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    1997 89: 1052-1057

    Kari Punnonen, Kerttu Irjala and Allan Rajamki

    of Iron DeficiencySerum Transferrin Receptor and Its Ratio to Serum Ferritin in the Diagnosis information and services can be found at:

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    Serum Transferrin Receptor and Its Ratio to Serum Ferritin in theDiagnosis of Iron Deficiency

    By Kari Punnonen, Kerttu Irjala, and Allan Rajama ki

    The objective of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic sis of iron deficiency anemia (AUCROC 0.98). Serum ferritin

    efficiency of laboratory tests, including serum transferrin re- measurement also distinguished between IDA patients and

    ceptor (TfR) measurements, in the diagnosis of iron deple- ACD patients. However, the optimal decision limit for evalu-tion. The patient population consisted of 129 consecutive ation of ferritin measurements was considerably above theanemic patients at the University Hospital of Turku who conventional lower reference limits, complicating the inter-

    were given a bone marrow examination. Of these patients, pretation of this parameter. Calculation of the ratio TfR/log48 had iron deficiency anemia (IDA), 64 anemia of chronic ferritin (TfR-F Index) is a way of combining TfR and ferritindisease (ACD), and 17 patients had depleted iron stores and results. This ratio provided an outstanding parameter for thean infectious or an inflammatory condition (COMBI). Deple- identification of patients with depleted iron stores (AUCROC

    tion of iron stores was defined as a complete absence of 1.00). In anemic patients, TfR measurement is a valuablestainable iron in the bone marrow examination. Serum TfR noninvasive tool for the diagnosis of iron depletion, and of-concentrations were elevated in the vast majority of the IDA

    fers an attractive alternative to more conventional labora-and COMBI patients, while in the ACD patients, the levels

    tory tests in the detection of depleted iron stores.were within the reference limits reported earlier for healthy

    1997 by The American Society of Hematology.subjects. TfR measurement thus provided a reliable diagno-

    T been introduced as a promising new tool for the diagnosisof iron depletion.3,6-11HE LEVEL of body iron stores is affected both bydietary intake and by the physiological need of ironfor erythropoiesis. Consequently, iron deficiency anemia The TfR receptor is a transmembrane protein with two

    identical polypeptide chains, each weighing 95 kD; iron de-(IDA) can be caused by dietary deprivation of iron or by

    iron malabsorbtion; importantly, it may be the first clinical livery to erythroblasts is mediated by the interaction ofplasma transferrin with cell surface transferrin receptors.11,12sign of increased blood loss. Unexplained iron deficiency

    anemia warrants extensive investigations of the gastrointesti- From the cell membrane the TfR-transferrin-iron complex is

    internalized via an endocytic vesicle, and in the intracellularnal tract, since the probability of ulcers or malignant tumors

    as the cause of excessive blood loss is relatively high.1 Using compartment iron dissociates from TfR-transferrin com-

    plex.3,11,13 The iron remains in the cytosol, while the TfR-laboratory tests, distinguishing between iron deficiency ane-

    mia and the anemia that accompanies infection, inflamma- transferrin complex is recycled back to the cell surface. Vir-

    tually all cells have transferrin receptors on their surface, buttion, or malignancy is difficult, as the commonly used labora-

    tory parameters do not necessarily distinguish between these in the normal adult, about 80% of them are in the erythroid

    marrow.12 Soluble TfR present in human plasma is a trun-common causes of anemia.2-5 The conventional laboratory

    tests of iron status, serum iron, transferrin/total iron-binding cated form of the tissue receptor and exists as a transferrin-

    receptor complex.13-15 The TfR number on the cell surfacecapacity (TIBC), transferrin saturation, and ferritin are

    widely used in clinical practice, although they are consider- reflects the iron requirement, and iron deprivation has been

    shown to result in the prompt induction of transferrin recep-ably influenced by acute phase responses, which complicates

    the clinical interpretation of the test results.3-5 High sensitiv- tor synthesis.16

