Download - Social “Isms” of AP Euro. Humanism –(1400-1650) Francesco Petrarch – “Father of Humanism” Returned to Greek/pagan stories, referred to as “the Classics,”

Page 1: Social “Isms” of AP Euro. Humanism –(1400-1650) Francesco Petrarch – “Father of Humanism” Returned to Greek/pagan stories, referred to as “the Classics,”

Social “Isms” of AP Euro

Page 2: Social “Isms” of AP Euro. Humanism –(1400-1650) Francesco Petrarch – “Father of Humanism” Returned to Greek/pagan stories, referred to as “the Classics,”

Humanism –(1400-1650)Francesco Petrarch – “Father of Humanism”

Returned to Greek/pagan stories, referred to as

“the Classics,” which resulted in the philosophy of

secularism, the appreciation of worldly pleasures, and above all intensified the assertion of personal independence and individual expression.

However, these lessons were thought to teach a moral and effective lifestyle

Overall secular view of life, emphasized science and practical studies

Promoted a common, layman language

Expansion of trade, growth of prosperity and luxury, and widening social contacts generated interest in worldly pleasures, in spite of formal allegiance to ascetic Christian doctrine.

Men thus affected -- the humanists -- welcomed classical writers who revealed similar social values and secular attitudes

Page 3: Social “Isms” of AP Euro. Humanism –(1400-1650) Francesco Petrarch – “Father of Humanism” Returned to Greek/pagan stories, referred to as “the Classics,”


Led by John Calvin in Geneva, Switzerland

Published Institutes of the Christian

Religion in 1536, which argued the concept of predestination, that it was predetermined who would and would not be saved.

Stressed the absolute sovereignty

of God

Page 4: Social “Isms” of AP Euro. Humanism –(1400-1650) Francesco Petrarch – “Father of Humanism” Returned to Greek/pagan stories, referred to as “the Classics,”

5 Points of Calvinism- TULIP

T-T: This usually stands for "Total depravity,” though it is also referred to as the “total inability” or “original sin.” This is the concept that it is impossible for the ordinary human to understand the Gospel’s message. God must decide to intervene, or the person is spirtually lost. Although it does not mean humans are hopelessly sinful, it refers to the fact that all of a human is sin.

U: This stands for "Unconditional Election." This is the concept of predestination: that God has divided humanity into two groups.- the “elected,” who god has chosen to be knowledgable and wil be saved, and the rest, who will spend ternity in Hell. God made this selection before the universe was created, and thus before any humans existed. The ground or grounds that God uses to select the lucky few is unknown. What is known is that it is not through any good works on the part of the individual. It is not that he extends knowledge to some in order to find out who will accept salvation and who will not. (Hyper-Calvinism believes that God is solely responsible for salvation. Humans can do nothing.)

L: This stands for "Limited atonement" or "Particular Redemption." This is the belief that Jesus did not die to save all humans. He only died for the sake of specific sins of those sinners who are saved.

I: This stands for "Irresistible Grace:"  This is the belief that every human whom God has elected will inevitably come to a knowledge of God. The elect cannot resist the call.

P: This stands for "Perseverance of the saints:" This is the "Once saved, always saved" belief -- that  everyone who has  been saved will remain in that state. God will begin and continue a process of sanctification which will continue until they reach heaven. None are lost; it is impossible for them to lose their salvation.

Page 5: Social “Isms” of AP Euro. Humanism –(1400-1650) Francesco Petrarch – “Father of Humanism” Returned to Greek/pagan stories, referred to as “the Classics,”

Trade Unionism

Page 6: Social “Isms” of AP Euro. Humanism –(1400-1650) Francesco Petrarch – “Father of Humanism” Returned to Greek/pagan stories, referred to as “the Classics,”

MercantilismTermed coined by Adam Smith in his Wealth

of Nations

system of political economy that sought to enrich the country by restraining imports and encouraging exports.

Mostly from 16th to late 18th century. Developed to aid the nations involved and prevent foreign competition, earning them more gold and silver, which in turn could be used to paid professionally trained armies.

The goal of these policies was, supposedly, to achieve a “favorable” balance of trade that would bring gold and silver into the country and also to maintain domestic employment

Practiced mostly by Britain with its American and Indian colonies

Protected by high tariffs

Page 7: Social “Isms” of AP Euro. Humanism –(1400-1650) Francesco Petrarch – “Father of Humanism” Returned to Greek/pagan stories, referred to as “the Classics,”


Originated in Lenin’s overthrow of the provisional government in Russia with his Bolsheviks.

One of two branches of Russian socialism, based off of Marxist beliefs(the other being Menshevism, which supported and led the provisional government and Constituent Assembly.)

Lenin favored a small, disciplined party of professional revolutionaries; the Mensheviks wanted a loosely organized mass party. In a pamphlet published in 1905, Lenin outlined his concept of revolution in Russia: since the Russian bourgeoisie was too weak to lead its own revolution, the proletarians and peasants must unite to overthrow the czarist regime and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat and peasantry. The Mensheviks, led by Plekhanov, believed that Russia could not pass directly from its backward state to a rule by the proletariat and that first an intermediary bourgeois regime must be developed.

The world Bolshevik means “majority,” while Menshevik refers to the “minority.”

Page 8: Social “Isms” of AP Euro. Humanism –(1400-1650) Francesco Petrarch – “Father of Humanism” Returned to Greek/pagan stories, referred to as “the Classics,”

ExistentialismOriginated with Jean-Paul

Sartre in his lecture “L’existentialisme est un humanisme”, and also included Simone de Beauvoir, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Albert Camus, who were influenced by Friedrich Nietzsche.

Post-War literary movement, mainly, rooted in 19th century thought. After the war, authors wanted to reassert human individuality and question pre-war values.

Questioned the meaning of life and of human existence, actions, and emotions.

Focused on the concrete things in life

Page 9: Social “Isms” of AP Euro. Humanism –(1400-1650) Francesco Petrarch – “Father of Humanism” Returned to Greek/pagan stories, referred to as “the Classics,”


Seeks to improve and protect the quality of the natural environment through changes to environmentally harmful human activities

through the adoption of forms of political, economic, and social organization that are thought to be necessary for, or at least conducive to, the benign treatment of the environment by humans; and through a reassessment of humanity’s relationship with nature.

Often equals the environment and other living things to humans. Has a moral as well as a political side, and often deals with issues such as global warming or genetic engineering.

anthropocentric, or “human-centered,”

biocentric, or “life-centered.”

Modern pollution mostly originated from Industrial Revolution, and movements against it soon followed, such as the British Alkali Act, which banned products produced by the production of Soda Ash. Modern influences include Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

Page 10: Social “Isms” of AP Euro. Humanism –(1400-1650) Francesco Petrarch – “Father of Humanism” Returned to Greek/pagan stories, referred to as “the Classics,”