Download - Sinai Lutheran Church 950 E. 8th St. Fremont, NE 68025 ... Messenger 2018 with calendar.pdf · Sinai Lutheran Church, brings the 2017-2018 season to a close with the Lincoln Early

Page 1: Sinai Lutheran Church 950 E. 8th St. Fremont, NE 68025 ... Messenger 2018 with calendar.pdf · Sinai Lutheran Church, brings the 2017-2018 season to a close with the Lincoln Early

Sinai Lutheran Church ● 950 E. 8th St. ● Fremont, NE 68025

May 2018


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Messenger Pastor Al’s Message

“And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work he had done. So God hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation.” (Genesis 2:2-3)

Again this summer, beginning on Sunday, May 27th until Rally Sunday, we will be

moving to a summer schedule for worship. We will have just one worship service at 9:00 a.m. with a time of fellowship following, and once a month, we will have a bit of an expanded brunch during our fellowship time.

As we move into the summer months, I know that, for most of us, our schedules won’t change radically. Yet, many of us will find ways to take time to get away, to spend time with family and friends, and to rest.

I’m convinced that the changing of the seasons is a gift from God. It is one way that God sets boundaries. It’s a way that God reminds of the natural rhythms that are built into creation for our own good.

There is a legend that, each night when King David left the field of battle, he would unstring his bow. Then each morning, he would restring it, and his arrows would fly further because he had released the tension on his bow for a time.

I don’t know if this story is based in fact, but I do believe that it continues to be told to this day because it holds a truth. Work is good for us. It can give meaning to our lives, but we will be at our best only if we regularly allow ourselves to truly relax as well.

I simply want to encourage us all to do two things. First of all, take full advantage of the gift of our summer months, and secondly, continue to celebrate the gift of the Sabbath throughout this summer. If you’re in town, come and gather with all of your Sinai family for worship and fellowship. If you are out of town, seek out a place to worship, or worship together with the family and friends that you have gathered with wherever you are.

I do look forward to an amazing, relaxing, refreshing summer, and I also look forward to being together as we take advantage of the gift that God gives us each week in the Sabbath.

God’s Blessings,

Making Time to Take Time

What is Self-Care? Ways to Care for Self

*Taking Time for Self *Deep Breathing

*Meeting Your Own Needs *Prayer/Meditation

*Letting in Support *Brief Exercise

*Being Compassionate toward self *Yoga/Stretching

*Drink Water/Eat Well

*Social Support

Page 2: Sinai Lutheran Church 950 E. 8th St. Fremont, NE 68025 ... Messenger 2018 with calendar.pdf · Sinai Lutheran Church, brings the 2017-2018 season to a close with the Lincoln Early

Page 2 Messenger

Sinai Lutheran Church welcomes, challenges, and nurtures disciples to serve the church and love God’s world.

, a concert series of Sinai Lutheran Church, brings the 2017-2018

season to a close with the Lincoln Early Music Consort on May 6 at 3:00 p.m. The free program will include background and demonstrations of instruments not often heard in live performance, and will include music ranging from the 13

th to 17



The Lincoln Early Music Consort was formed in 1990 for the purpose of perform-ing Medieval and Renaissance music on recorders, krummhorns and the occasional cornamuse. Since then they have added Celtic and Sephardic music to their repertoire and have expanded their collection of period replica instruments. The collection now includes viols, gemshorns, sackbuts, psaltery, hammered dulcimer, shawm, hurdy gurdy and Renaissance flute as well as percus-sion including bells, tabor and dumbek. The ensemble regularly plays Christmas and spring concerts at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Lincoln as well as other performances. Members include Carole Goebes, Paul Burrow, Jean Henderson, Genevieve Randall, and Bob Haack.

Sinai Festival Sounds concerts are supported by free-will offerings and other generous donations. An anonymous donor has offered matching funds up to $1,000 for donations made to the series at this event.

You are invited to a reception for High School and College seniors that will be held for them between services on May 6 in the fellowship hall. These we will celebrate are listed below. A “Stepping in the World” Quilt presentation for our HS grads will be included during the 10:30am worship.

