
y g E y j / /


Igor V. Moskalenko1,2

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 660, Greenbelt, MD 20771

Andrew W. Strong

Max-Planck-Institut fur extraterrestrische Physik, Postfach 1603, D-85740 Garching, Germany

Jonathan F. Ormes

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 600, Greenbelt, MD 20771

Marius S. Potgieter

Unit for Space Physics, Potchefstroom University for CHE, 2520 Potchefstroom, South Africa

June 20, 2001

ABSTRACTHigh-energy collisions of cosmic-ray nuclei with interstellar gas are believed to be the mechanism

producing the majority of cosmic ray antiprotons. Due to the kinematics of the process they are createdwith a nonzero momentum; the characteristic spectral shape with a maximum at ∼ 2 GeV and a sharpdecrease towards lower energies makes antiprotons a unique probe of models for particle propagationin the Galaxy and modulation in the heliosphere. On the other hand, accurate calculation of thesecondary antiproton flux provides a “background” for searches for exotic signals from the annihilation ofsupersymmetric particles and primordial black hole evaporation. Recently new data with large statisticson both low and high energy antiproton fluxes have become available which allow such tests to beperformed. We use our propagation code GALPROP to calculate interstellar cosmic-ray propagationfor a variety of models. We show that there is no simple model capable of accurately describing thewhole variety of data: boron/carbon and sub-iron/iron ratios, spectra of protons, helium, antiprotons,positrons, electrons, and diffuse γ-rays. We find that only a model with a break in the diffusion coefficientplus convection can reproduce measurements of cosmic-ray species, and the reproduction of primaries(p, He) can be further improved by introducing a break in the primary injection spectra. For our best-fitmodel we make predictions of proton and antiproton fluxes near the Earth for different modulation levelsand magnetic polarity using a steady-state drift model of propagation in the heliosphere.Subject headings: diffusion — convection — elementary particles — nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis,

abundances — cosmic rays — ISM: general — Galaxy: general — cosmology: theory— dark matter


Most of the CR antiprotons observed near the Earth aresecondaries produced in collisions of energetic CR parti-cles with interstellar gas (e.g., Mitchell et al. 1996). Due tothe kinematics of this process, the spectrum of antiprotonshas a unique shape distinguishing it from other cosmic-rayspecies. It peaks at about 2 GeV decreasing sharply to-wards lower energies. In addition to secondary antiprotonsthere are possible sources of primary antiprotons; thosemost often discussed are the dark matter particle annihi-lation and evaporation of primordial black holes (PBHs).

The nature and properties of the dark matter that con-stitute a significant fraction of the mass of the Universehave puzzled scientists for more than a decade (Trimble1989; Ashman 1992). Among the favored dark matter can-didates are so-called weakly-interacting massive particles(WIMPs), whose existence follows from supersymmetricmodels (for a review see Jungman, Kamionkowski, & Gri-est 1996). Such particles, if stable, could have a significant

cosmological abundance and be present in our own Galaxy.A pair of stable WIMPs can annihilate into known parti-cles and antiparticles making it possible to infer WIMPsin the Galactic halo by the products of their annihila-tions. PBHs may have formed in the early Universe viainitial density fluctuations, phase transitions, or the col-lapse of cosmic strings (Hawking 1974; Carr 1985; Makiet al. 1996). Black holes can emit particles and evaporatedue to quantum effects. The emission rate is generally toolow to be observable, but it increases as the black holemass decreases. The only observable PBHs are those thathave a mass small enough to produce a burst of particlesas they evaporate.

In recent years, new data with large statistics on bothlow and high energy antiproton fluxes have become avail-able (Hof et al. 1996; Basini et al. 1999; Orito et al. 2000;Bergstrom et al. 2000; Maeno et al. 2001; Stochaj et al.2001) that allow us to test models of CR propagation andheliospheric modulation. A probe to measure low energyparticles in interstellar space may also become reality in

1NAS/NRC Senior Research Associate2Also Institute for Nuclear Physics, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119 899 Moscow, Russia


Table 1

Summary of recent CR antiproton calculations.

Antiproton Propagation Reacceleration/ Modulation TertiaryModel production model Convection in heliosphere antiprotons

Bergstrom et al. (1999) Tan & Ng simplified n/y force-field ydiffusion

Bieber et al. (1999) DTUNUC leaky-box n/n steady-state yevent generator drift modela

Bottino et al. (1998) Tan & Ng two zone n/n force-field ndiffusion model

Simon et al. (1998) DTUNUC leaky-box n/n force-field nevent generator

Present work pp: Tan & Ng 3D spatial grid y/y steady-state ypA: DTUNUC realistic diffusion drift modelfactors (Simon et al. 1998) model

aParameters are fixed from the assumed LIS proton spectrum.

the near future (Mewaldt & Liewer 2001). Additionally,accurate calculation of the secondary antiproton flux pro-vides a “background” for searches for exotic signals suchas WIMP annihilation or PBH evaporation.

Despite numerous efforts and overall agreement on thesecondary nature of the majority of CR antiprotons, pub-lished estimates of the expected flux significantly differ(see, e.g., Fig. 3 in Orito et al. 2000). Calculation of thesecondary antiproton flux is a complicated task. The ma-jor sources of uncertainties are three fold: (i) incompleteknowledge of cross sections for antiproton production, an-nihilation, and scattering, (ii) parameters and models ofparticle propagation in the Galaxy, and (iii) modulationin the heliosphere. While the interstellar antiproton fluxis affected only by uncertainties in the cross sections andpropagation models, the final comparison with experimentcan only be made after correcting for the solar modula-tion. Besides, the spectra of CR nucleons have been di-rectly measured only inside the heliosphere while we needto know the spectrum outside, in interstellar space, tocompute the antiproton production rate correctly. Thebasic features of the most recent models are summarizedin Table 1.

For the antiproton production cross section two optionsexist: a semiphenomenological fit to the data by Tan &Ng (1983a,b) which has been used for almost two decadesbecause of lack of new data and the Monte Carlo eventgenerator DTUNUC (Ferrari et al. 1996; Roesler, Engel, &Ranft 1998). Both the parametrization and the DTUNUCcode describe well the available data on antiproton pro-duction in pp-collisions. For interactions involving heav-ier nuclei there are no measurements so far. However,the DTUNUC model provides a reasonable description ofhadron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions and thusit can be used for estimates of antiproton production inproton-nucleus collisions. Additionally, “tertiary” antipro-tons, inelastically scattered secondaries, are the main com-ponent at low energies. This component has only beenincluded in two most recent models.

To calculate particle propagation one must choose be-tween the easy-to-apply but non-physical “leaky-box”

model, and a variety of diffusion models. The leaky-boxmodel reduces the problem to derivation of the path lengthdistribution (which in turn remains the major source of un-certainty as discussed, e.g., by Simon, Molnar, & Roesler1998). Diffusion models are theoretically more physical,but also differ by the degree to which they reflect reality.The ultimate goal is to develop a model which is consistentwith many different kinds of data available: measurementsof CR species, γ-rays, and synchrotron emission.

Heliospheric modulation is not yet understood in detail.The first and yet popular force-field approximation (Glee-son & Axford 1968) does not work at low energies. Moresophisticated drift models reflect our still incomplete cur-rent knowledge. The main problem here is that the modu-lation parameters are determined based on the assumed adhoc interstellar nucleon spectrum. The antiproton/protonratio, which is often calculated, is even more uncertain atlow energies and may vary by an order of magnitude overthe solar cycle (Labrador & Mewaldt 1997). It is thereforethe antiproton spectrum itself which should be comparedwith calculations. On the other hand, a reliable calcu-lation of the antiproton spectrum would allow the studyof charge sign dependent effects in the heliosphere. Thatcould, in turn, help to derive the low-energy part of thelocal interstellar (LIS) spectrum of nucleons and help toestablish the heliospheric diffusion coefficients more accu-rately.

We have developed a numerical method and correspond-ing computer code GALPROP3 for the calculation ofGalactic CR propagation in 3D (Strong & Moskalenko1998). The code has been shown to reproduce simulta-neously observational data of many kinds related to CRorigin and propagation (for a review see Strong & Mos-kalenko 1999; Moskalenko & Strong 2000). The code hasbeen validated on direct measurements of nuclei, antipro-tons, electrons, and positrons, and astronomical measure-ments of γ-rays and synchrotron radiation. These dataprovide many independent constraints on model parame-ters.

