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The Promised Mahdi is Coming

It is the ancient Sunnah of Allah Jalla Jalaluhu that whenever the Ummah becomes corrupted He sends such a personality to reform and purify them. In the highest form this is a Prophet, and if an Ummati is sent for the purpose, he is called a Mujaddid who is imbibed with prophetic qualities. Regarding the advent of Mujaddids, the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa aalihi wasallam has said: Allah will send for this Ummah at the beginning of every century one who shall revive its Religion for it. (Sunan Abi Daud)From the wording of this Hadith Inna Allaha Yab'atho... we come to know that the Mujaddid is sent directly by Allah Himself. No one can become a Mujaddid or carry out the function of a Mujaddid of his own impulse. Such a person is divinely appointed and his activities protected by way of divine inspiration (Ilham). If anyone doubts this fact, let him consider that the purpose of the Mujaddid is to rejuvenate the Religion of Islam. How can any person accomplish this without being chosen and guided by Allah Jalla Jalaluhu Who says: He shall establish for them their Religion that He has chosen for them...(24:55)It is none other than the act (F'il) of Allah Himself - no one else has the prerogative or ability to establish the Religion. And such an important task cannot be given to just anyone. Only that person who is divinely appointed can fulfill the role of the Mujaddid.

Throughout our history, the concious, guided Muslims have recognized those true Mujaddids through whose hands Allah Jalla Jalaluhu revived Islam men like Imam Ahmad, Ibn Taymiyya, Shah Waliullah and Shaikh Muhammad b. Abdul Wahhab (Allah have mercy upon them). All of these eminent individuals traversed the path of the ancient Prophets and bore a characteristic resemblance to them in the sense of calling the people to Tawhid and purifying Islam from the false accretions. Furthermore, they were guided by His unseen Hand.

Today, the pitiable condition of the Ummah is there for all to see. The following Ayah is a striking testimony to our present state of affairs:

Corruption has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of the people have earned, so that He (Allah) makes them taste some of what they did, in order that they may return (30:41)