Download - Sep 21-22, 2019 LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes K-2nd GAME TIME ...


Sep 21-22, 2019K-2nd


● It’s Week 2 of the Play and Purpose Journey! Today is all about PLAY, and how God created us to be energized and restored through a playful life.

GAME TIME | 10 Minutes

● Play a fun tag-based game as one large group.

COOL DOWN | 10 Minutes

● Create temporary artworks out of fun materials!

LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes

● Respond to today’s big idea through worship and prayer.

SMALL GROUP | 15+ Minutes

● Choose from a variety of games to play as a group!

LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes

● Big idea: We’re made to play!● Story: Jesus was like us


THE BIG IDEA | 10 Minutes







We’re made to play!

Play the 10-Second Countdown to redirect kids attention to Large Group.

THE BIG IDEA | 10 Minutes

● Say: Welcome to Kids’ Club, we’re so glad you’re here! We want this to be a safe and fun place for you. To do that, let’s all commit to doing a few things:

○ Show respect to each other○ Listen when someone else is speaking○ Have fun!

● Say: Today is a super special day, because we’re doing The Journey! The Journey is where EVERYONE at Crossroads–kids AND adults–all get to hear and experience the same series. And this Journey is about….PLAY and PURPOSE!

● Say: Raise your hand if you like to play and have fun?! Me too, and guess what? God loves play and fun too. He actually WANTS us to play, because it’s how he wired us to be! In fact, we can even spend time WITH God when we play, like here in Kids’ Club. So here’s our big idea:

● Slide: We’re made to play!● Say: God actually created us to play, isn’t that cool? He doesn’t JUST want

us to eat and sleep and go to school and work. He wants us to spend time with each other doing the things we love. He makes each of us special, with different likes and dislikes, and different ways of playing and learning!

● Ask: Do you guys think JESUS liked to play? I bet so! Let’s check out a video of some kids talking about how they think Jesus liked to play...

● Video: Kid Driven Content / How Did Jesus Play?● Ask: Do you agree with them? What do you think Jesus might have done for

fun? (Let kids share.) Luckily, we actually KNOW some of the things Jesus liked to do, because the Bible tells us! Let’s watch a video to hear about all the ways that Jesus is a lot like us. Because even though he’s God, he was also human.

● Video: God’s Story / Jesus Was Like Us● Say: I love thinking about how Jesus might have played games and had fun

with his friends. Why do you think Jesus came to earth and lived like us? Why was that important? (Let kids share.)

● Say: I think you’re right. Since Jesus was like us, he understands what it’s like to BE us! He knows what it’s like when you’re hurt, or mad, or sleepy, or silly. He experienced ALL of it.

● Say: Today, we’re going to spend time just having fun and playing, because even though it might not SEEM like it, when you play, you’re actually learning things and getting to know each other and developing your brain! It’s GOOD for you! So let’s get started.

● Start the 10-Minute Countdown Timer● Split into small groups.



WOLF, HEN AND EGGS | 10 Minutes






● Pick one kid (or a leader) to be the wolf, and one kid to be the hen. Everyone else is a “colored egg” (each kid has to think of a color in his/her head but doesn’t tell the wolf). Colored eggs should stand near the hen at first.

● The wolf comes knocking on the door (they can knock on a table or wall) and the hen answers with “what do you want?” The wolf responds “I want colored eggs!”

● The hen says “I don’t have any!” and all the “colored egg” kids then have to start make peeping sounds!

● Next, the wolf starts guessing colors. When he guesses a kids specific egg color, they have to run around the room and back to mother hen without being tagged.

● The last person who isn’t tagged is now the wolf!


● None



CREATE TIME | 10 Minutes





Goal: Let kids PLAY by making temporary artworks with fun reusable materials!● Give each kid a piece of cardstock and set out the varied art materials: popsicle sticks, feathers,

buttons, and straws (you can spread the materials out on the table for kids to reach).● List the following objects, and give kids a few minutes to create each object on their paper using

the available materials. They can arrange the materials however they want on their paper to make the shapes they want.

● Here are some ideas to have kids create!○ Dog, snake, cat, elephant, giraffe, spider, dinosaur, fish○ Sun, cloud, star○ Table, car, airplane, hot air balloon○ Boy/girl, happy face, sad face, mad face



● Cardstock ● Popsicle sticks● Feathers ● Buttons● Straws

● Start the 10-Minute Countdown Timer● Split into small groups.








● Say: We’ve spent a lot of time playing games and creating towers, but now we’re going to check in with our friend Matt and see how HE likes to play! You might remember him from last week, along with some really cool tricks...let’s see what he’s up to!

● Video: Magic Matt / Play / Week 2● Ask: Pretty cool, right? For Matt, doing magic tricks gives him joy, energy and

and fun. It make him feel alive, because he gets to bring joy to others through magic! That’s what God wants play to be like for us. Something that gives us joy, and energizes us. He wants us to live a full, adventurous PLAYFUL life. And next week, we’ll see how that goes hand in hand with how God made us for a special purpose.

