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Name:_____________________ Date:______________________

Class:______________________ Mark:__________/75____________

Section 1 Listening

You will have 10 seconds to reach each question and the corresponding options.

Then listen to the recording. After the recording you will have 10 seconds to

choose the correct option. Put a cross (x) in the box next to the correct answer, as

in the example.

Example: How does the speaker describe the behavior of compulsive gamblers?

A hopeless

B irrational

C realistic

1. What makes the ridge dangerous?

A its length

B the difficult climbing involved

C bad weather

2. What is the man saying?

A The answer is obvious.

B The origin of the name is unknown.

C There are two possible answers.

3. What is the second woman’s advice?

A Don’t make any rules.

B Don’t forget everything you’ve been told.

C Be flexible.

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4. What used to be common in Rome?

A long lunches

B early bedtimes

C nine-to-five jobs

5. What does the iceberg patrol do?

A rescue ships hit by icebergs

B identify new icebergs

C help ships to find safe routes

6. What does the man believe?

A Spanking is harmless.

B Physical punishment does not achieve its goals.

C Parents have the right to spank their children.

7. What will the man do?

A go out for a drink

B go to bed

C stay for dinner

8. What is the speaker’s job?

A a guide

B a police officer

C a rescuer

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9. What is the speaker referring to?

A sleeping pills

B a disease

C high-calorie foods

10. What is the holiday’s main selling point?

A It’s a unique experience.

B The accommodation is unequalled.

C It’s only for the highly trained.

Section 2 Listening and Writing

You will hear a recording about insomnia. Listen to the whole recording once.

Then you will hear the recording again with pauses for you to write down what

you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly.













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Section 3 Listening

You will hear a talk about child rearing. First, read the notes below then

listen and complete the notes with information from the talk.

Example: How you give instructions will

…….determine………………whether a child will follow them.

12. The first thing you should do is make sure you have the child’s


13. Avoid …………………………….of your request.

14. Make it clear that failure to obey will have


15. Don’t make …………………………………………, and if you do, be

prepared to back down.

16. Your child is more likely to behave in a ……………………………manner if

you do too.

You will hear a broadcast. First, read the notes below then listen and complete

the notes with information from the broadcast.

Example: The climbers set off on the final ascent of Everest on………May ……9th


17. It cost each participant …………………………… make the


18. …………………………………………………are not enough to complete

such a climb.

19. Most of the climbers had very little ……………………………………..of


20. Most of the blame for the tragedy can be laid


21. ……………………………….of the climbers died on Everest.

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Section 4 Reading

Read each text and put a cross (x) by the missing word or phrase , as in the


Example: Passports are no longer checked at the borders between EU countries (with

the exception of the UK and Ireland). …………………….., if you enter an EU

country from a country which is not a member, the law states you must show a valid


A Although

B Additionally

C However

22. The court found the newspaper guilty of invasion of privacy, and ordered it to

pay the actor’s legal costs and an additional ₤500,000.

A in circulation

B in compensation

C in legal fees

23. Is it a good idea to go back to work? And when he cries, should I leave him

for a while before picking him up? What about day care? How soon should he

start mixing with other kids? The first-time parent has many

……………… these, and that’s where we can help.

A nagging worries

B irrational fears

C bizarre inquires

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24. Avid supporters of alternative medicine have every reason to be pleased as it

is no longer associated with strange potions and ineffective home-made

remedies. The trend towards a more natural way of healing has been gaining

recognition and approval from even its most…..

A ardent opponents

B faithful fans

C ungrateful patients

25. The new generation of camera technology has produced the……………’ultra-

compact’, a point-and-shoot camera with zoom lens to match any professional

camera. Some models also offer a shutter speed which can beat that of many

professional ones.

A oddly-named

B so-called

C renowned

26. As the temperature in his living room slid towards zero, Vladimir Kolotov, 68,

was forced to wear a fur hat inside his flat ……………..out on the icy streets.

For months, the only hot water he had came from a pan, heated on the stove.

A instead of

B as well as

C additionally

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Section 5 Reading

Read the passage and answer the questions below. Put a cross (x) in the box next

to the correct answer, as in the example.

