Download - SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM MAYOR JAMES 2013 Newsletter.pdf · HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM CAO KIM BORGEL Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the staff at the Town of Killam! Wow, it is

Page 1: SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM MAYOR JAMES 2013 Newsletter.pdf · HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM CAO KIM BORGEL Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the staff at the Town of Killam! Wow, it is






















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This past year in Killam has

been busy & exci�ng, with

many milestones & achieve-

ments in our community.

Congratula�ons to the family

of Dr. Peter Voloshin, the fami-

ly of Albert Edward Fee, Lois

Prichard, and Geraldine Link for

their nomina�on to the Killam

Hall of Fame this spring. I am

always inspired a+er hearing

the stories of these ci�zens,

both contemporary and histori-

cal. There are many people

that have played a significant

role in shaping Killam over the

past 100 + years, and we can all

learn something from their sto-

ries. Look for news of this

year’s nominees in the next

few months, and plan to a2end

the Awards Banquet.

As well, congratula�ons to the

award winners of the Flagstaff

Small Business Awards held in

October, par�cularly those

with a Killam connec�on – Wild

Rose Co-op for Community

Spirit, and The Community

Press (BRAED Succeeding Long

Standing Business Award). We

are proud of our business com-

munity, and are pleased to see

them get the recogni�on they


Most of you are aware that Al-

berta’s Municipali�es went

through an elec�on this past

fall. In Killam we had an elec-

�on for Council and have four

returning Councillors – Clr. Dar-

cy Eskra, Clr. Diane Gordon, Clr.

Brenda McDermo2, and Clr.

Rick Krys – as well as 2 new fac-

es – Clr. Carol Kinzer and Clr.

Brenda Grove.

Carol was born & raised in the

area, and has called Killam

home for many years. Some of

Carol’s children have chosen

our area to raise their own

family, so Carol gets to spend

lots of �me with her grandchil-


Brenda was also raised in this

area, and her family has lived

in Killam for the last few years.

Brenda’s children are a2ending

school here and the Grove fam-

ily has been very involved in

the community.

Welcome to Brenda & Carol,

and welcome back to the rest

of Council. I know this group

will provide great leadership

M������ A���: B�� 189, S���� A���: 4923—50 S�.

P���� N!"#�: 385-3977, F�� N!"#�: 385-2120

Email: [email protected], www.

Page 2: SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM MAYOR JAMES 2013 Newsletter.pdf · HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM CAO KIM BORGEL Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the staff at the Town of Killam! Wow, it is


Mayors Message Cont’d

for all of us in Killam, and I look

forward to working with each of

you over the next four years. As

you might imagine, we have all

been very busy in the last several

weeks reorganizing ourselves

and ge?ng up to speed on vari-

ous projects and issues; there is

much to be done as we move

forward, and I am encouraged

by the dedica�on of this group.

Provincially the change in faces

on Municipal Councils is just

over 50%; similarly some of

our neighboring communi�es

have seen significant change.

Killam Council realizes the im-

portance of having a good

working rela�onship with our

neighbors, and we will be

ge?ng acquainted with the

various Council members

around the Flagstaff communi-

ty in the next few weeks.

Development con�nues

around town, with new hous-

ing starts as well as commer-

cial development in 2013. To-

tal development permits for

this year were approx. $1.75

Million, and our equalized as-

sessment is just over $85 Million.

This con�nues to be very encour-

aging, as our community needs

sustained growth to remain pros-


In order to set the stage for con-

�nued growth, Council has spent

�me over the past year develop-

ing a Marke�ng Strategy. This

has included adop�on of a new

logo and tag line, and work has

started to market Killam as a

great place to visit and to live.

Our tag line – “Life Without Com-

promise” - communicates that

you don’t have to compromise

your lifestyle to live in our com-

munity. In addi�on to a reasona-

ble cost of housing and a rela-

�vely safe community, there are

plenty of things to do and be in-

volved in – recrea�on & leisure

ac�vi�es, cultural opportuni�es,

faith based ac�vi�es, shopping,

etc. As we move forward with

this project we will have a job for

you. All of you who call Killam

home are Ambassadors for our

great community, and your task

will be to promote Killam as a

great place to visit or live, in your

travels wherever you go around

the world.