The code is sufficiently general that new physical effectscan be introduced as required. The basic spatial propa-

3Our model including software and datasets is available at http://www.gamma.mpe–∼aws/aws.html

gation mechanisms are diffusion and convection, while inmomentum space energy loss and diffusive reaccelerationare treated. Fragmentation, secondary particle produc-tion, and energy losses are computed using realistic distri-butions for the interstellar gas and radiation fields. Re-cently the code has been entirely rewritten in C++ withmany new features added (Strong & Moskalenko 2001).

In this paper we use the GALPROP code for accuratecalculation of production and propagation of secondaryantiprotons and positrons. We explore the dependence ofthe antiproton and positron fluxes on the nucleon injectionspectrum and propagation parameters. The antiprotonproduction cross section is calculated using the pp pro-duction cross section (Tan & Ng 1983b) and DTUNUCnuclear factors from Simon et al. (1998) or the pp produc-tion cross section scaled appropriately with beam/targetatomic numbers. Inelastic scattering to produce “tertiary”antiprotons and “secondary” protons is taken into account.The calculated proton and antiproton LIS and p/p ratioare modulated using the steady-state drift model. Ourpreliminary results have been reported in Moskalenko etal. (2001b).


The cylindrically symmetric GALPROP models havebeen described in detail elsewhere (Strong & Moskalenko1998); here we summarize their basic features.

The models are three dimensional with cylindrical sym-metry in the Galaxy, and the basic coordinates are (R, z, p)where R is Galactocentric radius, z is the distance from theGalactic plane and p is the total particle momentum. Inthe models the propagation region is bounded by R = Rh,z = ±zh beyond which free escape is assumed.

The propagation equation we use for all CR species iswritten in the form:∂ψ

∂t= q(~r, p) + ~∇ · (Dxx

~∇ψ − ~V ψ) +∂




− ∂


[pψ − p

3(~∇ · ~V )ψ

]− 1τfψ − 1

τrψ , (1)

where ψ = ψ(~r, p, t) is the density per unit of total par-ticle momentum, ψ(p)dp = 4πp2f(~p) in terms of phase-space density f(~p), q(~r, p) is the source term, Dxx is thespatial diffusion coefficient, ~V is the convection velocity,reacceleration is described as diffusion in momentum spaceand is determined by the coefficient Dpp, p ≡ dp/dt isthe momentum loss rate, τf is the time scale for frag-mentation, and τr is the time scale for radioactive de-cay. The numerical solution of the transport equation isbased on a Crank-Nicholson (Press et al. 1992) implicitsecond-order scheme. The three spatial boundary condi-tions ψ(Rh, z, p) = ψ(R,±zh, p) = 0 are imposed on eachiteration, where we take Rh = 30 kpc.

For a given zh the diffusion coefficient as a functionof momentum and the reacceleration or convection pa-rameters are determined by boron-to-carbon (B/C) ra-tio data. The spatial diffusion coefficient is taken asDxx = βD0(ρ/ρ0)δ if necessary with a break (δ = δ1 be-low rigidity ρ0, δ = δ2 above rigidity ρ0). The injectionspectrum of nucleons is assumed to be a power law in mo-mentum, dq(p)/dp ∝ p−γ for the injected particle density.

Reacceleration provides a mechanism to reproduce theB/C ratio without an ad-hoc form for the diffusion co-efficient. Our reacceleration treatment assumes a Kol-mogorov spectrum with δ = 1/3 or value close to this.For the case of reacceleration the momentum-space dif-fusion coefficient Dpp is related to the spatial coefficientDxx (Berezinskii et al. 1990; Seo & Ptuskin 1994) via theAlfven speed vA.

The convection velocity (in z-direction only) V (z) is as-sumed to increase linearly with distance from the plane(dV/dz > 0 for all z). This implies a constant adia-batic energy loss; the possibility of adiabatic energy gain(dV/dz < 0) is not considered. The linear form for V (z) isconsistent with cosmic-ray driven MHD wind models (e.g.,Zirakashvili et al. 1996). The velocity at z = 0 is a modelparameter, but we consider here only V (0) = 0.

The interstellar hydrogen distribution uses H i and COsurveys and information on the ionized component; the he-lium fraction of the gas is taken as 0.11 by number. TheH2 and H i gas number densities in the Galactic planeare defined in the form of tables, which are interpolatedlinearly. The extension of the gas distribution to an ar-bitrary height above the plane is made using analyticalapproximations. The distributions of 2×H2, H i, and H ii

are plotted on Figure 1 for z = 0, 0.1, 0.2 kpc. The codeuses the densities averaged over the z-grid using a 0.01kpc step. More details about the gas distribution modelare given in Appendix A.







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

nH, a




R, kpc

Hydrogen distributionH2



Fig. 1.— Number density distributions of 2×H2 (solid), H i

(dashes), and H ii (dots) in the Galaxy. Shown are the plots forz = 0, 0.1, 0.2 kpc (decreasing density). Number density of H2 atz = 0.2 kpc from the plane is very low and is not shown in the plot.

The distribution of cosmic-ray sources is chosen to re-produce the cosmic-ray distribution determined by anal-ysis of EGRET γ-ray data (Strong & Mattox 1996) andwas described in Strong & Moskalenko (1998).

Energy losses for nucleons by ionization and Coulomb

interactions are included, and for electrons by ionization,Coulomb interactions, bremsstrahlung, inverse Compton,and synchrotron.

Positrons and electrons (including secondary electrons)are propagated in the same model. Positron productionis computed as described in Moskalenko & Strong (1998),that paper includes a critical reevaluation of the secondaryπ±- and K±-meson decay calculations.

Gas-related γ-ray intensities are computed from theemissivities as a function of (R, z,Eγ) using the columndensities of H i and H2. The interstellar radiation field(ISRF), used for calculation of the inverse Compton (IC)emission and electron energy losses, is calculated basedon stellar population models and COBE results, plus thecosmic microwave background.

An overview of our previous analyses is presented inStrong & Moskalenko (1999) and Moskalenko & Strong(2000) and full results for protons, helium, positrons, andelectrons in Moskalenko & Strong (1998) and Strong, Mos-kalenko, & Reimer (2000). The evaluations of the B/C and10Be/9Be ratios, diffusion/convection and reaccelerationmodels and full details of the numerical method are givenin Strong & Moskalenko (1998). Antiprotons have beenpreviously discussed in the context of the “hard interstel-lar nucleon spectrum” hypothesis in Moskalenko, Strong,& Reimer (1998). Our results for diffuse continuum γ-rays,synchrotron radiation, and a new evaluation of the ISRFare described in Strong et al. (2000).

2.1. New developments

The experience gained from the original fortran–90 codeallowed us to design a new version of the model, entirelyrewritten in C++, that is much more flexible. It allowsessential optimizations in comparison to the older modeland a full 3-dimensional spatial grid. It is now possible toexplicitly solve the full nuclear reaction network on a spa-tially resolved grid. The code can thus serve as a completesubstitute for the conventional “leaky-box” or “weighted-slab” propagation models usually employed, giving manyadvantages such as the correct treatment of radioactivenuclei, realistic gas and source distributions etc. It alsoallows stochastic SNR sources to be included. It still con-tains an option to switch to the fast running cylindricallysymmetrical model which is sufficient for many applica-tions such as the present one.

In the new version, we have updated the cross-sectioncode to include the latest measurements and energy de-pendent fitting functions. The nuclear reaction network isbuilt using the Nuclear Data Sheets. The isotopic crosssection database consists of more than 2000 points col-lected from sources published in 1969–1999. This includesa critical re-evaluation of some data and cross checks. Theisotopic cross sections are calculated using the author’s fitsto major beryllium and boron production cross sectionsp + C,N,O → Be,B. Other cross sections are calculatedusing Webber, Kish, & Schrier (1990)4 and/or Silberberg

and Tsao5 phenomenological approximations renormalizedto the data where it exists. The cross sections on the Hetarget are calculated using a parametrization by Ferrandoet al. (1988).

The reaction network is solved starting at the heaviestnuclei (i.e., 64Ni). The propagation equation is solved,computing all the resulting secondary source functions,and then proceeds to the nuclei with A − 1. The pro-cedure is repeated down to A = 1. In this way all sec-ondary, tertiary etc. reactions are automatically accountedfor. This includes secondary protons, inelastically scat-tered primaries; their energy distribution after scatteringis assumed to be the same as for antiprotons (eq. [2]). Tobe completely accurate for all isotopes, e.g., for some rarecases of β±-decay, the whole loop is repeated twice. Ourpreliminary results for all cosmic ray species Z ≤ 28 aregiven in Strong & Moskalenko (2001).

