Download - SEPT2014 Crooked y the ceaseless noise endel has o put ooden that all ospect e ar himself endel Must Die! Casts ending), 43R), pet

Page 1: SEPT2014 Crooked y the ceaseless noise endel has o put ooden that all ospect e ar himself endel Must Die! Casts ending), 43R), pet

Crooked TimesSEPT 2014


MiniaturesParanormal ExterminatorsThis month we have 4 suited and booted Paranormal Exterminators, fully equipped with Protean Packs, containment units and beam guns. And a very slimy Spook. Just in case you need to call them the five are £3.25 each or £15 for the deal. We also have their Exterminator Gear available on its own sprue, these are also available as part of the 5 for £7 Deal.

Future Freedom Fighters 5The fight is not over! Two more Future Freedom Fighters strike to keep the numbers up (say 6 is too little and 8 is too many). FFF5 bring a female gunfighter, all blonde good looks, velour bum and super accurate shooting, and a scarred and weary Bounty Hunter – he says he’s fighting the forces of the Federated Security, but whose side is he really on? Available for £8.

General Gordon & 'Big Tam' FraserBoth of these Department X veterans bring their military expertise to the top secret organisation. Gordon (£4) takes all manner of alien and unexplained threats in his stride, preferring to “shoot first and scrape the bits off later”. ‘Big Tam’ Frazer (£3.50) is Gordon’s right hand man, a hardy Scots veteran of many a campaign. The pair are available for £7.

Rules for both of these models can be found in the Department X Programme Guide or the combined Heroes Programme Guide.

We are back in your neighbourhoods to grab you by the ghoulies and bust some moves with our new releases!

There's something strange...


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Coming SoonThe X Factor returnsMore Department X from Ernst Veingart and coming in October! We bring your four more troopers to bolster the ranks (pictured above as painted and photographed by Kev Dallimore).

In November, Ernst will also be bringing us five Chronal Commandoes - futuristic armoured warriors fighting an eternal war across time.

Rules7th Voyage: Once and FutureOur next 7th Voyage supplement covering the myths of King Arthur, Robin Hood and Beowulf is nearly ready. With just soem photos to be taken at the end of the month, we'd hope it will hit shelves in next month. It's available in the usual PDF and print formats - and will have a deck of new gifts and events card accessories too.

Deal of the monthGet aheadThis month: 2 for 1 on Hard Hats and Police Helmets. Just buy half the amount you need, and we’ll send you twice as many!

ShowsWe are booked for Skelp, Forfar, Crisis and Warfare in the autumn, so hope to see you there. Plus Salute 2015 is all booked! Team Crooked are gathering once again...

UnsubscribeWe're sending you this because we think you might be interested in Crooked Dice nonsense. However, if you'd rather not, then please email [email protected] and we will make sure we stop bothering you.

Karl and Graeme Crooked Dice Game Design Studio





LocationThe 2’ x 3’ table should represent the drinking hall

Heorot. It is filled with long tables and benches,

cooking fires and fur-lined cots for sleeping. The

tables count as intervening obstacles, inflicting a -1

penalty to both hit and damage in melee.

Set UpThe Defending cast chooses a table quarter. The

Attacking cast sets up their models first, in the

opposite table quarter, but no closer than 8” to the

centre of the table. The Defending cast sets up their

models second, in their chosen table quarter.

And… Action!Determine Initiative as normal.

Special RulesHouse on FireThe many cooking fires and hearths within the

wooden hall of Heorot are in danger of spreading

during the chaos of Grendel’s attack. Both players

must roll 1D6 in every End Phase to see if any of their

models have accidentally stumbled into the flames.

On a roll of 1, the opposing player may place one

On Fire token against a single model of their choice.

Resolve the On Fire status of any model caught by

the flames as normal (see 7th Voyage core rulebook,

page 18).

CutThe scene ends when one cast has no active models

in play.

Victory PointsIn addition to the normal VPs awarded, the Attacking

cast receives +3 VP if their nominated model is

eliminated, while the Defending cast receives +3 VP if

the nominated model is still active at the end of the


SynopsisDriven to the point of insanity by the ceaseless noise

of men making merry, the creature called Grendel has

come down to the mead hall Heorot once more, to put

an end to this torture. He smashes the great wooden

doors asunder and bellows his challenge: that all

inside will die by his hand. Drawn by the prospect

of blood and carnage, sly Hags and slavering Dire

Wolves slink in behind him.

But before them stands noble King Hrothgar himself

and his new-found ally Ahmad. And they have vowed:

Grendel Must Die!

CastsHeroes (Defending)

Hrothgar (Guest Star with the Silver Arrow, 43R),

Ahmad (Guest Star with the Flying Carpet 62R), 5

Palace Guards (45R), 7 Civilians (28R).

Hrothgar and his allies must slay the monster Grendel.

Villains (Attacking)

Grendel (Guest Star, 65R), 3 Hags (45R), 5 Dire

Wolves (including an Alpha Male, 70R).

Grendel must fight to stay alive.


Grendel Must Die!


