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Songs from a

Quest to Peace Volume 8

Copyright © 2014 by Kings of Peace, written by Goss Lindsey

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be sold for profit. This publication may

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through the earth .............................................................................................................. 3

like snow ............................................................................................................................ 4

how the walls tumble ....................................................................................................... 5

faith and experience ......................................................................................................... 7

a game of crops ................................................................................................................. 9

drumming in the field .................................................................................................... 10

our will becomes You .................................................................................................... 12

MLK ................................................................................................................................. 14

the light of freedom ....................................................................................................... 16

walk of the willing .......................................................................................................... 18

Chief Seattle ..................................................................................................................... 20

dreaming the world ........................................................................................................ 22

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through the earth sometimes I close my eyes

and breathe the sweet breath of peace

when I am reminded

of the work still to do

faces come

stories follow

of those in other places

it is all too much sometimes

in sadness and gratitude they remind me

of the journey again

often children becoming adults

their eyes so hopeless

bodies like punching bags

for those with cold reptilian hearts

who have walked away from the Father

so many not yet decided

but day by day growing colder

and closed in their hearts

in my softest moments

to you my arms try and reach

through the earth to hold

they try so hard you would never know

I sit with this small prayer

I sit with these simple thoughts

may they be enough to find you

somewhere somehow

through the earth


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like snow falling through the pages

of my life

let me drift again like snow

soft and still through these lines

when I am heavy like rain

I fall so fast

not even having a moment to stare

at the calm space between the words

when I fall fast though the moments

of time

it is almost like a fear

a cutting boat through the ocean being pounded

every moment by waves

and time only hurts

let me return to my own grace

my own silence

in the place where all I would keep

has been learned

like snow I am slowly drifting again

first so awkward after a few hard days of rain

then slowly but surely

the calm smile returns

drifting in moments born in years

to the place one day my body will be buried

no rush, no fear

let me rest in the silence

from these seemingly endless words racing to me

from this page

dear Mother hold me

comfort me and keep me safe

let me change old habits still pressing my fall

I am willing to cast these days

upon my peace, falling like snow

gently blown by Your lips

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how the walls tumble the story is not new

and the ending can only be seen in a vision

like a body the end of a world

is imminent

it is only in the notion of perceived time

the difference can lie

end can mean many things

and change is in its own way this

like snow can hide under clouds

to cover the earth in darkness

the sun soon enough will end

its hold

some come to crack the snow

many know their hearts carry this inside

but they know not how to break what seems

like such overwhelming odds

some come to hold the snow

lies and layers of things hidden

for deception and misidentification of what we are

would be their only hope to bind

most only sit under the snow

not knowing either the sun

or those that tend the snow's hold

this is not a judgment on any

for the parasite only eats the host

as it knows no other way to survive

this is a song I sing

from my heart and it is of peace

it a simple story of how

a world is set free

how could we ever doubt the story

we always knew inside

it is not freed by the ways of man

but by the miracle of our Father

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when we gather unto Him

unto peace

so our minds may join

and the sun shines strong

it shines and shines and we carry

this song of our hearts though some days

we become down as we still see the snow

covering earth

but do we not see how it would crack?

suddenly as if it the many blessings

melted day by day as our soft hearts have sung

that we have loved the world and yearned

for Peace

to the dark parasites

that would attempt to hold a brother in deception

the sun has no enemy

it would only undo the veil

not everyone is needed

though all are freed

the release is certain and the glass walls crack

the moment one too many minds overflows with the love

of our Father

the way of His miracle cannot be understood

but its release of all that would bind us to what is not of Him

will be fulfilled

let us allow for it to move through our hearts

in peace and extension for we are so very needed

let us all say Amen

that even one other brother has come this far down the page

with us

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faith and experience upon what would I put my faith

as faith would require

either a belief

or that of an experience

that we change the world everyday

with movements of our body

how would a matter of degrees

block the experience to be true

that we could return to stillness

past the rushing rivers of the world carrying us away

into the sanctuary of peace where we but grow

into what we are

needs no belief

that there becomes no place to chase and end someday

for someday dies in the great now where we are held

embracing as best we can what we hold dear

to what has rescued us this far

for it was not belief but our willingness to be not without

our Father

let us stand beside these things strong like the earth

where faith is not needed if our eyes can see

faith is the degree of possibility

that we know not of

faith is the vision that our small healing

would be enough

faith is the impetus to one more step

when it seems so pointless to an end so distant

march on

it is all we have ever known

our march with Him may be our joy

speak on, write on, love on

for it is our Father's' faith in our seemingly such little selves

that we rise from these small steps in gratitude

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and His word alone gives faith enough for us