For the calculation reported here, we use a cylindricallysymmetrical Galactic geometry.

2.2. Antiproton cross sections

We calculate p production and propagation using thebasic formalism described in Moskalenko et al. (1998). An-tiproton production in pp-collisions has been calculated us-ing the parametrization of the invariant p-production crosssection given by Tan & Ng (1983b). This parametrizationfits available data quite well. It gives an antiproton multi-plicity slightly higher than the DTUNUC code just abovethe threshold and agrees with DTUNUC results at higherenergies (Simon et al. 1998).

For the cross sections σinelpp and σinel

pA we adaptedparametrizations by Tan & Ng (1983a), Groom et al.(2000), and Letaw, Silberberg, & Tsao (1983). At lowenergies the total pp inelastic cross section has been calcu-lated using a fit from Tan & Ng (1983a). At high energiesit is calculated as the difference between total pp and ppcross sections which are parametrized using Regge theory(Groom et al. 2000). The p absorption cross section onan arbitrary nuclear target has been scaled by A2/3 usingthe measured p–C,Al,Cu cross sections (Moiseev & Ormes1997).

To this we have added p annihilation and treated inelas-tically scattered p’s as a separate “tertiary” component.The energy distribution after scattering is assumed to be(Tan & Ng 1983a)

dN(Ep, E′p)


1T ′p, (2)

where E′p and Ep are the total p energy before and after

scattering correspondingly, and T ′p is the p kinetic energybefore scattering.

The p production by nuclei with Z ≥ 2 is calculatedusing effective nuclear factors by Simon et al. (1998) andscaling factors similar to Gaisser & Schaefer (1992).

4Code WNEWTR.FOR, version 1993, as posted at Pages/Software Pages/Cross Section Calcs/WebberKishSchrier.html (some minor changes have beenmade to make it compatible with GALPROP).

5Code YIELDX 011000.FOR, version 2000, as posted at Pages/Software Pages/Cross Section Calcs/SilberburgTsao.html (some minor changes have been madeto make it compatible with GALPROP).

In the first method we use the effective factor obtainedfrom simulations of the p production with the Monte Carlomodel DTUNUC, which appear to be more accurate thansimple scaling. The use of this factor is consistent since theproton spectrum adapted in Simon et al. (1998) is close toour propagated spectrum above the p production thresh-old. For convenience, we made a fit to the ratio of thetotal p yield to the p yield from the pp-reaction (column3/column 2 ratio as given in Table 2 in Simon et al. 1998):

σΣ/σpp = 0.12 (Tp/GeV)−1.67 + 1.78, (3)

where Tp is the kinetic p energy.In the second method the cross section for p produc-

tion in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactionshas been obtained by scaling the pp invariant cross sec-tion with a factor (Gaisser & Schaefer 1992)

Fit→pX = 1.2(Aiσinelpt +Atσ

inelpi )/2σinel

pp , (4)

where Ai,t are the atomic numbers of the incident and tar-get nuclei, σpt, σpi are the pAi,t cross sections, and a factor1.2 is put for consistency with Simon et al. (1998) calcu-lations. Production of low-energy antiprotons in pα- andαα-reactions is increased over that for simple scaling. Inorder to account for this effect we put Ep = Ep +0.06 GeVinstead of Ep when calculating the source spectra.

Detailed results published by Simon et al. (1998) (theirFigs. 2, 4, 7) allow us to test the approximation given byequation (4) and show its equivalence to DTUNUC calcu-lations and to equation (3). For these tests we used inter-stellar proton and helium spectra as published by Menn etal. (2000); these spectra were used by Simon et al. (1998).The main discrepancy is ∼ 15− 20% under-production ofantiprotons in pp-collisions between Tp = 5−30 GeV com-pared to Simon et al. calculations (their Fig. 7), but thisdoes not influence production and propagation of antipro-tons at lower energies. At energies below ∼ 5 GeV thefactors given by equation (3) and equation (4) are virtu-ally equivalent. We further use equation (3) in our calcu-lations.

The pp elastic scattering is not included. At sufficientlyhigh energies it is dominated by the forward peak withsmall energy transfer while at low energies the inelas-tic cross section (mostly annihilation) accounts for about70% of the total cross section (Eisenhandler et al. 1976;Bruckner et al. 1986).

As we will see, the accuracy of antiproton cross sectionsis now a limiting factor; we therefore summarize the cur-rent status in Appendix B.


Thanks to the Ulysses mission significant progress hasbeen made in our understanding of the major mechanismsdriving the modulation of CR in the heliosphere. The prin-cipal factors in modulation modeling are the heliosphericmagnetic field (HMF), the solar wind speed, the tilt of theheliospheric current sheet, and the diffusion tensor. Here,we give a short description of the model used in this pa-per for modulation of galactic protons and antiprotons.More detail on the characteristics of heliospheric modula-tion and modulation models can be found elsewhere (e.g.,Potgieter 1997; Burger et al. 2000, and references therein).

Modulation models are based on the numerical solutionof the cosmic ray transport equation (Parker 1965):

∂f(r, ρ, t)∂t

= − (V + 〈vD〉) · ∇f

+ ∇ · (KS · ∇f) +13(∇ ·V)


∂ ln ρ, (5)

where f(r, ρ, t) is the CR distribution function, r is theposition, ρ is the rigidity, and t is time. Terms on theright-hand side represent convection, gradient and curva-ture drifts, diffusion, and adiabatic energy losses respec-tively, with V the solar wind velocity. The symmetric partof the tensor KS consists of diffusion coefficients parallel(K‖) and perpendicular (K⊥θ and K⊥r) to the averageHMF. The anti-symmetric element KA describes gradi-ent and curvature drifts in the large scale HMF where thepitch angle averaged guiding center drift velocity for a nearisotropic CR distribution is given by 〈vD〉 = ∇ ×KAeB,with eB = B/B, and B the magnitude of the backgroundmagnetic field. The effective radial diffusion coefficient isgiven by Krr = K‖ cos2 ψ +K⊥r sin2 ψ, with ψ the anglebetween the radial direction and the averaged magneticfield direction. We enhanced perpendicular diffusion inthe polar direction by assuming K⊥θ > K⊥r in the helio-spheric polar regions (see also Potgieter 2000).

Drift models predict a clear charge-sign dependence forthe heliospheric modulation of positively charged particles,e.g., CR protons and positrons, and negatively chargedparticles, e.g., electrons and antiprotons. This is due to thedifferent large-scale gradient, curvature and current sheetdrifts that charged particles experience in the HMF. Forexample, antiprotons will drift inwards primarily throughthe polar regions of the heliosphere during A < 0 polar-ity cycles, when the HMF is directed towards the Sun inthe northern hemisphere. Protons, on the other hand,will then drift inwards primarily through the equatorialregions of the heliosphere, encountering the wavy helio-spheric current sheet in the process. During the A > 0polarity cycles the drift directions for the two species re-verse, so that a clear 22-year cycle is caused (e.g., Burger& Potgieter 1999).

We use a steady-state two-dimensional model that simu-lates the effect of a wavy current sheet (Hattingh & Burger1995) by using an averaged drift field with only r- and θ-components for the three-dimensional drift pattern in theregion swept out by the wavy current sheet. The solarwind speed is 400 km/s in the equatorial plane and in-creases to 800 km/s in the polar regions (for details seeBurger et al. 2000). A modified HMF is used (Jokipii &Kota 1989). The outer boundary is assumed to be at 120AU.

The diffusion tensor is described in detail by Burger etal. (2000), who used the same models for turbulence (Zank,Matthaeus, & Smith 1996), but have adapted the coeffi-cients to reflect some of the results from the numericalsimulations (Giacalone & Jokipii 1999; Giacalone, Jokipii,& Kota 1999).

The model here gives latitudinal gradients in excellentagreement with Ulysses observations, for both its valueand its rigidity dependence (Burger et al. 2000). Themodel also gives realistic radial dependence for CR pro-tons during consecutive solar minima, with the radial gra-

dients distinctly smaller in the A > 0 than in the A < 0cycles. Detailed fits to Pioneer and Voyager observationsrequire that different diffusion coefficients must be usedfor consecutive solar minimum periods (Potgieter 2000).