***********We extend congratulations and God’s blessings to the following *********** 2018 high school and college graduates:

HIGH SCHOOL RILEY GAY – son of Reggie and Marcy Gay. After graduating from Fremont Senior High School on May 12, Riley will be attending a Community college in the effort to complete his gen. eds. During this time he will decide on a career path. He will then decide on a future college to accomplish his goals.

SARAH WULF- daughter of Aaron and Jennifer Wulf. After Sarah graduates from Fremont High School on May 12, she plans to attend the University of Nebraska in Lincoln to major in Agronomy with the intent to get into plant genetics.

COLLEGE KRISTEN BROKENICKY—daughter of Eric and Brenda Brokenicky. Kristen graduated from

Wayne State College on May 5 with a Bachelor in Chemistry Health Science. Her immediate plans after college at this time are being decided.

CODY VYHLIDAL—son of Jon and Ruth Vyhlidal. Cody will graduate May 12 from Northeast Community College in Norfolk with a degree in agronomy and precision ag. He will work this summer for Ritthaler Farms of rural Fremont, but recently decided to go back to Northeast next fall for a semester and get his AgriBusiness Degree for a more well-rounded education in the ever changing Ag industry.

SEMINARY HALCYON BJORNSTAD will graduate with a Masters of Divinity from Wartburg Theological Seminary on May 20, 2018. She is a candidate in the Montana Synod where she will be interviewing at churches in the coming months and looks forward to being Ordained in the ELCA after receiving a call at a church. Halcyon extends her deep gratitude and appreciation to the congregation of Sinai who have supported her through her years at Semi-nary. It wouldn't have been possible without the faithful love

and support of this congregation.

Page 3: Sinai Lutheran Church 950 E. 8th St. Fremont, NE 68025 ... Messenger 2018 with calendar.pdf · Sinai Lutheran Church, brings the 2017-2018 season to a close with the Lincoln Early

Page 3 Messenger

The Messenger is also available on our website:

Prudence-Naomi Circle will meet Monday, May 21 at 7:00pm at the home of Emily Wageman. Diane Skurdahl will lead the next session on Multiple Meanings. Visitors are always

welcome. ?’s, Gloria Breithaupt - 402-727-4533.

RUTH CIRCLE will meet on Thursday, May 17 at 1:30pm at the home of Dolores Watson. Joan Irma Lamprecht will lead the Bible Study.

CHARITY CIRCLE will meet on Thursday, May 17 at 1:30pm at Nye Square with Ann Hull as hostess and she will also lead the Bible Study. Paper towels is the donation for Care Corps this month.

We pray for the family and friends of:

Matilda “Tillie” Kronberg

died April 10, 2018

Ruth Naughton

mother to Alan Naughton

died March 23, 2018

Wilma Mae Alberts

aunt to Jan Ostransky

died April 16, 2018

Gen Christensen

died April 26, 2018

“So you have pain now: but I

will see you again, and your

hearts will rejoice , and no one

will take your joy from you”

John 16:22

Fellowship & Forums-- A sign up to provide treats and/or make coffee for fellowship is posted on the North bulletin board. Please join us in the fellowship hall each Sunday after first service (9:15am). Coffee and snacks are available as we pursue various topics including Bible studies, community groups and Synod topics. It is a casual atmosphere where little ones are welcome. ~Sunday, May 6—no Adult Forum. Graduation reception for High school and college grads ~Sunday, May 13—Pastor Al will hold a forum ~Sunday, May 20—Pastor Adam White from UNL Campus Ministries Sunday School will end this spring next Sunday, May 20th with a fun event-filled morning from 9:15-10:15am. Sunday School will not be held during the summer and will resume on Rally Day, Sept. 9th.

col*um*ba*ri*um, 1. a vault with niches for urns containing the ashes of cremated bodies 2. such a niche. Webster’s New World Dictionary, Second College edition, 1980.

