus to philosophy and, in particular, to the teaching of philosophy in the world”.

In 2012, the World Philosophy Day will be held on Thursday, 15 November for the tenth time, with events being organized at the international, national and local levels. They will enable their participants to share a multitude of views and experiences, fully respecting cultural diversity, with regard to the main theme of the 2012 World Philosophy Day which is “Future Generations”.

For UNESCO, philosophy offers a cross-cutting reflection and analysis that should permeate all disciplines which aim to build a better understanding of our present world and develop adequate responses to challenges. Philosophers have a very important role in shedding light on contemporary challenges, especially when these relate to ethics and justice. We believe that critical thinking, foresight, and ethical judgment are invaluable ingredients for a healthy society. For this reason UNESCO strives to strengthen the philosophical perspective in all its programmes and fields of action.

UNESCO leads World Philosophy Day – but does not own it. It belongs to everyone, everywhere, who cares about philosophy.

On this Day of collective exercise in free, reasoned and informed thinking on the major challenges of our time, all of UNESCO‟s partners (national governments, their public institutions and organizations, including National Commissions for UNESCO, relevant non-governmental organizations, associations, universities, institutes, schools, UNESCO/UNITWIN Chairs, Associated Schools and Clubs and so forth)

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World Philosophy Day-2012


are encouraged to organize various types of activities - philosophical dialogues, debates, conferences, workshops, cultural events and presentations around the general theme of the Day, with the participation of philosophers and scientists from all branches of natural and social sciences, educators, teachers, students, press journalists and other mass media representatives, and the general public.


Why a Philosophy Day?

Many thinkers state that “astonishment” is the root of philosophy. Indeed, philosophy stems from humans‟ natural tendency to be astonished by themselves and the world in which they live.

This field, which sees itself as a form of “wisdom”, teaches us to reflect on reflection itself, to continually question well-established truths, to verify hypotheses and to find conclusions.

For centuries, in every culture, philosophy has given birth to concepts, ideas and analyses, and, through this, has set down the basis for critical, independent and creative thought.

UNESCO‟s Philosophy Day allowed this institution to celebrate, in particular, the importance of philosophical reflection, and to encourage people all over the world to share their philosophical heritage with each other.

For UNESCO, philosophy provides the conceptual bases of principles and values on which world peace depends: democracy, human rights, justice, and equality.

Philosophy helps consolidate these authentic foundations of peaceful coexistence.

Over seventy countries, including twenty-five in Africa, celebrated the first two Philosophy Days which offered everyone, regardless of their culture, the opportunity to think about different questions such as: “Who are we as individuals and as a world community?” It is up to us to reflect upon the state of the world and determine whether it corresponds to our ideals of justice and equality. It is up to us to ask ourselves whether our society is living according to the ethical and moral norms of our great Declarations.

This Philosophy Day thus provided us with the occasion to ask ourselves questions that are often forgotten: “What do we neglect to think about?” “Which intolerable realities do we get used to?”

Mika Shino Philosopher, former UNESCO Programme Specialist SHS Newsletter 04 - Foresight: the future in the present, January-March 2004


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World Philosophy Day-2012



I believe in my dreams

And I will never lose hope.

I believe in my goal

So with competition I can cope .

I believe in my talent

And will make the best of it.

I believe in my future

For which I‟ll bit by bit .

I believe in my abilities

I will make my own name.

I believe I can do it

So I can win life‟s game.

I believe in myself

Though the world may not.

I‟ll make Impossible possible

Because I believe in myself a lot.

Neha Vashishta

B.A. Final Year (5509)

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World Philosophy Day-2012



General meaning of philosophy is taken as „‟vision‟‟ or „‟Darshan‟‟, but a philosophy is not just a

vision or set of thoughts. It is a way of life, as we observe, visualize, think, express and apply

out thinking. However, this explanation depends upon the way in which we use the concepts.

Philosophy survives in every aspect of life we just recognize it. It starts form the environment

goes through the mind and again goes to the environment. For instance, the freedom fighters

observed the situation and visualized that the britishers were exploiting us in every manner.

Then, they thought of throwing them out of the nation and expressed their intentions to get

more and more support from the common people. In the end, they applied their plans in the

society. Though, the thought of getting freedom was generated due to the outside environment.

Hence, the second step of philosophy depends upon the first step which is observation. But, the

philosophy of independence was completed due to its final step i.e. application. Otherwise, it

would have been just a thought. So, philosophy is the process which starts from the

environment (observing) goes through the mind (visualizing and thinking) and turn back to the

environment (by expressing and applying).

Manju Chauhan

B.A.IIIrd Year (5341)


The teacher plays a very important role in the life of a student. He plays the key role in the development of the student. He is the nation-builder the real sense. He can make his nation great and strong. He shapes his students in good and responsible citizens. He doesn‟t work for the reward. It will be the biggest reward for him if he will be satisfy from his job. He should work with a missionary spirit. An honest teacher is the pride of the whole society. He is an asset to the nation. He is held in high esteem. He is the source of inspiration for the students. He should be caring and sympathetic towards his students. He should serve as the lighthouse for the students.