The maximum extent of the HCS (tilt angle) has beenused in modulation models as a proxy for solar activitysince the 1970’s, when it was realized that drifts were im-portant. Figure 2 shows the tilt angle6, which is usedas input in our modulation calculations, for two of Hoek-sema’s models (classic “L-model” and a newer “R-model”)vs. time. The upper and lower curves represent his old andnew model correspondingly (e.g., Hoeksema 1992; Zhao &Hoeksema 1995). The difference between the models illus-trates the error in the tilt angles one has to consider whenused in any modulation modeling.










80 85 90 95 00

80 85 90 95 00



le, d





leap mass2imax



Fig. 2.— Heliospheric current sheet tilt angles for two Hoeksemamodels (e.g., Hoeksema 1992; Zhao & Hoeksema 1995), the classic“L-model” (dashes) and a newer “R-model” (solid).


Golden et al. (1979) reported the first measurements ofcosmic ray antiprotons. They employed a superconductingmagnet for measuring momentum and a gas Cherenkovdetector to separate the background of other negativelycharged particles from antiprotons. This was the first at-tempt to measure the flux near the 2 GeV peak expected(Gaisser & Levy 1974) in the differential spectrum fromsecondary cosmic rays. The flux found was a factor of∼ 3 above that expected and caused a stir at the time.However, the statistics and systematic errors in both themeasurement and the theory of that time were such thatthe excess was significant at about the 3σ level. With theclarity of hindsight (see below), the Golden et al. (1979)measurement was probably plagued by a background ofnegatively charged particles that went undetected by theCherenkov detector.

An annihilation technique (Buffington, Schindler, &Pennypacker 1981) was used to make the first alleged mea-surement of lower energy antiprotons (< 1 GeV). Thistechnique was designed to stop the antiprotons in a visu-alization device. Antiprotons were identified by limitingtheir intrinsic kinetic energy (< 500 MeV) and findingtheir rest energy (∼ 2 GeV) from the number of anni-hilation prongs and large energy release. We now knowthat this experiment must also have been plagued by ahigh background of interacting particles because the fluxof ∼ 200 MeV antiprotons found exceeds that of more re-cent measurements by more than an order of magnitude.

However, these papers stimulated the realization thatantiprotons could be produced by exotic processes such asthe annihilation of primordial black holes or dark matterin the galactic halo (e.g., Carr 1985; Maki et al. 1996; Sz-abelski, Wdowczyk, & Wolfendale 1980; Kiraly et al. 1981;Silk & Srednicki 1984; Rudaz & Stecker 1988; Ellis et al.1988; Stecker & Tylka 1989; Jungman & Kamionkowski1994; Chardonnet et al. 1996).

During the past 5 years, the BESS (Balloon-borne Ex-periments with a Super-conducting Solenoid) Collabora-tion (Yamamoto et al. 1993) has made a set of accuratenew measurements that motivated this attempt to make amore accurate model calculation. This impressive payloadnow has data that extend from about 200 MeV (at thetop of the atmosphere) to 4 GeV. Importantly, this coversthe energy range of the expected peak in the antiprotondistribution at 2 GeV where the flux is highest. The firstreported mass resolved measurements (Ahlen et al. 1988;Salamon et al. 1990; Yoshimura et al. 1995; Mitchell et al.1996) of antiprotons were made at lower energies wheredetermining both the momentum per unit charge (rigid-ity) and velocity was easier. As can be seen from equation(6) both are needed to determine the mass:

m2 ∝ ρ2(β−2 − 1

), (6)

where β = v/c, the velocity, and η, the curvature, arethe measured parameters. Rigidity, ρ = 1/η, is inverselyproportional to the curvature. Uncertainties are given by






β2 (1− β2)2. (7)

The statistical precision in these first measurements waspoor (Yoshimura et al. 2001).

In BESS the charge sign and rigidity are determinedby track measuring drift chambers located in the uniformmagnetic field inside the bore of their superconductingmagnet. Extending to higher energy has required the useof not only the most precise time of flight measurement butalso the addition of aerogel Cherenkov detectors for mea-suring velocity. The BESS team, through a series of an-nual balloon campaigns in Lynn Lake, Manitoba, Canada,has continuously improved the time resolution and in 1997they added an aerogel counter, extending the energy cov-erage beyond 2 GeV. In addition, the data handling ca-pacity has continuously improved to decrease dead timeand increase precision.

In this paper we use mainly BESS data collected in 1995and 1997 (Orito et al. 2000). However in one plot (§ 6, Fig.

6See URL∼wso/

Table 2

Parameters of the LIS proton spectrumaas derived in present paper.

Fitting interval Normalization, Power-law Modulation Fit qua- Flight date, DataInstrument Ekin, GeV (m2 s sr GeV)−1 index potential, MV lity, χ2

n yymmdd reference

LEAP 20–100 — 2.69± 0.04 550 0.80 870821 1

MASS2 20–100 (1.93 ± 0.15)× 104 2.82± 0.03 1200 0.53 910923 2

IMAX 20–200 (1.08 ± 0.15)× 104 2.66± 0.04 750 0.26 920716-17 3

CAPRICE 20–200 (1.55 ± 0.19)× 104 2.80± 0.03 600 2.54 940808-09 4

AMS 20–200 (1.82 ± 0.21)× 104 2.79± 0.03 550 0.13 9806 5

BESS 20–120 (1.61 ± 0.13)× 104 2.75± 0.03 550 0.05 980729-30 6

Weighted average (1.58 ± 0.08)× 104 2.76± 0.01aAssuming power-law in kinetic energy LIS spectrum.

References. — (1) Seo et al. (1991); (2) Belotti et al. (1999); (3) Menn et al. (2000); (4) Boezio et al. (1999); (5) Alcaraz et al. (2000a); (6)Sanuki et al. (2000).

11), we have combined the data from those BESS flightswith their 1998 data (Maeno et al. 2001) after correct-ing it for increased solar modulation level. The flights in1995 and 1997 took place in near solar minimum condi-tions while the 1998 flight was just after solar modulationminimum (Fig. 2). The flights of 1997 and 1998 are theonly BESS flights that have data reaching the 2 GeV peak.The statistical precision with which the flux at 2 GeV isknown is now better than 10% (1σ). The data are nowgood enough to detect solar modulation effects at this en-ergy at about the same magnitude.

The BESS group has carried out an extensive calibra-tion of their instrument to check for ways to reduce sourcesof systematic error. They report systematic uncertainty inthe antiproton flux measurements to be about 5% (Asaokaet al. 2001).

Data at energies above 4 GeV on the steeply falling partof the antiproton spectrum are more difficult to obtain. Wehave used the results reported by the MASS group (Hofet al. 1996; Basini et al. 1999) from a flight in 1991 basedon the original Golden et al. (1979) payload but with animproved gas Cherenkov detector; we have used their mostrecent analysis (Stochaj et al. 2001). These data have er-ror bars that extend up and down by a factor of ∼ 2. Wecan say that they are consistent with antiprotons beingof secondary origin but are not precise enough to placeconstraints on the model presented here.


5.1. Local proton and helium spectra

Secondary antiprotons are produced in collisions of en-ergetic protons and helium nuclei with interstellar gas, sothe interstellar spectra of these nuclei is fundamental tocalculating antiproton spectra expected at Earth. A ma-jor problem in determination of the LIS CR spectrum isthe effect of heliospheric modulation that has been dis-cussed in detail in § 3. Inverting equation (5) is not well-defined making the accurate derivation of the LIS spec-trum a complicated task. However at energies above theantiproton production threshold, at 10–30 GeV/nucleon,the heliospheric modulation is weak. We thus try to getan approximate LIS spectrum using the force-field approx-imation (Gleeson & Axford 1968). The appropriate modu-

lation potential (Φ) has been chosen using CLIMAX neu-tron monitor data (Badhwar & O’Neill 1996).

Spectra given in the literature are quoted in differentways, sometimes as power laws in kinetic energy, some-times rigidity or total energy. Also different measurementshave different systematic uncertainties in flux. In orderto best determine the asymptotic slope of the locally ob-served spectrum we have summarized all recent measure-ments and fitted them assuming a LIS spectrum which isa power-law in kinetic energy. (We note that fitting to apower-law in rigidity yields the spectrum which is too steepto agree with high energy data by Sokol and JACEE.)