This dictionary definition from my very old and tattered dictionary from the shelf over my computer is still a current one for the final resting place used now more and more by churches to hallow the remains of those from their midst who have died. The word columbarium refers to both the small niche (e.g. 12”x12”x12”) and also to the larger cabinet into which many niches may be housed. Often this cabinet is installed inside the church building, sometimes it is outside on the church grounds, or even both places.

Cremations are much more common now than in the past, even among church members. Christians have always placed their final hope for themselves and their departed loved ones, in the resurrection. The Lord Jesus is the “first fruits,” as the Apostle Paul calls him, of those to rise from death – the joyful proclamation we make in this season of Easter. For the Lord who created heaven and earth, and us from dust, raising us from ashes is not a problem.

Sinai now has a Columbarium Team, consisting of seven Sinai members, who are now studying the installation and use of a columbarium for our church. If you are interested in such a ministry for planning your own or your family’s final resting place or simply have questions, please talk to Pr. Duminy or me.

Rev. Jim Melang, Chair, Columbarium Team

A bible study on the book of Genesis with

Pastor David Nordstrom is held on

Mondays at noon-1pm for 6 weeks. It

continues every Monday in the narthex until May 14th. Bring your

lunch and a bible and join others in studying God’s Word!

A healthy baby boy,

Kendrix Charles

Baughman, was born on

April 13 to Keith and

Kylee Baughman.

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Dear Sunday School Students, the Social Ministry Committee would like to say thank you! The weekly offerings totaling $239.13 you have given helped to make the health kits possible. You ALL did such a great job putting the health kits together and rolling up the towels nice and tight. Because of your offering and help, 150 children will receive a health kit so they can take a shower, comb their hair and brush their teeth. Thank you for your gift of the health kits. We will wait and find out where our boxes get shipped to. With thanks, Social Ministry Committee Dear Sinai family, thank you for the Easter lily that Emily so kindly delivered to us. Thank you for the lovely prayer shawls for both of us. I am on the mend after my back surgery and Alan continues to struggle with his Parkinson’s. God Bless, Alan & Gloria Naughton Dear friends at Sinai, Thank you so much for inviting us to share about Katie’s ministry. Thank you also for your generous support and encouragement! It was such a joy to be with you. Please contact us again any time you may have need of some furry comfort! God Bless you all—Deb, Barb and Linda for “Team Katie” and Katie Comfort Dog

Thank you to all those who attended the Easter Breakfast hosted by the youth and made a donation towards the Youth Gathering! $671 was collected. Thanks so much for your generosity! Sinai Members, the Social Ministry Committee would like to extend a sincere thank you for our Lenten offering collection of $838.70. As you know, there have been so many natural disasters over the past year. Our contribution will help make an impact for those impacted by these devastating events. Lutheran Disaster Response does a fantastic job assisting families. Thank you for your support!

Summer Music This year we are going to try something a little different with summer music. Instead of trying to fit musical offerings in according to the appointed lessons and working around vacation schedules, we will give musicians an opportunity to share their musical talents with the congregation right after worship one time in June and one time in August, and in July everyone will have an opportunity to participate in a hymn sing during that time.

Since it will be outside of the worship context, it won’t be necessary to find music on a specific theme, and it doesn’t necessarily need to be strictly sacred music. Please keep in mind that it should be in the spirit of offering your talent to God and sharing with the congregation. We can think of it as a transition from worship to the week, rather than as a talent show or recital. Whether you have been studying your instrument only a few months or have spent years honing your musical skills, you are encouraged to participate! As always, if you need help finding music, Claire Bushong and Cindi Lamprecht are happy to help you! There will be a place on the sign-up sheet for you to check if you need an accompanist (or if you would like to serve as an accompanist). Also, we will be needing cantors for the Psalms throughout the summer, so if you would like to participate in worship in that way, please look for the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board later this month.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church will sponsor a Bicycle Weekend on

Sat, May 19 from 3-5 and Sun, May 20 until noon. Used and repairable bicycles or tricycles can be brought to the Orphan Grain Train semi in the parking lot during those hours.

