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“Listen for understanding, not agreement,make room for differences in opinion or outlook”

Tapping the power of silent

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Listening with subservience VS Speaking with authority

It’s more important to listen than to speak Get fresh ideas and insight from others Gaining ability to extract valuable

information from others Commitment to interpret and assess what

you hear, could save costly misunderstanding

Willingness to stay attentive listening helps building trust and rapport

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Establishing baseline of how you listening More of a talker then a listener Find it harder to listen when highly

emotional Pretending to listen while thinking about

other things Selective listener, pay attention only to

respect speakers Often interrupt people who repeat

themselves Minds wanders immediately when listen

babbler rambling monologues

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Poor listener Monopolies the conservation Stringing all words together to create an

oral traffic jam with no apparent end Don’t know when to stop and lapse to

“motor mouth mode” Use words as weapons; to gain compliance Often skip the interpretation stage; rush to

make judgment and mentally label “right”,”wrong”,”smart or “stupid”

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Hearing and Listening are entirely different

Hearing –Refers to a physical act; ears received sound and waves.

Listening – Tests mental focus; processing by ( interpreting,assessing and responding)

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The Three Steps of Listening

Interpreting Assessing Responding

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The Three Steps of Listening

Interpreting try to understand the word convey this involves quick mental translation in

what you hear rephase it in your own words each interpretation can determine a

different direction for the conversation

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The Three Steps of Listening

Assessing Be open-minded for what you hear Don’t box yourself in by thinking “make no

sense” and “this information doesn’t help me”

Best assessment is that you’re willing to reverse your judgements and reconsider firmly held assumptions or belief

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The Three Steps of Listening

Responding This is an external act, a way of signalling

that you’re listening Respond can be oral or visual Smart way of respond by not presenting your

point of way immediately Use prod statement; prompt speakers to

continue, elicit and reveal more information Develop the discipline to assess content of a

speaker’s remarks without instantly reacting to it

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Apply the “PAC” method to avoid defensive reflex

Patience - let the speaker talk at will, try not to rush, prod, or interrupt

Ask – ask least on question to indicate your interest in learning more

Confirm - verify your understanding by paraphrasing the message accurately, to satisfy the speakers

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Improve Your Body Language – Three Tips Face the speaker Look into eyeballs Keep your hands freeTry to avoid A wandering eyes A physical preoccupation yawning

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“A clear enunciation and self-assured pacing would draw listeners in, not drive them away”

“Spirit of the stair-way” , the french

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A deeper voice,giving unsolicited opinions A bad voice can misrepresent you, can alienate your

staff, undermine your credibility, and betray your true feelings.

Issuing commands to show their authority Making remarks that threaten or demean others Prejudge or dismiss outright what staffer says Rush to give comment, before understand staffs

interests and concerns Bark too many orders without trying to explain

thinking and educate staff

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SPEAK LIKE A LEADER Learn to be a Great Speaker Pause frequently to avoid stringing words Project your voice clearly Prepare trio point you want to make, without going

overboard and talking too much Avoid qualifiers that weaken your massage or

needlessly reveal your doubts Apply 20/80 principle; limit speaking to 20% and

listening 80% the remain conversation Avoid blatantly contradicting employee; instead,

propose another way of looking at it By leaving time for others to respond, create more

comfortable give-and-take conversation Solicit their feedback, confirm they understood

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Package Your Points Present your points in an easy-to-understand

manner, think before you speak Select only the most relevant, timely

comments Avoid overloading with too many details Mapping out key issues, ensure you don’t

forget to warn or advise employee

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“Reach out with Empathy”

“Above all else, good leaders are open”, said Jack Welch

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THE ART OF MOTIVATION Purpose of Motivation The whole point of trying to help your employees

feel motivated is to help them become more productive as well as happy about their work and thus not want to move on to another job

The stronger their commitment to superior performance, the easier it becomes to motivate them

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THE ART OF MOTIVATION Press the right button understand the pressures they face and the

environment within which they operate Appreciate their attitudes and concerns,you can then

identify their priorities, values and beliefs Knowing how they make decisions, handle adversity,

and derive satisfaction from their work Identify the anxieties and irritations your staff feel Tailor your approach to motivate each employee;

there is no single secret to the way interact Those feelings and expericences can be invaluable

as employees feel motivated to perform well

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THE ART OF MOTIVATION Press the right button

Most people are motivated by one of these needs: InterestRecognitionAchievementPower Independence Respect Equity

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THE ART OF MOTIVATION Press the right button

Achievement:Some employee loves the act of achieving

somethingThey want to sharpen their skills to reach greater

heightsThey’re goal-driven determination and willingness

to achieve objectiveMotivate them by constantly introducing new tasks Allows them to work toward both short & long-

term goalsCreating a record of achievement and growth

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THE ART OF MOTIVATION Press the right button

Power:Some individuals thrive on exerting influence and

controlThey like spot-light and the feeling of importantTreat them experts and frequently ask them for

adviceWhat makes them motivated because they’ll

savor the chance to offer their opinion and see that you take them seriously

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THE ART OF MOTIVATION Press the right button

Belonging:Employees who want to feel a sense of

comradeship Just leave them alone to build rapport with their

co-workersCreating informal setting for them to know each

others, making them feel like they’re part of a larger group

Satisfy their need for affiliation and they’ll give you a solid effort

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THE ART OF MOTIVATION Press the right button

Independence:Some employee seek autonomy above all else,

they are freedom-seekersThey want freedom to experiment with their job

assignment and function at least in somewhat indepently

They chafe whenever you enact new policies and procedure

The best to motivate them is to give them overriding goals, let them find the best to produce best result

Give them flexibilty, make unhindered choices

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THE ART OF MOTIVATION Press the right button


Some employees simply want a little respect Lavish them with recognition and feedback on their

performance, (especially praise)

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THE ART OF MOTIVATION Press the right button

Equity:While everyone likes to work for a fair, unbiased

boss,some employee sees exclusively through the eyes of just vs unjust

They compare how you manage your staff’s work schedules,job titles, scope of responbilities,pay and benefit to ensure there are no hints of inequities

Eagerly to point out inconsistencies in your mgmt style and decision-making, even to police your authority

To motivate them, by giving them an objective evidence to prove you are fair

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THE ART OF MOTIVATION Ways To Motivate People Invest time in getting know them Devote time to talk with people Regularly interacting with them in a positive