The term ‘alternative medicine’ encompasses a broad range of healing philosophies,

approaches and therapies. This kind of medicine does not follow generally accepted

medical methods and may not have a rational scientific explanation for its

effectiveness. Because of this, it had remained largely unknown to the general public

and widely ignored by Western medical practitioners. But in recent years, more and

more doctors have been prescribing alternative therapies to supplement conventional

treatments. This trend is caused not only by people becoming more receptive to

alternative techniques, but also by a growing awareness of the side effects if many


Alternative medicine is often seen as a holistic approach, healing the whole person

instead of just focusing on the symptoms of the disease. For instance, if you go to an

acupuncturist for migraines, he will not just treat your headaches, but will also want

information regarding your personality and lifestyle. The emphasis on wholeness, on

viewing the body as a single entity, is one of the principles inherent in alternative


Some therapies are far outside the realm of accepted Western medical theory and

practice, but others, like chiropractic treatments, are now established in mainstream

medicine. In chiropractic medicine the relationship between the structure of the spine

and the function of the nervous system is considered key to restoring and maintaining

health. The main method for correcting this relationship is spinal manipulation. This

technique is proven clinically effective in the treatment of acute lower back pain and

other spine-related problems (despite its practitioners’ stubborn insistence that spinal

misalignment causes most ailments , including those seemingly unrelated to the


Another branch of alternative medicine is homeopathy. Developed in 1796 by

German physician Samuel Hahnemann, it is based on the principle that ‘like cure like’

. In other words, a substance which in large doses is known to cause illness is believed

to cure the same illness if administered in minute doses. The minute dose is thought to

stimulate the body’s own natural defences and bolster immunity. Homeopathic

remedies are natural extracts derived from plants , animals and minerals. Many of the

remedies are so highly diluted they contain no detectable trace of the original

substance, although homeopaths maintain that a healing force is retained by these

preparations. While critics contend that homeopathic remedies are nothing more than

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placebos, a number of studies document their efficacy in treating hay fever ,

respiratory infections, digestive problems , migraine and rheumatic diseases.

In reflexology, manual pressure is applied to specific areas of the foot that are

believed to correspond to different organs or systems of the body. Stimulation of these

areas is believed to eliminate the blockage of energy which practitioners say is

responsible for pain or disease in the corresponding body part. Reflexology may also

help relive anxiety and stress.

For some health problems, though , alternative healing approaches alone may not be

enough to help a person get well. Even something as seemingly minor as an infection

may need simultaneous treatment with traditional medications like antibiotics. And

while it is true that people today are questioning the methods of conventional

medicine, they are not quite ready to abandon them entirely in favour of natural

healing methods.

Example: Why are more people turning to alternative medicine?

A Its use can now be explained scientifically.

B It is gaining wider acceptance.

C Doctors are becoming more open-minded.

27. What do the therapeutic techniques of alternative medicine all have in


A the practice of medicine without the use of drugs

B harmless side effects

C an emphasis on treating the symptoms of a disease

28. What does the writer imply about chiropractic medicine?

A It focuses too much on back pain.

B Clinical trials have proved inconclusive.

C It has not recognized its own limitations.

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29. What is meant by the phrase ‘like cures like’?

A The body develops a resistance to disease.

B Minute doses of a natural extract are just as potent as large doses.

C Illness and healing are brought about by the same substance.

30. Which form of treatment claims to correct the body’s energy flow?

A chiropractic medicine

B homoeopathy

C reflexology

31. What is the writer’s conclusion about alternative medicine?

A It can cure all common diseases.

B It can complement conventional medicine.

C It should only be used in conjunction with conventional medicine.

Section 6 Reading

Read the website extract below and answer the questionst

Example: What is the recommended sleep requirement for teenagers?

………around nine hours each night……………………………….

Teenagers are notorious for staying up late at night and being hard to awaken in the

morning. Most teens need around nine hours of sleep each night to maintain optimal

daytime alertness. However, few teens actually get that much sleep regularly, thanks

to homework, social demands, sports and other extra-curricular activities. A recent

study of 1,600 Canadian adolescents found that only 15 percent reported sleeping

eight and a half hours or more on school nights. Even in their leisure time teens tend

to engage in stimulating activities such as watching TV, playing video games, texting

and social networking, which means they are left with very little or no downtime.

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32. On average, how many Canadian teenagers do not get enough sleep?


33. How much time do teenagers spend resting?


34. What is the most extreme effect of tiredness on a person’s mood?


35. What becomes weaker due to lack of sleep?


Read the extract from a leaflet below and answer the questions.

Liverpool’s galleries and museums will play host to the city’s first ever

photography festival in 2011.

