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Social Media for Bloggers

Are YOU using Social Media?


"a term used to describe the type of media that isbased on conversation and interaction betweenpeople online. Where media means digital words,sounds & pictures which are typically shared viathe internet and the value can be cultural, societalor even financial."


FACEBOOK – Social Networking Site TWITTER – Micro Blogging site LINKEDIN – Professional Networking Site YOUTUBE – Videos Sharing SiteWORDPRESS – Blogging software and blogging site


With SEO (Search Engine Optimization), you’re at the whims of Google. With SMO (Social Media Optimization), you are more in control. IT”S ANOTHER WAY OF REACHING YOUR AUDIENCE.

Fan Page / Business Page (Profile or Fan Page) Like Button on Blog Like / Recommend / Share Button for Blog Post Share Wisely


• RSS (Rich Site Summary) - a format for delivering regularly

changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it.

• LinkedIn

• Pinterest

• Digg

• StumbleUpon

• Twitterfeed

• Feed Burner



The Twitter Profile

Your Twitter Profile: 2 Names

• Username, aka Twitter handle: max 15 characters. BLOG NAME?

• “Real Name”: max 20 characters.

Your Twitter Profile: 2 Names

• Your Twitter handle is important for personal branding…

• You are allowed to change both at any time (announce it to your followers so they don’t get confused and unfollow you)

Your Twitter Profile: 2 Photos

• Profile Photo: Should be a recognizable headshot

• Header Photo: 500 by 1500px. Your blog logo?

Your Twitter Bio

• 160 characters (not including link at the end)

• Mention you’re a blogger!

• Can contain links, hashtags and @usernames

• Should indicate what you’ll be tweeting about

• You get a separate link: should be to your blog

Twit Pic

Bubble Tweet









Anatomy of a Tweet: Hashtags

• Hashtags originated on Twitter (now on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest)

• A hashtag is a clickable, searchable term; Gives your tweet a wide audience

• Can only be tracked through third parties for now

• Do “market research”: a quick search to see which ones are the most popular

• No more than 3 hashtags per tweet

Anatomy of a Tweet: Hashtags

• Hashtags aren’t just vital for making sure that your tweets get seen, but they are important in making sure that you see the right tweets

• Hashtags are an excellent listening tool

• Consider setting up a stream in Hootsuite

RT: Retweets

• Retweeting is the currency of Twitter! Try to Retweet OTHER BLOGGERS

• Always click on the link (if there is one) before retweeting to make sure it’s OK.

• Use the Retweet button or cut & paste so you can add a comment

• There’s also “Favoriting” the star, but that’s more like bookmarking. You really want to retweet and be retweeted…

Grow Your Twitter Following

8 Reasons Why People Aren’t Following You Back on Twitter

1. You don’t have a profile photo.

2. You don’t have a bio.

Article by Liz Borod Wright, appeared in Mashable,

8 Reasons Why People Aren’t Following You Back on Twitter

3. There is some polarizing aspect to your bio.

Article by Liz Borod Wright, appeared in Mashable,

4. Your tweets are protected

Article by Liz Borod Wright, appeared in Mashable,

5. You tweet too little.

6. You tweet too much.

Article by Liz Borod Wright, appeared in Mashable,

7. You broadcast but you rarely engage.

Article by Liz Borod Wright, appeared in Mashable,

8. It’s not you, it’s me.

Article by Liz Borod Wright, appeared in Mashable,

Should You Follow People Just to Get Them to Follow You Back?

Should You Follow Back Everyone Who Follows You?

You Don’t Want to End Up With an Even Ratio

• Don’t feel obligated to follow everyone back – some may unfollow you if you don’t follow them back, but that’s OK.

But Don’t Get Obsessed With the 1:10 Ratio

• Many strive for the golden 1:10 ratio (follow one person for every 10 who follow you) either.

• Just do what feels right to you!

Ways to Get More Twitter Followers

1. Join in a conversation or start one.

• Reply to tweets

• Ask and answer questions

Think of Twitter as one big cocktail party, you have to talk to people to have a good time.

2. Participate in a Twitter Chat: a scheduled conversation run by a moderator, organized around a hashtag.

List of Twitter Chats:

Check out, a tool that makes, or just follow the chat’s hashtag if you’re using

3. Retweet generously – people will follow a retweeter as a thank you. Do a manual retweet because it’s easier to see in the notifications than an automatic retweet (if a lot of people retweet it).

4. Tweet regularly!

• Tweet at least twice a day

• Aim for 5-8 original tweets per day

5. Be focused. Establish yourself as an expert or a pointer/curator for 1-3 subjects.

6. Use appropriate, popular hashtags so that more people see your tweets. It’s a great way to be discovered by people who aren’t following you but who are interested in that subject.

7. Make good Twitter lists. When people see that you added them to the list, they may follow you or follow your list.

Be patient… It can take a while to grow a substantial following


Should Your Blog Have a Facebook Page?


Want More Fans/Likes For Your Facebook


Facebook: Pay for Play

• Facebook wants you to pay to get more fans. They want you to take out ads for your page.

• THEN Facebook wants you to pay to have those fans see your content. If you don’t pay, then each post is only show to approximately 3% of your fans. When your fans like, share or comment on a post, then these actions may show up in their friends’ newsfeeds – that is the only way to increase visibility for free.

Ways to Get Facebook Fans for Free

1. Invite your friends to like your page.

2. Add friends as an admins and ask them to invite their friends to like your page.

3. Include a call to action in your Facebook post. If your fans do it, then it will show up in their friends’ feeds and they might like your page.

4. Share pages that are similar to yours – and make sure you tag them. Their readers may see it and come check out your page too.

5. Use timely hashtags. People who are searching for them will see your post and perhaps like your page.

Don’t Forget…

To post your blog links in your personal Facebook profile so your friends can see them too. You may find that you get a lot more likes and comments on your profile than on your page.


Automatically post new published blog posts to

your Facebook account through Networked Blog

Google+: Google’s Answer to Facebook

Google+: Google’s Answer to Facebook

One difference in posting: hashtags do better here!


• The most important thing to remember is the “Google” and not the “plus”

• Posting your links on G+ can help Google find you and may make them show up a little higher in search results.

• If people who follow you on G+ search for something related to what you posted, the link will show up a LOT higher

Google+ Communities

• Broaden your audience by joining communities.

• Read the descriptions carefully to find out if they allow you to post links



• Instagram is a mobile photo-sharing platform

• It’s good for brand awareness for your blog

• Try having the name of your blog as your user name

• It can’t drive traffic to your blog because the links in the captions aren’t live (except the one you get for your profile.

• Try posting photos that are related to your blog topic but don’t fit into your blog


One of the newest social platforms, Pinterest is a curation tool that lets you pin content from around the web to virtual boards. Bloggers pin and also hope to be pinned!

Pinterest Images

Pinterest has had a huge impact on how bloggers create images. In hopes of being pinned, many will add text because those do better on Pinterest.

Pinterest Images

Images with text are very popular on Pinterest

Pinterest Profile

Bloggers should create “Business Profiles” so they can:

1. get verified (red checkmark)

Pinterest Profile

Bloggers should create “Business Profiles” so they can:

2. get analytics

Pinterest Profile

Bloggers should create “Business Profiles” so they can:

3. Have “rich pins.” Rich pins for articles include headline, author and story description.

Pinterest Profile

How to create a Business Profile?

Verifying your website is important to access the full features of a business account. You must have your own domain name (i.e. and the ability to either upload an HTML file or add a metatag. Call your host company and have them walk you through it!


Social Media is fast evolving, Do NOT

stop Learning! Stay Updated!