Left: Packing

Lutheran World

Relief personal care

kits on April 22.

Right: Katie the

Comfort dog came to

visit the SS children

during opening.

Page 5: Sinai Lutheran Church 950 E. 8th St. Fremont, NE 68025 ... Messenger 2018 with calendar.pdf · Sinai Lutheran Church, brings the 2017-2018 season to a close with the Lincoln Early

Page 5 Messenger

The Messenger is also available on our website:

Sinai Lutheran Church is excited to host a one-day workshop for church musicians on Saturday, June 23. This is one of several events sponsored by the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians in the coming year. It is designed to be of practical value for all church musicians regardless of denomination, but presenters will make a point of addressing the needs of choir directors, organists, pianists, and other leaders in small congregations.

Sinai will contribute weekend food totes again for the Fremont Summer Lunch pro-gram. With the collaborative efforts of area churches, the community goal is to make 1000 food totes for weekends this summer. Sinai applied for a $1000 grant from the NE Synod. Our goal is to match the amount if granted for a total of $2000. Envelopes will be in the bulletins May 13, 20 and 27 for your contribution. Please join us for this worthy cause and consider helping support the event financially!

Make plans to join us to pack our first round of SUMMER LUNCH TOTES on Sunday, June 3 after the one 9:00am service. We have 300 totes to pack. Then we will join together in fellowship and

food. If there is anyone who would be willing to take charge of one or all three brunch events June 3, 24 after the summer lunch tote packing and one in August, please let Emily know. A green sheet will ask for the food and help, but someone to organize it and follow up with our talented food preparers and helpers prior to and that day would be a big help to Emily.

Pastor Al and family and Milo and Cheri Anderson along with other Sinai members on Synod staff will attend the NE Synod Assembly:Building on the Foundation in Kearney May 31-June 2. They will be electing a Bishop at this time. Pastor David Nordstrom will be recognized for 55 years of rostered ministry and Pr. Juliet Hampton will be recognized for 10 years of rostered ministry at a dinner that weekend.

Sinai will recognize and Fellowship committee will host a reception on

Sunday, June 10 for Pastor David Nordstrom and Pastor Juliet

Hampton for their anniversaries in rostered ministry. David will hit a

milestone of 55 years and Juliet 10 years! Congratulations to them.

Please join us in the fellowship hall for a reception after the 9:00am

worship service.

Notes from the executive Director, Joy McKay We are celebrating our 25th Year in Fremont! As you know, we are a Christian organization, with a mission to put God's love into action. We

want you to know that we appreciate the support from local churches over the past 25 years - building 81 homes (impacting 81 families). We know you help provide hope and stability for our families financially, with volunteers from your congregations, providing lunches/coffee breaks, and many other ways. Thank you! Habitat is hiring for several positions - thanks to some grant funding we have received. We are hiring a part-time (14 hour/week) cashier for our HomeStore, a Family Services Manager (full-time) that will work directly with our families in all aspects, and we will also have available a position as Construction Crew Leader through Americorps National. If you know of anyone that would help advance our mission and be a great fit for these positions, please let me know, or have them contact me. And, of course, we are always looking for volunteers on the construction site, in our HomeStore, providing lunches and coffee breaks, committees, and more. It takes our whole community to make Habitat work! Thank you again for all you do for our community.

Page 6: Sinai Lutheran Church 950 E. 8th St. Fremont, NE 68025 ... Messenger 2018 with calendar.pdf · Sinai Lutheran Church, brings the 2017-2018 season to a close with the Lincoln Early

SERRV is a non-profit, fair trade or-ganization dedicat-ed to lifting disad-

vantaged artisans, farmers, and their families out of pov-erty. The first Sunday of eve-ry month, (MAY 6 & JUNE 3), SERRV products are of-fered in the narthex. We strive to offer a variety of products, which includes a variety of Divine Chocolate and Just coffee, scarves, jewelry and teas. Check it out!