Crisp moonlight illuminates the great mead hall Heorot, glinting off

the dragon-headed timbers that make up its peaked roof. Warm firelight

streams from the shutters and the raucous sound of men and women making

merry pours out, as singing and music echo across the land.

DISSOLVE back over grass and heath, marsh and crag, as the din from

Heorot crosses the miles to a place of dank caves. There is a deep,

wheezing groan as a vast, manlike shadow blocks out the moon.


Inside the crowded hall, the Arabian adventurer Ahmad concludes his

song to great cheers and banging of tables from the assembled Danes. He

bows to King Hrothgar on his high throne.


A pretty tale, Southlander. A giant that lives in a bottle? A bird

large enough to carry off a bull?


Every word of it true, good king. As told to me by a sailor of great

renown. May my tongue turn to sand if it is not so.


DOLLY IN as something unseen but large and heavy footed crosses the

terrain at great speed, closing in on the mead hall.



But we Danes have stories too! Who here can best Ahmad's tale?

The men and women seated before Hrothgar bang the tables and stamp

their boots as would-be storytellers lurch to their feet in response to

the king's challenge.

Suddenly there is a mighty impact at the rear of the hall, as the doors

are flung inward. The noise of the crowd dies as everyone turns to stare

at something blocking out the moonlight. Ahmad leaps up onto a table

for a better look. At a nod from Hrothgar, two guards move in to block

the doorway. But a great hand the size of a ship's paddle reaches out

from the darkness and crushes one guard's head in a single blow. The

monster Grendel, misshapen and terrible, lumbers into the hall. He

throws back his lopsided head and roars his indignation. People scream

and clamber over tables in their panic to flee.

Guards surge forward to block the monster's progress, while Ahmad looks

at his slender blade and then over at the creature with apprehension.


What manner of beast dares..?





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Miniatures Singles Deal

Heroes and AlliesAction Melody and Nurse Killan £4 £7.50

ARC Astronauts (3) £3.25 £8.50

ARC Buggy £5 -

ARC Moonbase Crew (5) £3.25 £15

Armed Astronauts (3) £3.25 £8.50

Coppers (3 plus Guard Dog) £3.25 £10

Daisy Taylor & Casual May Killan £4 £7.50

Daredevil Pilots (3) £3.50 £9

Detectives & Lowlifes £3.50 £12

Dr Solomon & Pandora King II (2) £4 £7.50

Future Freedom Fighters I (2) - £8

Future Freedom Fighters II (3) - £9.50

Future Freedom Fighters III (2) - £8

Future Freedom Fighters IV (2) - £8

Future Freedom Fighters V (2) - £8

General Gordon & Big Tam Fraser £4/3.50 £7

Hovercraft - £15

Guard Dogs (2) - £3.25

Men from the Future (2) £4 £7.50

*NEW* Paranormal Exterminators (5) £3.25 £15

Savage Schoolgirls I (4) £3.25 £12

Savage Schoolgirls II (4) £3.25 £12

Scientists (3) £3.25 £8.50

SCUBA Divers (3) £3.25 £8.50

Sir Benton Troad & Bambi Gascoigne £4 £7.50

Temporal Travellers £4 £11

Time Lift Commander & Accessories £3.50 £6

Time Lift Security with Pistols (4) £3 £10

Time Lift Security with Rifles (4) £3 £10

Time Lost Investigators (3) £4 £11

Transit Van £15 -

Tough Police Detectives (3) £3.50 £9

Tweedy Mattison & WPC May Killan £4 £7.50

Tweedy 2 & Belle £4 £7.50

Vortex Adventurers £4 £11

X Commandos I (4) £3.25 £12

X-Commando Adv. Weapon Team (2) £3.50 £6.50

Singles Deal

Monsters and VillainsArgonauts (2) £6.50 £12

AutoMates (5) £1.25 £5

Bolo and Kohner £3.50 £6.50

Conch Kin (2) £1.75 -

Conch Kin Victim £3 -

Corndoll Hoedown (4) £3.25 £11

Cultists (4) £3.25 £12

Daughters of S.H.I.V.A. (2) £3.50 £6.50

Dr Mao & The Mannequin £3.50 £6.50

The Destroyer £15 -

‘Eavy Mob (4) £3.25 £11

Envoys - Crab Men (2) & Conch Kin (2) £4 £10

Failed Experiments (2) £3.25 £7.50

Federated Security 1 (3) £3.25 £9

Federated Security 2 (3) £3.25 £9

Federated Security Hvy Wpn £3.50 -

FedSec Support (4) Varies £14

Femdroid Harem (4) £3.25 £11

The Guru & Kali £5/£4 £8

Madamedroid £4 -

Metalnaut £3.50 -

Minion Specialists I: Flame & Tech (2) £4 £6.50

Minion Specialists II: Bazooka Team (2) - £6

Minion Specialists III: Dog/Grenadier (3) £3.25 £7.50

Minion Spec IV: HMG Crew - £8

Minion Admin & Commander (2) £3.25 £6

Minions I: Rifles (4) £3 £10

Minions II: SMG (4) £3 £10

Minions III: Hand Weapons £3 £10

Plastons £3.25 £9

Repair Drones (2) £3.25 £6

Robo-Rodents (5) £1.25 £5

Robo-Minions (3) £3 £10

Scary Statue Coven (3) £4.75 £13

Simian Soldiers (4) £3.25 £11

Thuggee (3) £3.25 £9

Ulysses Argo and Talos £4/£10 £12

United Radionics (3) £4 £7.50

Winterley and Travers £4 £7.50

All head and accessory sprues £1.60 5 for £7

Visit our store today at:

