Download - Service · The firmware permits the last five faults recorded by the machine to be saved. By means of CLDoctorNP,

Page 1: Service · The firmware permits the last five faults recorded by the machine to be saved. By means of CLDoctorNP,

InformationIndesit Company UK Ltd

© 2007 Reg. Office: Peterborough PE2 9JB. Registered in London: 106725



For New Platform

C00256590 Issue 1 July 2007

Page 2: Service · The firmware permits the last five faults recorded by the machine to be saved. By means of CLDoctorNP,


SAFETY NOTES & GENERAL SERVICING ADVICE1. This manual is NOT intended as a comprehensive repair/maintenance guide to the appliance.2. It should ONLY be used by suitably qualified persons having technical competence applicable

product knowledge and suitable tools and test equipment.3. Servicing of electrical appliances must be undertaken with the appliance disconnected (unplugged)

from the electrical supply.4. Servicing must be preceded by Earth Continuity and Insulation Resistance checks.5. Personal safety precautions must be taken to protect against accidents caused by sharp edges on

metal and plastic parts.6. After servicing the appliance must be rechecked for Electrical Safety. In the case of appliances which

are connected to a water supply (i.e.: Washing Machines, Dishwashers & Food Centres etc.) checks must be made for leaks from seals gaskets and pipe work and rectification carried out where necessary.

7. It can be dangerous to attempt 'DIY' repairs / maintenance on complex equipment and the Company recommends that any problem with the appliance is referred to its own Service Organisation.

8. Whilst the Company has endeavoured to ensure the accuracy of the data within this publication they cannot hold themselves responsible for any inconvenience or loss occasioned by any error within.


The circulation of this document is limited to Indesit Company and it is propertyof Indesit Company.

No part of this document can be reproduced without being authorised byIndesit Company and its reproduction is forbidden, according to the current laws.

Page 3: Service · The firmware permits the last five faults recorded by the machine to be saved. By means of CLDoctorNP,



1 Introduction1.1 Aim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41.2 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41.4 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

2 Programme Configuration2.1 Graphical Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52.2 Language Meaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62.3 Connection Managing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

3 Information Acquisition3.1 Hardware Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93.2 Fault Managing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103.3 Reading Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113.4 Probe Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

4 Test Procedure4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134.2 Test to Electric Loads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134.3 Test to Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164.4 GLOBAL Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194.5 Test to Defrosting Heaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204.6 AutoTest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

5 Connection - Interface Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

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1.1 Aim

The aim of this document is giving a rapid and complete guide to the use of CLDoctorNP.

This software develops the idea of WMDoctor, already applied to washing machines, to give an effective support to technical assistance.

The CLDoctorNP described below has been implemented to run in a PC connected to the product by means of a HW key (Serial/Bluetooth) which permits the engineer to control electric loads and to have information.

The following step consists in transferring all data in a hand-held.

1.2 Scope

Using CLDoctorNP the engineer can enter rapidly all useful information for the intervention stored in the electronic board memory device.

The engineer can read the hardware configuration of the machine, temperature values detected by the sensor and the statistics related to the last week of operation.

In addition to these “informative” functions, the CLDoctorNP gives the possibility of performing more or less rapid tests to check the correct functioning of loads and input devices.

The scope is reducing as well as possible the erroneous replacement of spare parts, improving technical assistance interventions.

1.4 Overview

Beginning from the program interface, we will study all the available functions.

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2.1 Graphical interface

You can see below the CLDoctorNP graphical interface; this paragraph will explain its structure by a rapid analysis of its features.

Picture 2.1

The graphical interface of the program is composed of five sections, as marked by the coloured squares:

• Blue zone: it gives information about the hardware configuration (industrial code, serial number, description, type of model, etc.). Together with the information on the characteristics of the machine have been introduced the values detected by the probes during the connection of the software to the electronic board;

• Red zone: it gives the values of the last faults, divided into last fault and previous faults.

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• Green zone: here is managed the connection. In this section it is possible to configure the program, choosing the mode of communication (Serial/Bluetooth), the COM port used and the language selected.

