Download - Setting The Trend in Campaign Development: A Collaborative Approach


Simply Be Real

Our worlds

are converging

We’re all trying to talk to our audiences…

…in all the same places

All looking at slightly different things

How do we get everyone to work together?

Lots of different models…

…but what works in practice?

Well, we managed to get it right

It wasn’t plain sailing

But we did learn some stuff

And we even won an award

So what did we do?

The task

The task

PR•To be fashion contender

•Be worth writing about

Social•Committed engaged core audience, but small

•Get them spreading the word

Content•Great sales content

•Blog good, but struggling to capture interest

SEO•Link profile dwarfed by competition

•Need quality links.

PaidMedia•Move beyond PPC & Affiliates and test display

Wanted great creative to get cut through

Our audience

Fashion as entertainment

We needed an idea that was

And this is what we did…

Video Here

Exposure & buzz throughout the season

And it worked

2000 entries to model comp

25 pieces press coverage

5,000,000 video views

200+ Links

+186% web sessions

+300% mobile sessions

20% growth in product revenues

• Great idea, meant something to audience

• Great creative delivered digitally

• Changed way we worked internally

• And did I mention, we won an award…

So why did it work?

A clear strategy

We knew our audience

A simple idea that meant something

A story, with chapters



Hard work, luck & opportunism

To sum up

It’s all possible & to do it you need:

• A clear strategy with goals

• To understand your audience

• Simple, meaningful ideas

• To collaborate

• Have a clear distribution plan

• Be prepared to work hard

Thank You