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By: Shirley

New Jersey, the state where my grandpa studied for the Mathematics PHD degree.

The PHD Qualification Test

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Author’s NoteThe  Open  Door  Policy  started  after  the  

Cultural  Revolution  ended  in  1976.  Deng  Xiaoping,  the  former  Chinese  president,  “opened”  China,  and  had  scholars  from  China  travel  all  over  the  world  to  study  and  learn.  Deng  Xiaoping  went  to  the  U.S.  to  create  diplomatic  relations  in  January  1,  1979.  Scholars  had  to  take  an  English  test  to  see  if  they  would  be  able  to  understand  the  English  spoken  in  the  U.S.  In  1979,  the  Lirst  50  


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young  men  from  China  were  sent  to  the  U.S.  as  visiting  scholars.  In  that  same  year,  my  grandpa  also  took  the  test,  and  passed.  Even  though  he  passed  it,  his  English  was  still  very  poor.  In  total,  the  region  he  took  the  test  in  (Zhejiang  Province)  had  20  people  qualify  to  go  to  the  U.S.  A  year  later,  Jin  Sheng  was  chosen  out  of  the  2,000  studious  people  in  China  to  go  to  the  U.S.  He  arrived  in  New  Jersey  around  1981-­‐1982,  and  there  began  his  study  for  the  Mathematics  PHD  degree,  all  because  of  the  Open  Door  Policy.  The  qualiLication  test  was,  if  you  wanted  to  take  the  PHD  degree  for  a  subject,  you  Lirst  had  to  qualify,  and  then  you  could  study  and  try  to  pass  the  actual  test.  


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Family Tree

My grandpa, the person my narrative is about

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The PHD Qualification TestThe  chestnut  walls  of  the  university  

surrounded  me  as  I  made  my  way  to  the  qualiLication  room.  I  inhaled  slowly.  The  refreshing  spring  breeze  of  February  1982  thrilled  me,  and  brought  energy  into  my  soul.  Radiant  rays  of  sunlight  spread  warmth  through  my  taunt  muscles.  Minuscule  stubs  of  lime-­‐green  grass  grew  in  small  square  yards  between  the  buildings.  I  sighed  blissfully  at  the  glorious  weather.  

Minutes  later,  I  arrived  in  front  of  a  beige  door.  After  smoothing  down  my  navy-­‐blue  trousers  and  blue  dress  shirt,  I  ran  my  Lingers  through  my  thick  black  hair  as  I  braced  myself.  I  thought  gratefully  for  a  moment,  “Thank  goodness  Deng  Xiaoping,  the  current  Chinese  president,  created  the  Open  Door  Policy  after  the  chaos  of  the  Cultural  


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Revolution.  Otherwise,  I  wouldn’t  be  here.”  Taking  a  deep  breath,  I  hesitantly  turned  the  brass  knob,  reluctant  to  let  go  of  the  alluring  weather  outside.  As  I  lightly  stepped  inside,  I  blinked  multiple  times  until  my  eyes  adjusted  to  the  dimly  lit  room.  A  handsome  young  American  man  sat  at  an  ebony  desk,  arranging  papers.  Beside  him  were  two  other  unfamiliar  men.  

The  young  American’s  deep  voice  resonated  through  the  room  as  he  welcomed  me  cordially,  "Good  morning,  Jin  Sheng.  I  hope  you  practiced  some  of  those  math  


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Jin Sheng studying

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problems  I  gave  you  yesterday.  These  men  here  are  two  professors  in  the  committee.  They  will  ask  you  some  questions,  too."

“Hello,  Mr.  Falk,”  I  greeted  politely.  The  two  instructors  had  pens  and  papers  

ready  in  their  hands.  They  seemed  impatient  to  begin.  The  one  with  ginger  hair  inquired  brusquely,  “Are  you  one  of  the  2,000  scholars  to  travel  from  China?”  

Next  to  him,  the  brown  haired  man  questioned  curiously,  “Are  you  one  of  the  20  scholars  from  Zhejiang  Province,  China?  Did  you  take  the  English  test?”  My  eyes  stared  at  the  ground  as  I  nodded  humbly.  On  the  other  side  of  the  room,  some  other  scholars  sat  listening.  