Low Income Ministry/Food Pantry donations of canned goods or monetary donations will be col-lected and offered on the first Sunday of each month. We will

take donations any time of the month, but offer it on the first Sunday. The next offerings will be May 6 & June 3.

Page 6 Messenger

Sinai Lutheran Church welcomes, challenges, and nurtures disciples to serve the church and love God’s world.

The Nebraska Synod would like you to be aware of the opportunity to be on the synod’s e-mail list. So much of what the synod has to share with individu-als and congregations comes out through this vehi-cle now. The general e-news goes out once a month. Use this link to sign up (or scroll down the home page) and get in the know!

Flowers for the sanctuary

6th Claire Bushong

13th open

20th M. Ostransky

27th E. Nordstrom

5 Gary & Lu Ann Ehmcke

9 Mitchel & Julie Johnson

11 Jamie & Amy Korman

20 Cory & Venetia Reimnitz

22 Michael & Cindy Pittack

24 Dennis & Jill Curtis

27 Mark & Shannon Ostransky

28 Matt & Katelyn Marx

1 Elizabeth Anderson

1 Vivian Jeppesen

3 Stacie Radford

4 Mike Guilliatt

8 Denise Stevens Coe

8 Sean Navarrette

9 Maddie Jeppesen

11 Charlie Paper

12 Gordon Breithaupt

17 Sally Manka

18 Jill Schwaninger

19 Scott Flanagan

22 Melissa Navrude

23 Eva Knudsen

25 Alex Duminy

26 Gracelyn Workman

27 Blair Horner

29 Jesse Kramme

30 Gwendolyn Edgington

30 Lana Edgington

31 Kolby Radford

Ruth Lund turned

95 years old on

April 29th. Pastor

Al and others are

here with her at

her celebration

held at Sinai after


Page 7: Sinai Lutheran Church 950 E. 8th St. Fremont, NE 68025 ... Messenger 2018 with calendar.pdf · Sinai Lutheran Church, brings the 2017-2018 season to a close with the Lincoln Early

Page 7 Messenger

The Messenger is also available on our website:

CAROL JOY HOLLING will conduct Adult Faith Formation courses intended to broaden your theological understanding and enrich your faith. Each course in the series will cover the basic teachings of Lutheran theology with topics focused on the named portion of Luther's Small Catechism (Ten Commandments, Sacraments and Creed). Each course is a stand-alone session and attendance at previous courses is not necessary. Participants are welcome to join

for any number of courses they are interested in as they strive to further understand their faith. Pr. Paula Lawhead is the instructor--cost is $25/session for lunch, programming and Luther’s Small Catechism. Register at Work Day Saturday, May 19 The Apostle's Creed - May 19, 2018 8:00am-lunch Help prepare the site for campers. Bring family, friends for a day of work in God’s Creation!

We are fortunate at Sinai to have a remarkably beautiful organ, and playing it is a wonderful experience for musicians. Having access to such an instrument is a some-what rare opportunity. Have you given any thought to spending some time with it? In-terested adults and children will have a chance to get their hands (and feet!) on our Juget-Sinclair organ in a series of 3 classes led by Claire Bushong during the month of June. Here are the requirements: For adults

Ability to read treble and bass clefs (It’s OK if you’re rusty!) Commitment to get to the organ at least once or twice between classes on your own (Some piano or

keyboard practice at home can be helpful, but is not necessary.) You’ll be playing your assignments (simple exercises and pieces) in a group of supportive friends.

For kids/teens Interest in music (Note reading ability not required, but we will introduce that skill if you don’t read mu-

sic.) Some reading skills (No minimum age requirement, but this is probably not going to be the best setting

for very young children who are not yet reading. If you aren’t sure, ask Claire about it.) Ability to work cooperatively in a small class setting Commitment to attend classes and practice at the organ at least once between classes Parents must commit to attending class and supervision of the student in the balcony (or make

arrangements with another responsible adult). Children and teens should not be in the balcony with-out supervision.

