Download - September 2014

  1. 1. Dear Darwin, Science SingAlong, and much more! How to Make the Most of Your Degree Irritate Your TAIrritate Your TAIrritate Your TA pidmie du Virus bola
  2. 2. September Contents ILLUSTRATION OF THE MONTH
  4. 4. ACS on Campus sen vient Ottawa! L'PIDMIE DU VIRUS BOLA
  5. 5. Tip: Ask questions in office hours and over email well in advance. Avoid nightbefore emails if at all possible. Tip: Send a short, concise email with (at most) a couple of detailed questions. If you have many more problems with a concept or assignment, ask the TA for an appointment or visit them during office hours. Tip: Just dont do it. Tip: Read the lab manual for your class the night before. Review it right before the lab. Tip: Arrive early for the lab and wait outside. Do not aim to be right on time; this causes many students to show up well after the quiz has begun Tip: Read the safety rules in the lab manual, and ask the TA if you are unsure about how to use an instrument. TAs are more than happy to answer these kinds of questions.
  6. 6. ACS on Campus is coming to Ottawa! Tip: Be polite to your TA, even if you have a right to be angry about a grade. Request a meeting with them, and have your explanation ready before your meeting. If you still feel the TA is being unfair, then go to the lab coordinator or professor. Tip: Attitude matters, so try your best to either enjoy the material, or avoid showing that you hate it. An enthusiastic student is more likely to be met with an enthusiastic TA. Tip: Only use your lab computer for lab work. Do not use your cellphone in the lab. Tip: Ask your lab partner for help first, or ask other students around you. If they also cant answer the question, it is probably an excellent question to ask your TA.
  7. 7. Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up. GUT INSTINCTS
  8. 8. Verse 1: There is a ccle having just 8 stps. But fist activate acetate by PDH complx. Pyruvate is trned to acetyl-Co. Highly exergnic 5 reactions 'r taking plce. Substrate chnneling keeps the substrates sfe. The complex's got cofctors- vitamin Bs and lipote. Oxidative decarboxylation- simply can't revrse! In stage 2 Respirtion you are starting to immrse! At low concentrtions of oxaloacette is Co-ASH regenertion by citrte syntse, Tis also exergonic. Next comes aconitase. Release +Add Water= you get iso-citra-te! Chorus 1: Add NAD pl--s! Get alpha- ketoglutarte! Turn enol into keto and lose CO-o-2 gas! Verse 2: Now other cmplex is coming into ply- Another oxidtion to succinyl-Co . Thioster bond's brken- ATP is mde. Succinyl CoA synthase makes four-crbon succinte! There is an enzyme bound to membrne Its Iron-Sulfur clusters and FAD make fum--rate. Be careful with malonate - it is malate you hydrate With fumarase. but Malonate blocks dehydrogena-a-se Chorus 2: Add NAD pl--s! To get oxaloaceta-te! Free energy is high but product is not that much! Now lots of electrns Are added to ET ch-in. Get thirty ATPs if there is an oxyg-n! The TCA metabolites always do get lost, But replenishing is done at very little cost. Oxaloacetate- from liver, muscles, even heart. Finding substrate malate should not be so hard! Allosteric inhibition also plays a role- Levels of ATP and NADH control PDH complex via negative feedbck. Calcium ions have a huge impa-ct! Chorus 3: Citrate Synthse! Isocitrate d-h-ase! and alpha- ketoglutarate dehydrogenase! Repeat: Chorus 2: Add NAD pl--s! To get oxaloaceta-te! The TCA cycle is coming to an end.. Check out TCA (Kreb's) Cycle Rap Wilson Lam, University of Ottawa graduate, on YouTube. This one is to the tune of Macklemores Thrift Shop! Enjoyment=100% guaranteed! TCA CYCLE SONG
  9. 9. ADVICE TO MY FRESHMAN SELF How To Make The Most Of Your Degree:
  10. 10. Three things to remember that will help you have an unreal start to your university science career!
  11. 11. She was overjoyed I had put her intellect to the test.. MAGIC OF MEDICINE
  12. 12. Oh The Places You'll Go, But First...
  14. 14. Dear Darwin: What is up with blushing? Its frosh week and Im probably going to embarrass myself; is there any way to stop blushing from happening? Sincerely, Student prone to embarrassment