A good teacher is the master of his subject. His method of teaching should be very simple, clear and to the point. His lessons should sink well into the mind of the students. He can set an example of good and noble life for the students as well as others. Degrees and diplomas do not make a good teacher. His own honesty, thinking, qualities n behavior makes him a good teachers degrees and diplomas just help him to find a job of a teacher. The teacher should be a very balance personality. He should know how to behave, how to talk and most important how to TEACH? He should help to his students to become confident and also help them to come out themselves from their difficulties. A nation can become great through his efforts.

Puneet Sharma

B.A.IIIrd Year (5854)

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World Philosophy Day-2012



Knowledge is the virtue

in Socrates‟ view;

It‟s an achievement; without any milieu (limits).

Fields are many but sources are few;

It‟s an achievement ;

Gives confidence to you.

If you have knowledge

of what, where and why;

by whom, how and when

then you‟ll get a clear vision.

Knowledge is a path,

To pull out you from dark;

But a teacher is the torch

To show you the true path.

Knowledge is worthless

Without any use;

As the mango tree is useless,

without any fruits.

A teacher is always true,

He gives us the knowledge ,

of false and true.

Teachers are many , but few are true.

Knowledge is a virtue

In Socrates‟ view.

Manju Chauhan ,B.A. Final (5341)

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World Philosophy Day-2012



God is a great examiner and

We all are examinees.

The life is our answer sheet on which

We have to take the examination.

This world is hall,

Where, we all are seating to give examination.

The time allowed is only three hours,

First hour bell rings at the childhood,

Second at youth,

Third and last is at old age.

Hence examination gets over,

So don‟t try to cheat and deceive anyone.

You may lose,

You can‟t say that paper was lengthy and

time was short.

If we fail, we have to come back

Again to the same hall in our new life and

If we pass, we quit the hall and

return with no mark!!!!!!!


B.A. First Year (1179)

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World Philosophy Day-2012



The teacher and student relationship is the very important for student and teacher also. Both spend 5 to 7 hours with each other in a day. Both are incomplete without each other. The relationship of teacher and student should be very positive and balance and limited. Because a positive and limited relationship between both, help to a student to share his/her problem. The teacher in the classroom should be polite, active and the understanding level of the teacher should be good, because in a classroom there are different-different students and they all have different attitudes and levels. A teacher can encourage his/her student. He/she can make his/her student optimistic, confident, and even successful also.

Both have to understand that a teacher is not a way to get success and a student is not a way to earn money by learning and learning. In the case of teacher and student , interaction is most important for a successful and positive relationship. A close but limited relationship between a teacher and student can helpful for those students who are shy and find difficulty to speak in front of the other students. It can be helpful for those students also who have low self-esteem and not confident about their own selves.

Of course a teacher can‟t understand every problem of the student, but he/she can give acquire enough information for those students who are suffering or struggling with specific tasks. If a teacher can do efforts for his/her student then the student also has to give respect to his/her teacher, the student has to be cooperative. So, afterall making a good relationship they both have to be (honest with each other. It is the duty of the teacher to give his/her student good education and to aware them about good and bad.

So, if you are teacher then feel proud because you can make someone successful and if you are a student then be very happy and also feel proud because you gain knowledge from those teachers who always try to make your future bright.

Rajni Bala

B.A.IInd Year (6443)

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World Philosophy Day-2012


Previous Programmes organized by the Department of Philosophy

Session 2010-2011

“Bhavanjali 2010”, P.G. Govt. College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh held on dated 30th October 2010.

"World Philosophy Day Celebration" at Depts. of Sanskrit and Philosophy, P.G. Govt. College for Girls,

Sector-11, Chandigarh on dated 27-11, 2010.

Session 2011-2012

ICPR Sponsored Periodical Lectures at Department of Philosophy with academic assistance by Deptt. of Hindi,

PGGCG-11, Chandigarh held on 10th February 2012.

Session 2012-2013

Milan-2012 (Student-Event): 25th August, 2012

Teacher‟s Day Celebrations (Student-Event): 5th September, 2012

Lecture organized on “World Philosophy Day” on 22nd November, 2012.

Picture-I: Prof. H.S.Sinha delivering his lecture. Picture-II: Students releasing first issue of Sophia.



President: Ms. Rashi Verma (B.A.IIIrd Year) Vice-President: Ms. Neha Vashishta (B.A.IIIrd Year) Secretary: Ms. Rajni Bala (B.A.IInd Year) Joint-Secretary: Ms. Kanchan (B.A.Ist Year) Associate-Members Ms. Nisha Khangan (B.A.IIIrd Year) Ms. Shubhangi (B.A.IIIrd Year) Ms. Neha (B.A.IInd Year) Ms.Neha Shyam (B.A.IInd Year) Ms. Aditi Katoch (B.A.IInd Year) Ms. Shavnam (B.A.Ist Year) Ms. Saravjeet (B.A.Ist Year) Ms. Jasveer (B.A.Ist Year)

Incharge: Dr. Desh Raj Sirswal