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    Business Intelligence and Analytics:

    Systems for Decision Support(10thEdition)

    Chapter 1:An Oerie! of BusinessIntelligence" Analytics" and Decision


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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.2

    Application #ase 1$%

    &ilt &roupe's lash Sales Streamlined yBig Data Analytics

    *uestions for Discussion1$ +hat ma,es this case study an

    e-ample of Big Data analytics.

    /$ +hat types of decisions does &ilt&roupe hae to ma,e.

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.3

    earning Oecties

    2nderstand today's turulent usinessenironment and descrie ho! organi3ationssurie and een e-cel in such an

    enironment (soling prolems ande-ploiting opportunities) 2nderstand the need for computeri3ed

    support of managerial decision ma,ing

    2nderstand maor categories 4 applicationsof Analytics

    earn the maor frame!or,s for managerialdecision ma,ing


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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.5

    Opening 5ignette6

    7agpie Sensing Employs Analyticsto 7anage a 5accine Supply #hain

    E8ectiely and Safely #ompany ac,ground 9rolem 9roposed solution and results Ans!er 4 discuss the case uestions

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.6

    Opening 5ignette6

    *uestions for the Opening 5ignette1$ +hat information is proided y the descriptie

    analytics employed at 7agpie Sensing.

    /$ +hat type of support is proided y the predictieanalytics employed at 7agpie Sensing.

    ;$ $ In !hat other situations might real?time monitoringapplications e needed.

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.7

    #hanging Business Enironment 4 #omputeri3ed DecisionSupport

    #ompanies are moing aggressielyto computeri3ed support of theiroperations Business Intelligence

    Business 9ressures@esponses@Support 7odel Business pressures result of todays

    competitie usiness climate esponsesto counter the pressures Supportto etter facilitate the process

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.8

    Business 9ressures@esponses@Support 7odel

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.9

    Che Business Enironment

    Che enironment in !hich organi3ationsoperate today is ecoming more andmore comple-" creating opportunities" and prolems$ E-ample: gloali3ation$

    Business enironment factors: mar,ets" consumer demands" technology"

    and societal6

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.10

    Business Enironment actors


    Markets Strong competition

    Expanding global markets

    Blooming electronic markets on the Internet

    Innovative marketing methods

    Opportunities for outsourcing with IT support

    Need for real-time on-demand transactions

    Consumer !esire for customi"ation demand !esire for #ualit$ diversit$ of products and speed of deliver$

    %ustomers getting powerful and less lo$al

    Technology &ore innovations new products and new services

    Increasing obsolescence rate

    Increasing information overload

    Social networking 'eb ()* and be$ond

    Societal +rowing government regulations and deregulation'orkforce more diversified older and composed of more women

    ,rime concerns of homeland securit$ and terrorist attacks

    Necessit$ of Sarbanes-Oxle$ ct and other reporting-related legislation

    Increasing social responsibilit$ of companies

    +reater emphasis on sustainabilit$

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.11

    Organi3ational esponses

    Be eactie" Anticipatie" Adaptie"and 9roactie

    7anagers may ta,e actions" such as Employ strategic planning$ 2se ne! and innoatie usiness models$ estructure usiness processes$

    9articipate in usiness alliances$ Improe corporate information systems$ 6 more in your oo,

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.12

    #losing the Strategy &ap

    One of the maor oecties of computeri3ed

    decision support is to facilitate closing the gap

    between the current performance of an

    organi3ation and its desired performance" as

    e-pressed in its mission" oecties" and goals"

    and the strategy to achiee them$

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.13

    7anagerial Decision 7a,ing

    7anagement is a process y !hichorgani3ational goals are achieed yusing resources$ Inputs: resources Output: attainment of goals 7easure of success: outputs F inputs

    7anagement Decision 7a,ing Decision ma,ing: selecting the est

    solution from t!o or more alternaties

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.14

    7int3ergs 10 7anagerial oles

    Interersonal.) /igurehead

    () 0eader1) 0iaison


    2) &onitor3) !isseminator

    4) Spokesperson


    5) Entrepreneur6) !isturbance handler

    7) 8esource allocator

    .*) Negotiator

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.15

    Decision?7a,ing 9rocess

    7anagers usually ma,e decisions yfollo!ing a four?step process (a$,$a$the scientiGc approach)