    We have evaluated the clinical efficiency of TfR measure-ity, as well as specificity, is of special importance for a test

    of iron status, as the further identification of the cause of ments in the identification of iron deficiency in an extensive,

    consecutive patient population. The diagnostic classificationthe depletion of iron stores is bound to result in tedious

    clinical and laboratory investigations. Because the absence of all patients was based on an examination of bone marrow

    using iron staining as the gold standard for iron depletion.of stainable iron in bone marrow examination is generally

    regarded as the definitive marker of iron deficiency, marrow

    examinations are generally requested to confirm iron defi- MATERIALS AND METHODSciency. There is an evident clinical need for noninvasive and Patients. The patient population consisted of 129 consecutivesensitive means for the detection of iron deficiency, and in anemic adult patients at the University Hospital of Turku who under-recent years, the serum transferrin receptor (TfR) level has went a bone marrow examination because of anemia. The purpose

    of the examinations was to define the type of anemia and to deter-

    mine iron stores. Anemia was defined as a hemoglobin concentration

    of less than 128 g/L in men and 117 g/L in women, which constitutesFrom the Central Laboratory, Departments of Clinical Chemistry

    and Hematology, University Hospital of Turku, Turku, Finland. the lower 2.5% reference limits in our hospital. All blood sampleswere obtained before any blood transfusions, and patients on oralSubmitted March 14, 1996; accepted September 16, 1996.

    Address reprint requests to Kari Punnonen, MD, PhD, Depart- iron therapy were excluded from the study population. Patients with

    hematological malignancies were also excluded from this study, asment of Clinical Chemistry, University Hospital of Turku, Kiinamyl-

    lynkatu 4-8, 20520 Turku, Finland. certain hematological malignancies have been reported to be associ-

    ated with an elevated serum TfR regardless of the iron status of theThe publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page

    charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked patients.14,17 Additionally, patients who had hemolytic anemia or

    defined deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid were excluded fromadvertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to

    indicate this fact. the study population, as these conditions may be associated with

    elevated TfR levels irrespective of iron status.18 The patients were 1997 by The American Society of Hematology.

    0006-4971/97/8903-0013$3.00/0 assigned to one of three groups on the basis of the bone marrow

    1052 Blood, Vol 89, No 3 (February 1), 1997: pp 1052-1057

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    Table 1. Laboratory Tests of Iron Status RESULTSin the Three Anemic Patient Groups

    The results for blood counts and iron status markers forIDA (n 48) ACD (n 64) COMBI (n 17) the 129 anemic patients are summarized in Table 1. Serum

    Hemoglobin, g/L 93 { 16 (96) 102 { 12 (103) 88 { 20 (90) iron was not a reliable indicator of iron depletion (Table 2).MCV, fl 75 { 9 (75) 90 { 7 (91) 78 { 9 (79) When the study population was analyzed as a whole (n Iron, mmol/L 8 { 11 (4) 10 { 6 (9) 6 { 3 (6)

    129), serum transferrin distinguished fairly well betweenTransferrin, g/L 3.3 { 0. 4 ( 3. 3) 1 .9 { 0. 5 (1 .8) 2. 6{ 0.6 (2.4)

    iron-deficient and ACD patients (Table 2). However, in aFerritin, mg/L 21 { 55 (11) 342 { 3 85 ( 19 5) 8 7{ 167 (23)TfR, mg/L 6.2 { 3. 5 ( 5. 0) 1 .8 { 0. 6 (1 .8) 5. 1{ 2.0 (4.7) considerable proportion of the iron-deficient patients, theTI 2.7 { 3. 9 ( 1. 3) 5 .2 { 2. 9 (4 .9) 2. 7{ 1.6 (1.8) transferrin concentration was within the reference limits ofTransferrin saturation, % 12 { 17 (5.7) 23 { 13 (21) 12 { 7 (8)

    a healthy population (see Materials and Methods), makingTfR/log ferritin 6.8 { 6. 5 ( 5. 4) 0 .8 { 0. 3 (0 .8) 3. 8{ 1.9 (3.2)

    the clinical interpretation of the transferrin concentrationsResults are mean { SD (median).