There will be no cost for these classes and no cost for materials. Class days and times will be arranged af-ter we know who is interested. If you would like to participate, contact Claire by May 20 so materials can be ready. If you are interested, but June just doesn’t work for you, let her know that. She can be reached at

30,000 high school youth and their leaders will gather in Houston for

the ELCA Youth Gathering June 27-July 1. Our Sinai youth have been

preparing for the experience since last fall. The Gathering encourages

people to think more about vocation in our lives. The Gathering has been a catalyst for many youth and

adults to experience God more fully and live life in response to our call from God, helping to discern our vo-

cational calling from God. (What is God asking me to do?) Please keep the following youth and leaders in

your prayers:

Haley & Kristin Bogenreif, Alissa Brokenicky, Hannah Johnson, Thomas Strunk, Sarah Wulf and Pastor Al.

Lutheran Night at Werner Park on Tuesday, June 5th 7:05pm Reduced price tickets, food and fun zone. Join other Lutherans at the ball field and celebrate the 500th reformation with more than 1,500 other Lutherans! A sign up is on the North bulletin board. Deadline is May 27th and must pre-

pay. Sinai will make your reservations.

Page 8: Sinai Lutheran Church 950 E. 8th St. Fremont, NE 68025 ... Messenger 2018 with calendar.pdf · Sinai Lutheran Church, brings the 2017-2018 season to a close with the Lincoln Early

Lives Under Construction….

SINAI LUTHERAN CHURCH 950 E. 8th St. ● Fremont, NE 68025

Address Service Requested

Sinai Lutheran Church 950 E. 8th Street Fremont, NE 68025

Sinai and Salem Lutheran churches will again host a Day

Camp with Carol Joy Holling for four days on July 9-

12 for current K-6th graders. It will be for the hours 9am-

3pm with the Thursday closing witness event at 1pm. A

water day and BBQ lunch are always part of the week with

Bible study, fun and fellowship with

other peers and camp counselors.

Carol Joy’s summer and day camp theme is This Changes

Everything to mirror the theme from the ELCA Youth Gath-

ering based on Ephesians 2:8.

Preschoolers will have a separate session on those dates

from 9-11am and Middle School and High School students

can assist with any of the programming! Deadline to

register for the free

event is June 17.

Registration forms will

be available to

families in the next

few weeks.

Page 9: Sinai Lutheran Church 950 E. 8th St. Fremont, NE 68025 ... Messenger 2018 with calendar.pdf · Sinai Lutheran Church, brings the 2017-2018 season to a close with the Lincoln Early

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday6 SERVV saleLIM collection8:00 am Worship9:15 am Grad receptionin fellowship hall, SS10:30am Worship-Quilt

