Download - Social Studies Reimagine Work were Border States so important to the union? 2. Why did men join the war? 3. Why did both sides

Page 1: Social Studies Reimagine Work were Border States so important to the union? 2. Why did men join the war? 3. Why did both sides

Name,#, HR _________________________ _

For each Daily J'ournal Entry prompt write one paragraph answering the questions. Use a blank sheet of notebook paper, continue on the same sheet until you run out of space. You can write on the front and back or just the front. Label each entry with the date (month, day, year) and write the Daily J'ournal prompt.

Day 6:

Day 7:

Day 8:

Day 9:

Day 10:

Day 11:

Day 12:

Day 13:

Day 14:

Day 15:

Day 16:

Whe1t do you want to be when you grow up? Why? How will you achieve this goal?

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Whe1t will you do while you are there? Will you take anyone with you? You can take up to six people with you.

If you could meet any celebrity (living), who would it be e1nd why?

What is the most valuable thing you own? The value could be how much money it's worth or it could be sentimental value. For example: The most valuable thing I own is a thumbprint locket from my aunt.

What surprised you the most about 5th grade?

Why is it important to be a good citizen?

What is one thing you wish you could do? Example: Have superpowers What kind? And why?

Are you afre1id of anything? What is it? Why?

Write about a time when you did something because everyone else was doing it. How did you feel afterward?

What is one cool fact about yourself that you want to share? Example: singing, dancing, speak another language, etc.

What is the best thing about getting older? Why?

Since we are unsure how many days the school will be closed~ please put a check mark beside each one that is completed. Attach the notebook paper to this paper.

Page 2: Social Studies Reimagine Work were Border States so important to the union? 2. Why did men join the war? 3. Why did both sides

Name: ______________ _

For most states, choosing a side in the Civil War was easy. However, the border states of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri were divided on the issue. Families here had ties in both the North and South. Slavery was legal here, but most did not own slaves. These states were extremely important to the Union due to their locations next to major rivers. Maryland was especially important due to its close location to Richmond, VA - the Confederate capital. Additionally, Washington D.C. was located within its borders. Abraham Lincoln was successful in keeping these states in the Union, but many border state residents did support the Confederacy.

The Civil War was more than simply a war between the states. This war put brother against brother and neighbor against neighbor. Even Abraham Lincoln's wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, had many relatives in the Confederacy. Soldiers on both sides had many reasons for enlisting in the war including motivation of patriotism and lo_y_illy_ to their causes. Others served simply because they didn't want to be called a coward . Mostly people served because they wanted to experience the excitement of war. Most men were very young and hardly adults, some even younger than 14, who ran away from home or lied about their age in order to serve. During the early stages of this war, the Confederate states refused to give weapons to slaves and allow them to serve. The North also didn't allow freed people to enlist for fear the white troops wouldn't accept the African Americans. However, that changed later in the war. Each side expected an easy victory. ~e North knew they bad more supplies and resources, but the South knew they had a greater fighting spirit and thought the north would tire out. Both sides were wrong, as the war lasted four years.

Soldiers came from every area of the nation, although most came from farms. The Confederate soldiers were called Rebels and the Union soldiers were called Yankees. The life of a soldier was not easy and they suffered terrible hardships. In letters home, soldiers described what they saw and how they felt, which ranged from boredom, discomfort, sickness, fear, and horror. Most of the time soldiers lived in camps. Camp life sometimes had happy moments of songs, stories, letters from home, and baseball games. However, camp life mainly became long periods of time between battles for drills, bad food, and rain. Although most soldiers spent a lot of their time at camp, the reality of war was never far away. New rifles used during the Civil War were more accurate than muskets from earlier wars. This caused a very high number of casualties and injuries. This terrible reality caused many soldiers to desert, or runaway, out of fear, hunger, or sickness.