To get an idea of which part of the nucleon spectrumcontributes most to antiproton production, we have maderuns in which we cut the nucleon spectrum at differentenergies. Our analysis shows that ∼ 97% of all antipro-tons below 6 GeV are produced by nucleons below ∼ 200GeV/nucleon. The nucleons at ≤ 20 GeV/nucleon yieldabout 1/3 of all antiprotons ≤ 1 GeV, nucleons of ≤ 50GeV/nucleon yield about 80% of all antiprotons ≤ 2 GeV,and 90% of antiprotons ≤ 4 GeV are produced by nu-cleons of ≤ 100 GeV/nucleon. Therefore the spectra atmoderate energies, up to ∼ 200 GeV/nucleon, are of mostimportance.

Tables 2 and 3 show our fits to recent measurements ofCR protons and helium. (The power-law in kinetic energyhas been modulated with appropriate modulation poten-tial and then fitted to the data.) From the parametersfitted to each individual set of measurements we calculatethe weighted averages. The reduced χ2

n (χ2 per the degreeof freedom) shows the quality of the fits.

The fitted parameters are not unique since the modu-lation potential is not well determined, and on accountof the systematic and statistical errors. We thereforeuse also representative high energy data, above ∼ 100GeV/nucleon, where the modulation has no effect, for across check. In particular, our composite proton spectrum,1.60 × 104E−2.75

kin m−2 s−1 sr−1 GeV−1 (Fig. 4), passesthrough Sokol (Ivanenko et al. 1993) and JACEE datapoints (Asakimori et al. 1998). The index agrees well withthat determined by Ryan, Ormes, & Balasubrahmanyan(1972), 2.75±0.03, and HEGRA below the knee (Arqueroset al. 2000), 2.72+0.02

−0.03±0.07. The derived LIS proton spec-

Table 3

Parameters of the LIS helium spectrumaas derived in present paper.

Fitting interval Normalization, Power-law Modulation Fit qua- Flight date, DataInstrument Ekin, GeV/n (m2 s sr GeV/n)−1 index potential, MV lity, χ2

n yymmdd reference

LEAP 10–100 — 2.69± 0.09 550 — 870821 1

MASS2 10–50 686± 130 2.79± 0.07 1200 0.44 910923 2

IMAX 10–125 600± 120 2.70± 0.07 750 0.69 920716-17 3

CAPRICE 10–100 590± 124 2.73± 0.07 600 0.66 940808-09 4

AMS 10–100 653 ± 56 2.72± 0.03 550 0.39 9806 5

BESS 10–50 640± 139 2.67± 0.07 550 0.14 980729-30 6

Weighted average 641 ± 53 2.72± 0.01aAssuming power-law in kinetic energy per nucleon LIS spectrum.

References. — (1) Seo et al. (1991); (2) Belotti et al. (1999); (3) Menn et al. (2000); (4) Boezio et al. (1999); (5) Alcaraz et al. (2000b); (6)Sanuki et al. (2000).

Table 4

Propagation parameter sets.

Diffusion coefficienta Reaccelerationb/ConvectionModel Injection index, γc D0, cm2 s−1 Index, δ vA/w1/2, km s−1 dV/dz, km s−1 kpc−1

DiffusiveReacceleration (DR) 2.43 6.10× 1028 0.33 30 —

Minimal Reaccelerationplus Convection (MRC) 2.43 4.30× 1028 0.33 17 10

Plain Diffusion (PD) 2.16 3.10× 1028 0.60 — —

Diffusion plusConvection (DC) 2.46/2.16d 2.50× 1028 0/0.60a — 10

Note. — Adopted halo size zh = 4 kpc.aρ0 = 4 GV, index δ is shown below/above ρ0.

bvA is the Alfven speed, and w is defined as the ratio of MHD wave energy density to magnetic field energy density.cFor a power-law in rigidity, ∝ ρ−γ .dIndex below/above rigidity 20 GV.

trum thus agrees very well with all the data in the range∼ 10− 105 GeV.

Our calculation of the nucleon spectrum is based on thesolution of the diffusion equation (1), which gives the spec-trum in every cell of the spatial grid. Shock accelerationmodels predict that the injection CR spectrum can be ap-proximated by a power-law in rigidity which may steepenat low energies (e.g., Ellison, Slane, & Gaensler 2001).Hence we adopt a power-law in rigidity, if necessary with abreak, for the injection spectrum. The local measurementsare conventionally used for comparison and normalizationof the propagated spectrum. While there are some indi-cations that the local interstellar (LIS) nucleon spectrummay be not representative (Strong et al. 2000), at highenergies where the diffusion is fast and energy losses be-come small it should be close to that observed near theEarth. This is also indicated by studies of Galactic diffuseemission, antiprotons, and positrons (Hunter et al. 1997;Moskalenko et al. 1998; Strong et al. 2000). While ourpropagation calculations yield LIS spectra which can notbe described by a single power-law, the estimates togetherwith data will serve as useful guidelines.

The propagated helium spectrum with an appropriatenormalization matches after modulation the data better

than the averaged LIS spectrum from Table 3. The lat-ter is somewhat too low when compared with high-energydata by Sokol and JACEE.

5.2. Propagation models and parameters

To investigate the range of interstellar spectra and prop-agation parameters we have run a large number of models.Here we consider four basic cases (see Table 4).

The injection spectrum was chosen to reproduce the lo-cal CR measurements (see § 5.1). The source abundancesof all isotopes Z ≤ 28 are given in Strong & Moskalenko(2001).

The propagation parameters have been fixed using theB/C ratio. Because of the cross section fits to the mainBe and B production channels and renormalization to thedata where it exists, the propagation parameters show onlyweak dependence (∼ 10% change in the diffusion coeffi-cient) on the cross section parametrization (Webber et al.1990, Silberberg & Tsao). We thus use Webber et al. crosssection code in our calculations.

In all cases the halo size has been set to zh = 4 kpc,which is within the range zh = 3−7 kpc derived using theGALRPOP code and the combined measurements of ra-dioactive isotope abundances, 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, and 54Mn

(Strong & Moskalenko 2001). This is also in agreementwith our newer estimate zh = 4 − 6 kpc (Moskalenko,Mashnik, & Strong 2001a). Note that the exact valueof zh is unimportant for antiproton calculations providedthat the propagation parameters are tuned to match theB/C ratio.

Our results are plotted in Figures 3–7. The upper curveis always the LIS spectrum, except in the B/C ratio plot(Fig. 3) where the lower curves are the LIS ratio. Themodulation on these plots has been done using the force-field approximation. For the B/C ratio (Fig. 3) in the DCmodel the result of modulation in the drift model is alsoshown though the difference (force-field approximation vs.drift model) is small.

The “tertiary” antiprotons (inelastically scattered sec-ondaries), significant at the lowest energies, are importantin interstellar space, but make no difference when com-pared with measurements in the heliosphere (Fig. 7).






0.01 0.1 1 10 100 100

Kinetic energy, GeV/nucleon


Phi = 450 MV





Fig. 3.— B/C ratio as calculated in DC, DR, and PD modelsfor zh = 4 kpc. Lower curves – interstellar, upper – modulated(Φ = 450 MV). The line coding is: solid lines – DC model, dashes– DR, dots – PD. The thick solid line (DC model) corresponds tothe drift model calculations of heliospheric modulation for A > 0and tilt angle 5◦. Data below 200 MeV/nucleon: ACE (Davis etal. 2000), Ulysses (DuVernois, Simpson, & Thayer 1996), Voyager(Lukasiak, McDonald, & Webber 1999); high energy data: HEAO-3(Engelmann et al. 1990), for other references see Stephens & Stre-itmatter (1998).

The model with the diffusive reacceleration (DR) repro-duces the sharp peak in secondary to primary nuclei ratiosin a physically understandable way without breaks in thediffusion coefficient and/or the injection spectrum (Strong& Moskalenko 1998, 2001). However, this model producesa bump in proton and He spectra at ∼ 2 GeV/nucleon thatis not observed.7 This bump can be removed by choosing

an injection spectrum that is flatter at low energies (see,e.g., Jones et al. 2001). There are however some problemswith secondaries such as positrons and antiprotons whichare difficult to manage. A similar bump appears in thepositron spectrum at ∼ 1 GeV, and the model underpro-duces antiprotons at 2 GeV by more than 30%. Takentogether they provide an evidence against “strong” reac-celeration8 in the ISM.

Another model combining reduced reacceleration andconvection (MRC) also produces too few antiprotons.

Using a plain diffusion model (PD) we can get goodagreement with B/C above few GeV/nucleon, with nu-cleon spectra and positrons, but this model overproducesantiprotons at 2 GeV by ∼ 20% and contradicts the sec-ondary/primary nuclei ratio (B/C) below 1 GeV/nucleon.