Starter Sets The Argonauts £25

Federated Security £25

Future Freedom Fighters £25

Minions £25

S.H.I.V.A. £25

United Radionics £25



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Visit our store today at:

Rules & Accessories 7TV

Core Rulebook £20/PDF £12184 page hardback book with everything you need to play brilliant 28mm skirmish spy-fi wargames.

On Location OOS/PDF £117TV goes into space, explores beneath the sea, across deserts and into snowy mountain lairs.

*SALE* Summer Special £6/PDF £548 page book full of great extra material – new profiles, weapons, rules, episodes, cards and more!

Heroes Programme Guide £20/PDF £12Get the inside scoop on Department X, The Man from 2000 and The Beat in this 128 page bumper volume. The individual PDFs for each cast are available at £5 each.

Villains Programme Guide £20/PDF £12Get the inside scoop on SHIVA, The Argonauts and United Radionics in this 124 page bumper volume. The individual PDFs for each cast are available at £5 each.

The Menagerie £2.50 PDF only19 PDF pages of 7TV adventure with 5 pages of stand up scenery.

Rogues' Gallery £4 PDF onlyThe three quick-play episodes in this 30 page PDF that includes three new villainous casts.

Set Designer £10 PDF only170 pages of deluxe spy-fi and modern floorplans designed by Kevin Dallimore.

Accessories7TV Event & Gadget Cards £8

7TV Tokens £6

7TV Summer Special Cards £3

7TV On Location Cards £9

Heroes Programme Guide Cards & Tokens £6

7TV Dice £2.25

7ombieTVCore Rulebook £12/PDF £7.50A 7TV standalone spin-off. Survive a 1980s zombie apocalypse - or gnaw your way through it!

For Ghouls and Colleges £12/PDF £5A 40 supplement packed with new rules, casts and episodes to expand your zombie hunting and survivor games. Includes 29 cards including the 29 Spawn Deck.

Vlad's Army £10/PDF £6Add Vampire casts to your games of 7ombieTV! This 58 page supplement has rules for Vampires and their various minions, Military casts and the doddering Home Guard volunteers left to defend war-ravaged Britain during the vampire invasion of Walsingham-on-Sea.

Vlad's Army Terrain Pack PDF £4This 49 page PDF has loads of cardstock terrain to support the Vlad's Army scenarios and campaign.

Accessories7ombieTV Cards £6 7ombieTV Tokens £67ombieTV Dice £2.25Vlad’s Army Cards & Tokens £10

7th VoyageCore Rulebook £20/PDF £12Set sail into the world of stop motion mythic fantasy with this standalone 98 page rulebook.

Myths & Monsters £12/PDF £5 The tales of epic heroes Herakles and Odysseus form the core of our new 40 page 7th Voyage supplement.

Accessories7th Voyage Cards £9 7th Voyage Tokens £6 7th Voyage Dice £2.25

Stay tuned to inch-high spy-fi! Come out from behind the sofa and enjoy a range of cult tv inspired 28mm miniatures and skirmish wargames rules.

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Tune into these exclusive ruleset deals!

Visit our store today at:

Show Deals

7TV Core Rulebook

Event and Gadget Cards


One set of 7TV dice

7ombieTV Rulebook

Event and Scavenge Cards


One set of 7ombieTV dice

7th Voyage Rulebook

Event and Spell Cards


One set of 7th Voyage dice

Wargaming in the world of Cult TV

Crooked Dice Game Design Studio

£35 £25 £35

7TV Starter DealStart playing your 7TV games in this exclusive show deal!

7ombieTV DealFor those who want to survive the apocalypse!

7th Voyage DealEnjoy some stop motion mythic fantasy!

7TV Heroes DealIf you want to save the world then add the Heroes Programme Guide and accessories to your Starter bundle!

7TV Villains DealFor those for whom the world is not enough add the Villains Programme Guide and accessories to your Starter bundle!




7TV Starter Deal PLUS

Heroes Programme Guide, cards and tokens

This 128 page Programme Guide is packed with heroic stars, rules, locations and episodes to expand

your Casts and games.


Crooked Dice Game Design Studio

Wargaming in the world of Cult TV | SOURCEBOOK

Heroes Programme Guide


7TV Starter Deal PLUS

Villains Programme Guide, cards and tokens

This 124 page Programme Guide is packed with villainous stars, rules, locations and episodes to expand

your Casts and games.Crooked Dice Game Design Studio

Wargaming in the world of Cult TV | SOURCEBOOK

Villains Programme Guide