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Societal prosperityBY ROSS DAILY •   SEPTEMBER 10, 2014

          The proven track for any societal progress is how constructive its

population think and comes up with transformative ideas and implements them.

 Progress at most instances comes from the quest and desire to change the status

quo of situations within the Society.  In this case, no one has  monopoly over the

quest to stir positive change within any society.Whether one is within a

tyrannical society or liberal society, a group of dedicated people with a desire for

change have had breakthroughs. What is required  for any country’s progress is a

bold decision by its population to give a direction by stirring the change and stop

believing that an outside force will miraculously emerge to assuage their constant

problems. In most cases, The best solutions to any nation’s most pressing issues

have always come from its own citizens.

When we apply this little background knowledge to the situation happening in

South Sudan. One is left wondering about what is holding down the well-abled

youths of this beautiful country from propelling their country into a prosperous

Nation. Everyone seems disoriented and almost every individual’s energy is channelled into negativity and

impossibility thinking as well as false hope of solutions from the Outside World.

Most problems that the country faces have solutions to them, starting from ethnic conflicts, unemployment,

  lack of adequate health facilities, poor infrastructure, poor living standards and much more.   These are

identified problems that are common to all and they do not discriminate who to affect within the country and

who not to . However, majority find time to finger point each other instead of solving the problem.  Every

inch of the country is affected by these problems and so much more yet the youths are stucked on social

media preaching hate, others  under the trees engaged in endless brawls that culminate into intercommunal

conflicts.   Another section of the youth is safely watching at a distance in their comfort zones, forgetting

that whatever they get from their comfort zones will someday need an environment to enjoy it. Hornbill’s

problem in the legendary fable, became the birds’ problem in the long run. As mentioned earlier, South

Sudan’s problems cuts across the country and they need full participation from everyone who hails from

South Sudan and any other well-wisher.

A few who are trying their best to do something about the country’s problems get pulled back by the

majority who are reluctant to chime in and contribute positively. Others are entangled in envy and jealousy

over others achievements. For example, a few people worked so hard to open schools and hospitals where

there were  none but they got burnt down during uncontrollable ethnic and inter clan conflicts.

Initiatives such as civic education by the youths to the communities, diverse cultures integration programs

and so much more generative activities can be initiated by the youths   to create more awareness on essence

of solving their grievances amicably. There are more income generating activities too that people can be

involved in.

There is so much that can be done. Once the youths get over their mere grumbles and pride  and   join their

hands, South Sudan has a beautiful future. However, it is a beautiful and prosperous  Nation in our dreams

for now till when its citizens decide to act and make this dream a reality.





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