Download - SENATE HOUSE REFURBISHMENT...ordered masonrordered masonry elevay elevation. uustainastainability The desiThe design team have been focusing on producing a gn team have been focusing

Page 1: SENATE HOUSE REFURBISHMENT...ordered masonrordered masonry elevay elevation. uustainastainability The desiThe design team have been focusing on producing a gn team have been focusing


Public Exhibition Presentation

February 2018


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Senate House - Existing Building Condition

Site Photo 01 - View from Woodland Road Site Photo 02 - Senate House Courtyard


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The Requirement

• In 2006 an SPD was produced outlining a Strategic Masterplan for the University of Bristol.

• Senate House sits at the centre of the Strategic Masterplan, and is located directly opposite the Hawthorns; a site which has been identified by the University as being the ideal location for the new University Library.

• The Hawthorns currently houses the University Residential and Hospitality Services (RHS).

• To enable the broader aspirations of the Strategic Masterplan, the existing catering and RHS provision will need to be relocated. Senate House is an ideal potential location for the relocated and enhanced catering services.

The Scheme

The proposal is to extend the lower ground floor to infill the existing courtyard with a new double height space. The space will provide the following facilities in order to align with the client brief:

• A modern aesthetic in order to meet the high expectations of the users

• A range of outlets providing a variety of food offers

• An open plan space with a flexible layout

• An improved entrance to the lower ground floor of Senate House

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Site History and Context

• Senate House was designed by local architects Oatley and Brentnall, and was built in the1960s.

• The building is well connected, situated towards the top of St Michael’s Hill, and at a key node along the University precinct of Tyndall Avenue and Woodland Road.

• The site lies within the Tyndall’s Park conservation area, which also includes a number of listed buildings and structures. Senate House itself is not listed.

Public Realm

• The extension proposal would result in the loss of the Senate House courtyard space (shown on the adjacent diagram in red).

• The courtyard is deemed to be of little significance due to the quality of the space and the fact that it is not currently a major part of the broader urban realm.

• As a consequence of the redevelopment, three existing trees would be lost.

• An Arboricultural Report carried out by Hillside Trees has concluded that the health of the trees in question is in decline, and the most significant tree is already suffering from restrictive growth as a result of its proximity to the existing building.

D R Senate House courtyard space (shown on the adjacent Senate House courtyard space (shown on the adjacent diagram in red). diagram in red).

The courtyard is deemed to be of little significance due to The courtyard is deemed to be of little significanthe quality of the space and the fact that it is not currently the quality of the space and the fact that it is noa major part of the broader urban realm.a major part of the broa

As a consequence of the redevelopment, three existing As a consequence of the redevelopment, three existing trees would be lost. trees would be lost.

An Arboricultural Report carried out by Hillside Trees has An Arboricultural Report carried out by Hillside Tconcluded that the health of the trees in question is inconcluded that the health of the trees in quesdecline and the most significant tree is already sufferingdecline and the most significant tree is already

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Senate House Courtyard Trees

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Locating roof lights so that they give optimum daylight to both the extension and also the existing building at LG and UG floors.


Optimising useful free space for various functions alongside a pragmatic circulation strategy.


Design an entrance strategy that minimises wind and draught impact on the central area.

This suggests that a central door configeration (as shown) is not advisable.


Wind lobbies on either side of a canopied entrance, which align with circulation routes (to feature stair and WCs).

This also means that the central seating area will have uninterupted views out of the building.


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A double storey extension that unifies the lower and upper ground floors, which views from one to the other.


An extension facade that allows views out from the upper ground foyer and new mezzanine balcony.


A facade to the extension that responds to the existing building facades, both horizontal string courses and vertical structural rhythm.


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The Extension Design

• Will improve catering offer for students, staff and the general public.

• Aims to satisfy emerging expectations for better facilities.

• Will be dynamic and flexible, with the potential for pop-up catering offers to be installed at certain peak times throughout the year.

• Will create a visual and physical link to the cafe and the Student Advice Service on the upper ground floor.

• Is envisioned as a central hub for both the building users and the local community.

• Responds to the existing building facades with it’s ordered masonry elevation.


• The design team have been focusing on producing a passive design which maximises energy effi ciency.

• “BREEAM” is being used to manage and monitor the project’s sustainable performance.

