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Marketing & Advertising

Use Cases

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All marketing strategies have a common need to:

• Understand target customers needs, motivations, and behavior

• Determine most effective way to communicate value proposition

• Increase the volume of sales over shorter time periods

• Create overall cost efficiency to deliver improved ROI

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“Marketers achieve this by developing strategies that

influence people’s decisions through the purchase funnel.”

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Decision Making Process

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“A person’s thinking style is the basis for all social learning, communication, and relationship building, which can positively affect every decision we make.”


Thinking Style




Decision Making Process

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“Decisions required will be dependent on one’s relationship with the subject.”

“Decision making time lag will be determined by one’s thinking style.”

Introduction | Communication | Perception | Learning | Understanding | Motivation | Behavior | Satisfaction | Result | Express | Share | Favor

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“Neurographics empowers you to create more efficient communication strategies...”

“…and improves ROI in less time while decreasing conversion time lag.”

Introduction | Communication | Perception | Learning | Understanding | Motivation | Behavior | Satisfaction | Result | Express | Share | Favor

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MindTime Framework of Human Thinking

The abstract world of our thoughts is where our egos reside – where we imagine ourselves and our circumstances as we were, as we are, and as we wish to be. This is the world of time. And time gives dimensionality to thought. Time gives rise to the three most fundamental thoughts humans can conceive of: Possibility, Certainty, and Probability

As a species we have evolved our ability to imagine future possibilities and outcomes (force of Possibility), draw from past experiences and learn from them (force of Certainty), and to develop strategies for managing things in the present (force of Probability). These are the three most fundamental thoughts us humans can conceive of.

Although human cognition includes all three forces of thinking, individuals differ in the degree to which they utilize each. It is these differences in how each person utilizes each force of thinking that makes up an individual’s thinking style. SmartSlices measures these differences and groups individuals into neurographic archetypes.

To learn more about the science behind MindTime, visit

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Neurographics [neu-ro-graph-ics] plural: the statistical characteristics of human cognition used to classify people based on similar thinking style attributes.



10 – Archetype Framework Model

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Primary Archetype 1: PAST Primary Archetype 2: PRESENT

Primary Archetype 3: FUTURE

Archetypes are determined based on the weighted

influence of the primary drivers of human cognition,

providing the framework for big data layering.

Neurographic Archetyping

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SmartSlices Intelligent Audience Segmentation

By understanding the cognitive drivers of human interaction, deeper insight into how to best serve an individual’s needs immediately become exposed. SmartSlices™ determines your audience’s thinking style composition and distribution, providing a form of segmentation on which you can build a framework of understanding that can be correlated and layered with a multitude of other datasets for building highly robust personas.

Neurographics have a far greater influence over people’s opinions and sentiments, than most other demographics and psychographics. Recent studies also identified that certain archetypes are more inclined to participate in research panels, skewing results significantly. By omitting neurographics from their collected metrics, researchers leave themselves without a universal framework of human understanding with which to deliver predictive, conclusive, actionable results from their analysis.

1) We integrate the MindTime self-described statements into an existing survey mechanism through a custom iFrame.

Thinking Style



2) Responses are processed through our SmartSlices system and scientifically validated coordinates identify your audience’s thinking style.

3) Results are passed back into your analytics system through a custom API to allow for data analysis and correlation.

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Marketing & Advertising Use Cases

Product Ideation

Persona Development

Web Development

Media Mix & Weighting

Creative & Messaging


Customer Service



2) Determine the products and services that most interest customers, key prospects, and target audience.

3) Understand how your prospects and customers need to be communicated to at each brand touch point.

5) Develop creative and messaging that addresses specific needs and motivations based on how someone makes a decision.

4) Create Web sites that provide people the information they need, when they need it.

6) Target messages towards high-value consumer segments at the optimal frequency levels required to maximize impact.

7) Layer and correlate neurographic data with demographic, attitudinal, and behavioral data for more efficient marketing analytics for optimization.