So much of what is great about

Killam is due to our many dedi-

cated volunteers – those of you

who share some of your �me to

make our community a great

place. On behalf of the people of

Killam I would like to thank you

for your willingness to contrib-


However, we need more people

willing to volunteer their assis-

tance working on a project or

serving on a board. If you are

interested in ge?ng more in-

volved I encourage you to talk

with anyone at the Town Office,

or contact me – I would be

pleased to have a conversa�on

with you & can get you in

touch with a group or groups

who share your interests.

Volunteers are the lifeblood

of our community; just think

of the possibili�es for Killam

if all are willing to help out

just a bit.

I would like to also pass on a

big thank you to the Town of

Killam Administra�on, Public

Works, and Community Ser-

vices folks, who work diligent-

ly to make Killam a great

place. There is much work

done by this group that is not

in the public eye, to the bene-

fit of each of us. CAO Kim

Borgel and her team consist-

ently provide good value to

our ci�zens.

We are heading into the final

days of 2013 with everyone busy

ge?ng ready for the Christmas

break and a visit from Santa.

Make sure you take some �me

during this busy season to enjoy

the company of family & friends,

and to reflect on the many bless-

ings we enjoy in our community.

On behalf of my colleagues on

Town Council, I want to wish you

all a Merry Christmas, and the

very best for the New Year.


Bud James


Page 3: SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM MAYOR JAMES 2013 Newsletter.pdf · HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM CAO KIM BORGEL Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the staff at the Town of Killam! Wow, it is


New Year from the staff at

the Town of Killam!

Wow, it is difficult to believe

that 2013 is nearing an end

and 2014 is only a few short

weeks away! The Town of

Killam has had another busy

year working on projects

which have made our town an

even more wonderful place to


Administra�on has had the

privilege of working with a

council of 6 members over the

majority of 2013. In October

we held the municipal elec�on

and wished farewell to Coun-

cilor Shawn Slavik. I would like

to take this opportunity to

thank Councilor Slavik on be-

half of the staff for his com-

mitment to the Town of Killam

during his term on Council.

As in every elec�on year, we

have a feeling of new begin-

nings, fresh faces and ideas

around the Council table.

Thank you to our returning

members, Mayor Bud James

and Councilors Brenda McDer-

mo2, Rick Krys and Darcy

Eskra and a big welcome to

new Councilors Carol Kinzer

and Brenda Grove. We the

staff look forward to working

with all of you. I can tell you

that you have very forward

thinking Council who in early

2014, will be holding a 2-day

business planning session to

set their goals, priori�es and

ini�a�ves for the next 4 year

council term. If you see any of

them around town, please

share your ideas with them so

they can bring them to the

table. I am very excited to see

what new ideas they have in

store for us!

In 2013 we have also wel-

comed 2 new staff members

at the Killam Agriplex. Chris-

�ne Kinzer was hired as the

new Agriplex Co-ordinator and

is working hard to bring new

programs and ideas to the

Flagstaff Aqua�c Centre. Evan

McDonald is the new face at

the Killam Memorial Arena.

Evan comes to Killam from

Ontario and is enjoying the

small town feel of Killam. Evan

is also working on bringing

new programs to the facility

and working towards our goal

of increasing arena users. Give

Chris�ne and Evan a call to

see what they can offer for


I would like to take this oppor-

tunity to thank all of the staff

for all of their hard work over

the past year. We have a very

dedicated bunch of people

who are proud to work for the

Town of Killam and to also call

Killam their home.

On behalf of the Town staff, I

wish each and every one of

you and your family a wonder-

ful holiday season!

Kim Borgel

Town of Killam CAO

TOWN OF KILLAM CHRISTMAS OFFICE HOURS The Town of Killam Office will be closed beginning at

noon on Tuesday, December 24/13 and re-open on

Thursday, January 2/14. Any payments that need to be

made can be dropped off in the drop box in the door of

the Town of Killam Office. If you have an emergency

please call our emergency line at 780-385-3783.