Look2011, which will take place over the entire month of May, aims to ‘push

back the boundaries of photography and develop ideas about its future’. The

theme of the festival will be social justice, and the organizing committee is

confident that the event will become an annual highlight in north-west

England’s cultural calendar.

The festival, its theme and the programme of events are all designed to

educate and inform the average person on the street, avoiding the pretentious

or overly technical.

As well as a huge variety of exhibitions, Look2011 will also include free

workshops , equipment demonstrations and talks by experts. Award-winning

photographers will hold portfolio review sessions for aspiring photographers,

as well as those who simply enjoy taking pictures as a leisure activity. There

will also be the opportunity for youngsters to take part in our Future

Photography Star contest.

Example: Where will the exhibits at the festival be housed?

… Liverpool’s galleries and museums…………….

36. How many days will the festival last?


37. What will the subject matter of the exhibits be?


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38. How is the festival experience meant to be for members of the public?


39. Where could somebody wanting to become a photographer get advice on their



Section 7 Reading

Read the advertisement and complete the notes. Write no more than three

words in each gap from the article.

The Companion International School has maintained a high level of academic

excellence throughout its 50-year history. The children of diplomats,

professors and politicians have walked our halls on their own way to

becoming diplomats, politicians and leading academics themselves.

We are deeply aware of the fact that many of our pupils are bilingual on

entrance to the school, and make it our duty to encourage and nurture this vital

ability. The curriculum is taught in English and French, but we have also made

a commitment to develop the pupils’ skills in any language they might speak

in addition to the basic two. For example, a child from Russia would receive

classes in their own language as well as intensive booster classes in English

and French to ensure they can participate fully in class.

We take a cross-cultural approach elsewhere too. School life is designed so as

not to make any child feel as if they are an outsider or foreigner. Religious

education covers all the major world religions, history lessons avoid

Eurocentrism and school events reflect our cultural richness and diversity. On

International Day, for instance, every pupil is encouraged to bring in a dish

from their national cuisine for their friends to sample, and groups of

nationalities put on performances of their country’s music and dance as well as

demonstrations of arts and crafts.

Young children learn new languages effortlessly, and it has been shown time

and again that the child who speaks two or more languages also does better in

other areas of schooling. Our graduates go on to attend prestigious universities

throughout the world, with many staying on at them to teach as professors.

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Our alumni network ensures that ex-pupils stay in touch, meaning that

wherever a Companion (as our pupils are called) is in the world , they will be

able to find a friendly face and a helping hand.

We pride ourselves on our ability to teach children with special needs within

an ordinary class environment. For example, a deaf boy enrolled at our school

last year so we hired a teacher of sign language, and the boy’s entire class, as

well as a number of teachers, learned to sign. The parents of the boy have

indicated that he is much happier here than at the special school for the deaf he

attended before.

We also have a scholarship programme that assists gifted students who do not

have the financial means to attend the Companion International School. For

more information, please contact our Deputy Head Teacher, who deals with

the assessment tests and interviews. Granting of a scholarship depends on the

results of both, as well as on reports and references from the school the child is

currently attending.

Example: ……………Pupils…………………of the school have included the

children of diplomats and professors.

40. Both English and French are used to……………………….

41. To become fully contributing members of the class, some students will require

……………….lessons in the two main languages.

42. Multiculturalism is a feature of both……………….and lessons.

43. Someone who attends the school is known as …………………….

44. Ex-pupils of the school can be found all ………………………..

45. The example of the deaf boy shows the school’s approach to children who


46. Less well-off children with a good academic record could be awarded


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Section 8 Writing

Use the information in Section 7 to help you write your answer.

47. You have read the advertisement for the Companion International School.

Write a letter to a friend who is considering sending their child to the school.

Write about 150-200words and include the following:

your comments on your friends decision

the benefits of attending the Companion International School

your thoughts on whether all children should be offered a bilingual


























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Section 9 Writing

Choose one of the topics below and write your answer in 250-300 words.

48 A) Write a contribution to a website blog about how people today often

underestimate the importance of getting enough rest. Discuss the effects that

overtiredness has on a person’s well-being.

B) When it comes to reporting current affairs, the role of the media is to inform,

and news items should therefore be presented factually and objectively.


























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Section 1 Listening

You will have 10 seconds to reach each question and the corresponding options.

Then listen to the recording. After the recording you will have 10 seconds to

choose the correct option. Put a cross (x) in the box next to the correct answer, as

in the example.

Example: How does the speaker describe the behavior of compulsive gamblers?