8) Deliver more personalized customer service based on how customers need to be communicated to and with what specific information.

9) Create loyalty programs that drive participation, as well as manage brand behaviors and attrition through a segmented contact strategy.

10) Leverage brand advocates and communicate with potential prospects in a way that both are most comfortable with.

Organizational Development 1) Assure product development and marketing teams are structured optimally to maximize productivity.

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Organizational Development


Different thinking styles are more conducive to certain types of job functions and responsibilities than others. Without understanding the group’s various thinking styles, it prohibits you from knowing whether or not each person is being utilized to his or her optimal potential and assuring that the team is properly structured.

Application of Use

By assessing each individual’s cognitive strengths and resistances, in conjunction with experience, area of expertise, and personal needs, you can begin to address the other variables that cause inefficiency and impact growth in order to provide a complete evaluation of the organization. This will assure you unlock everyone’s true potential while creating a team dynamic that minimizes areas of weakness.


When a person is appropriately matched with a position that exploits one’s cognitive strengths, there is an immediate increase in productivity, morale, and retention. This leads to greater human utility, which in turn, reduces operating costs and improves profit margins.

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Product Ideation


Marketers spend a lot of money on extensive research to determine the brand attributes that will be used to differentiate value proposition and drive the go-to-market communication strategies. Determining what types of products and attributes will resonate with different consumer segments prior to going to market is a tall task.

Application of Use

By performing a neurographic segmentation analysis of current customers and high value prospects of comparable products you can identify the composition and distribution of thinking styles to determine which attributes will be at the core and area of focus for potential customers.


Brand attributes will resonate differently with each thinking style and should be mapped accordingly. This understanding of your target prospects will determine what types of features and specifications will be essential for insuring acceptance in the market and provide insight for building the brand personality.

Automotive Example







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Persona Development


The marketing world has contrived a complex set of graphics (i.e. demographics, psychographics) with which to understand its audience. All of these are being used to develop personas; fictitious representations of people and their buying habits. Hundreds of data points are data mined and aggregated in an attempt to serve the audience or even individuals with just the right message to get them to take action. However, one hundred data points a person do not make.

Application of Use

By evaluating your audience’s key motivations, learning, and communication style, you can build strategies that resonate with how your audience thinks, what they believe, and how they make decisions, while providing the necessary human context to all of your other behavioral and attitudinal data sets.


By understanding the cognitive drivers of human interaction, deeper insight into how to best serve an individual’s needs immediately become exposed.

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Web Development


What we think are great sites and strong product attributes may not necessarily address the key motivations of their audience. People visit and interact with web sites for a variety of reasons and navigate content in different ways based on thinking style.

Application of Use

Because each thinking style requires different types of information and in different formats, dynamic web content that is delivered based on a person’s thinking style is most powerful. A design and layout that targets the largest thinking style composition, combined with content that is required by the outlying thinking styles, will still create greater efficiencies.


As web sites and their content is being planned and developed it will be essential to understand what thinking style you are catering to in order to maximize the user experience and provide potential customers with the necessary information required to swiftly move them from consideration to purchase.

Future Thinking Attributes Past Thinking Attributes

Present Thinking Attributes

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Creative & Messaging


The greatest amount of waste can occur from not having an effective creative strategy, since a substantial amount of the marketing budget is allocated to creative development and the media deployment of creative and messaging. Brand cohesion across all marketing communications is required to build awareness, familiarity, and perception.

Application of Use

It is necessary to use images and messaging that resonate with the thinking style you are speaking to. Different verbs, nouns, and adjectives used within creative copy for all communications (i.e. web site, advertising, social media, CRM, etc.) are imperative in order to impact consumer perception in a positive way.


Creative imagery and messaging that speaks to the needs and motivations of each thinking style is required to move prospects through the purchase funnel. Creative should be designed and targeted based on thinking styles to maximize impact, minimize waste, and provide scale.