Page 4: SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM MAYOR JAMES 2013 Newsletter.pdf · HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM CAO KIM BORGEL Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the staff at the Town of Killam! Wow, it is



The Killam Recreation Team would like to take this time to Thank everyone for this amaz-ing year we have been blessed with. In 2013 we have welcomed some new faces to the team. Christine Kinzer of Killam as our Agriplex Coordinator and Evan McDonald as our Arena Coordinator. Lifeguards Angela Niehaus, Kate Spurill, Lyssa Mossestad, and to our Arena Jason Field and Robert Newby. The amazing staff makes our facility run every single day and we are so grateful for their pride and passion for recreation. We have also seen a major in-crease of users in all depart-ments, Swimming Pool, Base-ball Diamonds, Arena, as well

introduction of many new pro-grams. It’s nice to see people from all over taking in the amazing things Killam has to offer. Our facilities have finished some projects this year as well. Our Ice Plant received some upgrades over the summer and the Zamboni has a new set of blades. The crack in the pool was fixed. And our Aquatic Centre made a transfer to the Red Cross swim program. We tinned 2 more dugouts at the Ball Park. A facility assessment was completed on the Agriplex and Arena and the creation of the Capital Master Plan for Rec-reation in Killam. In 2014 we have a large list of items that will be completed

and new programs coming. We are looking forward to sharing and serving you in 2014. Killam Recreation would also like to take this time to Thank the Volunteers whom run our boards, programs, and complete the huge task of grant applica-tion writing and follow up forms. Your dedication and time is what helps us offer all that Killam has today. Hats off to you all! May your holiday season be filled with Warmth, Joy, and Good Cheer! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and Wonderful New Year.

Charlene Jackson

Director of Community Services

AGRI-PLEX HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Flagstaff Regional Aquatic Centre CLOSED– December 24th, 25th, 26th, and Jan. 1st.

Killam Memorial Arena CLOSED –December 25th, 26th, and Jan. 1st.

Public Swimming December 23, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31,

January 2, 3, 4 and 5

1—4 p.m.

Public Bowling December 23, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31,

January 2, 3, 4 and 5

1—4 p.m.

Free Shinny December 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31

January 2 & 3 -12:30—2:00 p.,m.

Free Public SkaFng December 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31

January 2 & 3 -11:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m.

For more information please call the Agri-plex at 780-385-3080

♦ Please note the Family Resource Centre is CLOSED December 24 to January 1.

Open January 2 & 3 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Killam Toboggan Hill and Killam Skate Pond Both located at the Killam Centennial Park. The Town of Killam maintains both the Toboggan Hill and

Skate Pond. Be sure to use areas at own risk and obey all signage!!!

HELP WANTED Arena Operator Needed for our busy hockey season. Part �me or Full �me posi�on involves evening and

weekend shi+s. For more details please call Char at 780-385-3977 or recrea�[email protected]

Page 5: SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM MAYOR JAMES 2013 Newsletter.pdf · HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM CAO KIM BORGEL Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the staff at the Town of Killam! Wow, it is


All of us in the Public Works De-

partment want to wish everyone

a Happy Holiday Season.

Where did 2013 go? Once again

Public Works had a busy year.

Just a few of our projects this

past year.

♦ Preparing for Sidewalk Re-

placement by replacing curb

stops along chosen areas

♦ Crack filling

♦ Grass cu?ng (parks and ball


♦ Weed Control

♦ Dust Control

Public Works also assists with the

Killam Ball tournament, Killam

Indoor Rodeo, Green Grass Bo-

nanza and pu?ng ice in for the

hockey season.

May 19-25, 2013 was Public

Works weeks across Canada and

the United States. Town of Killam

PW Staff barbequed burgers with

the proceeds going to the Food

Bank. Thank you to all who par-


As we approach the end of 2013,

we at Public Works wish every-

one a Happy and Healthy Holiday

Season and all the best in 2014.