A hopeless

B irrational

C realistic

1. What makes the ridge dangerous?

A its length

B the difficult climbing involved

C bad weather

2. What is the man saying?

A The answer is obvious.

B The origin of the name is unknown.

C There are two possible answers.

3. What is the second woman’s advice?

A Don’t make any rules.

B Don’t forget everything you’ve been told.

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C Be flexible.

4. What used to be common in Rome?

A long lunches

B early bedtimes

C nine-to-five jobs

5. What does the iceberg patrol do?

A rescue ships hit by icebergs

B identify new icebergs

C help ships to find safe routes

6. What does the man believe?

A Spanking is harmless.

B Physical punishment does not achieve its goals.

C Parents have the right to spank their children.

7. What will the man do?

A go out for a drink

B go to bed

C stay for dinner

8. What is the speaker’s job?

A a guide

B a police officer

C a rescuer

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9. What is the speaker referring to?

A sleeping pills

B a disease

C high-calorie foods

10. What is the holiday’s main selling point?

A It’s a unique experience.

B The accommodation is unequalled.

C It’s only for the highly trained.


Section 2 Listening and Writing

You will hear a recording about insomnia. Listen to the whole recording once.

Then you will hear the recording again with pauses for you to write down what

you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly.

11. _____The chronic insomniac should look to the bedtime rituals o children for

ideas on how to deal with their problems, some experts are saying. Children

demand a set routine, and if any step in the process is overlooked, they find it

impossible ti sleep. This familiar pattern of events is actually telling the body that

it is time to wind down. ___________________________________________


Section 3 Listening

You will hear a talk about child rearing. First, read the notes below then

listen and complete the notes with information from the talk.

Example: How you give instructions will

…….determine………………whether a child will follow them.

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12.The first thing you should do is make sure you have the child’s


13. Avoid ……repetition……………………….of your request.

14. Make it clear that failure to obey will have


15. Don’t make ……unrealistic threats……………………………………, and if

you do, be prepared to back down.

16. Your child is more likely to behave in a

……reasonable………………………manner if you do too.

You will hear a broadcast. First, read the notes below then listen and complete

the notes with information from the broadcast.

Example: The climbers set off on the final ascent of Everest on………May ……9th


17. It cost each participant …thousands of dollars… make the climb.

18. ………Enthusiasm and determination…………are not enough to complete

such a climb.

19. Most of the climbers had very little

…experience…………………………………..of climbing.

20. Most of the blame for the tragedy can be laid on………the


21. ………Eight……………………….of the climbers died on Everest.


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Section 4 Reading

Read each text and put a cross (x) by the missing word or phrase , as in the


Example: Passports are no longer checked at the borders between EU countries (with

the exception of the UK and Ireland). …………………….., if you enter an EU

country from a country which is not a member, the law states you must show a valid


A Although

B Additionally

C However

22. The court found the newspaper guilty of invasion of privacy, and ordered it to

pay the actor’s legal costs and an additional ₤500,000.

A in circulation

B in compensation

C in legal fees

23. Is it a good idea to go back to work? And when he cries, should I leave him

for a while before picking him up? What about day care? How soon should he

start mixing with other kids? The first-time parent has many

……………… these, and that’s where we can help.

A nagging worries

B irrational fears

C bizarre inquires

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24. Avid supporters of alternative medicine have every reason to be pleased as it

is no longer associated with strange potions and ineffective home-made

remedies. The trend towards a more natural way of healing has been gaining

recognition and approval from even its most…..

A ardent opponents

B faithful fans

C ungrateful patients

25. The new generation of camera technology has produced the……………’ultra-

compact’, a point-and-shoot camera with zoom lens to match any professional

camera. Some models also offer a shutter speed which can beat that of many

professional ones.

A oddly-named

B so-called

C renowned

26. As the temperature in his living room slid towards zero, Vladimir Kolotov, 68,

was forced to wear a fur hat inside his flat ……………..out on the icy streets.

For months, the only hot water he had came from a pan, heated on the stove.

A instead of

B as well as

C additionally


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Section 5 Reading

Read the passage and answer the questions below. Put a cross (x) in the box next

to the correct answer, as in the example.