Mr.  Falk  gestured  for  me  to  sit  down  at  one  of  the  gray  sturdy  desks  pushed  against  the  whitewashed  walls.  He  coughed  and  recited,  “Ehem.  Mr.  Morris,  Mr.  Codey,  I  will  present  the  oral  qualiLication  test  to  Jin  Sheng.  If  you  do  well,  you  will  qualify  for  the  Mathematics  PHD  degree.  Then,  you  may  


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begin  studying  here  at  Rutgers  University,  the  State  University  of  New  Jersey.  If  not,  you  have  the  option  of  retesting,  or  the  option  of  giving  up.  I  will  ask  you  a  question,  and  you  will  answer.  Do  you  have  any  questions  before  we  proceed?”  I  shook  my  head.  My  eyebrows  scrunched  together  as  I  wondered,  “What  did  he  say?”  Seeming  to  register  my  confusion,  Mr.  Falk  winked  and  whispered,  “We  have  to  recite  that  speech  for  every  test.”  I  gave  a  small  smile.  

“First  question.  What  is  the  “Finite  Element  Solution  for  the  second  order  ordinary  differential  equation  boundary  value  problems?”  he  asked.  I  stared  at  him  for  a  moment.  “Oh  no,  what  does  that  mean?!”  I  thought  in  fright.  My  heart  thumped  faster  and  faster.  Hot  sticky  sweat  slowly  trickled  down  the  side  of  my  face.  The  gears  in  my  head  had  stopped  whirring.  I  was  paralyzed  with  the  thought  of  failing.  “Remember  Jin  Sheng,  this  is  for  your  family.  Stay  calm  and  think  this  thoroughly,“  I  muttered  to  myself.  


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“The  kids  will  be  so  happy  if  you  get  a  PHD  degree.”  The  picture  of  my  son  and  daughter  laughing  and  jumping  around  me  in  Guangdong  arose  in  my  mind.  I  forced  myself  to  calm  down.  Seconds  later,  my  brain  suddenly  clicked.  I  pushed  my  circular  glasses  upwards,  jumped  out  of  my  seat,  and  walked  to  the  black  board.  Slowly  picking  up  the  bit  of  white  chalk,  I  scratched  out  some  equations.  

To  fully  understand  the  question,  I  Lirst  wrote  it  down  and  then  translated  it  into  Chinese.  Then,  I  pondered  on  that  question,  and  the  answer  appeared.  Finally,  I  had  to  translate  that  back  into  English.  Proudly,  I  spoke  the  answer  correctly.  Afterwards,  each  teacher  asked  many  questions.  The  remaining  questions  whipped  by  in  a  blur.  

 Soon,  I  conLidently  Linished  the  last  question.  Mr.  Falk  declared,  “Thank  you,  Jin  Sheng,  for  attending  the  oral  qualiLication  test  for  entering  the  PHD  mathematics  studies.  Your  test  results  will  come  out  in  a  day  or  


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two,  so  for  now  sit  tight,  and  relax.  You  may  leave  now.”  I  thanked  the  teachers  one  by  one  while  shaking  their  hands,  and  felt  grateful  for  the  time  they  spent  testing  me.  I  calmly  walked  to  the  door.  As  soon  as  I  got  out  relief  rushed  through  my  heart.  I  straightened  my  back  at  the  possibility  of  successfully  passing  the  PHD  qualiLication  test.  I  whistled  in  ecstasy  as  I  strolled  back  to  my  room.  

Two  days  later,  the  passed  list  came  out.  As  I  spotted  “Jin  Sheng”  in  the  sea  of  names,  my  heart  Hilled  with  desire  to  accomplish  the  PHD  degree.  


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*  *  *  *  *

Author’s  NoteIf  you  would  like  to  know,  in  the  end  I  did  really  pass  the  actual  PHD  degree  test,  so  that  was  a  great  accomplishment  in  my  life.  