Dean Berrecloth

Public Works Superintendent



Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Library Christmas Hours: Closed for the holidays beginning Friday,

December 20 to Monday, January 6!



10:00 AM –5:30 PM

6:30 PM -8:30 PM


2:30 pm – 5:30 pm


2:30 pm - 5:30 pm


3:30 pm – 5:30 pm

We are always looking for


If you are interested,

please call us at


Planning a Family Night?

“Check out” one of our 700+ mov-

ies or one of our great Board or

DVD Games. If we don’t have the

movie your looking for, let us re-

quite it for your from another Li-




Killam Public Library

Is your best

deal in Town!!


Please do not shovel snow from private property onto the town streets. This makes more work for our town Public Works crews.

The moisture will be be2er used for your yards! Reminder to residents that Public Works no longer sweep the Avenue Sidewalks.


The Town of Killam Public Works is very busy in the winter removing snow. Unfortunately Public Works can not be everywhere at

once and people will have to be pa�ent. They will be there as soon as they can to remove the snow from your street. If your car

gets blocked by snow please feel free to call the office and we will send someone to dig you out. The Town of Killam is not responsi-

ble for street and avenue sidewalks, they are the responsibility of the adjacent land owner.

Bylaw #440—Traffic Control Bylaw

6.6: No person owning, occupying or in control of land within the Town shall fail to clear, within twenty four (24)

hours of having been deposited, any snow, ice, soil or other obstruc�ng ma2er from all sidewalks adjoining said


Page 6: SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM MAYOR JAMES 2013 Newsletter.pdf · HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM CAO KIM BORGEL Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the staff at the Town of Killam! Wow, it is



As of January 1, 2014 the Town of Killam will no longer be accepFng Credit Cards for payments of any kind.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

As of January 1, 2014 the following increases will be on your Town of Killam UFlity Bills:

• An increase on Recrea�on Fees from $7 to $10 with the 3 extra dollars going into reserves for Recrea�on

Capital Purchases in the future.

Animal Licensing

Overhanging shrubs/trees

For the safety of all, please ensure trees and

shrubs are not infringing on the sidewalks. Also,

ensure trees and shrubs do not interfere with the

vision of individuals driving vehicles that are ex-

i�ng back alleys.

If you have any quesFons in regards to

your trees or shrubs please call Dean

Berrecloth, Public Works Foreman at



ALL business licenses

(this includes all home businesses) are due by

February 28/14

The cost of a business license is $20.

Please come into the Town Office or send license

fee in the mail to Box 189, Killam, by the above

date. All businesses with a license receive FREE

adver�sing on the Town of Killam Web Page.


Dog License Fee (Before Jan. 31 of each year): $15.00

Dog License Fee (AXer Jan. 31 of each year): $30

Cat License Fee (Before Jan. 31 of each year): $15.00

Cat License Fee (AXer Jan. 31 of each year): $30

Replacement Tags: $5

Second Prize: $50 GiX CerFficate First Prize: $75 GiX CerFficate Third Prize: $25 GiX CerFficate


Memorial Tree Program The Town of Killam is in the process of crea�ng a Memorial Tree Program.

People will be invited to purchase trees in memory of a loved one and

they will be planted along the walking trail. Please call the Town of Killam

Office for more details: 780-385-3977.

NOTICE OF FALSE ALARMS ON SECURITY SYSTEMS There has been an increase of false alarms on security systems. For repeat calls you will now be charged for

the equivalence of what it cost the fire fighters to respond to that call.

Page 7: SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM MAYOR JAMES 2013 Newsletter.pdf · HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM CAO KIM BORGEL Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the staff at the Town of Killam! Wow, it is


DECEMBER Saturday, December 14 • Killam Community Christmas Party: Cocktails 5:30,

Supper 6:30, Dance to follow with Live Band Rough and Ready. Tickets $40 for Supper and Dance.