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Media Mix & Weighting


The highly fragmented digital world is making it difficult to reach and engage with specific consumer segments based on traditional advertising models. The guiding principals marketers historically used for direct response and branding initiatives have become highly inefficient. This is requiring companies to adopt new philosophies and best practices.

Application of Use

Depending on the content categories you advertise within and which target audience you are reaching, the media providers you select as part of a media campaign will also need to be reviewed and planned against the thinking style composition of your audience. This will also determine which media tactics will be required to effectively engage your target’s thinking style.


Media consumption habits are driven by a person’s thinking style. Where you advertise and the types of creative formats and tactics used should be optimized based on the thinking style you are marketing to. Technology has now advanced to a point where look-a-like models can be designed to scale neurographic targeting.







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Businesses spend over $14 billion a year deploying over 3.6 million market research surveys. Unfortunately, most results are flawed and yield biased results! According to new research, the driving forces that are behind how and why people think and behave the way they do have a far greater influence over people’s opinions and sentiments, than most other demographics and psychographics.

Application of Use

You must understand “HOW” and “WHY” consumers behave to move prospects from awareness, to consideration, to action – which is based on thinking style. MindTime questions are integrated into existing research survey deployment mechanism to identify each respondent’s neurographic archetype and correlated with all other data sets for richer insights and more accurate results.


By omitting thinking style from their collected metrics, researchers leave themselves without a universal framework of human understanding with which to deliver predictive, conclusive, and actionable results.

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Customer Service


People will solicit customer service support in a way that is most conducive to his or her thinking style. Some may prefer email, while other will want to speak with someone directly. All too often, there are personality conflicts between the communication needs of the customer and the demeanor and communication style of the customer service representative. These differences in communication styles can be a source of great friction.

Application of Use

Imagine if you could understand how people think, how they see themselves, the world, and others, and how they really prefer to be addressed. Now, imagine the advantages this would give you. You would have insight into how best to relate to and approach people, and beyond that, how to fruitfully maintain your ongoing relationship with them.


You would be able to analyze people’s actions and attitudes and correlate them with the way they actually think. And because individuals’ thinking styles correspond to different ways of doing things, you could reasonably and accurately predict how they will respond to different information and types of communication.

“In order to understand someone, you must see the world as they do.”

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It is much more expensive to acquire new customers than it is to retain existing ones. Building customer loyalty and retention is a primary objective for most businesses. As a result, there is a constant need to understand how best to engage current customers and high value prospects in a way that is sensitive to their needs and desired frequency of brand communications.

Application of Use

We all have natural resistances which manifest in our decision making process, our communication style, and in our behavior. Once these resistances have been identified by another, one can begin to engage with that individual in a way that overcomes their cognitive dissonance. This can influence people’s behavior in a way that is predictable, fractal, and scalable.


A person’s thinking style is the basis for all learning, communication, and relationship building. Marketers can use this information to reach people at a more personal level while spending less money by managing fewer campaigns and strategies.

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The rise of the Internet and the global masses that now have direct access, allow us all to share and learn from one another in an unprecedented way. Marketers inability to have control over how people share their perceptions, beliefs, and opinions about products leaves marketers frustrated and incapable of determining the most efficient and cost effective use of social media.

Application of Use

Because the world of thinking is fractal, similar to individual thinking styles, the same dynamic is true in social networks, at a community level, as well as on a regional, national, or cultural level.

Birds of a feather, flock together.


People tend to congregate and engage with those who have the same thinking style, as it is most comfortable for them. Because thinking style is the force that drives our behavior, it is only natural that those with similar beliefs, interests, professions, areas of expertise, etc. will share a similar thinking style. Therefore, it is essential that you communicate to these societies in a way that is comforting and acceptable.

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Correlation = Causation

1) Mindsets = Individual Thought

2) Behaviors = Individual Action

3) Paradigms = Collective Thought

4) Cultures = Collective Action














Cultural Engineering + Social Fusion = Societal Conditioning

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“The better understanding we have, the more empathetic we become.”

Human Solutions for the Digital Age