Presentation3:00pm Sinai FestivalSounds-Lincoln EarlyMusic Consort

712:00pm Bible Studyon Genesis

81:00pm Financials2:00 pm Staff MeetingNo Bell Choir7:00pm Columbarium

Committee7:00 pm PropertyCommittee

99:00 am Quilters6:00pm Confirmation


10 11AM Bulletin Assembly

129:00 am Quilters-unfinished projects day

138:00 am Worship9:15 am SS, Adult

Forum-Pr. Al10:30am Worship

1412:00pm Bible Study

on Genesis

152:00 pm Staff Meeting

16 CommitteeReports Due

9:00 am Quilters

171:30 pm Charity Circle1:30 pm Ruth Circle

18AM Bulletin Assembly


208:00 am Worship9:15 am SS, Adult

Forum-Adam White10:30am Worship

217:00 pm Prudence

Naomi Circle

222:00 pm Staff Meeting7:00 pm Council meeting

239:00 am Quilters

241:30pm Juget-Sinclair

Organ visit

25AM Bulletin Assembly


279:00 am One summer

worship servicebegins

28Memorial Day



OFFICE hours 1-3

309:00 am Quilters10:00am Staff meet

31NE Synod


June 1NE Synod

AssemblyAM Bulletin Assembly

June 2NE Synod


June 3SERRV SALE, LIMYouth gathering

deposit due9:00 am One summer

worship service10:00am Pack summer

lunch totes, brunch

June 4 June 52:00pm Staff meeting6:00pm LFS Fundraiser7:00pm Lutheran Night

At the Stormchasers

June 69:00 am Quilters

June 7 June 8AM Bulletin Assembly5:00pm Horner,O’Reilly weddingrehearsal

June 94:00pm Horner,O’Reilly wedding

Page 10: Sinai Lutheran Church 950 E. 8th St. Fremont, NE 68025 ... Messenger 2018 with calendar.pdf · Sinai Lutheran Church, brings the 2017-2018 season to a close with the Lincoln Early

May 6, 2018 8:00 10:30Presiding Minister Pr. Al Duminy Pr. Al DuminyAssisting Minister ---------- Chris BogenreifPrayer Minister ---------- Kathy OverfieldOrganist Claire Bushong Claire BushongLector Jack Nitz Bryce ExstromWorship Hosts Richard & Cynthia Lauritsen Joyce Myers & Kerstin O'ConnorAcolyte Rebecca Winterfeld Eli TeriAltar Guild/Helper ---------- Bev Recoy, Shirley HarrisCommunion Asst. Leroy Ostransky Bryce Exstrom, Joyce MyersComm. Helper Rebecca Winterfeld Usher & AcolyteChildren's Word Gloria Breithaupt Gloria BreithauptChoir ---------- Sinai SingersCantor Emily Wageman Emily WagemanEucharist Bread Vickie Ruether

May 13, 2018 8:00 10:30Presiding Minister Pr. Al Duminy Pr. Al DuminyAssisting Minister ---------- Alice Ann JohnsonPrayer Minister ---------- Karen MelangOrganist Claire Bushong Claire BushongLector Nancy Strong Deb McCordWorship Hosts Shirley Harris & Jack Nitz Steve & Julie NavarretteAcolyte Nancy Strong Jessa SeelyAltar Guild/Helper ---------- Karen Gay, Scott FlanaganCommunion Asst. Mark Ostransky Karen Gay, Marcy GayComm. Helper Nancy Strong Ethan Bogenreif & AcolyteChildren's Word Pr. Al Duminy Pr. Al DuminyChoir ---------- Bell ChoirCantor Hannah Johnson Hannah JohnsonEucharist Bread Cheri AndersonMay 20, 2018 8:00 10:30

Presiding Minister Pr. Al Duminy Pr. Al DuminyAssisting Minister ---------- Karen MelangPrayer Minister ---------- Emily WagemanOrganist Claire Bushong Claire BushongLector Rita Pratt Jim MelangWorship Hosts Emery & Mary Johnson Stacie Radford & Alcyone ScottAcolyte Jim Grasmick Sam WulfAltar Guild/Helper ---------- Gary & Kathy OverfieldCommunion Asst. Renee Coates Diane Harpster & Janet LackComm. Helper Jim Grasmick Usher & AcolyteChildren's Word Aaron Wulf Aaron WulfChoirs ---------- Adult ChoirEucharist Bread Diane Vyhlidal

May 27, 2018One 9:00AM service--double check-

combined serversPresiding Minister Pr. Al DuminyAssisting Minister Kathy OverfieldPrayer Minister Cheri AndersonOrganist Claire BushongLector Courtney MensikWorship Hosts Christine & Jessa Seely

Acolyte Ethan BogenreifAltar Guild/Helper Richard & Joyce MyersCommunion Asst. Bryce Exstrom & Deb McCordComm. Helper Chris Brokenicky & AcolyteChildren's Word Pr. Al DuminyCantor Paul PetersonEucharist Bread Deb McCord

May Ushers8:00am

Shirley Harris

10:30amTyler &

Mike Winterfeld

Courtney Mensik

Alt: MarkOstra

nskyAlt: Ron Johnson

For sharing your

gifts in worship!

9:00am summer worship begins from May 27

(Memorial Day weekend) to September 2

(Labor day Weekend). Fellowship after
