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  • 8/4/2019 Sidelights Summer 2011


    Summer 2011


    Ever miss bein a kid just hanging out with yourfriends in the summer playing silly games laughing til your side hurts drinking lemonade and stufng yourself with ice cream? If so, you canrevisit many of those good times from 6 p.m. to bedtimeon August 13 at More Hall at St. Thomas More Parishfor the third annual An Evening as a Child.

    According to Steering Committee member ButchWagner, the event is a way for Seton Center to reach outinto the community to attract new and younger supporters

    through a fun event. Our long-time friends and donorsare working with us to involve younger friends in themission of Seton Center. This event gives us an opportunityto share our message with different audiences and invitethem to attend this event and learn more about us, he said.The involvement of new friends will be critical in the yearsahead as we work to grow and sustain this organization.

    An Evening as a Child,an adult-only event designedfor the kid in each of us, will include food, a Wine Board,

    a Live Auction, and games and activities for adultsof all ages and skill levels. Past participants have tried

    their luck at tricycle races, Big Foot, horse racing, cow-milking, hula-hoops, yo-yos, and more. You wont runout of fun things to do! Double-dog-dare your friends tojoin you for the evening and some friendly competition.

    Tickets to the event are $50 per person. Reservationsmade online at www.setonkc.orgby July 15 are $40per person. Tables and sponsorships are also available.Call Julie Cogley at 816-581-4722 if youd like moreinformation.

    An Evening As a Child

    To Benet Social Services

    Saturday,August 13, 2011

    6 p.m. tobedtime

    Wear yourplay clothes!

    Some of the fun

    from last years

    An Evening as a Child

    Come Be a Friend!

  • 8/4/2019 Sidelights Summer 2011


    Are you a person with a green thumbwhos willing to share your gardening expertisewith Seton Center?

    Through generous recent gifts from the Daughters of Charity

    Foundation and The Home Depot Foundation, Seton Center will

    be able to move forward with its dream of growing fresh vegetables

    for distribution in the food pantry. The goal of the Community

    Garden Project is to engage others in the process as we learn

    gardening skills and produce food for consumption to help

    feed the hungry. The garden will be planted in plots managed

    through the Washington-Wheatley Neighborhood Association.

    To volunteer, call 816-581-4722.

    When I was a young girl I grew

    up near the convent of the LittleSisters of the Poor. I saw rst-handhow many people left food onthe Sisters steps for the hungry.Somehow, the Sisters always hadenough to feed all those who turnedto them. That lesson has stayedwith me throughout my life andhere at Seton Center, I nd itparticularly valuable.

    My faith afrms that, when weare working to feed Gods hungry,

    our needs will be met. I have seenthis happen in many ways. Oneday when food pantry funds werelow and we were very worriedabout how we would meet theincreased needs, a gentlemanfrom a foundation walked in thedoor and handed me a check for$25,000. In April, parishioners ofChurch of the Nativity collectednearly 800 sacks of food for Seton

    Centers neighbors enough to ll

    a large U-Haul truck. St. ThomasMore parishioners have generouslysupported Seton Center for over20 years through a monthly fooddrive and more. A long-time donorsent a check saying she wanted toincrease her monthly gift for thepantry. Periodically, a dear frienddrops by to check out our pantryto see what we have on hand and he makes sure that, a few dayslater, pallets of soup and pasta are

    delivered to help ll our pantryshelves. We are blessed!

    We are challenged each day bythe growing numbers of individualsand families who turn to us forfood, clothing, rent, and utilityassistance. Despite the manydonations of food and checks forthe pantry, we must still purchaseover $1,000 of food every 10 daysto keep up with the demand. One

    day, we assisted 24 families in

    the pantry. Another afternoon,we provided food for eight menwho had recently lost their jobs.Each day, the needs grow. We hearstories of constant struggle andheartache. However, we also clearlysee the resiliency of the humanspirit in those we help. We witnesstheir faith. When asked how theyare, most respond, I am blessed.We celebrate those whose generousgifts have enabled us to provide

    food or utility assistance or clothing.