A diffusion model with convection (DC) is our “bestfitting model”. It reproduces all the particle data “onaverage”, although it has still some problem with repro-duction of the sharp peak in the B/C ratio. In this modela flattening of the diffusion coefficient (δ = 0) below 4GV is required to match the B/C ratio at low energies. Apossible physical origin for the behaviour of the diffusioncoefficient is discussed in § 5.3.

To better match primaries (p, He) in the DC model,we introduced a steeper injection spectrum below 20 GVwhich compensates for some energy losses during propaga-tion; such a break, however, has almost no effect on secon-daries (p, e+). The existence of a sharp upturn below fewGeV/nucleon is in fact predicted from SNR shock acceler-ation theory (Ellison et al. 2001); this is a transition regionbetween thermal and non-thermal particle populations inthe shock. Our model does not require a large break (0.3in index is enough, see Table 4). More discussion is givenin § 5.3 and § 7.

The drift model has been used for heliospheric modula-tion of all spectra obtained in DC model (p, He, B/C, e+,p). The same modulation parameter set has been appliedto all the species and the agreement is good. The B/C ra-tio (Fig. 3) is virtually insensitive to the modulation level,it remains the same for a wide variety of tilt angles.

5.3. Discussion

Our “best-fit” model (DC) with a constant diffusion co-efficient below 4 GV suggests some change in the prop-agation mode. Propagation and scattering of the highenergy particles on magnetic turbulence is described bythe diffusion with the diffusion coefficient increasing withenergy. The growth of the diffusion coefficient dependson the adopted spectrum of magnetic turbulence and istypically in the range 0.3 − 0.6. However, at low ener-gies particles could propagate following the magnetic fieldlines rather than scatter on magnetic turbulences. Thischange in the propagation mode may affect the diffusioncoefficient making it less dependent on energy. Since themagnetic field lines are essentially tangled such a processcan still behave like diffusion (Berezinskii et al. 1990).

One more unknown variable is the CR spectrum in thedistant regions of the Galaxy. The LIS nucleon spectrum

7A similar bump is produced also in the electron spectrum at 1 GeV.8We define that the reacceleration is “strong” if the model is able to match the B/C ratio without invoking other mechanisms such as

convection and/or breaks in the diffusion coefficient.





0.1 1 10 100 1000 1000



x, G



s s


Kinetic energy, GeV


LIS Phi = 550 MV





Sokol & JACEE

Fig. 4.— Calculated proton interstellar spectrum (LIS) and modulated spectrum (force field, Φ = 550 MV). The lines are coded as inFigure 3. Data: IMAX (Menn et al. 2000), CAPRICE (Boezio et al. 1999), AMS (Alcaraz et al. 2000a), BESS (Sanuki et al. 2000), Sokol(Ivanenko et al. 1993), and JACEE (Asakimori et al. 1998).




0.1 1 10 100 1000 1000



x, G



on m





Kinetic energy, GeV/nucleon



Fig. 5.— Calculated He interstellar spectrum (LIS) and modulated spectrum (force field, Φ = 550 MV). The lines are coded as in Figure3. Data: IMAX (Menn et al. 2000), CAPRICE (Boezio et al. 1999), AMS (Alcaraz et al. 2000b), BESS (Sanuki et al. 2000), Sokol (Ivanenkoet al. 1993), and JACEE (Asakimori et al. 1998).





0.1 1 10 100



x, G

eV m





Kinetic energy, GeV


Phi = 600 MV






0.1 1 10


x, 1


^2 s




Kinetic energy, GeV


Phi = 550 MVBESS 95-97




Fig. 6.— Calculated positron flux: upper curves LIS, lower mod-ulated (force field, Φ = 600 MV). The lines are coded as in Figure3. Data: HEAT94 (Barwick et al. 1998), CAPRICE94 (Boezio etal. 2000).

Fig. 7.— Calculated antiproton spectrum, upper curves – LIS,modulation was made with Φ = 550 MV (force field, lower curves).The lines are coded as in Figure 3. Data: BESS (Orito et al. 2000),MASS91 (Stochaj et al. 2001), CAPRICE98 (Boezio et al. 2001).The top curves are the total secondary p’s. The two lowest curvesmarked “tertiary” show separately the LIS spectrum and modulated“tertiary” component in DC model.

is studied quite well by direct measurements at high en-ergies where solar modulation effects are minimal. Mean-while the ambient CR proton spectrum on the large scaleremains unknown. The most direct test is provided by dif-fuse γ-rays. However there is the well known puzzle of theGeV excess in the EGRET diffuse γ-ray spectrum (Hunteret al. 1997) which makes a direct interpretation in terms ofprotons problematic, and possibly inverse-Compton emis-sion from a hard electron spectrum is responsible (Stronget al. 2000); for this reason we do not consider γ-rays fur-ther here.


We use the DC model to calculate the LIS spectra ofprotons and antiprotons and then use the drift model todetermine their modulated spectra and ratio over the solarcycles with positive (A > 0) and negative (A < 0) polar-ity (Figs. 8–10). The variations shown depend on the tiltangle. When combined with Figure 2 this allows us to es-timate the near-Earth spectra for arbitrary epochs in thepast as well as make some predictions for the future. Itmay be also used to test the theory of heliospheric modu-lation.

The p/p ratio is supposed to be more accurately mea-sured than the flux. Interestingly, the p/p ratio ap-pears largely insensitive to the modulation level duringthe A > 0 cycle (Fig. 10, left). This agrees within theerror bars with BESS p/p measurements made in 1993,1995, 1997, and 1998 (Maeno et al. 2001), and thus allows

us to constrain the proton spectrum at low energies, in theheliosphere above ∼ 0.1 GeV and the LIS spectrum above∼ 0.7 GeV. In the new cycle (A < 0), on the contrary, thisratio is predicted to vary by over an order of magnitude(Fig. 10, right), which will allow to us validate the cal-culations of heliospheric modulation including charge signeffects.

Now we use the predicted variations over the solar cycleto combine BESS data collected in 1995, 1997 during thesolar minimum with BESS data collected in 1998, whenthe solar activity was moderate (the tilt angle about 25◦).The correction was calculated using the energy-dependentfactor, F (E)5/25 = ψ5/ψ25, the ratio of modulated an-tiproton spectra with tilt angles 5◦ and 25◦. The dataof 1998 and their error bars have been multiplied by thisfactor. The spectrum obtained in such a way has beenfurther combined with BESS data collected in 1995, 1997.The combined spectrum agrees very well with calculationsfor tilt angle 5◦ and A > 0 (Fig. 11).

The combined spectrum, however, is not sensitive to theexact value of the tilt angle at the epoch of BESS-98 flight.It looks very similar for tilt angles 15◦ and 35◦. The rea-son is that the error bars of the data collected in 1998 arelarge, so that their relative weight is small.


In this paper, we have studied four basic propagationmodels. Table 5 summarizes the results this study. First,we applied a propagation model with reacceleration. Itreproduces nuclear secondary/primary ratios rather well



1 10 100



x, G



s s


Kinetic energy, GeV




1 10 100



x, G



s s


Kinetic energy, GeV


Fig. 8.— Calculated proton LIS and modulated spectra for the two magnetic polarity dependent modulation epochs, A > 0 (left) andA < 0 (right). Tilt angle from top to bottom: 5◦, 15◦, 25◦, 35◦, 45◦, 55◦, 65◦, 75◦. The tilt angle corresponding to BESS and AMS data is∼5◦− 15◦ (A > 0) depending on the coronal field model. On the right panel, A < 0, the data are shown only for guidance. Data refences asin Figure 4.




0.1 1 10


x, 1


^2 s




Kinetic energy, GeV


BESS 95-97







0.1 1 10


x, 1


^2 s




Kinetic energy, GeV


BESS 95-97




Fig. 9.— Calculated antiproton LIS and modulated spectra for the two magnetic polarity dependent modulation epochs, A > 0 (left) andA < 0 (right). Tilt angle from top to bottom: 5◦, 15◦, 25◦, 35◦, 45◦, 55◦, 65◦, 75◦. The tilt angle corresponding to BESS data is ∼ 5◦ − 15◦(A > 0) depending on the coronal field model. On the right panel, A<0, the data are shown only for guidance. Data references as in Figure7.