    DeGne the prolem (or opportunity)/$ #onstruct a model that descries the

    real?!orld prolem$

    ;$ Identify possile solutions to the

    modeled prolem and ealuate thesolutions$

    =$ #ompare" choose" and recommend apotential solution to the prolem$

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.16


    1$ &roup communication andcollaoration

    /$ Improed data management

    ;$ 7anaging data !arehouses and BigData

    =$ Analytical support

    >$ Oercoming cognitie limits inprocessing and storing information

    $ Jno!ledge management

    %$ Any!here" anytime support

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.17


    (y &ory and Scott?7orten"


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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.18


    Degree of Structuredness (Simon"1K%%) Decisions are classiGed as

    ) Strategic planning (top?leel" long?range) 7anagement control (tactical planning) Operational control

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.19

    Che #oncept of DSS

    DSS ? interactie computer?ased systems"!hich help decision ma,ers utili3e data andmodels to sole unstructured prolems

    (Gorry and Scott-Morton, 1!1) Decision support systems couple the

    intellectual resources of indiiduals !ith thecapailities of the computer to improe the

    uality of decisions$ DS as an 2mrella Cerm Eolution of DS into Business Intelligence

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.20

    Business Intelligence (BI)

    BI is an eolution of decision supportconcepts oer time

    Chen:E-ecutie Information System Ho!:Eeryody's Information System (BI)

    BI systems are enhanced !ith additionalisuali3ations" alerts" and performance

    measurement capailitiesChe term BI emerged from industry

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.21

    DeGnition of BI

    BI is an umrella term that cominesarchitectures" tools" dataases" analyticaltools" applications" and methodologies

    BI is a content?free e-pression" so it meansdi8erent things to di8erent people

    BIs maor oectie is to enale easy accessto data (and models) to proide usinessmanagers !ith the aility to conduct analysis

    BI helps transformdata" to information (and,no!ledge)" to decisions" and Gnally to action

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.22

    A Brief

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.23

    Che Eolution of BI #apailities

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.24

    Che Architecture of BI

    A BI system has four maor components a data !arehouse" !ith its source data

    usiness analytics" a collection of tools formanipulating" mining" and analy3ing thedata in the data !arehouse

    usiness performance management (B97)

    for monitoring and analy3ing performance a user interface (e$g$" dashoard)

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.25


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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.26

    Business 5alue of BI AnalyticalApplications

    #ustomer segmentation 9ropensity to uy #ustomer proGtaility raud detection

    #ustomer attrition #hannel optimi3ation

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.27

    Application #ase 1$1


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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.28

    in Business Intelligence

    Ceradata 2niersity Het!or, (C2H) !!!$teradatauniersitynet!or,$com

    BSI 5ideos (Business ScenarioInestigations)


    Also loo, for other BSI 5ideos at C2H

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.29

    DSS?BI #onnections

    Similarities and di8erences. Similar architectures" data focus" 6

    Direct s$ indirect support Di8erent target audiences #ommercially aailale systems

    ersus in?house deelopment ofsolutions

    Origination @ Industry s$ Academia

    So" is DSS Q BI .
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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.30

    Analytics Oerie!

    Analytics. Something ne! or ust a ne! name for 6

    A Simple Ca-onomy of Analytics

    (proposed y IHO7S) Descriptie Analytics 9redictie Analytics

    9rescriptie Analytics

    Analytics or Data Science.

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.31

    Analytics Oerie!

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.32

    Application #ase 1$/

    Eliminating IneTciencies at Seattle#hildren's

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.34

    Application #ase 1$=

    Moneyball: Analytics in Sports and 7oies

    *uestions for Discussion


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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.35

    Application #ase 1$>

    Analy3ing Athletic Inuries

    *uestions for Discussion

    1$ +hat types of analytics are applied in theinury analysis.


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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.37


    Big Data. Hot ust igU 5olume 5ariety 5elocity

    7ore of Big Data and relatedanalytics tools and techniuesare coered in #hapter 1;$

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    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.40

    End of the #hapter

    *uestions F #omments6

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    C i ht 2014 P Ed ti I41

    All rights resered$ Ho part of this pulication may ereproduced" stored in a retrieal system" or transmitted" inany form or y any means" electronic" mechanical"photocopying" recording" or other!ise" !ithout the prior!ritten permission of the pulisher$ 9rinted in the 2nitedStates of America$