Monday, December 16 • 5 to 6 p.m. Fat Buster Aqua Size Class : At the Flag-

staff Regional Aquatic Centre • 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Payroll Regulations: at Killam Adult

Learning • 7 to 8 p.m., Aqua Sizes: At the Flagstaff Regional Aquat-

ic Centre Tuesday, December 17 • 10 a.m. Seniors Floor Curling: At the Killam Seniors

Centre • 5 to 6 p.m. Fat Buster Aqua Size Class : At the Flag-

staff Regional Aquatic Centre Wednesday, December 18 • Killam Ladies Bowling: At the Killam Bowling Alley in

the Agri-plex • 5 to 6 p.m. Fat Buster Aqua Size Class : At the Flag-

staff Regional Aquatic Centre • 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Kingdom K’Motion: at the Killam

Baptist Church • 7 to 8 p.m., Aqua Sizes: At the Flagstaff Regional Aquat-

ic Centre Thursday, December 19 • 10 a.m. Seniors Floor Curling: At the Killam Seniors

Centre • 1:30 p.m. - Seniors Society Meeting –Killam Seniors

Centre • 5 to 6 p.m. Fat Buster Aqua Size Class : At the Flag-

staff Regional Aquatic Centre • 7 to 8 p.m., Aqua Sizes: At the Flagstaff Regional Aquat-

ic Centre • 7 p.m. Killam Public School Christmas Concert –At

the Killam Community Hall Friday, December 20 • 10 a.m. Santa Party: At the Family Resource Centre in

the Killam Agriplex • LAST DAY FOR ALL FITNESS POOL PROGRAMS UNTIL JANUARY 6, 2014 Monday, December 23 • 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free Public Skating—At the

Killam Memorial Arena • 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Free Shinny - At the Killam Memori-

al Arena • 1 to 4 p.m. Public Swim and Public Bowling at the

Killam Agriplex Tuesday, December 24 -CHRISTMAS EVE • Town Office will be CLOSED at NOON

• 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free Public Skating—At the Killam Memorial Arena

• 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Free Shinny - At the Killam Memori-al Arena


Friday, December 27 • 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free Public Skating—At the

Killam Memorial Arena • 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Free Shinny - At the Killam Memori-

al Arena • 1 to 4 p.m. Public Swim and Public Bowling at the

Killam Agriplex Saturday, December 28 • 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free Public Skating—At the

Killam Memorial Arena • 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Free Shinny - At the Killam Memori-

al Arena • 1 to 4 p.m. Public Swim and Public Bowling at the

Killam Agriplex Sunday, December 29 • 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free Public Skating—At the

Killam Memorial Arena • 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Free Shinny - At the Killam Memori-

al Arena • 1 to 4 p.m. Public Swim and Public Bowling at the

Killam Agriplex Monday, December 30 • 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free Public Skating—At the

Killam Memorial Arena • 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Free Shinny - At the Killam Memori-

al Arena • 1 to 4 p.m. Public Swim and Public Bowling at the

Killam Agriplex Tuesday, December 31 • 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free Public Skating—At the

Killam Memorial Arena • 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Free Shinny - At the Killam Memori-

al Arena • 1 to 4 p.m. Public Swim and Public Bowling at the

Killam Agriplex


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Thursday, January 2 • 10 a.m. Seniors Floor Curling: At the Killam Seniors

Centre • 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free Public Skating—At

the Killam Memorial Arena • 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Free Shinny - At the Killam Me-

morial Arena • 1 to 4 p.m. Public Swim and Public Bowling at the

Killam Agriplex

For full information on events please check out the Town of Killam webpage

Page 8: SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM MAYOR JAMES 2013 Newsletter.pdf · HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM CAO KIM BORGEL Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the staff at the Town of Killam! Wow, it is


Friday, January 3 • 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free Public Skating—At the

Killam Memorial Arena • 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Free Shinny - At the Killam Memori-

al Arena • 1 to 4 p.m. Public Swim and Public Bowling at the

Killam Agriplex Saturday, January 4 • 1 to 4 p.m. Public Swim and Public Bowling at the

Killam Agriplex Sunday, January 5 • 1 to 4 p.m. Public Swim and Public Bowling at the

