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C.  Sam  Smith  Home  Care  Evangelist  

Vice  President  -­‐  Business  Development  

 2013   1  

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What are some specific characteristics that mean ‘success’ to you?

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Characteris/cs  that  will  lead  to  success…  

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Or….is  this  success?  §  A  steady  stream  of  ever  increasing  hospital  referrals  from  new  hospital  client/partners    

§  Because  your  team  has  proven  how  your  agency  can  aid  in  delivering  dramaDc  reducDons  in  hospital  readmissions  rates  because  of  your  ability  to:  

§  Manage  paDent  condiDons    §  Measure  and  monitor  successes  §  Report  on  the  outcomes  that  have  been  achieved  §  And  moreover,  to  document…your  proficient  PaDent  Care,  leading  to  PosiDve  PaDent  Outcomes,  resulDng  in  Reduced  Hospital  Readmissions.  

§  This  is  certainly  markeDng  success!  

Characteris/cs  that  will  lead  to  success…  

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1.   Understand  how  to  develop  success  benchmarks(outcomes)  for  your  agency  

2.   Understand  the  Learning  Organiza/ons  concept  3.   Ideas  for  crea/ng  and  promo/ng  a  posi/ve  culture  4.   Develop  ac/ons  which  op/mize  Level  Of  Effort,  

Stability  and  Profitability—”success”  

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The Organic View

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“Success Secrets” Secret  #1    -­‐  Become  a  Learning  Organiza?on  Secret  #2    -­‐  Grow  in  Proficiency  in  Clinical  Services  Secret  #3    -­‐  Maintain  compliance  with  regula?ons  Secret  #4    -­‐  Grow  in  Wisdom  in  Financial  MaKers  Secret  #5    -­‐  Diversifica?on  in  Service  Models  Secret  #6    -­‐  Culturally  Sensi?ve  Work  Environment  Secret  #7    -­‐  Understand  and  set  an  example  of  Servant  Leadership      

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“Organiza)ons  where  people  con)nually  expand  their  capacity  to  create  the  results  they  truly  desire,  where  new  and  expansive  pa:erns  of  thinking  are  nurtured,  where  collec)ve  aspira)on  is  set  free,  and  where  people  are  con)nually  learning  to  see  the  whole  together”  

                       -­‐Dr.  Peter  Senge  

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Characteris/cs  Of  Learning  Organiza/ons  

A.    Systems  Thinking  B.    Shared  Vision    C.    Understanding  Mental  Models  D.    Team  Learning  E.    Personal  Mastery    

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Systems Thinking

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•  …..  is  a  conceptual  framework  that  allows  people  to  study  businesses  (home  health  agencies  are  businesses)  and  local  markets  as  bounded  objects,  like  cellular  organisms.  

•  Learning  organiza/ons  have  informa?on  systems  that  enable  them  to  measure  success  

•  Systems  thinking  involves  all  the  characteris?cs  that  must  be  appear  in  an  organiza?on  for  it  to  be  a  learning  organiza?on,  which  brings  success      

•  If  some  of  these  characteris)cs  are  missing,  then  the  organiza)on  will  fall  short  of  its  goal  of  being  fully  effec)ve,  or  highly  successful.    

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A theoretical system example

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Health  Informa?on  Exchange  System  

Home  and  Community  

Pa?ent  Health  Info  

Pa?ent  Health  Info  

Home  Health  


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Organic Systems

•  The  original  organism  for  human  endeavor  is  a  tribe  –  “human  beings  banded  together  for  a  common  purpose”.    

•  Tribes  evolve  and  survive.        Ref.  “Tribes”  –  Seth  Godin  

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Great  leaders  move  us.  They  ignite  our  passion  and  inspire  the  best  in  us.    When  we  try  to  explain  why  they  are  so  effecDve,  we  speak  of  strategy,  vision,  or  powerful  ideas.    But  the  reality  is  much  more  primal:  Great  leadership  works  through  the  emoDons.  No  maSer  what  leaders  set  out  to  do  –  whether  it’s  creaDng  strategy  or  mobilizing  teams  to  acDon  –  their  success  depends  on  how  they  do  it.    Even  if  they  get  everything  else  just  right,  if  leaders  fail  in  this  primal  task  of  driving  emoDons  in  the  right  direcDon,  nothing  they  do  will  work  as  well  as  it  could  or  should.              ~~~Goleman,  Daniel  (2011-­‐09-­‐06).  Leadership:  The  Power  of  Emo?onal  Intelligence  

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The Organic View

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Shared Vision


§  The  shared  vision  guides  and  shapes  the  culture  §  Personal  Mastery  of  each  team  members  role  in  the  Opera/on  is  an  organiza/onal  vision  

§  Each  member  strives  to  become  a  Subject  Maber  Expert    §  Knowledge  is  encouraged  to  be  shared,    not  hoarded  for  personal  advantage      

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A Shared Vision as a manager or owner - are you up to it?