• Yellow zone: here it is possible to visualize statistics probe monitoring. In the first case appears a window displaying all the statistics recorded by the product, while in the second case appears a window with a list of all the values currently recorded by the probes. These values are updated every 10 seconds.

• Pink zone: here are managed all the tests which the engineer can carry out on the product, grouped according to their characteristics. The part marked with a black circle is available only if the fridge is fitted with a digit user interface (that means it is fitted with a micro-processor).

To conclude the interface description, the Exit key permits to quit the application, while the status bar gives information of the test status and of the program execution.

2.2 Language managing

In order to select the language, press the key with the icon of the country related to the language to choose (picture 2.2).

Picture 2.2

The engineer can select the language before or during the connection:

• In the first case: the interface is immediately updated and all labels and strings joined to the key are translated.

• In the second case: in addition to the operations previously described, the system automatically re-connects to translate also the information read and uploaded by the main board.

In the following page is reported an example of interface in English (2.3).

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Picture 2.3

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2.3 Connection managing

To connect the system, it is enough to interact with the part of graphical interface showed on picture 2.2.

First of all, it is necessary to set the type of communication and the port where it is performed, then press the connection key.

If problems do not arise, on the interface will be loaded all the information reported by the main board and it will change as in the picture 2.4.

Obviously before performing the operations described above, the engineer has to connect the hardware key to the appliance, which must be supplied.

The connection state is indicated by the LED turned on.

Picture 2.4

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3.1 Hardware configuration

The “hardware configuration” collects all the information which permits the engineer to know the features of the product to be tested and to find any incongruities between the information given by the setting file and the one actually set in the machine.

We especially refer to:

• Industrial code

• Serial number

• Description

These are parameters known by the firm, both in production and in technical assistance, which permit the unambiguous identification of each product.

Editor and firmware versions of the main board permit the identification of any anomaly already signalled and due to software bugs characterizing some of these versions.

In this case the engineer already knows that he must replace the electronic board and can compare the defects signalled and the ones detected in other similar situations.

The hardware configuration also includes the list of electric loads, that means the elements defined in the setting file and controlled by the main board, and the list of the input activated.

This information permits to check the correlation between the main board commands and the actual setting of the product.

Especially inputs give information which is useful to control and check the processes which take place inside the fridge, for this reason have been introduced also the values detected by the probes at the connection phase.

In conclusion, the last information which belongs to this classification is the model, indicating if the fridge tested is a static or a No-Frost one.

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3.2 Fault managing

The firmware permits the last five faults recorded by the machine to be saved.

By means of CLDoctorNP, the engineer is permitted to read these values and enter rapidly and directly an on-line help, which explains their meaning and gives a guide of the operations to do during the intervention.

The help can be activated simply clicking twice the fault concerned. (Picture 3.1):

Picture 3.1

If no fault has occurred, the system displays F0, clicking over it will appear the help box indicating that there is no fault.

The indications reported by the Help are the same that the engineer can find in its manual and they are translated into the language selected.

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3.3 Reading statistics

Statistics have been introduced to give to the engineer information about the functioning of the machine during the days before the intervention to verify an improper use of it.

In addition to this data, it has been thought better to record the values of the product service life after the installation: global statistics.

Pressing the statistics key, a window appears to enter this information and read them directly from the main.

Especially daily statistics are relative to the last seven days of operation recorded, they report the following information day by day:

----------- Day -1 --------- N° user modification FRIDGE temperature N° user modification FREEZER temperature N° user modification C.C.Z. temperature N° of activations DEFROSTING heater N° Cold Request FRIDGE N° Cold Request FREEZER N° Cold Request C.C.Z. Duration of the longest defrosting ( h, m, s ) Cold Request whole duration FRIDGE ( h, m, s ) Cold Request whole duration FREEZER ( h, m, s ) Cold Request whole duration C.C.Z. ( h, m, s ) Minimum thresholds (ON/OFF) FRIDGE AIR probe (°C / °C) Minimum thresholds (ON/OFF) FREEZER AIR probe (°C / °C) Minimum thresholds (ON/OFF)) C.C.Z. AIR probe (°C / °C) Maximum thresholds (ON/OFF) FRIDGE AIR probe (°C / °C) Maximum thresholds (ON/OFF) FREEZER AIR probe ( °C / °C) Maximum thresholds (ON/OFF) C.C.Z. AIR probe ( °C / °C) N° FRIDGE door opening N° FREEZER door opening Whole time FRIDGE door has been open ( h, m, s ) Whole time FREEZER door has been open ( h, m, s ) N° FRIDGE temperature alarm N° FREEZER temperature alarm Maximum temperature reached in case of FRIDGE alarm Maximum temperature reached in case of FREEZER alarm WHOLE duration DAILY defrosting (h, m, s) N° of times the cycle 1 has finished correctly N° of times the cycle 2 has finished correctly N° of times the cycle 3 has finished correctly N° of times the cycle 4 has finished correctly Rating of average value of room temperature N° of activation of Everfresh option N° of activation of AquaCare option Whole time of EverFresh option activation ( h, m, s ) Whole time of AquaCare option activation ( h, m, s ) Whole time of compressor operation ( h, m, s ) N° of turning off cycles of the compressor

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GLOBAL statistics. N° of day of product service life: N° of Blackouts: N° of System Reset : N° of times the tension has fallen below the threshold ( ….. ) : N° of times the tension has exceeded the threshold ( ….. ) : Last Fault : Previous faults: Fault : Fault : Fault : Fault :

3.4 Probe monitoring

Pressing the key of probe monitoring, a window appears (picture 3.2) and displays the temperature values currently detected.

These values are updated every 10 seconds and permit the engineer to check the situation.

Monitoring is executed together with other operations without pausing the processes already in progress.

Picture 3.2

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4.1 Introduction

The right side of the graphical interface permits to manage test procedures, divided into four zones:

• Test on loads with feedback

• Test of interface

• Global test

• Auto-Test

This chapter will explain each test of the ones listed above, giving all the information which is useful to use the available functions.

4.2 Test to electric loads

The picture below displays the part of interface which manages the tests on loads with feedback.

Picture 4.1

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The first column of the table (see Picture 4.1) reports the complete list of loads with feedback, the near column reports the name of the feedback.

These combinations are created by the setting file uploaded on the main board and depend on the particular model tested.

The third column reports the codification of the current feedback value, according to the following legend:

Abbreviation Meaning

ERR It means that Feedback is 0, the load may be disconnected.

CON It means that Feedback is 2, the load is connected but it is not piloted

ON It means that Feedback is 1, the load is connected and piloted

ERR 1 It indicates the presence of persistent problems of communication.

Feedback values are updated by the software every 500 mS, even if the program is executing a test on loads in the meantime.

The last column displays the result of each test activated by the procedure started by the LOAD-test key. The possible messages reported may be:

Abbreviation Meaning

OK It means that the test result is positive.

FAIL It means that the test result is negative.

ERR It means that the test has not run because the load is disconnected.

F_FDB If the load is disconnected the problem is not usually due to the feedback, but if it is, the message will be F_FDB.

STOP Test stopped by pressing the key STOP.

ON It indicates that the compressor is piloted

OFF It indicates that the compressor is connected but not piloted.

ERR 1 It means that the test has failed because of persistent problems of communication.

ERR 2 It indicates an inner generic error, usually it is due to a failed request.

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In addition to these abbreviations, each phase of the test is completed by a message on the status bar which permits the engineer to know the evolution of the program in a more simply way.

The passage from a test to another is automatic and every test can be interrupted at any time by pressing STOP key.

The third and the fourth columns have an on-line help which gives information about the meaning of the abbreviations, by clicking twice on one of them. If this last one is concerning the result, the engineer also receives some suggestions to complete the intervention (picture 4.2).

Picture 4.2

The picture shows the help appearing as the abbreviations ERR is selected.

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4.3 Test to interface

Differently from the tests previously described, tests to interface require the action of the engineer, which has to do some operation on the product.

The sequence of procedures is automatically activated through its proper key (picture 4.3), but, differently from the previous case, it is not possible to interrupt it by pressing STOP key.