The term ‘alternative medicine’ encompasses a broad range of healing philosophies,

approaches and therapies. This kind of medicine does not follow generally accepted

medical methods and may not have a rational scientific explanation for its

effectiveness. Because of this, it had remained largely unknown to the general public

and widely ignored by Western medical practitioners. But in recent years, more and

more doctors have been prescribing alternative therapies to supplement conventional

treatments. This trend is caused not only by people becoming more receptive to

alternative techniques, but also by a growing awareness of the side effects if many


Alternative medicine is often seen as a holistic approach, healing the whole person

instead of just focusing on the symptoms of the disease. For instance, if you go to an

acupuncturist for migraines, he will not just treat your headaches, but will also want

information regarding your personality and lifestyle. The emphasis on wholeness, on

viewing the body as a single entity, is one of the principles inherent in alternative


Some therapies are far outside the realm of accepted Western medical theory and

practice, but others, like chiropractic treatments, are now established in mainstream

medicine. In chiropractic medicine the relationship between the structure of the spine

and the function of the nervous system is considered key to restoring and maintaining

health. The main method for correcting this relationship is spinal manipulation. This

technique is proven clinically effective in the treatment of acute lower back pain and

other spine-related problems (despite its practitioners’ stubborn insistence that spinal

misalignment causes most ailments , including those seemingly unrelated to the


Another branch of alternative medicine is homeopathy. Developed in 1796 by

German physician Samuel Hahnemann, it is based on the principle that ‘like cure like’

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. In other words, a substance which in large doses is known to cause illness is believed

to cure the same illness if administered in minute doses. The minute dose is thought to

stimulate the body’s own natural defences and bolster immunity. Homeopathic

remedies are natural extracts derived from plants , animals and minerals. Many of the

remedies are so highly diluted they contain no detectable trace of the original

substance, although homeopaths maintain that a healing force is retained by these

preparations. While critics contend that homeopathic remedies are nothing more than

placebos, a number of studies document their efficacy in treating hay fever ,

respiratory infections, digestive problems , migraine and rheumatic diseases.

In reflexology, manual pressure is applied to specific areas of the foot that are

believed to correspond to different organs or systems of the body. Stimulation of these

areas is believed to eliminate the blockage of energy which practitioners say is

responsible for pain or disease in the corresponding body part. Reflexology may also

help relive anxiety and stress.

For some health problems, though , alternative healing approaches alone may not be

enough to help a person get well. Even something as seemingly minor as an infection

may need simultaneous treatment with traditional medications like antibiotics. And

while it is true that people today are questioning the methods of conventional

medicine, they are not quite ready to abandon them entirely in favour of natural

healing methods.

Example: Why are more people turning to alternative medicine?

A Its use can now be explained scientifically.

B It is gaining wider acceptance.

C Doctors are becoming more open-minded.

27. What do the therapeutic techniques of alternative medicine all have in


A the practice of medicine without the use of drugs

B harmless side effects

C an emphasis on treating the symptoms of a disease

28. What does the writer imply about chiropractic medicine?

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A It focuses too much on back pain.

B Clinical trials have proved inconclusive.

C It has not recognized its own limitations.

29. What is meant by the phrase ‘like cures like’?

A The body develops a resistance to disease.

B Minute doses of a natural extract are just as potent as large doses.

C Illness and healing are brought about by the same substance.

30. Which form of treatment claims to correct the body’s energy flow?

A chiropractic medicine

B homoeopathy

C reflexology

31. What is the writer’s conclusion about alternative medicine?

A It can cure all common diseases.

B It can complement conventional medicine.

C It should only be used in conjunction with conventional medicine.


Section 6 Reading

Read the website extract below and answer the questionst

Example: What is the recommended sleep requirement for teenagers?

………around nine hours each night……………………………….

Teenagers are notorious for staying up late at night and being hard to awaken in the

morning. Most teens need around nine hours of sleep each night to maintain optimal

daytime alertness. However, few teens actually get that much sleep regularly, thanks

to homework, social demands, sports and other extra-curricular activities. A recent

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study of 1,600 Canadian adolescents found that only 15 percent reported sleeping

eight and a half hours or more on school nights. Even in their leisure time teens tend

to engage in stimulating activities such as watching TV, playing video games, texting

and social networking, which means they are left with very little or no downtime.

32. On average, how many Canadian teenagers do not get enough sleep?


33. How much time do teenagers spend resting?

………very little or none …………………………………………………………

34. What is the most extreme effect of tiredness on a person’s mood?

…aggression/aggressive behaviour…………………………………………

35. What becomes weaker due to lack of sleep?

……the immune system ………………………………………………………

Read the extract from a leaflet below and answer the questions.

