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Self Healing Ritual

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The sick or ill person has to perform this ritual with devout confidence and be

sincerely devoted. If the person requiring healing is unable to perform the

ritual themselves, another person may perform the ritual on behalf of the

person requiring healing.

Elita Magdiel LLC Spiritual Life Coach



● Find a quiet, comfortable space to be alone. If you require help or

assistance, invite someone you trust and who will be more than

happy to assist and provide supportive positive energy.

● Light a white candle.

● Aromatize the space. Use an incense related to the persons zodiacal

sign who requires the healing. The atoms being released into the air

are breathed in and they act constructively on behalf of the person

requiring healing.

○ Aries- perfume of Myrrh

○ Taurus- perfume like Costus root or an aromatic herb like


○ Gemini- perfume of Mastic

○ Cancer- perfume of Camphor

○ Leo- perfume of Frankincense

○ Virgo- perfume of White Sandalwood

○ Libra- perfume of Galbanum

○ Scorpio- perfume of Copal

○ Sagittarius- perfume of Aloe

○ Capricorn- perfume of Pine Extract

○ Aquarius- perfume of Spikenard

○ Pisces- perfume of Thyme

Elita Magdiel LLC Spiritual Life Coach


● If unable to procure the scent for the zodiacal sign, then use the

healing scent for that day as follows or do the next method.

○ Sunday – eucalyptus

○ Monday – cinnamon

○ Tuesday – rose or violet

○ Wednesday – frankincense

○ Thursday – sandalwood

○ Friday – clove

○ Saturday – pine or cypress

● To bring oneself or another out of a state or condition of misery or to

cleanse of harmful entities, bathe in the smoke of frankincense,

myrrh, aloe, and camphor all combined for approximately 5 minutes

or until the incenses burn out. If the smoke of any incenses bother

you, stop using them and use a method and scents that you are able

to easily tolerate.

● Place yourself in front of the lit candle.

● Begin vocalizing in a singing way, the incantation or mantra INRI

which means Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram – Fire Unceasingly

Renews Nature.

○ IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNnnnnnnnnnnn (pronounce the i as in tree)

○ RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (again pronounce the i as in


Elita Magdiel LLC Spiritual Life Coach


● Visualize a white flame (warm heat) light entering into the top of

your head. Feel its heat or warmth.

● Take your hands, palms facing you, and begin sweeping them

downward from your head to your feet in a gentle flowing motion

while in your minds eye (imagination, 6th dimension, the dimension

of creation) seeing that warm white flame light move along with your

hands consuming the negative entities or energy (evil darkness)

causing the ailment(s).

● See within your mind’s eye that your hands are magnetic and that

they are magnetically moving the warm white flame light down

through the body.

● Visualize the warm white flame light as it moves down your body

taking the cause of your ailment(s) with it and then as it exits

through your feet, see it in your minds eye move to the flame of the

candle in front of you and burned up by the candles fire flame.

● Do this several times or until you feel a relief.

● Then drink a glass of water that has been heart feelingly blessed

with this prayer. Visualize and feel those blessedly charged water

molecules flowing through your entire body and constructively

healing all bodily damage.

May we be filled with loving kindness.

May we be well.

Elita Magdiel LLC Spiritual Life Coach


May we be peaceful and at ease.

May we be happy.


● Snuff out the candle flame along with the cause of the ailment(s).

● Perform this practice once a day as often as you feel necessary or

until the cause has been fully and thoroughly eliminated and the

damage healed.

Elita Magdiel LLC Spiritual Life Coach