    Thank you for all you do

    for Seton Center

    for afrming my faith

    that generous, good-hearted

    people will continue to

    respond to those in need

    in our community.

    Yes, we are all called to this mission!



    By Sister Loretto Marie Colwell, Executive Director

  • 8/4/2019 Sidelights Summer 2011


    school supplies


    peanut butter & jelly

    toilet paper

    bath soap

    dish soap

    cash donations

    Wellness ProgramBenefts Neighbors

    Take Control of Your Diabetes Day,

    held June 7 at Seton Center, was one of severalevents designed to promote wellness among

    Seton Centers neighbors.

    The event, co-sponsored by Carondelet Health,Childrens Mercy Family Health Partners, MolinaHealthcare, and Seton Center, offered dental screenings,vision screenings, blood lipid tests, A1c blood tests,kidney function urine tests, blood pressure checks,foot exams, healthy living tips, a healthy fooddemonstration from Harvesters, and educationalresources for persons with diabetes. This collaborationmade these screenings available at no cost to membersof the CHFHP and MHC plans, as well as Seton Centersneighbors.

    Seton Center has also partnered with Well Lifeat Carondelet Health to offer health screenings at severalarea churches and the Nowlin Housing Project. Thegoal of these screenings was to provide health resourcesand identify individuals from the community whomight benet from future educational classes at SetonCenter on diabetes, nutrition, smoking cessation andhypertension. A signicant number of Seton Centersdental patients struggle with obesity, hypertension,diabetes and poor nutrition all of which can affectboth dental health and overall health.

    A grant from Prime Health supported Seton Centersinitial wellness programming and continued effortsto promote wellness among those it serves.

    Can You Help?Seton Center is seeking donations of the

    items listed here to support its mission.

    If you would like to donate any of the followingitems, please bring them to the Center Mondaythrough Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.or call 816-581-4722.

    Seton Academy Students


    The fshing was great, butputting the worm on the hook not so much.

    Students from Seton Academy enjoyed

    a day at a farm in May, thanks to volunteers.

    The day included a bus trip, grilled

    hamburgers, a visit from a conservation

    agent, tractor rides, shing, and more.

    Student Ashley Williams is pictured here.This place was so peaceful, said one

    student after his rst visit to a farm.

    Please LIKE us on Facebook:The Seton Center KC

  • 8/4/2019 Sidelights Summer 2011



    2816 East 23rd Street

    Kansas City, MO 64127




    PERMIT NO 6756

    Seton Center relies on the donations of many to assistpeople in need. For 42 years, we have relied on the good hearts

    and generosity of people to help us carry out our mission.Today, that reliance is greater than ever.

    Financial support comes to Seton Center in many forms a money order from a neighbor we assisted long after shegot back on her feet, a monthly check from a donor whosfaithfully supported the food pantry over many years, giftsfrom friends whose companies match their contributions,donations from the Ladies of Charity of Metropolitan KansasCity, event reservations or sponsorship support, county fundsin support of dental care for needy residents, donations fromchurches, and grants from foundations. We also benet fromin-kind donations including food, clothing, and more. Allof these gifts are appreciated and play a key role in ensuringthat the many diverse needs of our neighbors are met.

    Some donors give faithfully in support of SetonCenters food pantry. These individuals may choose to

    utilize Missouris Food Pantry Tax Credit, whichprovides a tax credit for taxpayers who make donations

    of cash or food supplies to a qualied food pantry.There are many tools available which can benet

    donors as well as the charities they wish to support.For instance, some donors give faithfully, while othershave remembered Seton Center through planned giftslike wills or annuities. These options allow individualsto use their nancial resources during their lifetimes,with Seton Center benetting after their deaths.

    Tools Beneft Donors, Encourage GivingBy Julie Cogley, Director of Development

    Seton Center depends on the generous

    support of friends today and

    in the years ahead. I invite you

    to learn more about Seton Center.Please call 816-581-4722 today to nd

    out how you can be a participant.