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baaad news for

any fool stupid

enough t o be

caught o n the

wrong end of

this popular


tion w eapon.

once turned into

a fowl, there is

no way back




this little piece

of kit allows to

grab money that

is out of reach or

that i s in the

face o f danger.

Also g reat for

hoovering up

anything stupid

enough t o be i n

front of it.



decoy glove

dont forgeta rubber

dont forgeta rubber

this little piece

of kit allows to

grab money that

is out of reach or

that i s in the

face o f danger.

Also g reat for

hoovering up

anything stupid

enough t o be i n

front of it.

AGents of doom

are very good at

killing things

indeed they are.

Not satisfied with


killing your

enemies? Why not


them to

another time

paradox with

this handy

pocket sized time



Thank you Dr.

H a w k i n g

Everyone loves nature, not

enough people take time t o

see what i ts

like to

spend a

day in

their eyes. Why not

use this little number to


sure everyone can see

what its

like to be a chicken?

the only way to make

sure e veryone is

having a g ood time.

Throw down t he b est

tunes (mirrorball

included) make y our

enemies have a n ight

to r emember. T hen

blow t hem to b its.

When you positively have to

kill everything with a pulse

in the room, or anywhere for

that matter. Stand tall and

proud with this puppy and

feel proud knowing you have

the ability to rip someone a

new one.


dropping m arble

like bombs that

your foes can

slip up o n and

turn into a p ile

of carbon is more

than a musing to

watch. best used

when the odds

are heavily


this little piece

of kit allows to

grab money that

is out of reach or

that i s in the

face o f danger.

Also g reat for

hoovering up

anything stupid

enough t o be i n

front of it.


when you abso-

lutely, positively

have to turn every

last mother into the

primitive evolution-

ary stage of our