    difficult. The area under the ROC curve (AUCROC) provided

    by Transferrin-Index (TI, iron/transferrin),21 or the percent-

    age transferrin saturation [iron/(transferrin 1 23) 1 100] inexamination and clinical data. Forty-eight patients (32 women andthe identification of iron-deficient patients was 0.82. For16 men) who fulfilled the morphologic criteria of iron deficiencycomparison, the corresponding AUCROC for red cell meanand who had no stainable iron in the bone marrow were classified

    as having IDA. Sixty-four anemic patients (37 women and 27 men) corpuscular volume (MCV) was 0.88.were classified as having anemia of chronic disease (ACD), and In male and female IDA patients, the median serum ferri-these patients all had stainable iron in the bone marrow. Of these tin concentrations were 13 mg/L (mean { standard deviation64 patients, 34 had recurrent or chronic infections, while the re- [SD], 37 { 94) and 9 mg/L (mean { SD, 12 { 9), respec-maining 30 had other chronic diseases (ie, nonhematological malig- tively. In male and female ACD patients, the median ferritin

    nancies and inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis). concentrations were 195 mg/L (mean { SD, 364 { 310)Those patients who had no iron in the bone marrow together withand 169 mg/L (mean { SD, 326 { 440), respectively. There

    an infectious disease, a chronic inflammatory disease (eg, rheumatoidhave been no previous reports of any significant differencesarthritis or colitis ulcerosa) or a nonhematological malignancy werein TfR concentrations between male and female patients; theplaced in a COMBI group (n 17). In addition, two iron-deficientpresent findings are consistent with this, as for instance, inpatients who had a C-reactive protein (CRP) value above 20 mg/L

    were regarded as having an accompanying inflammatory or infec- male and female ACD patients, the median TfR concentra-tious condition and were included in the COMBI group. Preliminary tions were 1.9 g/L (mean { SD, 1.9 { 0.7) and 1.7 g/Lresults concerning a small subgroup of the patients (n 36) have (mean { SD, 1.8 { 0.5), respectively. As neither ferritinbeen reported earlier.19 nor TfR concentrations differed significantly between male

    Samples and analytical methods. Bone marrow was aspirated and female patients, the results have been analyzed and pre-from the sternal bone or iliac crest. The smears were stained using

    sented without distinction between male and female patients.the May-Grunwald-Giemsa method (Orion Diagnostica, Helsinki,

    Serum ferritin measurements distinguished between IDA andFinland), and the iron stores were stained by the Prussian blue

    ACD patients (AUCROC 0.98); however, the optimal decisionmethod. Blood counts were measured with an automated analyzerlimit for the interpretation of ferritin measurements was con-(Technicon H*2, Technicon Instruments Corp, Tarrytown, NY). Se-siderably above the conventional lower reference limit,rum transferrin receptor assays were performed using a commercially

    available kit based on a polyclonal antibody in a sandwich enzyme which is based on evaluations of apparently healthy popula-immunoassay (EIA) format (Clinigen; R&D Systems, Minneapolis, tions (Tables 1 through 3 and Fig 1). TfR concentrationsMN). According to the assay kit from the manufacturer, the central were elevated in the vast majority of IDA and COMBI pa-95th percentile of the reference distribution of TfR concentration is tients, and the serum TfR concentration was found to be a0.85 to 3.05 mg/L (n 1,000). Ferritin (reference range, 15 to good indicator of iron deficiency, as demonstrated by the306 mg/L for men, 5 to 103 mg/L for women, according to the

    manufacturer) was measured using a radioimmunoassay (Spectria,

    Orion Diagnostics). Transferrin (reference range, 2.1 to 3.4 g/L forTable 2. AUCROC Values (SE) for Parameters of Iron Statusmen, 2.0 to 3.1 g/L for women20) was measured with a Behring

    Nephelometer (Behringwerke AG, Marburg, Germany) together with IDA / COMBI vACD IDA vAC D COM BI vACDantibodies provided by Dakopatts (Dakopatts, Glostrup, Denmark).

    MCV 0.89 (0.03) 0.90 (0.03) 0.86 (0.05)Serum iron (reference range, 10 to 40 mmol/L) was measured using

    Iron 0.71 (0.05) 0.71 (0.05) 0.68 (0.07)an Iron FZ assay (Hoffmann-LaRoche, Basel, Switzerland) based

    Transferrin 0.94 (0.02) 0.98 (0.01) 0.84 (0.05)on a guanidine hydrochloride/Ferrozine reaction. The transferrin in-