to sing these songs

as our steps become sacred

and would be worthy

if we sit in corners with little faith

we are doubting what we cannot logically doubt

for we do not know what is possible through our Creator

we only have experienced what we have seen

let his faith in us

that we would be entrusted to love

and carry His memory to dark places

be enough


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a game of crops like farmers

we sow the earth

planting seeds so they may grow

and tending to our plants

children, payments, and the to do's

race across our minds

as we walk the dirt

to nurture

crops grow and die

harsh rains flood

soft rain offers

let us be still a moment

eyes open or closed

where the fields vanish

and the sun shines in our heart

where peace is found

and the memory of how we are loved

and love


upon return the plants

seem so colorful

and eyes see past time

of what they may become

released for a moment

in an eternal Holy instant

the game of crops may be seen

for what it is

and with such joy

do we return

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drumming in the field

I sit in this field

in the middle of the open grass

drumming a soft song

with these words

sometimes like fire they rise

in my belly

sit with me my friend

together we will remember

I close my eyes and feel the earth

and the way of man like thick blood

cut my heart

I can see the trail of tears in my mind

I can see the slaves captured on the sea

I can see the prisons

I did not ask to see these things

my heart is hurt but it is a reminder

of why we carry this song

as history is a cycle

with only seeming change

this is a reminder

for today the sun shines

and only in some ways are we imprisoned

but when the books are taken

when the cables are cut

and the food becomes less

the dark days arrive

and sorrow can seem to sit on our heart

this is why we sing

today and tomorrow

as yesterday

the way of man did not fool us

it has always lied to stay in power

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it has always killed to remain

only the face changed

we sing because someday

we too may be in a dark place

where the crops do not grow and what does

is taken

for today our mouths are open

and we have not been quieted

this does not last forever

but one day when the shackle

scars our ankle we remember

the drumming of the song we once heard

the singing of what could not be quelled

I would tell you I am angry

but that is not true

It is only fire reaching through

it may be the last chance

I ever have to drum with you

we all know this inside

sit with me and drum here in this soft field

they cannot take our song

all we can see will be returned

drum the memory of our Father

with our eyes open we see the figures

upon the podiums with flags from many places

as they are

they are all the same

and their will to power is quenched by nothing

I will play this small song

in case one more brother

wants to come home too

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our will becomes You my will become Yours

my decision joined

I refuse to stand alone today

merge to me and through me

in all things my small perception can find

show me only light ahead

for I know not what I see in darkness

my will become Yours

only in most trivial steps do I forget

but the moment of need through space and time

merge into me

and speak to my heart

concepts like peaceful rainbows fill

your vision holds no bounds

yet still my feet walk

through the days right foot then left

and the makings of twisted confused moments

can leave me lost like a child

my simple prayer

lost no more in this blessed moment

may we remember

not only in our heart's vision of peace

but Your guidance upon our walking feet

we know not where we travel

but we travel not alone

our will becomes You

traveling to where we would have us go

for our greatest will

is shared by that of

our Creator

blessed these steps travel

eyes open or closed would not matter

blessed we release our heart

and open the floodgate of intent

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unto you

and so guide our walk

actions, thoughts, words, ears

vision, hands, song, and quiet

Blessed our Will becomes You


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MLK you did not speak but sang

