Download - SHABBAT SCHEDULE UPCOMING EVENTS SHABBAT SPEAKERS … · 2018. 1. 25. · Mazal tov to big sisters and brother, Aidel, Shammai, and Shoshana. Mazal tov to uncles Jeremy and Shlomo

Page 1: SHABBAT SCHEDULE UPCOMING EVENTS SHABBAT SPEAKERS … · 2018. 1. 25. · Mazal tov to big sisters and brother, Aidel, Shammai, and Shoshana. Mazal tov to uncles Jeremy and Shlomo

January 26-February 2, 2018

10-17 Shevat 5778 Parashat Beshalach

Candle Lighting: 5:04 p.m.


Shabbat Candle Lighting 5:04 pm (Plag 4:19 pm) Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 5:05 pm (Sanct); 5:05 pm (Ruach, YBM) Shacharit 7:00 am; 8:00 am; 8:45 am; 9:15 am (Youth) Shabbat Mincha 4:55 pm Shabbat Ends 6:05 pm

Sunday: Shacharit: 8:00 am, 9:00 am, M/M: 5:10 pm Monday: Shacharit: 6:45 am, M/M: 5:10 pm, Maariv: 9:00 pm Tuesday: Shacharit: 7:00 am, M/M: 5:10 pm, Maariv: 9:00 pm Wed., Tu B’Shevat: Shacharit: 7:00 am, M/M: 5:10 pm, Maariv: 9:00 pm Thursday: Shacharit: 6:45 am, M/M: 5:10 pm, Maariv: 9:00 pm Friday: Shacharit: 7:00 am, Candle Lighting (next week): 5:15 pm

Earliest Tallit & Tefillin: 6:23 am Latest Kriat Shema: 9:48 am Earliest Mincha 12:48 pm





This Week: Getz-Werbel Next week: Kotz/Tabin

7:00 am: The Licht Family and Debbie Rogal to commemorate the 22nd yahrzeit of Judy Licht, z”l, Jacob's mother and Debbie's cousin. 8:00 am: Beth & Jeff Adler on the occasion of the yahrzeit of Jeff's mother, Ilene Adler z”l. 8:45 am:

• Alana & Seth Isenberg in memory of Alana’s father, Rabbi Dr. Joseph Neustein z”l. Jordan, Jacob, and Jonathan Isenberg in honor of their favorite sister, Juliette.

• Sabine & Chaim Himmelfarb, and Larry & Alicia Stern in honor of their new grandson, Aton Yosef (Ethan Joseph), born to Ronit and Elie Himmelfarb of Englewood, NJ on December 8 (21 Kislev).

• Erica & Barry Kolatch in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Erica's father, Richard Glube z"l.

Youth: KMS

7:00 am: Jacob Licht 8:00 am: Jeff Adler 8:45 am: Rabbi Weinberg Youth: Judah Guggenheim

9:00 am Mechy Frankel's Gemara Shiur 10:30 am Review of this week's Daf Yomi Between Mincha and Maariv: ~ Daniel Siesser: To King or Not to King - PART 2 ~ David Eisenman’s Gemara Shiur

MAZAL TOV Mazal tov to Arlene Pianko Groner and Jonathan Groner on the engagement of their son Danny to Moriah Rabin, daughter of Abbie & Aaron Rabin of Englewood, NJ.

Mazal tov to Sheila & Allen Gaisin on the recent birth of their granddaughter, Chaya Basya, born to their children Shera & Reuven Gaisin of Silver Spring. Mazal tov to big sisters and brother, Aidel, Shammai, and Shoshana. Mazal tov to uncles Jeremy and Shlomo and the entire extended family.


This Motzei Shabbat, January 27, 8:00-10:00 pm: KMS Game Night for fun-loving adults. Join the team! RSVP: [email protected] or Evonne Marzouk, [email protected]. See flyer here.

Sunday, January 28, 2:00-4:00 PM: Clothing Drive at KMS, co-sponsored by KMS, YISE and NCSY to benefit CHANA, a Jewish response to domestic violence. Drop off all sizes of gently used clothing, coats, shoes, linens, blankets, drapes, purses, stuffed animals (no toys) at 903 Holborn St. through Jan. 28 until 1:30 PM or at KMS after 2:00 PM on Jan. 28. To volunteer or for more info, contact [email protected]. Tax receipts available here. See flyer here.

Wednesday, January 31:

• 7:00 pm: Poland Trip participants and anyone considering joining the trip: Join us for a light supper with Dr. Bernstein. Dr. Bernstein will give an overview of the trip and answer questions. RSVP: [email protected].

• 8:00 pm: 900 Years of Polish History, lecture by Dr. David Bernstein, Dean of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem. Dr. Bernstein will be the trip historian on the KMS Trip to Poland this summer. All KMS members welcome to attend.

Note: Rabbi Weinberg's Halacha shiur will not be held on January 31.

Sunday, February 4, 10:30 am-12:00 pm: Understanding and Dealing with Depression in Adults. Recognize its signs, become aware of the different types of treatments. Learn how to support those who suffer and those around them. Hear a Torah perspective on challenges of depression. Intro by Rabbi Rosenbaum. Speakers: Selena Snow, Ph.D., psychologist and Naomi Schnittman, MD, psychiatrist. Co-sponsored by KMS. In the YISE Social Hall, 1132 Arcola Ave. See flyer here.

Sunday, February 11, 9:30 am: Shiur by Rav Ronen Neuwirth: Jewish Life in Foreign Lands: Lessons from Megillat Esther for Jews Today. Co-sponsored by KMS and Limud Torah MD. In the Beit Midrash.

Thursday, February 22, 8:00 pm: Join KMS to hear Idan Raichel in Concert. At the Music Center at Strathmore, 5301 Tuckerman Lane, North Bethesda. Limited Offer! Back Grand Tier - $28.80, Front Grand Tier - $43.20, Promenade - $53.20, Orchestra - $66.60. Purchase tickets here or contact [email protected]. See flyer here.

Shabbat-Sunday, February 23-25: We are excited to welcome scholars who will help bring to life the historical context of Tanach and the Mishna. This TOARCH (Torah & Archeology) weekend, will include interactive programs for elementary and middle schoolers, an oneg for high schoolers, a panel discussion between mincha and maariv on Shabbat, a multimedia Saturday night program, and a guided tour of the Museum of the Bible on Sunday!

Sunday-Tuesday, March 4-6: AIPAC Policy Conference. Join Rabbi Weinberg and a delegation of over 50 KMS members at the Washington Convention Center to help strengthen the US-Israel relationship. KMS has a limited number of discounted registrations ($399) available. AIPAC has arranged for an exclusive briefing for KMS members with the head of the Arms Control Program at the Institute for National Security Studies at Policy Conference. For more info, contact Larry Lerman. See flyer here.


Save the Date KMS Gala Dinner & Celebration of Yom Yerushalayim

- May 13, 2018 - KMS is pleased to announce the following honorees:

Benny & Deena Berkowitz ▫ David Taragin ▫ Rise Goldstein

WELCOME Welcome to Rabbi Yossi & Kara Kastan and their children, Anaelle, Netanel, Lielle, and Gavriel, who will be spending Shabbat with us this week. Rabbi Kastan will be joining Berman Hebrew Academy as the Head of School this coming year.

Page 2: SHABBAT SCHEDULE UPCOMING EVENTS SHABBAT SPEAKERS … · 2018. 1. 25. · Mazal tov to big sisters and brother, Aidel, Shammai, and Shoshana. Mazal tov to uncles Jeremy and Shlomo



Sunday Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman's Parasha Explorations class will not meet.

Monday 10:45 am: Laura Goldman’s class on Sefer Bereishit at the Mayberg home, 411 Hermleigh Road. Participants should bring a Chumash Bereishit. For women only. 8:00 pm: Dr. Erica Brown’s parasha class, In-Depth Analysis Focusing on Parashanut. Please bring a Hebrew/English Tanakh. All are welcome. *Classroom A* 8:00 - 9:00 pm: Dinah Haramati’s class, Stories of Agnon, at the Haramati home.

Tuesday 8:00 pm: Rav Itiel Oron’s class on Torah Mitzion - Sugiyot in Machshava, Parasha and Halacha from a Religious Zionist Perspective. *Classroom A*

Wednesday 9:45 - 10:45 am: Esther Dziadek’s Siddur class: In-Depth Analysis of the Daily Prayers. *Classroom A* Rabbi Weinberg’s class on Hilchot Shabbat will not meet this week.

Thursday 10:00 am: Rabbi Weinberg’s class on Sefer Melachim. *Lobby*

RABBI’S MULTIMEDIA LEARNING • Every morning Rabbi Weinberg discusses a Rashi on the parasha of

that week. Every afternoon, he gives a brief review of some halachot, often tied to the season. To receive the recordings automatically as a podcast, select the class below, log in or create an iTunes account, and click subscribe: Daily Rashi ▫ Divrei Halacha. The Divrei Mitzva podcast is over and has been replaced with the Daily Rashi podcast. Please note that you will need to subscribe to the new podcast, even if you were previously subscribed to the Divrei Mitzva podcast. The archive of past Divrei Mitzva podcasts is still available here: Divrei Mitzva.

• To subscribe to Rabbi Weinberg’s weekly video Parasha mini-shiur on Netivot Shalom visit his Youtube page here and subscribe.

Please join Elana Weinberg and the women of KMS at our monthly Rosh Chodesh series. Stay tuned for more information.



SEUDAH SHLISHIT Mark your calendars with these upcoming KMS Community Seudah Shlishit dates: February 17, March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9

YOETZET HALACHA BRACHA RUTNER KMS Yoetzet Halacha Bracha Rutner welcomes your questions about mikvah, observance of taharat mishpacha (halacha relating to married life) and women’s health, as it connects to Jewish law. Reach out to her at: Phone: 718-614-2677 Email: [email protected]. All conversations and emails are kept confidential.

Bracha will join us on February 10

This Friday Night, 8:45-10:45 pm: NCSY Oneg for high school teens at the Mayberg home, 411 Hermleigh Road. 10:00-10:45 pm will be chavrusa learning with advisors. Cholent will be served!

This Motzei Shabbat, January 27, 6:30 pm: Mishpacha Lomedet: Special for Tu B’Shvat for all kids in K-5th grades and their parents. See flyer here.

Shabbat, February 3, 10:30 am: Junior Davening Group for all kids in 3rd-5th grades. Parents welcome.

~~~ KMS Youth Facebook Page: Join and stay updated about upcoming events, see pictures:

TEEN CHESED COOKING The KMS Teen Chesed Cooking Club cooks for individuals who are sitting shiva or who just had a new baby. Our list of families who have received the teens’ food is growing each week. Word on the street is that we’re amazing chefs! Donate here to help cover the costs of supplies.

SAFETY INITIATIVE We encourage all members to wear reflector belts when walking home from shul at night. If possible, please acquire a reflector belt for your personal use. You can purchase reflector belts here or here or a reflector vest here. A generous donor has purchased a number of reflector belts to encourage this safety initiative. If you do not currently own any reflector gear, please borrow and return one of the belts that can found on the counter in the KMS lobby.

TAKE 15 FOR TORAH Join our shul-wide initiative to add 15 minutes to your weekly Torah learning from Chanukah to Shavuot. Learn anything you’d like, in any way that you’d like: sefarim, podcasts, articles. Learn by yourself, b’chevruta or with friends and family. Click here to add your name/initials to our spreadsheet. It is not too late to sign up!


A limited number of cubbies are available in the coat room for rental on a yearly basis. The cost is $36 per year plus a one-time $10 set-up fee for the name plate. Please click here to reserve a cubby.


Thinking about laining? Want to recapture your bar- or bat-mitzva? Have any favored lainings? Interested men should contact Lowell Abrams at [email protected]. Women interested in mincha laining at Women's Tefilla Group should contact Ronna Eisenberg at [email protected], and women interested in laining a perek of a megila should be in touch with Gail Javitt at [email protected].


Thank you to Chaim Himmelfarb for five years of service as our Shabbat Gabbai Coordinator. Beginning this week, David Baer will be the new Shabbat Gabbai Coordinator for the 8:45 minyan. To request a Kibbud for a Yahrzeit, Simcha, or any other reason contact David at [email protected]. For 7:00 am contact Jonathan Rosenberg at [email protected]. For 8:00 am contact Jeff Adler at [email protected].


• To submit your security deposit for the trip, please click here.

• To register, click here and submit the Application, Waiver Form, and Payment that can be found at the bottom of the page. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

• Click here to view the information packet.

Page 3: SHABBAT SCHEDULE UPCOMING EVENTS SHABBAT SPEAKERS … · 2018. 1. 25. · Mazal tov to big sisters and brother, Aidel, Shammai, and Shoshana. Mazal tov to uncles Jeremy and Shlomo


We know the mitzvah of taharat hamishpacha (family purity) is private, but community support of the mikvah is not! According to the Talmud, the importance of having a mikvah ranks even higher in Jewish law than that of having a synagogue. (Megilla 27a) Please support the Mikvah Emunah Society in its important work by becoming a member in 2018. Your membership donation of $360 or above allows you to use the mikvah with no usage fee for 2018 and is tax-deductible. But more importantly, your membership contribution allows the mikvah to remain an integral component of Jewish life and the Jewish community. Please respond today by sending a check to Mikvah Emunah Society of Greater Washington, P.O. Box 1714, Silver Spring, MD 20915. Online contributions can be made at Your support is greatly needed and appreciated.

MONTHLY YAHRZEIT REMINDERS The office sends out yahrzeit reminders via email on the 15th of the month preceding the yahrzeit. Please note that we no longer send yahrzeit reminders via US mail. Contact the office if you have not received your email reminders, or with any other questions.

BIKUR CHOLIM SUPPORT GROUP FOR CAREGIVERS Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington/BCGW is looking to form a monthly support group for adults coping with the challenges of caregiving for family members. For more information and registration, please contact BCGW at 202 331-4481 or [email protected].


KMS is partnering with JWines to provide our members an easy way to donate 5% of your total purchase to KMS at no additional cost to you. Please go to and use the code KMS at checkout to donate 5% of your purchase to the shul.

REFUAH SHLEIMAH Ahuva Shaina bat Yosefa Ettel, Ariella bat Katriella, Chayim ben Yitzchak, Eeta Freyda bat Malka, Esther bat Bracha, Etel Baila bat Sara, Golda Miriam bat Pesha Freidel, Ita bas Bluma Leah, Mordechai Gershon ben Rivka, Noam Shalom ben Inbar, Nechama Yenta bat Raizel, Moshe Ze’ev ben Gitel, Rachel Davida bat Sara, Sara bat Riva, Shoshana Elka bat Etel Dena, Shmuel Yerucham HaKohein ben Minna, Shoshana Tzippora bat Eidel, Tzvi ben Miriam, Tzvi Gershon ben David, Tzipora Faige bat Liba, Tziporah Sarah bat Tzivia, Yaakov ben Chaya Devorah, Yehoshua Daniel haKohen ben Masha Avramah


Henry Feller, Executive Director [email protected] Mindy Levin, Operations Manager [email protected] Elisheva Cohen, Administrator [email protected]

Office Hours: M,W,Th: 9am - 3pm; T: 9am-6pm (unless otherwise noted) F: 9am - 12pm

301-593-0996 ▪ 3


In an effort to promote the warm community feeling we strive for here at KMS, we introduce you to KMS members each week. We hope you enjoy meeting your fellow members and will use these brief bios as a catalyst to introduce yourself to others at KMS.

ELANA & JOSH STEIN The Steins have lived in Kemp Mill for seven and a half years, although Elana grew up in Kemp Mill too. Josh, originally from Virginia Beach, is a Maritime and Transportation Attorney for Cozen O'Connor in DC. Elana is the Director of Admissions at Berman Hebrew Academy in Rockville.

Elana and Josh have two kids: Isabelle (4th grade, almost 10) and Judah (2nd grade, 7 and a half), and a little dog named Jensen.

The Steins love watching movies, cheering for the New York Giants, hiking, camping, and making incredibly creative/intricate Purim costumes (well, one of them does, anyway...the rest just humor him).

All members of the Stein family love living in Kemp Mill and can't imagine being a part of any other community.



We have compiled a book of all the “Getting to Know You” write-ups thus far. The book is available in the lobby for your perusal. Please “get to know” various members of our shul and introduce yourself when you see them.

If you’d like to be featured in the “Getting to Know You” section of the Shabbat Sheet, please contact

[email protected].

We’d love to hear from you!


President, Saul Newman: [email protected] First VP, Marcy Wolf: [email protected] VP Development, Fran Kritz: [email protected] VP Administration, Risa Margulies: [email protected] VP Kehilla, Sara Elikan: [email protected] VP Klal Yisrael, Yoni Heilman: [email protected] VP Finance, Shulamith Lesnoy: [email protected] VP Limmud Torah, Jeremy Brown: [email protected] VP Ritual, Lowell Abrams: [email protected] VP Youth, Lisa Brookman: [email protected]

Page 4: SHABBAT SCHEDULE UPCOMING EVENTS SHABBAT SPEAKERS … · 2018. 1. 25. · Mazal tov to big sisters and brother, Aidel, Shammai, and Shoshana. Mazal tov to uncles Jeremy and Shlomo

Dear KMS Members,

Believe it or not, Tu B’shvat is approaching in a matter of weeks, on January 31. In Kemp Mill, Tu

B’shvat falls in the dead of winter, when there is often snow on the ground. Although many of us at KMS

participate in joyous seders on Tu B’Shvat, sometimes it is hard to appreciate the beauty of a blossoming

tree when our trees are bare and the leaves have long since been vacuumed up by the county.

Fortunately, there is a way to make our trees blossom on Tu B’Shvat in the middle of a cold and

dreary Kemp Mill winter. Our Kemp Mill

Synagogue lobby has a beautiful Etz Chaim

with many bare leaves. For Tu B’Shvat, please

join us in making that tree blossom. Think

about what KMS means to you and the

various life-cycle events, the joys and sorrows,

that you have shared here with family and

friends. You can honor those precious

memories in our community, thank the Rabbi,

a family member, or a special friend, by

engraving one or more of our Etz Chaim

leaves and make our tree, lobby and

synagogue blossom. You can permanently

engrave a beautiful golden leaf to

commemorate precious memories and events (member cost/leaf $180; non-member cost/leaf $360). While

the deadline for Tu B’Shevat dedications has passed, we continue taking orders to place dedicated

leaves on the Etz Chaim in the lobby. The engraved leaves will be placed on the tree upon

arrival. Let us continue to brighten the lobby with memories and thank you recognitions.

Please follow this link to place your order:

This year we updated the KMS lobby to make our synagogue even warmer and more inviting.

During this cold winter, join us in spreading more warmth in our lobby by dedicating to our Tree of Life.

We spend lots of our time in the KMS lobby. Why not share your precious memories with our KMS family

while we all enjoy our beautiful lobby together.

For more information feel free to reach out to the KMS office 301-593-0996.

Kol Tuv,

The KMS Board


הגיע חג לאילנות! ט"ו בשבט