Killam Agriplex Monday, January 6 Watch Facebook, Mail outs, The Community Press and The Website for the new Pool Fitness Schedule. Tuesday, January 7 • 10 a.m. Seniors Floor Curling: At the Killam Seniors

Centre Wednesday, January 8 • Killam Ladies Bowling: At the Killam Bowling Alley in

the Agri-plex • 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Kingdom K’Motion: at the Killam

Baptist Church Thursday, January 9 • 10 a.m. Seniors Floor Curling: At the Killam Seniors

Centre • 1:30 p.m. Seniors Society Birthday Club: At the Killam

Seniors Centre Friday, January 10 • 8:30 p.m. Killam Jr. B Wheat Kings Game vs Saddle

Lake Warriors: At the Killam Memorial Arena • 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Water Art Course (Learn to teach

water workout classes). Call Christine to register. Saturday, January 11 • 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Water Art Course (Learn to

teach water workout classes). Call Christine to register. Sunday, January 12 • 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Water Art Course (Learn to

teach water workout classes). Call Christine to register. Wednesday, January 15 • Killam Ladies Bowling: At the Killam Bowling Alley in

the Agriplex • 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Kingdom K’Motion: at the Killam

Baptist Church Thursday, January 16 • 10 a.m. Seniors Floor Curling: At the Killam Seniors

Centre • 1:30 p.m. Seniors Society Meeting: At the Killam Sen-

iors Centre Saturday, January 18 • 8:00 p.m. Killam Jr. B Wheat Kings Game vs

Lloydminster Bandits: At the Killam Memorial Arena • ALL DAY Minor Hockey Days for Initiation, Novice,

Atoms and Pee-Wee at Killam Memorial Arena

Tuesday, January 21 • 10 a.m. Seniors Floor Curling: At the Killam Seniors

Centre Wednesday, January 22 • Killam Ladies Bowling: At the Killam Bowling Alley in

the Agriplex • 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Kingdom K’Motion: at the Killam

Baptist Church Thursday, January 23 • 10 a.m. Seniors Floor Curling: At the Killam Seniors

Centre • 5:30 p.m. Seniors Pot Luck Supper: At the Killam Sen-

iors Centre • 7:00 p.m. 790 CFCW Critters-presented by Killam

Parent Society. Advance Tickets: $5 Adult/Child, Kids under 2 free. At the door Tickets: $7 Adult and $5 Child. See Facebook for more details if needed.

Friday, January 24 • 8:30 p.m. Killam Jr. B Wheat Kings Game vs Saddle

Lake Warriors: At the Killam Memorial Arena Tuesday, January 28 • 10 a.m. Seniors Floor Curling: At the Killam Seniors

Centre Wednesday, January 29 • Killam Ladies Bowling: At the Killam Bowling Alley in

the Agriplex • 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Kingdom K’Motion: at the Killam

Baptist Church Thursday, January 30 • 10 a.m. Seniors Floor Curling: At the Killam Seniors


FEBRUARY Saturday, February 1 • 16th Annual FIRST Auction Supper: Tickets available

at the FFCS Office. 5:00 p.m. Doors Open, 5:30 p.m. Supper and 6:30 p.m. Auction. $25/ticket. At the Killam Community Hall

Saturday, February 8 • Killam Novice Tournament: At the Killam Memorial

Arena. • 8:00 p.m. Killam Jr. B Wheat Kings Game vs Vegre-

ville Rangers: At the Killam Memorial Arena MARCH

Saturday, March 29 • 8th Annual Red Serge Ball: Cocktails 5:30 p.m., Supper

6:30 p.m., Silent and Live Auction, Dance to follow. Tickets are $50 each or at table of 8 for $400.

Let the Town of Killam know what events are taking place in Killam and we will make

sure your event gets put on the Webpage, Facebook and The Upcoming Events Pages!

Page 9: SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM MAYOR JAMES 2013 Newsletter.pdf · HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM CAO KIM BORGEL Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the staff at the Town of Killam! Wow, it is

2014 Emergency Preparedness Everyone likes to think that “It’ll never happen here” … but being prepared for those extreme events can take only minutes—and

can make a world of difference to your Family! Our goal for the upcoming year is to help make you more aware of what you will

need in order to be prepared. Informa�on to help this process will be included in our Town of Killam Newsle2ers and on our Web-

site at beginning in the New Year.