you did not need a teleprompter

for your message could not change

of peace and love you felt

and through your lips so strong

they shook the very walls

to a man who saw the cold eyes

of tyranny

and how the war was to be won

in peace

not to be fought for

but only stood for

a system of war remains only

when enough minds

believe war is a solution

with only one replacing another

as the next in power

he knew God's Vision

when enough minds no longer fight in blood

the system cannot thirst upon its hate

and starves for its drink of choice

when brothers seek not their hate

it can only fall

and its death becomes nearer with each brother

coming Home

may peace flow inside

may it grasp until we no longer are afraid

until a point comes we are the hungry

we are the oppressed

or maybe that day will never come for us

blessed still God's vision carries

how far away does a brother have to be in injustice

before they do not matter

how many miles or how different

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must they be

I see you brother

I hear you brother

a child of God never asks for war

but in a world where war prevails

yet they know not

how even it thinks

a brother is no different

the insane belief any brother could be different

clings to the darkness and lie

of only illusion

the very root of misidentification

for we stand not as

this short lived shell

sing it brother

and those bought by dollars

who use your name

know not your heart

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the light of freedom

once trapped like a light

inside a box

one day forgetting

how we shine

then one day seeing the prison walls

before not knowing of our imprisonment

etched lines and stories of sadness

gave rise to anger

and so we move right

when pushed left

and so we claw and begin to see

the depth of the darkness

programs entrap minds

as much as skin and bones do the body

still using all we know ourselves to be seeking escape

yet freedom not found

we said we wanted peace

of softer things we dream

we did not ask to see the shadow faces

of our own depths

within and without

but come It does

blessed peace would come

for we someday chose not to fight

earth with earth

and our escape was certain

if only we knew then

what we know now

the years of clawing

give way to remembrance

the box only held the bones

the light gifted by our Father

could never be

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now we speak in whispers

yet called upon to howl

until every last brother

is returned

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walk of the willing once we stood like an egg

shell intact but burning inside

for something was amiss

"why me" we wondered

when the shell was so normal

to those with whom we spoke

until the questions came enough

and a small crack formed

many years later we can see

its shedding was only time

yet we knew not how long

or even of its end

as yolk we still see our shell

shattered gladly

once we trembled

at the thought of our nakedness

once we thought we were losing something

now gladly offered

the walk of the willing

calls for all

yet only some will forge ahead

as the known walls of the ego

peel from their very skin

peace be found unto all

who enter for the kingdom

is no place but where we choose

our entry to it

how could law alter what we know

our very self to be

in a moment of passing

for this let peace be our gauge

to God

none other is needed

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yet when a rock is thrown

that screams to crack the shell

look and look again

and see if the rock was thrown

in love

the walk of the willing

cannot but crack upon its return

to what we were


with love and Amen

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Chief Seattle

I sit down upon seeing a genetic strain

that rests within my people

sadly I know this strain

for it was woven within me as well

the very idea that buying land

would make sense to us

that would enslave all of life

beckoned to our calling

has become commonplace

the best of our people

have vanished from the earth long ago

they knew not of the virus

that would see a brother first as an enemy

and difficult it is for us to understand

this would be so

yet look at the animals

they hasten not to destroy entire populations

for only another pond to their name

in which to drink

and people populated this planet fully

many tribes and many ways


the old stories of whom were the chosen ones

I would ask for what were they chosen

and by whom

for in the name of god they have carried

war and suffering unlike any we have ever seen

this is a quest to peace in my heart

no fingers are pointed

and no lands are contended in blood

it is for sanity of mind

we fish for

for our Father will carry

our heart the rest of the way

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this is the beckoning to realize

installed within us rests something

unlike other creatures on the earth

and of intelligence I do not speak

reptilian coldness would guide us

blame not the eyes within

or how they got there

see only what it is

for we are more

and may peace and reason be our guide

broken would the thought we could buy a mountain

and own the world

broken would the sadness a brother could be our enemy

when we have none

peace be within

so it may rise without

Father guide us to your truth

so we may be set free

of the chains we see not



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dreaming the world ticking clocks and bouncing stocks

streets with cars rushing place to place

still we can remember the old woman on her death bed's words

"that I wish I took more time to smell the flowers"

dreaming into what

one thousand fears of what would happen

the jobless, sick, downtrodden, and lonely

we dream to not become

no, this is not my dream anymore

rising high to shine to the world

then falling to accept my place someday at my ceiling

that it would hold me to in its eyes

eventually submitting to my destiny

no, this is not my dream anymore

give me this bed to lie upon

heart melted into Your Word

still and sound at last

the dream of what I sought returned

fearless and already broken to what

could ever be taken

may our dreams be of the peace of God

reigning in our hearts forever
