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Government College Of Nursing,Raipur

PRESENTATION ON SLEEPINTRODUCTION One third of human life is spent in sleep, an easily reversible state of relative unresponsivness and serenity which occurs more or less regularly and repetitively each day. Sleep provide time for repair and recovery of body system for the next period of wakefulness.DEFINITION Sleep is a physical and mental resting state in which a person becomes relatively inactive and unaware of the enviornment DEFINITION Sleep disorders are major disturbances of normal sleep pattern that lead to distress and disrupt functioning during the day

Group of syndomes characterised by disturbance in patients amount of sleep,quality or timing of sleep or in behaviors or physiological conditions associated with sleep

PREVALANCE RATES In India women(6.5%) suffers more than men(4.3%) when it comes to disturbed sleep.

Around 4% Indian men who reported severe sleep problems suffered from severe depression while 3% reported severe anxiety.FUNCTIONS OF SLEEPIt is a time of restoration and preparation for the next period of wakefulnessDuring NREM stage 4 body releases human growth hormones for the repair and renewal of epithelial and specialised cells such as brain cells.Protein synthesis and cell division for the renewal of tissues occur during rest and sleep4. REM sleep appears to be important for cognitive restoration.

5. Psychological Function:- Sorting and discarding of neurophysiologic dataCharacter Reinforcement & Adaptation Physiology Of SleepStages Of Sleep Stage 1 NREM Sleep: It is transitional stage between drowsiness and sleep.Stage 2 NREM Sleep: It is beginning of true sleep.Stage 3 & 4 NREM Sleep: These are the deepest level of human sleep Rapid Eye Movement Sleep: It makes 20% of our sleep time and in this stage we experience vivid dreams.Factors Affecting Sleep

Physical ActivityPsychologic StressDietAlcohol IntakeSmokingChange in Enviornmental ConditionsLifestyleIllnessMedications