● Say: Let’s check out our verse for the Journey to remind us of the kind of God created us to have. A life full of play AND purpose.

● Slide: John 10:10b I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full!

● Say: Remember, Jesus came to earth to give us a full life. That means he wants us to live fully, loving people and loving God in every way we can! In fact, Jesus actually died for us, and rescued us from our wrong choices….all so that we can have that kind of life.

● Pray: Ask a kid to come up and pray for the group!

● Say: As one last bit of fun today, we’re going to compete AGAINST Matt in a Rubik’s Cube competition! Can I have a volunteer who wants to try and solve the Rubik’s cube faster than Matt can?

● Video: Rubik’s Cube Challenges ○ In the keynote there are several different videos of Matt solving the

Rubik’s cube, and each one is different. ○ Let kids take turns using the Rubik’s cube DURING these videos, so

they can “compete” against Matt. You can play as many or as few as you want.

○ You can choose to do this now, before small group, or you could do it at the very end of the hour, when small groups are wrapping up.

You’ll need the Rubik’s cube for this special interactive video challenge!

John 10:10b I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full!

● Why does God love when we play?● Why did God design us for playing and having fun?● What/how do you think Jesus liked to play? ● What’s your favorite game to play?● Give each kid a verse card, and encourage them to try and memorize it this month, and see if

they can recite it the next time they come back to Kids’ Club!●


KNOW IT | 5 minutes

DO IT | 10 Minutes




Play the following games as a group. Depending on how much time you have, play a few, or play them all!

Balloon Balance: Give each kid a turn to balance the balloon on the back of their hand for 30 seconds! Let 2 kids go at a time if you have more than 10 kids total. You’ll be surprised how much they move around with this!

Picture Cube: Stand in a circle. Let kids take turns tossing the picture cube, and whatever it lands on, kids have to do! (Each side of the cube has a different silly action, animal, or exercise on it. Help kids read what is on the cube if they don’t know what the picture means. It might help to go over each image with the group before starting.)

Bowling: Set up a pyramid of 15 plastic cups, and let kids take turns rolling a foam ball towards the cups to knock them all down!

Balance Beam (for younger kids): Tape down a line of any length, and have a blast letting kids balance on it! Challenge kids to only walk on the line all the way to end. And definitely tape down further lines at different angles. Spirals and zig-zags are always fun! (Variations: Without stepping off, who can do the following the fastest: walk it heel-to-toe, walk it backwards, with eyes closed, and jumping down the line with both feet still on, etc.)




● Give kids a maze, or a word-search activity sheet to work on until their parents pick them up.

SUPPLIES ● Balloon (2 per group)● Masking/painters tape (1 roll per group)● Picture cube with action images (1 per group)● Plastic cups (15 per group)● Foam ball (2 per group)● Verse card (1 per kid)

Go around the group and let every kid answer this question: What’s your favorite type of game: sports game, board game, or video game?

Big Idea: Why does God love when we play? What do you play with your friends?

K-2ndSeptember 21-22, 2019

GAME TIME | Played in one large group

Item Usage Details Provided by


COOL DOWN TIME | Played in small groups

Item Usage Details Provided by

Cardstock 1 per kid, reused 8.5x11 white cardstock site

Popsicle sticks 5 per kid, reused Any size KC Site Support

Feathers 5 per kid, reused Oriental Trading KC Site Support

Buttons 5 per kid, reused Oriental Trading KC Site Support

Straws 5 per kid, reused Amazon KC Site Support


Item Usage Details Provided by

Coloring sheet/ Maze/ Activity Sheet Quantity determined by site. 8.5x11 paper, black & white, Page 8, 9, 10 site

Markers 1 per kid, reused site

Balloon 2 per group, reused Amazon (provide 5 extra per subsequent service)

KC Site Support

Masking/painters tape 1 roll per group, reused site

Picture cube 1 per group, reused Amazon KC Site Support

Picture cube images 6 per cube, reused

8.5x11 cardstock, color, cut images according to template to be inserted into

cube, Page 11-13

*Sites should insert images prior to weekend use.


Plastic cups 15 per group, reused Amazon KC Site Support

Foam Balls 2 per group, reused Amazon KC Site Support

Verse card 1 per kid 8.5x11 cardstock, color, cut into quarters, Page 14 site


Item Usage Details Provided by

Rubik’s Cube 1 per large group, reused KC Site Support







1. KC Logo Slide: for when kids enter the room (All that You Need instrumental; mp3 only; can be downloaded on website)

2. Video: 10 Second Countdown_0922193. Slide: We’re made to play!4. Video: Kid Driven Content / How Did Jesus Play? (KC/SM media videos

songs>videos>Journey 2019)5. Video: God’s Story / Jesus Was Like Us6. Video: New 10-Minute Timer (KC/SM media videos songs>videos>countdowns)7. Video: New 10-Minute Timer (KC/SM media videos songs>videos>countdowns)8. Video: Magic Matt / Play / Week 29. Slide: John 10:10b I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full!

10. Video: Rubik’s Cube Challenges (in progress, amount of videos TBD)