In fact, in this case in the machine does not occur bad functioning so damaging to require the intervention of the engineer and the immediate interruption of all the processes.

Picture 4.3

The picture displays the part of graphical interface relating to the functions already described.

As you can see, in addition to the list of tests and the key to start them, there is also a flag to distinguish between user interface fitted with a microprocessor (DIGIT) and the one without a microprocessor and the firmware version uploaded in this last one (this information is not displayed if the interface is not fitted with a microprocessor).

Before describing all these tests, it is better to remember that results are visualized in the second column (TEST) through the aforesaid codification and also in this case an on-line help is available.


In this case all LED or all digits on user interface display turn on, the system asks to the engineer to check this situation, choosing in the dialog box one of the two available options: YES (OK) and NO (FAIL) (Fig. 4.4).

Picture 4.4

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In this case the engineer is asked to press all the keys on the interface and to check that the software detects this pressure over the keys.

Picture 4.5

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KNOB test.

In this case the engineer is asked to turn the knobs and to check on the dialog box if their adjustment is changed (picture 4.6).

If one of the knobs is adjusted in a different manner, it is signalled by its LED, which turns on. In order not to misunderstand, it is necessary to explain the different behaviour of the two user interfaces:

• In interfaces without a microprocessor, the passage from position 1 to 4 (for example) occurs without signalling the other positions between them.

• In interfaces fitted with a microprocessor, a passage similar to the previous one provides the signalling of intermediate positions.

This difference is due to the firmware and it is a consequence of different chooses to read user settings done in the implementation algorithm.

Picture 4.6

BUZZER test.

In this case the BUZZER is activated few seconds and the engineer is asked to confirm it, choosing one of the two options visualised in the dialog box: YES (OK) and NO (FAIL), as in the LED/DISPLAY test.

Picture 4.7

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REED test.

The test begins with the door closed (if it is open the test fails), the engineer is asked to open it: if the program does not detect this change within a maximum time, the test fails.

Picture 4.8

4.4 GLOBAL test

In this phase the global functioning of the machine is tested by the simulation of thermal variations which the engineer can manage by means of the probe control panel.

The three phases has a pre-set duration and consist in:

1. Heating. All loads are de-energized and the engineer is asked to open all the doors.

2. Cooling of FREEZER compartment. First of all the FZ compartment is selected through the proper device (solenoid valve or damper), then the compressor is energized together with its proper fan.

3. Cooling of FRIDGE compartment. The FZ compartment fan is de-energized, if it is available, then FR compartment is selected and its fan is energized, if it is available.

At the end of the third phase, the product keeps on working normally.

The global test is selected pressing the proper key (picture 4.9) and any phase can be bypassed by means of the arrow-key (>>), while the test itself can be interrupted pressing the STOP key.

Picture 4.9

As in the other tests, also in this test each phase is completed by messages appearing on the status bar.

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4.5 Test to defrosting heaters

This test is available only in No-Frost models, because they are the only models fitted with this kind of electric load.

This test has been added because the test based on FDB is not complete to check this type of heater connection: the defrosting unit consists in two parallel-connected heaters and the bad functioning of one of these is not detected through FDB.

To solve this problem the engineer can start a special test which “simulates” a defrosting process (picture 4.9a).

Picture 4.9a

The maximum duration of this test is 5 minutes and the engineer can interrupt it by pressing STOP key or through the same program as FZ evaporator reaches a temperature which is too much high.

During the heating process the engineer must follow the procedure explained in the manual and check the correct functioning touching the part warmed.

In conclusion, before energizing defrosting heaters, all electric loads are switched off, including the compressor which could enter thermal protection phase. It is the reason why the engineer can choose the moment to start this test.

4.6 Auto-Test – Self Test

This is not used in the UK at present.. Refer to the product Service Manual for any Auto Test procedures.

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5.0 Connection – Interface Errors For all Connection errors and pop up messages, check the ‘Serial’ connection method has been selected, the Comm Port is correct, appliance switched on and the Hardware key inserted correctly.

This software only works with the black Hardware Key, Part No. C00115587.

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