0.1 1 10

Kinetic energy, GeV

pbar/p ratio (A>0)

BESS 95-97









0.1 1 10

Kinetic energy, GeV

pbar/p ratio (A<0)

BESS 95-97





Fig. 10.— Calculated p/p ratio in the interstellar medium (LIS) and modulated for the two magnetic polarity dependent modulationepochs, A > 0 (left) and A < 0 (right). Left: Tilt angle from top to bottom (solid lines): 5◦, 15◦, 25◦, 35◦; from top to bottom (dotted lines):75◦, 65◦, 55◦, 45◦. (Lines almost coincide for the tilt angles 35◦, 45◦ and 25◦, 55◦, and very close for 15◦, 65◦.) Right: Tilt angle from bottomto top (solid lines): 5◦, 15◦, 25◦, 35◦, 45◦; from bottom to top (dotted lines): 75◦, 65◦, 55◦. (Lines are very close for the tilt angles 35◦, 65◦ and45◦, 55◦.) Data: BESS (Orito et al. 2000; Maeno et al. 2001), MASS91 (Hof et al. 1996; Stochaj et al. 2001), and CAPRICE98 (Bergstromet al. 2000).

but has some difficulties with reproduction of primary pro-ton and He spectra, and, more important with secondarypositrons and antiprotons. Another model with reducedreacceleration strength and convection also produces toofew antiprotons. A plain diffusion model (no reaccelera-tion, no convection) reproduces the high energy part ofnuclear secondary/primary ratios, protons, and positrons,but it has a problem with the low energy part of nuclearsecondary/primary ratios and overestimates the antipro-ton flux. A model with convection and flattening of thediffusion coefficient at low energies and a break in the in-jection spectrum is our “best-fit” model. It reproduceswell all particle data “on average”. The spectrum of dif-fuse γ-rays calculated for this model, cannot explain theEGRET GeV excess (Hunter et al. 1997), but this couldoriginate in other ways.

During the last decade there have been a number ofspace and balloon experiments with improved sensivityand statistics. They impose stricter constraints on the CRpropagation models. It has become clear that currentlythere is no simple model that is able to simultaneouslyreproduce all data related to CR origin and propagation.This conclusion is thus mainly the result of the increasedprecision of the CR experimental data, but also the im-proved reliability of the calculations of interstellar and he-liospheric propagation.




0.1 1 10


x, 1


^2 s




Kinetic energy, GeV


BESS 95-97





Fig. 11.— BESS 1995-97 data and the data combined with “cor-rected” BESS 1998 measurements. Shown also are the calculatedantiproton interstellar (LIS) and modulated spectrum for a tilt angle5◦ (A > 0). Data references as in Figure 7.

Table 5

Summary of model predictions.

Primaries SecondariesModel B/C Protons He Antiprotons Positrons

DRa Good LE bump/Good Fair/Good Too few LE bumpMRCa Fair LE bump/Good Fair/Good Too few LE bumpPD Too large at LE Good Good Too many GoodDC Fair Good Good Good Good

aThe reproduction of spectra of primaries can be improved by choice of the injection spectrum.

What could be the origin of this failure (to find a simplemodel), apart from the propagation models? Concern-ing the accuracy of the experimental data, the spectra ofprotons and helium are measured almost simultaneouslyand quite precisely by BESS and AMS and the agreementis impressive. They also agree with earlier experiments,such as LEAP, IMAX, CAPRICE, within the error bars.The most accurate measurements of nuclei at low energiesare made by Voyager, Ulysses, and ACE, and the agree-ment is good. At higher energies the data obtained byHEAO-3 are the most accurate and generally agree withearlier measurements. Electron flux measurements madeby HEAT, CAPRICE, and at Sanriku balloon facility allagree. Positron data, though with large error bars, arein agreement as well. The possibility that BESS antipro-ton data have systematic errors as large as +20% looksimprobable. They have curried out calibrations whichdemonstrate that the error must be ≤ 5% (Asaoka et al.2001). However, additional measurements are desirable.

Nuclear cross section errors are one of the main con-cerns. Fitting (matching) the measured B/C ratio is astandard procedure to derive the propagation parameters.The calculated ratio, in turn, depends on many cross sec-tions, such as the total interaction and isotope productioncross sections. The latter appear to have quite large uncer-tainties, typically about 20%, and sometimes they can evenbe wrong by an order of magnitude (see, e.g., Moskalenko,Mashnik, & Strong 2001a). This is reflected in the valueof the diffusion coefficient, the Alfven velocity (parameter-izing reacceleration) and/or convection velocity, and thusinfluences the calculated spectra of CR species. Our crosssection calculations make use of the fits to the cross sec-tions p + C,N,O → Be,B, that produce most of the Beand B. Other channels are calculated using the Webber etal. or Silberberg & Tsao cross section codes renormalizedto data where it exists. We thus can rule out a possibilityof large errors in the calculated B/C ratio.

Solar modulation for antiprotons is different from that ofprotons, the effect known as charge sign dependence. Overthe last years Ulysses made its measurements at differentheliolatitudes so we know more about the solar magneticfield configuration and the solar wind velocity distribution.On the other hand, the two Voyagers, the most distantspacecraft, provide us with measurements of particle fluxesmade close to the heliospheric boundary. There is thus asmall chance of a serious error, e.g., that the antiprotonflux during the last solar minimum was modulated muchmore weakly than estimated.

The underproduction of antiprotons in the reaccelera-

tion model may be connected with a contribution of pri-mary antiprotons, but this suggestion conflicts with otherCR data. A strong secondary antiproton signal would beaccompanied by the positron signal and an excess in γ-rays(EGRET GeV excess ?). However, the positron flux cal-culated in the DR model already shows an excess ratherthan deficit. Besides, only few SUSY dark matter can-didates are able to produce a signal large enough to bedetected and even in this case primary antiprotons con-tribute mostly to low energies (see discussions in Bottinoet al. 1998; Bergstrom et al. 1999).

Considering reacceleration models, there is the possibil-ity that the injection spectra of protons and nuclei mightbe different. For instance, spectra of nuclei Z > 2 are wellreproduced by a reacceleration model with a power-law (inrigidity) injection spectrum, while protons, helium, andelectrons require some spectral flattening at low energiesto avoid developing a bump in the spectrum. This is inagreement with conclusions made by other authors (Joneset al. 2001). The difficulty is to get the right positronand antiproton fluxes in the reacceleration model. Onthe other hand, non-reacceleration models require somespectral steepening at low energies (compensation for en-ergy losses) to get good agreement with the spectra ofprimaries. Such steepening may be a consequence of SNRshock acceleration (Ellison et al. 2001).

If we assume that the problem is in propagation mod-els, we have shown that it is possible to construct a model(DC) that fits all these data, by postulating a significantflattening of the diffusion coefficient below 4 GV togetherwith convection (and possibly with some reacceleration)and a break in the injection spectrum. The break in thediffusion coefficient is reminiscent of the standard proce-dure in “leaky-box” models where the escape time is setto a constant below a few GeV. This has always appeareda completely ad hoc device without physical justification,but the present analysis suggest it may be forced on usby the data. Therefore, possibilities for its physical originshould be studied.

Where do we go from here? New measurements of CRspecies that cover the range 0.5 − 1000 GeV/nucleon arenecessary to distinguish between reacceleration and non-reacceleration models. The new experiment PAMELAscheduled for launch in 2002 should improve accuracy ofpositron (0.1–200 GeV) and electron (0.1–300 GeV) mea-surements while allowing for simultaneous measurementsof p and nuclei from H to C in the energy range 0.1–200GeV/nucleon (The PAMELA Coll. 1999). The puzzlingexcess in the diffuse γ-rays above 1 GeV in EGRET data

should be confirmed. Here we await the launch of GLASTwith 30 times better sensivity. Its improved angular reso-lution will be helpful in removing faint source componentcontribution to the diffuse flux. A possibility that the nu-cleon spectrum in the Galaxy is harder or softer than wemeasure locally should be explored by making more ac-curate measurements of antiproton fluxes at high energies(Moskalenko et al. 1998). This may help to produce moreantiprotons in the DR model and simultaneously explainthe GeV excess in γ-rays. The interpretation of B/C andother secondary/primary ratios depends on the assump-tion that all the secondaries are produced during prop-agation; if instead some secondary production occurs inthe sources the range of possible models widens. Whethersuch effects could provide an alternative explanation of theobserved effects should be the subject of future study. Athorough and systematic measurement of the nuclear crosssections over a wide energy range is extremely important.Accurate measurements of the cross sections would allowmore information to be extracted from the now rather

precise CR measurements. New measurements of the an-tiproton and charged and neutral pion production crosssections are desirable. The widely used parametrizationof antiproton production and interaction cross sections byTan & Ng (1983a,b) is twenty years old. Parametriza-tion of pion production is even older. Given the new ex-perimental techniques now available such measurementsshould be straightforward. At the same time the sensitiv-ity of the whole analysis to the modulation models has tobe investigated further.

