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Page 1: Shi’ite

SHI’ITEWho Are Them?

هم؟ من

Prepared by

Siti Aisyah bt JaffarDIC 101046

Page 2: Shi’ite

The Emergence Of Shi’ite

The founder is Abdullah Bin Saba’.

Emerged after the assassination of the fourth caliph, Ali, in 661.

During the 10th and 11th centuries, Shia Islam had a large following throughout the Middle East.

Today Shiites are in the majority in Iran, and large numbers are found in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, India, Pakistan, and parts of Central Asia. Their total number exceeds 165 million.

Nowadays Shi‘ite Islam is divided into three main branches.

All three groups follow a different line of Imamate.

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The Twelversاإلثنا عشرية

The Sevener

s اإلسماعيلية



Three Main Branches

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The Twelvers ( عشرية (اإلثنا The largest branch of Shī‘īte Islam.  Each Imam was the son of the previous Imam, with the exception of Husayn ibn Ali, who was the brother of Hasan ibn Ali. The twelfth and final Imam is Muhammad al-Mahdi, who is believed by the Twelvers to be currently alive in occultation. Twelver Shi'a believe in the lineage of the Twelve Imams. The Twelver Shi'a faith is predominantly found in Iran(est.90%), Azerbaijan (est. 65%),Bahrain (est. 70%), Iraq (est. 60%), Lebanon (est. 24%), Kuwait (est. 33%), Turkey (est. 15%), Albania (est. 10%), Pakistan (est. 10–15%) and Afghanistan (est. 15%).

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Mūsá ibn Ja‘far

‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib

Ḥasan ibn ‘Alī

Ḥusayn ibn ‘Alī

‘Alī ibn Ḥusayn

‘Alī ibn Mūsá

Muḥammad ibn ‘Alī

Ja‘far ibn Muḥammad

‘Alī ibn Muḥammad

Muḥammad ibn ‘Alī

Hujjat ibn Ḥasan

Ḥasan ibn ‘Alī

The List Of Twelver’s Imaam

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The second largest part of the Shī‘ah community after the Twelvers. The Ismā‘īlī get their name from their acceptance of Ismā‘īl ibn Ja‘far.  They differ from the Twelvers, who accept Mūsà al-Kāzim, younger brother of Ismā‘īl, as the true Imam.  In recent centuries Ismā‘īlīs have largely been an Indo-Iranian community but they are found in India, Pakistan, Syria, Palestine, Saudi Arabia,Yemen, China,Jordan, Uzbekistan, 

Tajikistan, Afghanistan, East Africa and South Africa, and have in recent years emigrated to Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and North America.

The Seveners ( اإلسماعيلية )

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The List of Seveners Imaam


Ali bin Abi Talib

(( طالب أبي إبن علي

5.Jaʿfar aṣ-Ṣādiq

( الصادق (جعفر

2.Husayn Ibnu Ali

( علي إبن (الحسين



( جعفر إبن (إسماعيل

3.ʿAlī Zayn al-ʿĀbidīn

( العابدين زين (علي


( إسماعيل إبن (محمد

4.Muḥammad al-Bāqir

( الباقر (محمد 

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 Named after the Imām Zayd ibn ʻAlī. The Zaidis, Twelvers and Ismailis recognize the same first four Imams, however, the Zaidis recognise Zayd ibn Ali not his brother Muhammad al-Baqir — as the "Fifth Imām".   Zaidis constitute about 40–45% of the population in Yemen.

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2nd imamHasan ibn Ali

3rd imamHusayn ibn Ali

4th imamZayn al-Abidin

5th imamZayd ibn


1st imamAli ibn

Abu Talib


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Ma’ad(The Day of Judgment)

A’dalah(Justice of


THE POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES OF ALLÁHQadím: Alláh is eternal. Qadir: Alláh is omnipotent. 'Alim: Alláh is omniscient. Hay: Alláh is living. Muríd: Alláh has his own discretion is all affairs. Mudrik: Alláh is all-perceiving. Mutakalim: Alláh is the Lord of the Worlds. Sadiq: Alláh is truthful.

God has appointed specific leaders to lead and guide mankind.The important is he must be descended from Ali and Fatima.The last Imam, the Mahdi, is believed not to have died but to be in hiding and will appear at the end of time in order to bring about the victory of the Shi'a faith.




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Tawalla (Loving the Ahl-ul-bait and their followers)

Nahi anil-Munkar (Forbidding what is evil)

Amr bil-Mar'uf (Commanding what is good)

Tabarra (Dissociating oneself from the enemies of the Ahl-ul-bait

Sawm (Fast)

Hajj (Pilgrimage)

Salat (Prayer)

Zakat (Poor-rate)

Khums (One-fifth of savings)

Jihad (Struggle)

Mut’ah (Temporary marriage)



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SUNNI Imaam is appointed by majority

with regard to certain things or qualification.

Imaam is derived from Arabic’s word meaning the leader for the followers.

Saydina Ali is the forth chaliph after Abu Bakr,Umar and Uthman.

Allow gathering( jama’) only in journey or travel with certain conditions.

Only Allah & Prophet (pbuh)’s names in our testimony (syahaadah) & summon(azaan) .

SHIITE Khalifah bequest in nas.

Imam is based on the word of God Maksum.

Ali is the leader of Muslims died after the Prophet.

Allow to gather rakaat(jama’) in the prayers in all circumstance.

Insert name of Saydina Ali in their testimony (syahaadah) & summon(azaan) .


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Page 15: Shi’ite

Narrated from the Prophet, he said: َف{َو{اِح~د{ٌة} َف~ر�ق{ة� �ع~ين{ ~ِح�د{ىَو{س{ب ع{ل{ىإ {ُه�َود� �ي ال {ر{ق{ِت~ اَف�َت �َم{ َو{س{ل �ِه~ {ي َص{ل�ىالل�ُهَمع{ل �ِه~ الل َر{س�َوُل� ق{اُل{ ق{اُل{َف~ي �ع�َوَن{ ~ِح�د{ىَو{س{ب َف{ِإ َف~ر�ق{ة� �ع~ين{ َو{س{ب �ن~ {ي �َت ~ن �ص{اَر{ىع{ل{ىث الن {ر{ق{ِت~ َو{اَف�َت �اَر~ َف~يالن �ع�َوَن{ َو{س{ب �ة~ �َج{ن َف~يالَو{اِح~د{ٌة} َف~ر�ق{ة� �ع~ين{ َو{س{ب {اَل{ٍث� ~يع{ل{ىث م�َت

� أ {ر~ق{ن� {ف�َت {َت ل {د~ِه~ ~ي ب م�ح{م�د� {ف�ُس� �ِذ~يَن َو{ال �ة~ �َج{ن َف~يال َو{َو{اِح~د{ٌة} �اَر~ الن�َج{م{اع{ة� ال ق{اُل{ ُه�َم� م{ن� �ِه~ الل {اَر{س�َوُل{ ي ق~يل{ �اَر~ َف~يالن �ع�َوَن{ َو{س{ب {اَن~ �َت ~ن َو{ث �ة~ �َج{ن َف~يال

" The Jews split into 71 groups; one will enter Paradise and 70 will enter Hell. The Christians split into 72 groups; 71 will enter Hell and one will enter Paradise. By Him in Whose Power is the life of

Muhammad, without doubt, my Ummah will be divided into 73 groups. 72 will enter Hell and only one will enter Paradise He asked: "O

Messenger of Allah, Who is the one group that!". Hereplied, "Al-Jama'ah that is Al Jamaah".