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1.   What  were  the  exact  dates  of  when  this  historical  event  started  and  ended?  February  9,  1980  from  Beijing  to  Karachi,  Pakistan  and  then  Paris.  February  11th  arrived  in  New  York,  then  went  to  Washington  D.C.  Spent  2  days  there,  and  then  went  to  New  Jersey.  Traveled  using  an  airplane  except  using  from  Washington  D.C.  to  New  York,  that  was  by  train.  Finally,  traveled  to  New  Jersey.  

2.   What  exactly  was  the  transformation  and  open  door  policy  of  China  made  by  Deng  Xiao  Ping?  China  sent  intelligent  peoples  all  over  the  world  to  learn  about  that  place  and  learn  about  other  things.  For  grandpa  and  the  people  going  to  the  US,  the  main  thing  for  them  was  learning  English.  


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Interview with Grandpa

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Jin Sheng in the winter of New Jersey.

After  the  Cultural  Revolution  was  over,  China  started  the  open  door  policy.  There  was  a  test  to  see  who  could  go  to  other  places.  He  took  the  test,  and  2,000  qualiLied,  including  him.  Zhejiang  Province  had  20,  grandpa  included.  The  people  who  tested  were  really  good  at  studies,  were  picked  out  from  others  and  then  tested,mainly  tested  for  English.    

3.     What  speciLically  was  the  formal  Diplomatic  Relationship?  


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4.     What  were  your  emotions  when  you  were  picked  to  go  to  the  USA?He  was  very  happy.  After  he  was  picked,  mommy,  uncle,  and  grandma  got  citizenship  in  Hangzhou,  and  moved  to  Hangzhou.  

5.     What  was  the  facility  like  in  the  Graduate  school?

6.     How  did  you  learn  English  so  quickly?  Only  learned  for  half  a  year.  Read  many  books  to  learn  English.  Read  a  book  called  The  Moonstone  by  (I  think)  Wilkie  Collins.  

7.     Why  were  you  one  of  the  people  who  were  picked  out  of  all  of  the  math  teachers?  Did  you  have  some  outstanding  achievement  that  made  the  government  notice  you?

8.     What  were  some  of  the  things  you  had  to  do  to  achieve  your  PHD?  Learn  classes,  pass  the  qualiLication  exam,  write  thesis


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9.   What  was  your  Lirst  impression  of  Hangzhou  when  you  came  back  from  the  USA?  

10.  Did  you  miss  Guangdong?  What  were  the  reasons?    

11.  Were  there  any  other  “students”  that  you  became  great  friends  with?  Where  there  any  other  people  that  was  with  you?  

12.  How  did  this  journey  inLluence  your  perspective  of  the  world?  13.    What  was  your  Lirst  impression  of  the  USA?

14.    When  did  you  go  to  the  USA?

15.    What  type  of  transportation  did  you  use  to  get  to  the  USA?


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16.     Were  there  any  events  at  the  University  that  made  you  really  scared?Not  scared  of  anything,  a  hard  worker.  Challenged  anything.  Grandpa  and  other  student  enrolled  at  the  same  time  for  the  PHD,  also  for  math,  but  the  other  student  afraid,  scared,  and  quit.  But  grandpa  wasn’t  scared  and  succeeded.  

17.     Are  there  any  moments  that  really  stick  out  to  you?  QualiLication:  First  you  need  to  qualify,  and  then  you  can  learn  the  PHD.  The  oral  qualiLication  test  occurred  in  February  1982.  It  was  very  hard  because  his  English  is  poor,  oral  exam  very  hard  for  him,  need  to  understand  the  question  and  have  to  answer.  Found  a  trick:  Lirst  write  down  the  question  the  teacher  asked,  then  he’ll  understand  what  the  question  is  quickly,  then  he’ll  understand  all  of  the  question