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©Sanderson's Social Studies

Page 3: Social Studies Reimagine Work were Border States so important to the union? 2. Why did men join the war? 3. Why did both sides

,.~--~--~--~---~--~---~---~-·· l CIVIL WAR DAILY LIFE '1 I: Life During the Civil War .1: I American liFe during the 1800s was already diFFicult For many people without having a war I :1. ~th which to contend. There were rich Factory owners in the North and plantation owners :I

1n the South, but most Families were average Farmers who had to work extremely hard to

I simply survive. Living conditions became even more diFFicult when the Civil War began .. M~ny 1 . menjoined the army or were draFted, leaving women at home to work the Farm or f1ndJobs

I. to support their Family. ·,: : . Men at War I ,;:-~-..;; -,.._ --...1..,... m Fighting in the war was an opportunity For adventure and excitement :I

\..;:;:==:::::...,..J For many IJ.Oor men They felt war would be better than the drudgery I. of everyday work, but soon discovered it was boring and terrifying. A I I. =-~ draft was eventually instituted by both sides of the war where men ·,'.

were randomly chosen to join the army. The rich were able to legally ·.,. ._,__, ~g_ draFted though. In the North, men could pay a $300 fee or :I

pay someone else to take their place. Anyone who owned more than

I. ==c::::===> "===~~ twenty slaves in the South did not have to fight. I · Women · '. I Two and a half million men were drafted into the Union army and navy and Confederate I

·.,. forces drafted about half as many. Women were forced to take on new jobs since most of :I the male population was away at war. They worked farm fields and in factories producing

I supplies for the armies. other women helped wounded soldiers by serving as nurses or I : worked as teachers educating children. Women helped care for soldiers in the

I camps by sewing their uniforms, providing blankets, mending shoes, washing I ' ·,: . clothes, and cooking for soldiers. There were women spies on both sides of the ·1· war who provided valuable inFormation. Women were not allowed to fight as :I

soldiers, but an estimated YOO managed to join and fight by disguising

I themselves as men. Women worked extremely hard p.roviding for their families I : during the war while their husbands, older sons, and fathers were away at war. . .

I _____ 1· :I. Children :I Children were not immune to the events occurring around them during the Civil War. Even

I though the Union army required soldiers to be at least 18 years old, many were younger. I : Drummer and bugle boys completed chores around army campsites. Drummers were used

I for communication on the battlefield. Different commands like "retreat" or "attack" were ·1: •. . signaled by different drum rolls. Some fast runners were used as messengers to I communicate important information between commanders. other children served in army :I

camps by washing dishes, fixing meals, and setting up camps when they moved. Young boys 1. were not supposed to fight, but often once a battle started, theyjoined in. Johnny Clem I · became f arY}Qus at age 13 when he put down his drum during the Battle of Shiloh, Ricked up a . '. I gun and shot a colonel in the Confederate OCffi:i. Many children were wounded or killed during I :1. ffie war. A lot of kids still attended school during the Civil War. Much of what they learned was ..

1 propaganda supporting their side of the war. Children often participated inf airs and

I exhibitions, where they sold handmade socks and mittens to raise money for troops.

1 : Life in the South .. I During the Civil War, life in the South was more difficult than life in the North because of the 1· :1. Union blockade. Ships were prevented from reaching southern ports, leading to food and .

1 supply shortages. Most of the war occurred in the South, so families lived in constant Fear of'

I being overrun by an army. Union General Sherman burned and destroyed much of the land and I : Farms on his march From Atlanta to Savannah. ©Teacling to the tv\c::ldle. . ·-----------------------··

Page 4: Social Studies Reimagine Work were Border States so important to the union? 2. Why did men join the war? 3. Why did both sides

Name: ______________ _

Directions: after reading the passage, answer the following questions

1. Why were Border States so important to the union?

2. Why did men join the war?

3. Why did both sides expect an easy win?

4. What were Confederate soldiers called?

5. What were Union soldiers called?

6. Where did soldiers spend most of their time during the war?

7. Why did many men runaway?

©Sanderson's Social Studies

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Page 5: Social Studies Reimagine Work were Border States so important to the union? 2. Why did men join the war? 3. Why did both sides

1 ame_________________ ·-- _______ · ·

I' MultipleChoice~!Y!l!2~r Daily Life 11· I. Which of the ~ollowin9. best completes th: analogy below? : Factory Owners-North .. __________________ -South

I A. Farmers .1. B. Plantation Owners C. Slaves I: D. Soldiers

.. 11. 2. W_hich statement about Civil War soldiers is@true?

