Download - Six ways recording and sharing will change the way you work


Video Recording and Sharing Will Change the Way You WorkSIX WAYS

Table of contentsRecording: The New Shareable 3

1 - Recruit and train the best of the best 4

2 - Capture and share tribal knowledge 5

3 - Overcome time zone constraints 6

4 - Enable BYOD and on-demand information 7

5 - Capture brilliance at its peak 8

6 - Video recordings: Not just for meetings 9

Explore video recording and sharing 10

Video recording and sharing

are some of the most innovative

tools in the video conferencing

industry. Seeing someone face

to face far exceeds the effect of

an audio conference or email,

but being able to record that

video call for later viewing or

sharing with teams inside or

outside of your organization

takes this technology to new


The future is now. Today, you

can effortlessly create on-

demand videos that are easily

accessible from any location,

on any device. In this guide, we

will take a look at some of the

ways that HD video recording

and sharing will forever change

the way you work.

If you have questions or want

to see for yourself how this

technology can help you

transform your business,

please contact us.


Recording: The new shareable

From the first interview to the onboarding

session and beyond, managers and recruiters

can use video recording and sharing to build

the best teams.

Video interviews can replace those initial

phone interviews and actually recreate the

feel of an in-person meeting right down to the

nonverbal communication exchanges. Hiring

managers have even used video conference

recording technology to rewatch interviews to

ensure they selected the right candidate.

Flash forward to the new hire’s start date, when

there is typically a ton of information that they

need to review. Sounds simple enough on the

small scale, but what happens if yours is an

international organization that hires 20 sales

engineers at once? What if they are located all

over the world?

Instead of flying all those sales engineers to

one location for training or hiring a team of

trainers to meet them individually, new hire

orientations can be conducted over video and

recorded for later reference. You can even

record a series of video onboarding tips to

share with new employees to help them learn

the inner workings of the company.

Recruit and train the best of the best

Phone interviews are the worst: Embracing

the video interview... read more

4 Contents

Hundreds of hours of knowledge-based videos are uploaded

to websites every minute, which is why sites like YouTube™

have taken the world by storm. Do a simple web search on

“How to (insert your topic of interest)” and we’re sure you’ll

be presented with hundreds of options. Wouldn’t it be great

if you could capture the knowledge disseminated across your

organization every day?

Thankfully, today’s video conferencing technology enables

you to record video messages like company-wide meetings,

sales presentations, training videos, holiday greetings and

more with the simple click of a button. Better yet, these

recordings are instantly published to your own video feed to

be replayed or shared.

“By the time I end a meeting and log in to Lifesize Cloud

Amplify, the recording is already there. I love being able to

share recorded content with my team when it’s fresh in my


Capture and share tribal knowledge

5 Contents

When your company is spread

across the globe, or even just across

the country, time zone constraints

can be a real challenge. Significant

time zone differences can severely

impact corporate culture and

employee collaboration.

There is never a good time for

people in San Francisco, Austin,

Frankfurt, Hong Kong and

Sydney to meet. Recording global

meetings and sharing them with

the organization lets everyone

watch the on-demand session at

the time that fits their schedule. It

can even help nonnative speakers

better understand the message

by enabling them to pause and

rewatch segments.

One Lifesize customer uses

recording to conduct Monday

morning management meetings

with senior executives on three

separate continents: “At 7:00

a.m. Pacific time, we’ll fire up

video conferencing and have a

meeting with teams in Hong Kong,

California and France.” If time

zone constraints interfere with

schedules, meetings can easily

be recorded and played back at

a later time. Employees can now

experience meetings with lifelike

quality whether they attend the

presentation in person or not.

Overcome time zone constraints

6 Contents

One of the greatest assets

possessed by an organization

is its information.

Industry research, executive

communications, training

materials, business reviews

and sales strategies are just a

few examples of information

exchange vital to success.

However, information like this

is most valuable when it is

accessible to the stakeholders

who need it when they need it.

In an on-demand world, people

need to be able to access

their company’s most critical

information at any time and

from any device. Cloud-based

video conference recording

and sharing tools make

meetings and conversations

instantly accessible.

Enable BYOD and on-demand information

Record from any device: laptop, smartphone, tablet or

Lifesize® Icon™ system and access your recordings at


Far too often, the organic flow of

a brainstorm session is chopped

to bits while the note taker stops

the exchange for a repeated phrase

or, even worse, paraphrases the

concept into something forgettable

in the recap.

Hit record at the beginning of a

brainstorm and make sure you

never miss a moment of brilliance.

Recording and sharing features

let you fully commit to team

collaboration without having to

focus all of your attention on note

taking. Every word documented,

every subtext captured—it will all

be there waiting for you to recap or

share after the meeting is over.

Whether you’re part of the creative

team coming up with the next

marketing tagline or practicing

objection handling from the sales

side of the organization, every

second of video collaboration can

benefit from the flexibility of one-

click recording.

Capture brilliance at its peak

Find the Right Note-Taking Tools

for Your Meetings: Learn More

8 Contents

Recording meetings for future playback is a great use of any video conference recording technology. But with the tool at your disposal, imagine what else you could do.

Idea capture and dissemination

Great ideas don’t always follow the same 9-to-5 schedule that your colleagues

do, nor do they come when you’re in a meeting. So when the moment strikes, go

ahead and capture it on video and share the recording with everybody that you

think should know about it. Think of it as your own personal video voicemail system.

Practice makes perfect

If you’ve got a big sales pitch or marketing presentation coming up, why not record

yourself while you practice? Now you’ll be able to see every gesture, hear every

word and practice that catch phrase until it’s perfect. And you won’t torture your

roommate or spouse by making them listen to you over, and over, and over…

Send a holiday greeting

We’ve all been there—the holiday sneaks up on us, and we’ve failed to send those

cards that are over in the corner collecting dust. Take your greeting to video! Record

a simple greeting and send it out to your entire list.

Video recordings: Not just for meetings


From extending the meet-ing to new time zones to capturing and archiving the ideas and information being discussed every day, video conference recording and sharing with Lifesize Cloud Amplify will change the way you work and open you up to new ways of collaboration.

We know that seeing is believing, so we

invite you to experience the power of

cloud video conferencing for yourself.

Download a free trial of Lifesize Cloud

and book a demo with one of our video

conferencing experts. You can even

record your live demo and play it back


Explore video recording and sharing

© 2015 Lifesize, a division of Logitech. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Lifesize is the registered trademark or trademark of Logitech. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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