The authors are grateful to Frank Jones and VladimirPtuskin for fruitful discussions, to Don Ellison for discus-sions and a copy of his manuscript prior to publication, toS. A. Stephens and R. A. Streitmatter for providing thedatabase of CR measurements, and to Ulrich Langner forhis interest and assistance in producing modulation runsfor Figures 8 to 10. I. Moskalenko acknowledges supportfrom NAS/NRC Research Associateship Program.



The H2 number density in mols. cm−3 is calculated from

nH2(R, z) = 3.24× 10−22Xε0(R) e− ln 2 (z−z0)2/z2

h , (A1)where ε0(R) (K km s−1 kpc−1) is the CO volume emissivity, z0(R) and zh(R) are the height scale and width defined bya table (Bronfman et al. 1988), and X ≡ nH2/εCO = 1.9× 1020 mols. cm−2/(K km s−1) is the conversion factor (Strong& Mattox 1996).

The H i (atom cm−3) relative distribution is taken from Gordon & Burton (1976), but renormalized to agree withDickey & Lockman (1990), since they give their best model for the z-distribution in the range R = 4 − 8 kpc and statethe total integral perpendicular to the plane is 6.2× 1020 cm−2:

nH I(R, z) =1

nGBY (R)

∑i=1,2Ai e

− ln 2 z2/z2i +A3 e

−|z|/z3, R ≤ 8 kpcinterpolated, 8<R<10 kpcnDL exp(−z2 e−0.22R/z2

4), R ≥ 10 kpc(A2)

Here Y (R) is the distribution from Gordon & Burton (1976) (R < 16 kpc), nGB = 0.33 cm−3 and nDL = 0.57 cm−3 arethe disk densities in the range 4 < R < 8 kpc in models by Gordon & Burton (1976) and Dickey & Lockman (1990),correspondingly. The z-dependence is calculated using the approximation by Dickey & Lockman (1990) for R < 8 kpc,using the approximation by Cox, Krugel, & Mezger (1986) for R > 10 kpc, and interpolated in between, and the parametervalues are A1 = 0.395, A2 = 0.107, A3 = 0.064, z1 = 0.106, z2 = 0.265, z3 = 0.403, z4 = 0.0523. For R > 16 kpc anexponential tail is assumed with scale length 3 kpc.

The ionized component H ii (atom cm−3) is calculated using a cylindrically symmetrical model (Cordes et al. 1991):

nH II(R, z) =∑


ni e−|z|/hi−(R−Ri)

2/a2i , (A3)

where n1 = 0.025, n2 = 0.200, h1 = 1 kpc, h2 = 0.15 kpc, R1 = 0, R2 = 4 kpc, a1 = 20 kpc, a2 = 2 kpc.


The energy and momentum units are GeV and GeV/c correspondingly. All cross section given are in mbarn and plottedin Figure B12 (except for the production cross section). An asterisk marks the center-of-mass system (CMS) variables.

The inclusive antiproton production cross section (mb GeV−2 c3) in pp-reaction is given by (Tan & Ng 1983b):



= δ(xt)f(xr) exp{−A(xr)pt +B(xr)p2t}, (B1)

f = 1.05× 10−4 exp{−10.1xr}θ(0.5− xr) + 3.15(1− xr)7.9,

A = 0.465 exp{−0.037xr}+ 2.31 exp{0.014xr},B = 0.0302 exp{−3.19(xr + 0.399)}(xr + 0.399)8.39,

xr = E∗p/E

∗maxp ,




0.1 1 10 100 1000


ss s


n, m


Kinetic energy, GeV

p-p inelastic

pbar-p annihilation

pbar-p total

pbar-p non.

p-He inelastic

pbar-He total

pbar-He annihilation

Fig. B12.— Proton and antiproton cross sections.

where θ(x) is the Heaviside step function (θ[x > 0] = 1, otherwise =0), pt is the transverse momentum of the antiproton,E∗

p is the total CMS energy of the antiproton, E∗maxp is the maximal value of E∗

p for the given inclusive reaction, andδ(xt) is the low energy correction, δ = 1 at s1/2 > 10 GeV. At s1/2 ≤ 10 GeV it is given by:

δ−1 = 1− exp{− exp [c(xt)Q− d(xt)]

(1− exp



a = 0.306 exp{−0.12xt},b = 0.0552 exp{2.72xt},c = 0.758 − 0.68xt + 1.54x2

t , (B2)d = 0.594 exp{2.87xt},Q = s1/2 − 4Mp,

xt = T ∗p /T∗maxp ,

s = 2Mp(Ep +Mp) = inv is the square of the total CMS energy of colliding particles, Mp is the proton rest mass, T ∗p isthe kinetic CMS energy of antiproton, and T ∗max

p is the maximal value of T ∗p for the given inclusive reaction.Proton-proton inelastic cross section (Tan & Ng 1983a):

σinelpp = 32.2 [1 + 0.0273U + 0.01U2θ(U)]

0, Tp < 0.3;(1 + 2.62× 10−3T−C


)−1, 0.3 ≤ Tp < 3;

1, Tp ≥ 3;U = ln(Ep/200),

C = 17.9 + 13.8 lnTp + 4.41 ln2 Tp,

where θ(U) is the Heaviside step function, Ep and Tp are the total and kinetic energy of proton, correspondingly.Nucleus-proton inelastic cross section (Letaw et al. 1983):

σinelpA = 45A0.7δ(Tp) [1 + 0.016 sin(5.3− 2.63 lnA)]

{1− 0.62e−Tp/0.2 sin



], Tp ≤ 3;

1, Tp > 3;

δ ={

1 + 0.75 exp{−Tp/0.075}, for beryllium;1, otherwise;

where A is the atomic number. In the case of pHe inelastic cross section equation (B3) is known to be not very accurate,while the p−4He cross section is the most important after the pp cross section. We thus made our own fit to the data inthe range 0.02− 50 GeV:

σinelpHe = 111

{1− exp[−3.84 (Tp − 0.1)]

(1− sin[9.72 log0.319(103Tp)− 4.14]

)}, (B3)

where Tp > 0.01 GeV.The antiproton-proton annihilation cross section at low energies is taken from Tan & Ng (1983a). At high energies it is

calculated as the difference between the total pp and pp cross sections which are parametrized using Regge theory (Groomet al. 2000):

σapp =


(1 + 0.0115T−0.774

p − 0.948T 0.0151p

), Tp ≤ 10;

2× 35.43s−0.56, Tp > 10;(B4)

where s is the square of the total CMS energy of colliding particles as defined in equation (B2). Annihilation is of minorimportance at high energies.

Total inelastic antiproton-proton cross section (Tan & Ng 1983a):

σtotpp =


(1 + 0.584T−0.115

p + 0.856T−0.566p

), Tp ≤ 14;

σinelpp + σa

pp, Tp > 14. (B5)

At very low energies, below ∼ 0.01 GeV, we put σapp = σtot

pp .Non-annihilation inelastic pp cross section is calculated as σnon

pp = σtotpp − σa

pp. The antiproton-nucleus non-annihilationinelastic cross section is taken equal to proton-nucleus inelastic cross section, σnon

pA = σinelpA .

The parametrization of the p total inelastic cross section on an arbitrary nuclear target has been obtained in Moiseev& Ormes (1997) using a parametrization by Kuzichev, Lepikhin, & Smirnitsky (1994) and has been tested against thedata available on p cross sections on C, Al, and Cu targets:

σtotpA = A2/3

[48.2 + 19T−0.55

p + (0.1− 0.18T−1.2p )Z + 0.0012T−1.5

p Z2], (B6)

where Z is the nucleus charge. The second term in square brackets has been modified from its original form 19 (Tp −0.02)−0.55 to better match the slope below ∼ 100 MeV. This modification does not affect agreement with data at higherenergies. Another modification, in the case of 4He, is to use A = 3.3 to scale the value down slightly to be consistent withcross section data both at low and at high energies (Allaby et al. 1971; Balestra et al. 1985).

The pA annihilation cross section is calculated from σapA = σtot

pA − σnonpA , where σnon

pA = σinelpA . This is quite accurate

provided that the He abundance is about 10% that of H.


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