A. Rich men could pay to avoid being draFted. I. B. Most soldiers were poor men who wanted to escape everyday liFe.

1· C. All soldiers were 18 years old and above. ,1. D. Young boys often served as drummers on the battleField.

I 3. Which oF the Following is an accurate statement about women in : the Civil War? .1 A. Many women served as soldiers legally. ·1· B. Women were not allowed on Civil War camps or battleFie\ds.

C. Most women did not work outside the home during the Civil War.


I: D. Women did all they could to provide For their Families during the Civil .1 War.

l 4. Why were drummers important on the battleField? I: A. They kept soldiers in line. I . B. They communicated orders thr~ugh drumming. ·.,. C. They distracted the enemy soldiers.

D. They provided warnings oF enemy soldiers. I' 5. Which of the Following is~ a way that liFe was more difficult in ·. . the South during the Civil War? I A. Southerners had slaves to do their hard work.

I B. Most oF the Fighting oF the Civil War occurred in the South.

I: C. Southerners did not have as many Food and supplies due to the

. Union blockade. ·1· D. Union soldiers destroyed much oF the propert1~·in their path.

I: ~------------------------•s w cc:::: pr

Page 6: Social Studies Reimagine Work were Border States so important to the union? 2. Why did men join the war? 3. Why did both sides

Name,1£;'-'-r-'-H.....,_K_,.__ _______________ _

The Struggle for Freedom

Slavery grew in the South after the invention of the cotton gin. Southern farmers wanted more enslaved people to work in their cotton fields. The cotton gin made cotton much easier to produce. Cotton became the South's most important crop. Plantation owners used their profits from the cotton to buy more land and more slaves. However, the North and the South had different economies. While the South was agricultural, or based mostly on farming, the North's economy was making a shift from agricultural to factories. Cities in the North were growing and in the factories people made textiles, shoes, tools, and other goods. Due to the differences, there was a disagreement about tariffs, which is a tax on imported goods. Tariffs helped the growing number of northern factories, but hurt the South's agricultural economy. Southerners had to _pay higher prices for manufactured goods they wanted. When the prices of these goods went up, southerners blamed it on the tariffs.

Another major issue between the North and the South were states' rights. States' rights are the idea that states, not the federal government, should make the final decisions about matters that affect them. States' rights became a popular idea in the South. The North and South argued over slavery, tariffs, and state rights.

Groups against slavery formed in the mid-1800s. William Lloyd Garrison began printing an antislavery newspaper called The Liberator, while Fredrick Douglass, an escaped slave and well known black abolitionist, became a writer and spoke to white audiences about slavery. Free blacks in the South began to face discriminations and could not travel without permission or meet in groups without a white person present. Free blacks in the North faced discrimination, too, but they could travel freely, organize

and publish Some abolitionist worked secretly to help slaves escape to freedom. They set up a system called the Underground Railroad. This system was a series of :scape routes and hiding places to bring slaves out of the South.

Page 7: Social Studies Reimagine Work were Border States so important to the union? 2. Why did men join the war? 3. Why did both sides

Name,rfrr,H~~....._ _____________ _

Directions: Use the passage to answer the following questions.

1. What led to the growth of slavery in the early 1800s?

2. Why did southerners dislike tariffs?

3. What were the views on slavery in the South and North?

4. What did free blacks in the North do to convince people that slavery was wrong?

5. What was the purpose of the Underground Railroad?


Page 8: Social Studies Reimagine Work were Border States so important to the union? 2. Why did men join the war? 3. Why did both sides

• Name;¼ ,HR.