Internal View 01 - Dining Space 02


Responds to the existing building facades with it’s Responds to the existing building facades with it’s ordered masonry elevation.ordered masonry eleva


The design team have been focusing on producing a The design team have been focusing on producing a passive design which maximises energy effi ciency.passive design which maximises energy effi ciency.

“BREEAM” is being used to manage and monitor the“BREEAM” is being used to manage and moproject’s sustainable performance.project’s sustainable

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Internal View 04 - Dining Space 01Internal View 02 - Dining Space 03

Internal View 03 - Ground Floor Entrance LobbyF TInternal View 03 - Ground Floor Entrance LobbyInternal View 03 - Ground Floor Entrance Lobb

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Lower Ground Floor Plan - Key Accommodation

• Catering Outlets: There are 3 main food outlets with a shared kitchen and back of house area. There are 2 areas indicated on the plan for pop-up catering outlets, which will be serviced accordingly.

• Dining Space 01: Dining Space 01 is adjacent to the food outlets, and has space for 90-100 seats.

• Dining Space 02: Dining Space 02 contains space for 110-120 seats. This space is open-plan and flexible, allowing it to be used for alternative functions if neccessary. As a double height space, it encourages light into the deeper plan of the existing building, and creates a key connection between the lower and upper ground floors of Senate House.

• Dining Space 03: Dining Space 03 contains space for 100-110 seats, and is separated from Dining Space 02 by large double doors which can be open or closed to the main space for increased flexibility.D Rbetween the lower and upper ground floors of Senatebebetwtweeeen n ththe e lolowewer r anand d upuppeper r grgrououndnd f floloorors s ofof S Senenatate e House.HoHoususe.e.

Dining Space 03: Dining Space 03 contains space for DiDininingng S Spapacece 0 03:3: D Dininining g SpSpacace e 0303 c conontatainins s 100-110 seats, and is separated from Dining Space 0210100-0-11110 0 seseatats,s, a andnd i is s sesepapararateted d frfromom D Dininining g by large double doors which can be open or closed to thebyby l larargege d dououblble e dodoorors s whwhicich h cacan n bebe o opepen n oror c clolosesed d toto t thehe main space for increased flexibility.mamainin s spapacece f foror i incncrereasasee

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Upper Ground Floor Plan - Key Accommodation

• Cafe: The Ground Floor cafe contains space for 90-100 seats. The servery is clearly visible from the main entrance, and is located adjacent to the main stair to the lower ground floor food court.

• Student Advice Service (SAS) Office: The SAS office contains 22 desk spaces, and will support the main enquiry desk and consultation areas.

• Enquiry Desk: The enquiry desk can accommodate 5 staff/ student enquiries at any one time.

• Private Consultation Rooms: There are 6 private consultation rooms located discreetly behind the main enquiry desk.

• Entrance Foyer: The entrance foyer contains space for 40-50 seats, which will be used primarily by students waiting to be called up to the enquiry desk. The foyer overlooks the new double height extension space. D Rconsultation rooms located discreetly behind the main coconsnsulultatatitionon r roooomsms l lococatateded d disiscrcreeeetltly y bebehihindnd t thehe m maiain n enquiry desk.enenququiriry y dedesksk. .

Entrance Foyer: The entrance foyer contains space for EnEntrtranancece F Foyoyerer: : ThThe e enentrtranancece f foyoyerer c conontatainins s 40-50 seats, which will be used primarily by students 4040-5-50 0 seseatats,s, w whihichch w wilill l bebe u usesed d prprimimararilily y bybywaiting to be called up to the enquiry desk. The foyer wawaititining g toto b be e cacalllleded u up p toto t thehe e enqnquiuiryry d desesk.k. T Thehe f foyoyerer overlooks the new double height extension space.ovovererlolookoks s ththe e nenew w dodoubublele h heieighght t exextetensnsioion n spspacace.e.

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Extension Roof Plan

• Rooflights: The extension design incorporates a number of rooflights which activate the interior of the new central dining space, and ensure that the existing lower ground floor spaces receive plenty of natural daylight.


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Tyndall Avenue Public Realm (TAPR) Scheme

• Recently submitted planning application to remodel the public realm on Tyndall Avenue and Woodland Road.

• Aims to unite all of the buildings and enhance the experience for pedestrians and cyclists.

• If approved it is expected that the landscape design would work with the new proposal for the extension to Senate House as indicated in the diagram adjacent.


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Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios LLP

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Job ref: 1879 UoB Senate House

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