    TI (iron/transferrin) 0.82 (0.04) 0.84 (0.04) 0.79 (0.06)dex (TI) was calculated as iron (mmol/L)/transferrin (g/L), as re-Ferritin 0.96 (0.02) 0.98 (0.01) 0.89 (0.07)

    cently suggested by Beilby et al.21 Percent transferrin saturation wasTfR 0.98 (0.01) 0.98 (0.01) 0.98 (0.01)

    calculated as [iron/(transferrin 1 23)] 1 100.TfR/ferritin 0.98 (0.01) 1.00 (0.00) 0.94 (0.04)Statistical analysis. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC)TfR/lo g ferritin 1.00 (0.001 ) 1 .0 0 (0.00 ) 1.00 (0.01)

    curves were visualized and the corresponding areas under the curves

    were calculated using the GraphROC for Windows software pack- Separate values concerning the identification of patients with de-

    pleted iron stores have been calculated for the whole patient popula-age.22 The areas under the ROC curves (AUCROC) were compared

    with each other using a software mathematically based on a method tion (IDA / COMBI vACD), for the population containing patients

    with uncomplicated IDA patients and ACD patients (IDA vACD), anddescribed earlier.23-25 The P values (one-tailed test) corresponding

    to the calculated z scores were drawn from a table of normal distribu- for the patient population in which all had an infectious or inflamma-

    tory disease (COMBI vACD).tions.

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    Table 3. Ability of Ferritin, TfR, TfR/Ferritin Ratio and TfR-F Index to Identify Patients With Iron Deficiency


    TfR 1 100/ TfR 1 100/ TfR 1 100/

    Ferritin TfR Ferritin TfR-F Index Ferri tin TfR Ferri ti n TfR-F Index Ferritin TfR Ferritin TfR-F Index

    False negative 1 3 1 0 6 4 3 1 5 1 2 1

    False positive 1 4 1 0 1 4 1 0 1 4 1 0

    True negative 63 60 63 64 63 60 63 64 63 60 63 64

    True positive 47 45 47 48 59 61 62 64 12 16 15 16

    Sensitivity 0.98 0.94 0.98 1.00 0.91 0.94 0.95 0.98 0.71 0.94 0.88 0.94

    Specificity 0.98 0.94 0.98 1.00 0.98 0.94 0.98 1.00 0.98 0.94 0.98 1.00

    Positive PV 0.98 0.92 0.98 1.00 0.98 0.94 0.98 1.00 0.92 0.80 0.94 1.00

    Negative PV 0.98 0.95 0.98 1.00 0.91 0.94 0.95 0.98 0.93 0.98 0.97 0.98

    Efficiency 0.98 0.94 0.98 1.00 0.95 0.94 0.97 0.99 0.93 0.94 0.96 0.99

    An efficiency curve for the distinction between ACD and IDA patients was generated for each parameter, and the maximum point of the curve

    was used as a cutoff limit in all patient populations. The cutoff limits based on the efficiency curves were 41 mg/L for ferritin, 2.7 mg/L for TfR,

    4.5 for TfR 1 100/ferritin, and 1.5 for the TfR-F Index. PV predictive value.

    scattergram in Fig 2 and by the ROC curve in Fig 3 (AUC ROC tients more effectively than ferritin measurements (P

    .033).0.98). In the ACD patients, the levels were within the refer-

    ence limits reported earlier for healthy subjects.19 TfR mea- Earlier, the calculation of the TfR/ferritin ratio was re-

    ported to reflect the depletion of iron stores in response tosurements effectively identified iron deficiency, even in thepresence of an accompanying inflammatory or infectious phlebotomies.7 In the present patient material, the calculation

    of the TfR/ferritin ratio as such only slightly improved diag-condition (Tables 2 and 3, Fig 2); furthermore, the statistical

    comparison of the ROC curves indicates that TfR measure- nostic sensitivity and specificity compared with the use of

    TfR or ferritin alone (Tables 2 and 3). However, both sensi-ments distinguished between the COMBI and the ACD pa-

    tivity and specificity were improved by logarithmic transfor-

    Fig 1. Serum ferritin concentrations in anemic patients. IDA (iron-

    deficiency anemia) (n ! 48) and ACD (anemia of chronic disease) (n

    ! 64). Those patients who had depleted iron stores together with an

    infectious disease, a chronic inflammatory disease, or a nonhemato-

    logical malignancy were assigned to the COMBI group (n ! 17). The Fig 2. Serum TfR concentrations in anemic patients. For abbrevia-

    tions, see text to Fig 1. The central 95th percentile of the referencelower reference limits of the serum ferritin assay are indicated sepa-

    rately for male () and female () subjects by horizontal bars. distribution for the TfR assay is shown with horizontal bars.