Liverpool’s galleries and museums will play host to the city’s first ever

photography festival in 2011.

Look2011, which will take place over the entire month of May, aims to ‘push

back the boundaries of photography and develop ideas about its future’. The

theme of the festival will be social justice, and the organizing committee is

confident that the event will become an annual highlight in north-west

England’s cultural calendar.

The festival, its theme and the programme of events are all designed to

educate and inform the average person on the street, avoiding the pretentious

or overly technical.

As well as a huge variety of exhibitions, Look2011 will also include free

workshops , equipment demonstrations and talks by experts. Award-winning

photographers will hold portfolio review sessions for aspiring photographers,

as well as those who simply enjoy taking pictures as a leisure activity. There

will also be the opportunity for youngsters to take part in our Future

Photography Star contest.

Example: Where will the exhibits at the festival be housed?

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… Liverpool’s galleries and museums…………….

36. How many days will the festival last?


37. What will the subject matter of the exhibits be? justice................................................................................................

38. How is the festival experience meant to be for members of the public?

……educational and informative …………………………………………

39. Where could somebody wanting to become a photographer get advice on their

work? a portfolio review session...................................................................


Section 7 Reading

Read the advertisement and complete the notes. Write no more than three

words in each gap from the article.

The Companion International School has maintained a high level of academic

excellence throughout its 50-year history. The children of diplomats,

professors and politicians have walked our halls on their own way to

becoming diplomats, politicians and leading academics themselves.

We are deeply aware of the fact that many of our pupils are bilingual on

entrance to the school, and make it our duty to encourage and nurture this vital

ability. The curriculum is taught in English and French, but we have also made

a commitment to develop the pupils’ skills in any language they might speak

in addition to the basic two. For example, a child from Russia would receive

classes in their own language as well as intensive booster classes in English

and French to ensure they can participate fully in class.

We take a cross-cultural approach elsewhere too. School life is designed so as

not to make any child feel as if they are an outsider or foreigner. Religious

education covers all the major world religions, history lessons avoid

Eurocentrism and school events reflect our cultural richness and diversity. On

International Day, for instance, every pupil is encouraged to bring in a dish

from their national cuisine for their friends to sample, and groups of

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nationalities put on performances of their country’s music and dance as well as

demonstrations of arts and crafts.

Young children learn new languages effortlessly, and it has been shown time

and again that the child who speaks two or more languages also does better in

other areas of schooling. Our graduates go on to attend prestigious universities

throughout the world, with many staying on at them to teach as professors.

Our alumni network ensures that ex-pupils stay in touch, meaning that

wherever a Companion (as our pupils are called) is in the world , they will be

able to find a friendly face and a helping hand.

We pride ourselves on our ability to teach children with special needs within

an ordinary class environment. For example, a deaf boy enrolled at our school

last year so we hired a teacher of sign language, and the boy’s entire class, as

well as a number of teachers, learned to sign. The parents of the boy have

indicated that he is much happier here than at the special school for the deaf he

attended before.

We also have a scholarship programme that assists gifted students who do not

have the financial means to attend the Companion International School. For

more information, please contact our Deputy Head Teacher, who deals with

the assessment tests and interviews. Granting of a scholarship depends on the

results of both, as well as on reports and references from the school the child is

currently attending.

Example: ……………Pupils…………………of the school have included the

children of diplomats and professors.

40. Both English and French are used to……teach………………….

41. To become fully contributing members of the class, some students will require

…intensive booster…………….lessons in the two main languages.

42. Multiculturalism is a feature of both…school events…………….and lessons.

43. Someone who attends the school is known as …a Companion……………….

44. Ex-pupils of the school can be found all …over the world…………………..

45. The example of the deaf boy shows the school’s approach to children who

have…special needs……………

46. Less well-off children with a good academic record could be awarded …a



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Section 8 Writing

Use the information in Section 7 to help you write your answer.

47.You have read the advertisement for the Companion International School.

Write a letter to a friend who is considering sending their child to the school.

Write about 150-200words and include the following:

your comments on your friends decision

the benefits of attending the Companion International School

your thoughts on whether all children should be offered a bilingual





















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Section 9 Writing

Choose one of the topics below and write your answer in 250-300 words.

48 A) Write a contribution to a website blog about how people today often

underestimate the importance of getting enough rest. Discuss the effects that

overtiredness has on a person’s well-being.

B) When it comes to reporting current affairs, the role of the media is to inform,

and news items should therefore be presented factually and objectively.





















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