We will be featuring such informaFon as planning and responding to:

* Severe Weather & Tornados * Wildfires * Sheltering In Place

* Extended U�lity Failures * Evacua�on * Epidemic

Priority #1: 72 Hour Emergency Kit… In your home—for your Family! During a large scale emergency, it may take up to 3 days for

responders to get to you to help. Be prepared. A majority of items to include can be thrown into a large duffle bag or backpack, and

stored in a safe place.


* Water—at least 2 litres per person per day * Specialty items: prescrip�on medica�on, baby food,

Pet food

* Food that won’t spoil: canned food, energy * Extra keys to your car or house

bars and dried foods.

* Manual can opener * Cash—$5 and $10 bills, change for payphones

* Flashlights, candles, matches or lighter * A whistle

* Ba2ery powered radio (extra ba2eries) * A copy of your Emergency Plan and contact informa�on

* First Aid Kit

RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL ITEMS (should you have to evacuate immediately):

* 1 change of clothing for each household member * Camp stove and fuel

* Household chlorine, water purifying tablets * Utensils

* Toilet paper and other personal care supplies * Garbage Bags

* Basic tools (hammer, pliers, wrench, screwdrivers, fasteners)

* Duct Tape * Sleeping bags/blankets

More informa�on is available at: Wishing you all a Safe and Happy Holiday Season, with Best Wishes for

the New Year!!

2013 Flagstaff Christmas Sharing and Adopt a Family Programs Once again, the Flagstaff Food Bank will be co-ordina�ng the annual Christmas Sharing Program in Flagstaff County. This

tradi�on involves the collec�on and distribu�on of gi+s and food hampers for those less fortunate county residents.

We would appreciate the dona�on of food items and cash between December 2nd and December 13th

(Please be advised

that we can not distribute expired food, and would ask that you check the expiraFon dates on any food donaFons.)

As the “Adopt a Family Program” was such a great success in past years, we will be running this program once again. Any-

one interested in adop�ng a family, please call 780-385-3976 before December 2nd. We ask that you limit your gi+ purchas-

es to approximately $50 per adopted person. Please leave all giXs unwrapped with some gi+ wrap included in your family’s

gi+ bundle. We reserve the right to redistribute any excess purchases to other persons in need. If you decide to give cloth-

ing, be sure to include the “Gi+ Receipt” in case an exchange is necessary by the recipient. Due to allergies, we ask that you

do not include stuffed toys! Gi+s must be delivered to the old Food Town Grocery Store (located at the north end of Main

Street, Killam) no later than December 10th


As this is a large-scale project, volunteerism plays a role in the successful comple�on of this project. Groups or anyone inter-

ested in giving a couple hours of their �me to assist us in having another successful year please call the FFCS at 780-385-

3976. This year, volunteer hours will be available each weekday from December 11th

to the 16th


10:00 a.m. to 4:00

p.m. and December 17th

from 3 pm to 8 pm. Evening and weekend hours will be arranged as the need and available vol-

unteer help warrants it. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

The old Food Town Grocery Store, located at the north end of Main Street in Killam, will be used for the collec�on and distri-

bu�on of hampers and gi+s this year. Drop-offs can be made December 2nd

to 10th

, from 10:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m.,


Flagstaff Regional Solid Waste Management Holiday Schedule Garbage pick up in Killam will NOT be affected during the Christmas Holiday. However The

Killam Transfer Site will only be open from 1 to 3 p.m. on December 24, 2013.

Page 10: SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM MAYOR JAMES 2013 Newsletter.pdf · HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM CAO KIM BORGEL Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the staff at the Town of Killam! Wow, it is


Christmas Colouring Contest Colour the picture and hand it in to the Town Office by December 16, 2013 and your name will be put into a

draw to win a family day pass to the Agri-plex for swimming or bowling.

Name:____________________________ Age:_______Phone #:______________________________.