It  is  incumbent  upon  owners  &  managers  to  communicate,  to  dispense  posi?vity,  aka  constant  praise  and  encouragement  towards:  

•  PERSONAL  MASTERY  for  staff  /  both  administra/ve  and  clinical  •  TEAM  LEARNING  PRACTICES  so  all  staff  members  can  benefit.  •  Benefits  will  manifest  in:  

•  Quality  pa?ent  care  •  Repeated  fine  tuned  and  improved  processes  •  Procedural  understanding  •  Posi?ve,  produc?ve  inter-­‐personal  standards  •  Mutually  beneficial  work  objec?ves  

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§ We  must  ensure  that  our  staff  members  are  achieving  Personal  Mastery    

§  Becoming  Highly  Skilled  Masters  –each  role  in  your  agency  §  Pa?ent  Admissions    §  Char?ng  /  Case  Management    §  Therapy  Deployment    §  Regulatory  Compliance  §  Coding    §  RN  Accredita?on/Licensing  §  Billing  §  Team  Building    


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§ We  must  ensure  that  our  staff  members  are  achieving  Personal  Mastery  –in  other  areas  of  our  business  §  Financial  Management  –  With  ACO’s/Bundling  of  Payments,  more  important  than  ever  

§  How  to  become  an  expert  in  Referral  “Rainmaking”  §  Data  Applica?on  for  Referral  Genera?on-­‐  Report  Genera?on  

§  Authen?c  Confidence  in  Approach  to  sources  of  referral  business  


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§ Using  up  to  date  technology  to:  ü Provide  the  teams  with  a  methodology  for  saving  ?me,  to:  

ü Follow  the  doctor’s  orders    ü Perform  the  du?es  of  skilled  care  of  pa?ents  

thoroughly    ü Bill  &  accurately  collect  data  to  accurately  report  those  

pa?ent  episodes  in  a  shortened  ?me  frame  

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•  Is  Your  Technology  Vendor  your  consultant?    

•  Do  you  stay  current  with  your  state  associa/on?    •  Do  these  folks  enable  you  to  stay  ahead  of  new  

regulatory  issues,  management  ideas,  and  changes  in  reimbursement  and  clinical  standards?  

ü With  Medicare,  this  is  a  maber  of  survival!  

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Key  ques/ons:  •  Are  the  agency’s  costs  and  expenditures  aligned  with  the  agency’s  shared  vision?  

•  “Is  what  we  are  doing  making  us  more  profitable  –  by  either  increasing  revenues  or  decreasing  expenses”?  

•  “Do  we  have  sophis/cated  enough  systems  and  measurements  in  place  to  accommodate  bundled  payment  business  models  and  diversified  lines  of  business?”  


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Organization Name: Bluebonnet Health Services, Inc. Size: 400+ patients Population served: McLennan County, Metro Waco, TX Services provided: Home Health services with varied reimbursement models

Exemplary  in  wisdom  regarding  expenditures:    The  market  has  two  hospitals  both  with  HHA  subsidiaries.  The  HHA  marke?ng  challenge  is  to  seek  prospects’  TOMA    (Top  of  Mind  Awareness).  Expensive  adver/sing:  As  sponsor  of  the  Lady  Bears  basketball  team,  radio,  TV,  and  onsite  game-­‐?me  adver?sing  Results:  Creates  TOMA  among  the  over  65  crowd  who  enthusias?cally  supports  the  Baylor  women’s  basketball  team—average  aKendance  over  10,000  per  game.    Census  is  regularly  50%  higher  than  the  hospital  subsidiary  HHA’s.  



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§  Step  by  step  deployment  of  diverse  home  based  services:    §  Medicare,  Insurance  Authoriza)ons,  Hospice,  Private  Duty,  

Companion  Care,  Medicaid  Contract  Specializa)on,  Chronic  Care  Special)es  –  for  ex.  Cardiac  Care  (CHF,  COPD,  Recovery  and  Monitoring)—and  the  possibili)es  go  on  and  on…  

§  Seeking  a  diverse  number  of  income  streams  §  Government  reimbursement  §  Private  insurance  §  Private  pay  from  families  §  Combina)ons  

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The  cultural  environment  -­‐  driven  by  Learning  Organiza/on  tenets    •  There  is  a  ideological/spiritual  connec?on/component.    

•  For  sustainable  growth,  employees  must  have  an  ideological  iden?ty  with  the  organiza?on.  

•  Employees  possess  an  obvious  and  open  commitment  to  Learning  and  Achieving  Mastery  

•  The  organiza?on  encourages  those  who  are  inspired  and  who  are  learning  and  growing  

•  Service  and  servant  hood  are  important  values  

Secret #6 Intentional, Culturally Sensitive


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Servant  Leaders  •  Regularly  translate  &  communicate  the  Present  Reality  to  

the  Shared  Vision  •  Value  advice  and  truthful  advisers  •  Are  slow  to  speak  and  eager  to  listen  •  Highly  Value  the  aim  of  Personal  Mastery  in  every  work  

func?on  •  Display  Emo?onal  Intelligence  •  Understand  the  connec?on  between  gipedness  and  

responsibility  33  

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Servant Leaders


§  “Huddle  Up”  regularly.      §  Operate  with  a  regularly  scheduled  “tribunal”  -­‐  or  -­‐  “huddle”    §  Embodies  the  values  to  accomplish  the  vision  

§  Align  his/her  work  in  order  to  enable  the  staff    §  Encourage  open  communica?on  and  provides  an  example  of  

humility  and  humor  with  the  organiza?on  members  

§  Make  sure  everyone  is  having  fun!  

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   CULTURE  EATS  STRATEGY  FOR  BREAKFAST®  And  all  of  these  secrets  are  cultural  standards    that  are  vital  to  our  aspira)on  of  becoming  a  

Successful  Home  Healthcare  Provider  

The Secrets of Success!

-­‐®Peter  Drucker    “Managing  in  a  Time  of  Great  Change”  

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To summarize…    

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For more information on Learning Organizations

and Dr. Peter Senge

The Fifth Discipline by Dr. Peter Senge

Thank you for your attention today  

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