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Mr.  Falk,  American,  handsome  man,  younger  than  grandpa,  has  two  children,  grandpa’s  teacher.  There  were  6  classrooms  total,  with  2  committees.  The  test  was  in  a  big  classroom,  bystanders  listening,  and  there  were  3  teachers  for  each  test  taker.  There  were  a  lot  of  chairs,  a  big  blackboard,  Grandpa  was  not  nervous  at  all,  very  conLident,  all  “A”  student.  If  your  grades  are  good  you’ll  have  a  good  impression  on  the  professors.  One  roommate,  American  says  he  deLinitely  can  qualify  to  take  the  PHD.    First  question  teacher  asked.  Finite  Element  Solution  for  the  second  order  ordinary  differential  equation  boundary  value  problems.    Grandpa  was  thin  at  that  time,  43  years  old.  The  weather  was  super  good  that  day,  but  they  couldn’t  go  out  because  they  had  to  study.  The  Taiwan  person  said,  “I  hate  this!”


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After  the  qualiLication,  after  one  year  he  earned  the  PHD.  Grandpa  worked  hard  to  Linish  PHD  as  soon  as  possible  to  come  home  and  have  reunion  with  his  family.  He  is  family  man.  After  qualiLication,  he  felt  really  relieved,  很放松.  Brazilian  person  didn’t  qualify  when  grandpa  passed,  and  didn’t  even  qualify  after  grandpa  left  with  the  PHD  degree.  


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Jin Sheng completed and earned the PHD degree!

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Grandpa  was  Lirst  computer  science  pioneer  in  Hangzhou  University  and  in  China.  

18.     Do  you  remember  your  dorm  mate’s  names?  Don’t  know19.     Were  all  of  the  qualiLication  tests  on  the  same  day?  Committee  has  6  people  for  grandpa,  on  the  same  day  20.     Did  you  feel  sad  when  you  remembered  that  your  family  was  still  in  Guangdong  while  you  were  in  the  US?  Missed  home  a  lot,  because  it  was  too  far  away,  and  that  time  the  phone  money  was  expensive.  Miss  the  kids  and  wife,  relatives.  Miss  kids  the  most.  In  apartment,  the  other  room  lived  two  people  from  Taiwan,  Indian.  Not  much  chat  with  any  of  the  3,  because  they’re  all  very  busy.  After  classes,  they  either  do  homework  or  sleep.  


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21.     How  many  people  were  in  one  dorm  room?  2  people  in  a  room,  4  in  a  apartment,  an  apartment  has  2  bedrooms,  living  room,  kitchen,  smaller  than  grandpa’s  Hangzhou  house,  one  person  is  also  testing  for  PHD  mathematics22.     What  did  your  friends/roommates  call  you?  Jin  Sheng  Jiang23.     How  many  questions  total  in  oral  qualiLication  test?  Don’t  remember24.     Was  there  also  a  writing  test?  No,  only  oral  qualiLication,  some  you  need  to  use  the  black  board  to  calculate25.     Where  the  two  other  people  in  the  test  room  students  or  teachers?  2  teachers  from  the  committee  listened  also  have  to  ask  questions  including  Mr.  Falk,  they  score  the  points,  and  some  other  random  people  listened.  Mr.  Falk  also  taught  grandpa  some  stuff  before  the  qualiLication  test.  


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In  Math  Lirst  you  need  to  understand  the  question  to  do  it1-­‐2  days  later,  the  results  came  out.  Super  excited,  very  relieved.  26.   What  did  you  see/hear/taste/smell  in  

the  USA?See:  Hear:  Smell:  clear  air  Rutgers  University/The  State  University  of  New  Jersey


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ReflectionWhat  speci+ic  challenges  did  you  face  during  this  project?

I  think  a  challenge  was  probably  interviewing  my  family  member.  A  big  obstacle  was  that  his  mother  tongue  is  Chinese,  but  I’m  better  at  English  than  Chinese,  so  the  communication  was  a  bit  hard.  But,  I  resolved  that  by  having  my  dad  help  translate  the  Chinese  into  English.  Also,  I  didn’t  feel  very  comfortable  with  interviewing  my  grandpa,  because  it  was  in  person.  After  a  couple  minutes  of  interviewing,  I  grew  conLident  so  it  was  easy  to  talk  to  him.  