A Nation at War

At the start of the Civil War, 11 southern states seceded and formed the Confederacy. Four other slave states stayed in the Union and became known as Border States. There were various strengths for both sides. The North had about 22 million people, while the South only had around nine million people. One-third of that nine million, were enslaved slaves and could not become soldiers. The North had more factories for making supplies and weapons and more railroads than the South. The South had some advantages, too. Most of the fighting took place in the South, so the

The Progress of Secession

II Ur.ion ,tales

fw Border sl.J'fe states thal did 1-'1 not -; 1?-: ecle.

r7-1i St1t1?-; that !;ecedr!d ~ftcr the i,;.i iall ol Fon Sumter • St~t1:- i:s th=:tl !:<ecei1 1:-rJ beforq thq • fall of F 011 Surnt tir

Confederate soldiers were defending land they knew. Also, they had excellent military leaders.

The Union's strategy to win the war was to block the southern seaports, take control of the Mississippi River, and then attack in the East and the West at the same time. The South's strategy was to fight off the Union until they could become a separate nation. They hoped that the Union would give up, if they lost too many battles. Both sides expected a quick and easy victory. However, after what is now known as the First Battle of Bull Run, they realized the war would not end soon.

In 1862, General Lee defeated two Union attacks in Richmond and kept thousands of enemy soldiers away. After these victories, Lee decided to invade Maryland, but a Union army stopped him at the Battle of Antietam. This battle was the deadliest day of the war and both side suffered at least 23,000 casualties.

General Grant was having better luck in the West. He led a Union army south from Illinois into Tennessee and captured Confederate forts along the way. In the Battle of Shiloh, he defeated a large Confederate army. By early 1863, the only major Confederate town left on the Mississippi River was Vicksburg, Mississippi.

Due to the Union blockade of the Confederate ports, the South had trouble getting enough food, weapons, or money to fight. Because of this, many people did not want to join the army, so President Davis had to start a draft, which is when a government selects people to serve in the military. President Lincoln also faced challenges and had to start a draft, too. Rich people could pay to get out of the draft, which upset people who -could not afford the money and those who were against the war altogether. This created a riot that lasted for days.

At the start of the war, Lincoln's goal was to keep the Union together, not to free enslaved people. This goal changed by 1862 and Lincoln put the Emancipation Proclamation into effect on January 1, 1863. This proclamation declared that slaves in the Confederacy were free. It did not end slavery in the border states. Confederates ignored the law, so the

Page 9: Social Studies Reimagine Work were Border States so important to the union? 2. Why did men join the war? 3. Why did both sides

_1-1 l\l(lt10 n ext \/\!Clr P~t 2: Name -=tt 81\ North t_,ould have to defeat the South to free the slaves. The Civil War started as a war to save the Union, but the Emancipation Proclamation made it a war to end slavery in the South.

In 1863, the Union won two important battles: the Battle of Vicksburg and the Battle of Gettysburg. After the six weeks Battle of Vicksburg, the Union now controlled the Mississippi River, which cut off Texas and Arkansas from the rest of the South. General Lee then decided to invade the Union and marched north into Pennsylvania on July 1, near the town of Gettysburg. The armies battled for two days and on the third day, Lee ordered an attack. The Confederate soldiers charged across an open field to prepared Union soldiers. The heavy fire killed or wounded half of the Confederate soldiers, which forced them to retreat. This was the turning point of the war and gave the Union a better chance of winning. Later that year, Lincoln gave a short speech, known as the Gettysburg Address, where he declared that the Union was fighting to make sure that American democracy would survive.

Directions: Use the passage to answer the following questions.

1. What was the Confederacy's plan for winning the war?

2. What was the Union's plan for winning the war?

3. Why did people in the North oppose the draft?

4. Why was the victory at Vicksburg important to the Union?

5. What was the goal of the Civil War after Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation?