Download - Shabbat Matters December 21 - Vayeshev€¦ · • Rabbi Torczyner’s Yeshayah Shiur will resume on Tuesday, January 7. • Rabbi Diamond’s Parshat Hashavua Shiur will resume on

Page 1: Shabbat Matters December 21 - Vayeshev€¦ · • Rabbi Torczyner’s Yeshayah Shiur will resume on Tuesday, January 7. • Rabbi Diamond’s Parshat Hashavua Shiur will resume on


DECEMBER 21, 2019 DECEMBER 21, 2019 DECEMBER 21, 2019 DECEMBER 21, 2019 ---- 23 KISLEV 578023 KISLEV 578023 KISLEV 578023 KISLEV 5780


TODAH RABAH to the sponsors:TODAH RABAH to the sponsors:TODAH RABAH to the sponsors:TODAH RABAH to the sponsors:


Ies & Ruth van Messel in honour of the engagement of their grandson Ephraim van Messel, to Esti Weingarten

Isadore & Rosalie Sharp in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Isadore’s father, Max Sharp z”l

Steve & Michelle Steinowicz in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Steve’s father, Saul Steinowicz z”l

Alex Neuman & Naomi Roskies and Andrew Neuman & Marlee Newman and families in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Alex and Andrew’s mother, Clara Neuman z”l


Eugene & Edith Feiger in commemoration of the 2nd yahrzeit of their daughter, Cherie Feiger z”l


David Socken & Gale Borison-Socken and family in commemoration of the yahrzeit of David’s mother, Ann Socken z”l

Shabbat, December 21Shabbat, December 21Shabbat, December 21Shabbat, December 21 7:30 am Hashkama Minyan 8:15 am Chumash-Rashi Shiur: Melech Halberstadt 9:00 am Shacharit 10:00 am Youth Programs

4:15 pm Mincha 5:26 pm Shabbat Ends 6:15 pm Parent-Child Learning

Friday, December 20Friday, December 20Friday, December 20Friday, December 20 4:24 pm Candles 4:30 pm Mincha Friday, December 27Friday, December 27Friday, December 27Friday, December 27 6 Chanukah Candles before Shabbat 4:28 pm Candles 4:35 pm Mincha

Mazal Tov to Ies & Ruth van Messel Ies & Ruth van Messel Ies & Ruth van Messel Ies & Ruth van Messel on the engagement of their grandson Ephraim, son of Samuel & Nechama van Messel, to Esti Weingarten.


• Motzei Shabbat, December 21, 6:15 pm - ParentParentParentParent----Child Learning Child Learning Child Learning Child Learning with Rabbi Rabbi Rabbi Rabbi Sammy BergmanSammy BergmanSammy BergmanSammy Bergman. See flyer on page 3 for details and upcoming dates.

• Wednesdays, 7:30 pm, beginning January 8 - Night Seder: Ancient Texts, Modern Night Seder: Ancient Texts, Modern Night Seder: Ancient Texts, Modern Night Seder: Ancient Texts, Modern DilemmasDilemmasDilemmasDilemmas. See flyer on page 3.

• Tuesday, January 14 - Musical Lunch & LearnMusical Lunch & LearnMusical Lunch & LearnMusical Lunch & Learn. Please call the o<ce to register.

• Shabbat, February 1, 9:30 am - Pray & Learn Pray & Learn Pray & Learn Pray & Learn with Dr. Elliott MalametDr. Elliott MalametDr. Elliott MalametDr. Elliott Malamet. The following sessions will take place on March 7 and June 20.

• Motzei Shabbat, February 8, 8:00 pm - Shabbat Shira: A Soulful Evening of Song Shabbat Shira: A Soulful Evening of Song Shabbat Shira: A Soulful Evening of Song Shabbat Shira: A Soulful Evening of Song & Inspiration& Inspiration& Inspiration& Inspiration. See flyer on page 3.

• Monday, February 10, 7:30 pm - Medical Ethics: Bereavement and the Physician Medical Ethics: Bereavement and the Physician Medical Ethics: Bereavement and the Physician Medical Ethics: Bereavement and the Physician with Rabbi Mordechai TorczynerRabbi Mordechai TorczynerRabbi Mordechai TorczynerRabbi Mordechai Torczyner.


ITITITIT’’’’S ALMOST TAX RECEIPT S ALMOST TAX RECEIPT S ALMOST TAX RECEIPT S ALMOST TAX RECEIPT TIME!TIME!TIME!TIME! To ensure that you receive a donation receipt for the year 2019, please ensure that you pay for all your outstanding balances and pledges. Thank you.

Torah Reading:Torah Reading:Torah Reading:Torah Reading: Bereshit 37:1 - 40:23 Hertz P. 141 Stone P. 198

Haftarah: Haftarah: Haftarah: Haftarah: Amos 2:6 - 3:8 Hertz P. 152

Stone P. 1142



In the next two weeks there will be only one morning MinyanIn the next two weeks there will be only one morning MinyanIn the next two weeks there will be only one morning MinyanIn the next two weeks there will be only one morning Minyan: • Sunday, December 22 at 8:30 am. • Monday-Tuesday, December 23-24 at 7:10 am. • Wednesday-Thursday, December 25-26 at 8:30 am. • Friday, December 27 at 7:10 am. • Sunday, December 29 at 8:30 am. • Monday, December 30 at 7:10 am. • Tuesday, December 31 at 7:20 am. • Wednesday, January 1 at 8:30 am. • Thursday-Friday, January 2-3 at 7:20 am.

Teen Minyan Teen Minyan Teen Minyan Teen Minyan will not take place this Shabbat.

There will be no breakfast There will be no breakfast There will be no breakfast There will be no breakfast on Wednesday, December 25.

The following Shiurim and Minyanim will be resuming on the following dates:The following Shiurim and Minyanim will be resuming on the following dates:The following Shiurim and Minyanim will be resuming on the following dates:The following Shiurim and Minyanim will be resuming on the following dates:

• Bnei Akiva Snif will resume on Shabbat, January 11.

• Rabbi Strauchler’s Yirmiyahu Shiur will resume on Monday, January 13.

• Dr. Shoshana Zolty’s Birth of Moral Selfhood Shiur will resume on Tuesday, January 7.

• Rabbi Torczyner’s Yeshayah Shiur will resume on Tuesday, January 7.

• Rabbi Diamond’s Parshat Hashavua Shiur will resume on Tuesday, January 7.

• Rabbi Shore’s Thinking Torah Shiur will resume on a date TBD. Please check back for updates.

• Rabbi Bergman and Rabbi Shore’s Night Seder will resume on Wednesday, January 8.

• Now that the days are Now that the days are Now that the days are Now that the days are shorter, please make an extra shorter, please make an extra shorter, please make an extra shorter, please make an extra e?ort to support the daily e?ort to support the daily e?ort to support the daily e?ort to support the daily minyanim to ensure that we minyanim to ensure that we minyanim to ensure that we minyanim to ensure that we have enough men for have enough men for have enough men for have enough men for davening. davening. davening. davening.

• Please join the shul’s Minyan Minyan Minyan Minyan Support WhatsApp Group.Support WhatsApp Group.Support WhatsApp Group.Support WhatsApp Group. Text 647-404-4801 to join.

WOMENWOMENWOMENWOMEN’’’’S MEGILLAH READINGS MEGILLAH READINGS MEGILLAH READINGS MEGILLAH READING Women interested in reading Megillat Esther Megillat Esther Megillat Esther Megillat Esther on PurimPurimPurimPurim morning, please contact Rebecca Rotenberg Nadler at [email protected].

Page 2: Shabbat Matters December 21 - Vayeshev€¦ · • Rabbi Torczyner’s Yeshayah Shiur will resume on Tuesday, January 7. • Rabbi Diamond’s Parshat Hashavua Shiur will resume on


Sunday, December 22 / 24 Kislev Erev ChanukahErev ChanukahErev ChanukahErev Chanukah

8:30 am 4:35 / 5:00 pm

7:30 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler

Monday, December 23 / 25 Kislev 1111stststst Day of ChanukahDay of ChanukahDay of ChanukahDay of Chanukah

6:25 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Bergman

Tuesday, December 24 / 26 Kislev 2222ndndndnd Day of ChanukahDay of ChanukahDay of ChanukahDay of Chanukah

7:10 am 4:35 / 5:00 pm

6:25 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore

Wednesday, December 25 / 27 Kislev 3333rdrdrdrd Day of ChanukahDay of ChanukahDay of ChanukahDay of Chanukah Statutory Holiday - O<ce Closed

8:30 am 4:35 / 5:00 pm

7:30 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore

Thursday, December 26 / 28 Kislev 4444thththth Day of ChanukahDay of ChanukahDay of ChanukahDay of Chanukah Statutory Holiday - O<ce Closed

8:30 am 4:35 / 5:00 pm

Shacharit Mincha / Maariv 5 candles after dark5 candles after dark5 candles after dark5 candles after dark

7:30 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore

Friday, December 27 / 29 Kislev 5555thththth Day of ChanukahDay of ChanukahDay of ChanukahDay of Chanukah

7:10 am 4:28 pm 4:35 pm

Shacharit 6 candles before Shabbat6 candles before Shabbat6 candles before Shabbat6 candles before Shabbat Candle Lighting Mincha

6:25 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore

7:10 am 4:35 / 5:00 pm

Shacharit Mincha / Maariv 4 candles after dark4 candles after dark4 candles after dark4 candles after dark

Shacharit Mincha / Maariv 1111st st st st candle after darkcandle after darkcandle after darkcandle after dark

Shacharit Mincha / Maariv 2 candles after dark2 candles after dark2 candles after dark2 candles after dark

Shacharit Mincha / Maariv 3 candles after dark3 candles after dark3 candles after dark3 candles after dark


For any good action movie to work, the good guys must be entirely good and the bad guys entirely bad. Imagine watching a cinematic shoot-out and worrying about the “bad” guy’s young daughter who will now be fatherless. Much better to have a clear line between the forces of light and those of darkness. For all the “good” inclinations of the intersectional world, no one has yet to focus any woken-ness on this injustice. Far simpler to move the target onto new sources of evil, than to acknowledge the evil inherent within drawing lines between good and evil. Real ethics require us to see the good within our adversaries. Good luck finding that at the theatre.

To be clear: Lines do certainly exist between good and evil. Those lines run through the heart of every person. We should not attempt to draw such lines with a gun (or a similar tool) in real life and politics. We should not accept a culture, which draws them for us on-screen.

In the minds of Yosef’s brothers, Yosef was an adversary. Yet, when the time came to act against this threat, they hesitated. Yehuda best voices the complexity of responding with violence toward such an adversary, “Come, let us sell him to the Ishmaelites, but let us not do away with him ourselves. After all, he is our brother, our own flesh (37:27).” Yehuda speaks of Yosef, as a brother. Yehuda substitutes a “lesser” evil for murder. Yet, his compromise takes the Jewish story to Egypt, exile and slavery. Yehuda’s act constitutes one of the greatest crimes of Tanach.

Putting aside “the gun” in this case was not su<cient. A further step was required. What Yehuda and his brothers could not do was address the hate they felt toward Yosef. If we are to heal the hurt within our society, we must address the hate. Inspiring action through redirected hate will not heal that hate; it will only grow more hatred.

The Chanukah story can be told as a battle between the forces of light and darkness. Yet, to examine the history of the Hasmonean kingdom is to witness complex alliances with Greek and Roman forces, not to mention much senseless internal strife. Yet, with all the problems of the era, we see God’s deliverance and celebrate the good within it. We each have conflict within our personal lives. We have conflict as a society. At this time of deliverance, may we see the good and not just the bad within our adversaries. May we use this skill to help resolve our conflicts.

MATTERS Stay and PlayStay and PlayStay and PlayStay and Play (Ages 0 - 3)

Room 101

Shaar ChadashShaar ChadashShaar ChadashShaar Chadash (Ages 2 - 5) Room 102

Shaar YafoShaar YafoShaar YafoShaar Yafo (Grade 1 - 2)

Room 103

Shaar AryehShaar AryehShaar AryehShaar Aryeh (Grade 3 - 5)

Room 105 Youth ProgramsYouth ProgramsYouth ProgramsYouth Programs 10:00 am to 12:00 pm10:00 am to 12:00 pm10:00 am to 12:00 pm10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Kriyat ShemaKriyat ShemaKriyat ShemaKriyat Shema should be recited after 5:27 pm this week. should be recited after 5:27 pm this week. should be recited after 5:27 pm this week. should be recited after 5:27 pm this week.

PARSHA MATTERS - by Rabbi Chaim Strauchler

SECURITY MATTERSSECURITY MATTERSSECURITY MATTERSSECURITY MATTERS The doors are locked through service times during the week. There is a code posted by the keypad that can be used for entry. Make sure to put the code in as noted. Please note: this code is for service times only. Reminder: security fobs are available for all members at no charge from the o<ce.

Page 3: Shabbat Matters December 21 - Vayeshev€¦ · • Rabbi Torczyner’s Yeshayah Shiur will resume on Tuesday, January 7. • Rabbi Diamond’s Parshat Hashavua Shiur will resume on

The Centre Mechitza The Centre Mechitza The Centre Mechitza The Centre Mechitza will be used on the following Shabbatot: January 18, February 15, and March 14.

Page 4: Shabbat Matters December 21 - Vayeshev€¦ · • Rabbi Torczyner’s Yeshayah Shiur will resume on Tuesday, January 7. • Rabbi Diamond’s Parshat Hashavua Shiur will resume on

We would like to acknowledge your milestones! Please let us know when there is a birth, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, graduation, engagement, aufruf, wedding, significant birthday/anniversary, community recognition, illness, bereavement, or unveiling. Call or email the shul o<ce at 416-789-3213 or [email protected] or donate online at

Rabbi Chaim Strauchler Avital Strauchler, Rebbetzin Rabbi Jesse Shore, Assistant Rabbi Randall Craig, President Nicole Toledano, Executive Director 470 Glencairn Avenue | Toronto, ON M5N 1V8 | Tel 416-789-3213 | Fax 416-789-1728



Shabbat, December 21 23 Kislev

Edouard Attali, father of Eva Katz Belle Singer, mother of Francine Green

Sunday, December 22 24 Kislev

Clara Neuman, mother of Alex Neuman and Andrew Neuman

Samantha Posen Young, daughter of Michael Young

Monday, December 23 25 Kislev

Fredrick Goldberg, brother of Richard Goldberg Bernard Gruszko, father of Helen Grad

Goldye Ziman, mother of Melva Novak

Tuesday, December 24 26 Kislev

Jacob Eisenstat, father of Chaim Eisenstat Marlene Eleanor Kirsh Korman, daughter of Henry Kirsh

Aimee Lichaa, sister of Tito Massouda Howard Parker, step-father of Evan Goldenthal

Wednesday, December 25 27 Kislev

Louis Steinberg, father of Gordon Steinberg and Lynne Zendel

Harold Vogel, father of Bonny Silver

Thursday, December 26 28 Kislev

Rae Greenspoon, mother of Queenie Nayman William Kwart, father of Irving Kwart

Ann Socken, mother of David Socken

Friday, December 27 29 Kislev

Cherie Feiger, daughter of Eugene & Edith Feiger Sylvia Kaplan, mother of Sheila Lazar

Saul Steinowicz, father of Steve Steinowicz

Rachmiel ben Dvorah (Randall Craig), Michael Mordechai Avraham ben Hinda Rifka, Eliyahu ben Ryejah, Brachah bat Gitl, Noach Shmuel ben Rachel Ethel, Chaim Yakov ben Rivka, Eliyahu ben Ruth, Minah Tzurel bat Ita, Moshe Zvi ben Golda Yocheved, Shira bat Blimah Leah, Meir Zeileg ben Chana, Yehuda Yoseif ben Miriam Yocheved.

• Sundays, December 22 & 29, 10:30 am - FRUMBA: WomenFRUMBA: WomenFRUMBA: WomenFRUMBA: Women’’’’s Cardio Dance Fitnesss Cardio Dance Fitnesss Cardio Dance Fitnesss Cardio Dance Fitness. For women of all ages. Walk ins welcome! At Shaarei Shomayim. For details email Bette at [email protected].

• Wednesday, December 25, 9:00 am-4:30 pm - Beit Midrash Zichron Dov’s Tanach: Book of Failure? Tanach: Book of Failure? Tanach: Book of Failure? Tanach: Book of Failure? See flyer on page 3. Free, men and women welcome. At Yeshivat Or Chaim, 159 Almore Avenue. For details contact [email protected] or 416-783-6960.

• Sunday, December 29, 3:00-5:00 pm - Family Skating with Robin Martin, MPP EglintonFamily Skating with Robin Martin, MPP EglintonFamily Skating with Robin Martin, MPP EglintonFamily Skating with Robin Martin, MPP Eglinton----LawrenceLawrenceLawrenceLawrence. Bring your skates and join the Eglinton-Lawrence community for an afternoon of fun, hot chocolate, co?ee and doughnuts (kosher treats will be available). At Larry Grossman Forest Hill Memorial Arena, 340 Chaplin Crescent.

• Monday, January 6, 4:00 pm - Professor David NovakProfessor David NovakProfessor David NovakProfessor David Novak’’’’s Book Launch: s Book Launch: s Book Launch: s Book Launch: ““““Athens and Jerusalem: God, Humans, and Nature.Athens and Jerusalem: God, Humans, and Nature.Athens and Jerusalem: God, Humans, and Nature.Athens and Jerusalem: God, Humans, and Nature.” ” ” ” At the Jackman Humanities Building, Room 100, 170 St. George Street. Free and open to the public, no registration required.

• Thursday, January 16, 7:00 pm - The Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre Raoul Wallenberg Day Film ScreeningRaoul Wallenberg Day Film ScreeningRaoul Wallenberg Day Film ScreeningRaoul Wallenberg Day Film Screening. At Cineplex Cinemas Empress Walk, 5095 Yonge St., 3rd Floor. Stay tuned for more details.

• Sunday, January 26, 7:00 pm - The Neuberger Centre International Holocaust Remembrance DayInternational Holocaust Remembrance DayInternational Holocaust Remembrance DayInternational Holocaust Remembrance Day. Stay tuned for more details. • Tuesday, February 11, 8:00 pm - Interfaith Dating & Intermarriage: An Inspiring Search for Truth with MeaningInterfaith Dating & Intermarriage: An Inspiring Search for Truth with MeaningInterfaith Dating & Intermarriage: An Inspiring Search for Truth with MeaningInterfaith Dating & Intermarriage: An Inspiring Search for Truth with Meaning. At Shaarei

Shomayim. To register or for information contact 416-789-0020 or [email protected]. • May 31-June 2 - LIBERATION75: Global Gathering of Holocaust Survivors, Descendants, Educators and FriendsLIBERATION75: Global Gathering of Holocaust Survivors, Descendants, Educators and FriendsLIBERATION75: Global Gathering of Holocaust Survivors, Descendants, Educators and FriendsLIBERATION75: Global Gathering of Holocaust Survivors, Descendants, Educators and Friends. An event to learn,

discuss, commemorate and celebrate the 75th anniversary of liberation from the Holocaust. At Metro Toronto Convention Centre. To register go to

• May 31-June 14 - Beit Halochem CanadaBeit Halochem CanadaBeit Halochem CanadaBeit Halochem Canada brings every year a group of 10 wounded Israeli veterans to Toronto for two weeks. Beit Halochem seeks families to host these heroes, and to o?er them a home, a few meals, and friendship. Beit Halochem will provide an itinerary of outings and activities, and most meals. To host a hero, call 905-695-0611 or email [email protected].


Our sincere condolences to Dorothy Klein, Shelly & Sharon Klein, Melanie & Dr. Je? Ambinder, Dini & Yumi Zlotnick, David & Chani Klein, A.J & Devorah Klein, Rose & Lou Abrams, Rivka Klein and families, on the loss of their husband, father, father-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, grandfather, and great-grandfather, Chazzan Harold Klein z"l.



VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Circle of CareVOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Circle of CareVOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Circle of CareVOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Circle of Care’’’’s Kosher Meals on Wheelss Kosher Meals on Wheelss Kosher Meals on Wheelss Kosher Meals on Wheels

Circle of Care’s Kosher Meals on Wheels is in need of volunteers to deliver meals - please email [email protected] or call 416-635-2860 x 284.