What  did  you  learn  about  your  family  member?  (Personality,  character…)

I  learned  that  he  is  a  hard  worker,  a  straight  “A”  student,  and  challenges  anything.  I  also  found  out  although  it  was  very  hard  in  the  


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university,  they  only  studied  and  slept  between  breaks,  there  were  still  small  moments  of  humor  and  fun.  

What  did  you  learn  about  yourself?  (As  a  learner,  as  a  family  member)

As  a  learner,  I  learned  that  I  am  a  good  listener,  and  can  type  it  down  at  the  same  time.  As  a  family  member,  I  learned  that  I  have  a  very  educated,  hardworking,  and  conLident  Grandpa.  I  hope  that  I  will  be  have  the  same  kind  of  characteristics,  too.  

How  have  you  grown?  (As  a  writer…)

I  feel  that  my  Word  Choice,  Ideas,  Voice,  and  Conventions  have  improved  a  lot  since  the  beginning  of  the  school  year.  Now,  my  word  choice  is  more  vivid,  and  my  ideas  are  clearer  and  more  focused.  I  think  that  I  know  more  about  how  to  correct  convention  errors,  such  as  numeral  problems,  comma  splices,  etc.  


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Lastly,  my  narratives  have  become  more  detailed  and  you  can  picture  it  easily.  

Why  do  you  think  doing  a  project  like  this  is  important?

I  think  this  project  is  important  because  you  get  to  know  more  about  yourself  and  your  family  member.  Also,  your  small  moment  could  be  something  that  you  can  be  proud  of,  and  even  boast  about  .  Also,  knowing  more  about  your  past  can  be  very  interesting.  

What  part  of  this  process  did  you  enjoy  most?  Why?

I  enjoyed  learning  about  my  grandpa  in  the  interview,  because  it  was  interesting  to  know  about  his  life  in  New  Jersey.  He  also  included  some  entertaining  events  about  his  stay  there.  It  was  very  casual  and  we  were  at  ease.  


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What  part  of  this  process  did  you  least  enjoy?  Why?

I  think  I  didn’t  really  like  researching,  because  I’m  not  really  good  at  researching.  Also,  my  historical  moment  was  quite  hard  to  Lind.  It  wasn’t  in  the  encyclopedia  or  the  world  book.  After  searching  on  the  Internet  for  a  long  time  with  my  dad,  we  Linally  found  some  facts.  We  even  had  to  search  on  some  Chinese  websites.  

How  do  you  plan  to  share  this  project  with  your  family/  family  member?

I  plan  to  share  this  project  maybe  over  the  phone,  like  I  could  call  my  family  member.  Or,  when  I  visit  my  grandpa  I  could  show  him.  I’m  going  to  show  my  dad  and  mom  though,  because  they’d  like  to  know  how  my  narrative  turned  out.  


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Bibliography - Websites1. "Overview  of  China-­‐U.S.  Relations."  Embassy  of  the  People's  Republic  of  China  in  the  United  States  of  America.  N.p.,  1  July  2012.  Web.  21  Oct.  2012.  <http://www.china-­‐>.2. "公派留学人员成重要人才资源-公派留学,留学人员,1986年,1980年,留学生涯-中国宁波网-教育."  中国宁波网.  N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  21  Oct.  2012.  <>.3. Yuan,  Fang.  "Study  Overseas:  From  Elite  to  Common  People."  N.p.,  2  Apr.  2008.  Web.  05  Nov.  2012.  <­‐opening-­‐up/2008-­‐04/02/content_16644814.htm>.4. "百年沧桑百年风华  -­‐-­‐纪念欧美同学会成立100周年."  Shanghai  Overseas  Returned  Scholars  Association.  N.p.,  6  July  2012.  Web.  21  Oct.  2012.  <http://www.china-­‐>.5. Jiang,  Jin  Sheng.  Historical  Narrative  Interview  Shirley  Tang.  4  10  2012.


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Bibliography - Photos1. "John Stuart | Quiet Title Action." John Stuart | Quiet Title Action. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2012. <>.2. "Outlet Centers by Map of USA." Outlet Malls and Stores by Map of USA. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2012. <>.


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