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  • 7/30/2019 Social Exclusion Deprivation


    Social Exclusion Deprivation

    In recent decades, crime prevention has taken on increasingly 'exclusive' forms"

    What is Social Exclusion?

    According to Vleminckx and Berghman (2001), social exclusion is a concoction (or blend) of

    multidimensional and mutually reinforcing processes of deprivation, associated with

    progressive dissociation from social milieu, resulting in the isolation of individuals and groups

    from the mainstream of opportunities society has to offer. Mayers,, (2001) defined it as

    an inability to exercise the social rights of citizens to a basic standard of living and as barriers

    to participation in the major social and occupational opportunities of the society.

    Methodologists (Atkinson et. al. 2002) use the term as shorthand for a range of concerns

    considered to be important in setting the European social agenda and in the fields that

    people have in mind when they talk about social rights. In contrast to poverty, which is

    exclusively economic, material, or resource-based, social exclusion offers a more holistic

    understanding of deprivation (de Haan 1999).

    The risk of crime increases with social exclusion and low income: people living in poorer

    areas tend to be more at risk than people living in more affluent areas. (Bowling, 1998).

    Based on Eurostat 2000 the following are the indicators of Social Exclusion: Financial

    difficulties in the household; unaffordability of some basic needs; unaffordability of consumer

    durables; disadvantageous housing conditions; poor health: life expectancy; self-perceived

    health status; Infrequent contacts with friends and relatives and dissatisfaction with work or

    main activity. These indicators are the main cause of crimes in the society. This drive the

    European government as well as the Americans to create preventive method in order to

    decrease the statistics of crimes committed.

    Crime rate rises during the Cultural Revolution was followed by economic crisis and greatindividualism, which began in most advanced industrial countries before the early Seventies

    and then continued to rise, often at a greatly augmented rate, as the economic recession

    began to bite. In the Eighties and Nineties, the process of social exclusion is involved. The

    process includes the involving of the transformation and separation of the labour markets and

    the rise in structural unemployment, and the exclusion arising out from the attempts to control

    the crime that arises from changed circumstances and excluding nature of anti-social

    behaviour. The process of desegregation in the sphere of community and the sphere of work

    The erosion of the inclusive world of the modernist period, involved processes of

  • 7/30/2019 Social Exclusion Deprivation


    desegregation both in the sphere of community (the rise of individualism) and the sphere of

    work (transformation of the labour markets).

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    As an example, from a situation where exclusion creates crimes to one where attempts at

    inclusion are met by violence and aggression. The most prominent change during the post-

    War period, is the entry of women into the labour market and their participation in public life

    whether leisure, politics, the arts, is per haps the most profound structural change of the post-

    War period.

    Today crimes are committed as a result of exclusion. The case of violence against women is

    a key example, although racist violence is a close parallel. Violence in these two examples

    can occur, therefore, as a result of exclusion and inclusion, and it can be caused by relative

    deprivation and by clashes among individuals demanding equality and others resisting them.

    Of course, where both relative deprivation and individualism occur together as in the macho-

    culture of lower class, young unemployed males when confronting the demands for equality of

    women, often in poorly paid yet steady employment, one would expect a particularly high rate

    of conflict often resulting in the preference to setting up homes separately and the

    preponderance of single mothers.

    Because of the increasing number of crimes committed caused by the indicators mentionedabove crime prevention has taken into exclusive form. The future of exclusion does not augur

    well. Firstly, the demand for unskilled and semi-skilled manual labour has contracted in all the

    countries of the First World. The globalization of capital has meant that the factories of South

    East Asia can compete much more cheaply than in Europe and North America. The poor are

    isolated in inner-city ghettos, in orbital estates, and in ghost towns where capital originally led

    them, then left them stranded as it winged its way elsewhere, where labour was cheaper and

    expectations lower.

    Crime Prevention Methods

    There are several inclusive and exclusive forms in preventing crime; it includes 1) Situational

    crime prevention; 2) Social crime prevention; 3)
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    Situational crime prevention objective is to reduce crime by managing, designing and

    augmenting the physical environment by: a) reducing the opportunity to commit crime, simply

    by making it harder to offend; b) increasing the risk of detection if deterrence fails; and c)

    reducing the rewards of crime. The installation of surveillance cameras in public places,

    controlling access to buildings, car steering locks and gun controls are examples of situationalmeasures that aim to reduce opportunities for the commission of crime. Security guards,

    baggage screening and surveillance cameras, are examples of situational measures aimed at

    increasing the risk of offenders being caught. Removing car stereos, cleaning up graffiti and

    property marking are examples of situational measures that may reduce the rewards of crime.

    It has been argued that crime displacement significantly diminishes the efficacy of situational

    crime prevention strategies - for while crime rates may decrease in the area where situational

    projects have been undertaken, they might increase in other areas where these measures do

    not appear to exist.

    Social crime prevention

    By changing the social rather than the physical environment, social or community crime

    prevention prevents offending unlike the situational crime prevention. Interventions in this

    case provide tools for communities to use in an effort to minimize criminal behaviour by

    changing social conditions. The aim is to strengthen community bonds, increase levels of

    informal social control and thus stops actual or potential offenders. Social crime preventionmeasures could focus on making those who are in the way of offending feel more integrated

    into the community e.g. schemes such as youth 'drop in' centres and activity groups

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    Developmental crime prevention either involves the early identification of potential offenders

    or victims and intervenes in some way to keep them from realising that potential or, works

    with those who have already offended or been victimised to prevent further offending or

    victimisation from taking place.
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    ( For example, at the offender level, prevention could take the form of early

    childhood intervention for those deemed to be 'at risk' of offending. Projects in this case might

    attempt to improve children's health (physical and/or mental) and educational achievement.

    For those who have already offended, the prevention of future criminality could be sought

    through rehabilitation strategies aimed at reforming them through various 'treatment' regimes.

    Victim-focussed prevention could also be centred on early intervention for those considered

    'at risk' of victimisation or take place after victimisation has occurred to prevent repeat

    victimisation. Thus, victim-focussed intervention might include educational campaigns

    warning young children about the dangers of getting into cars with strangers or self-defence

    courses for women. Secondly, the introduction of more and more sophisticated computer

    software will eliminate many lower middle class jobs as well as making many lower rung

    professional jobs increasingly precarious.