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    consisting of consecutive anemia patients subjected to a bone

    marrow examination. Iron deficiency was defined as a com-

    plete absence of stainable iron in bone marrow.

    Serum iron and iron saturation of transferrin are of limited

    value in the diagnosis of IDA, as the corresponding AUCROC

    values, consistent with earlier studies,26 do not reflect proper

    diagnostic sensitivity and specificity. This is apparently due

    to the interference of the acute-phase response in serumiron and transferrin concentrations. Serum ferritin has been

    widely used to define iron depletion. In this study population,

    ferritin measurements (AUCROC 0.98) and even serum trans-

    ferrin (AUCROC 0.98) distinguished effectively between pa-

    tients with uncomplicated IDA and those with ACD, but the

    optimal decision limit for the interpretation of both ferritin

    and transferrin measurements was found to be considerably

    above the conventional reference limits, which are based on

    the evaluation of apparently healthy populations. It is evident

    that the ability of ferritin to distinguish between IDA and

    ACD is due not only to the decrease in serum ferritin level

    in IDA patients but, to a considerable extent, to the increase

    in serum ferritin caused by the acute phase responses associ-

    ated with chronic inflammatory disease. The ROC curvesproduced on the basis of the present patient material (Table

    2) are in good agreement with those generated earlier on

    the basis of meta-analysis for ferritin and iron saturation of

    transferrin.26 Based on the present data, it can be statistically

    Fig 3. ROC curves for TfR, ferritin, and TfR-F Index (TfR/log ferritin

    ratio) in the identification of iron-deficient patients. The ROC curves

    are shown separately for the whole patient population (n ! 129) (A)

    and for the distinction between the ACD (n ! 64) and COMBI (n !

    17) patients (B). TfR-F Index -, TfR

    , ferritin .

    mation of the ferritin value, and we suggest that this parame-

    ter be referred to the TfR-Ferritin Index (TfR-F Index). The

    calculation of the TfR/log ferritin ratio (TfR-F Index) pro-vided an outstanding parameter for the identification of iron-

    deficient patients (Table 3, Figs 3 and 4). When the whole

    study population (n 129) was analyzed, the TfR-F Index

    provided an AUCROC value of 1.00. Consequently, when

    subgroups were analyzed, the AUCROC values were 1.00 for

    the distinction between the ACD (n 64) and IDA groups

    (n 48), and 1.00 for the distinction between the ACD and

    COMBI groups (n 17) (Tables 2 and 3, and Figs 3 and



    The clinical situation in which serum transferrin receptor

    (TfR) measurements have been suggested to be especially

    useful is the differentiation between IDA and ACD.2,11 Thedistinction between IDA and the anemia that accompanies

    infection, inflammation, or malignancy is difficult, as the

    laboratory parameters commonly used do not necessarily

    distinguish these common causes of anemia. In the present

    study, we have evaluated the clinical efficiency of both TfR

    measurements and a variety of more conventional laboratoryFig 4. The TfR-F Index (TfR/log ferritin ratio) in anemic patients.

    tests in the identification of patients with iron deficiency.For explanation of the abbreviations, see text in Fig 1. The median

    Every attempt was made to avoid any bias due to preselection values for each patient group (IDA, 5.4; COMBI, 3.2; ACD, 0.8) areindicated by horizontal bars.of patients by using a clinically relevant study population

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    estimated22 that in anemic patients who do not have an ac- nation of TfR and ferritin measurements provides the highest

    sensitivity and specificity. It may be predicted that thesecompanying infection or inflammatory disease, a cut-off

    limit of 41 mg/L for serum ferritin provides optimal diagnos- measurements are likely to replace the conventional parame-

    ters of iron status, ie, serum iron, transferrin, and ferritintic efficiency. However, this estimation is apparently no

    longer valid if we assume that the iron-deficient patient has alone, in clinical laboratories. They would be especially use-

    ful at outpatient clinics, where bone marrow examinationsanother disease accompanied by an acute phase reaction (ie,

    the COMBI group), so that the diagnostic usefulness of ferri- are often either not available or are regarded as an invasive

    means of identifying patients with depleted iron stores.tin measurements is reduced (Tables 2 and 3). In the interpre-tation of ferritin results, the conventional population-based

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