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Searching – General ConsiderationsWhether you are searching for information within a trusted website or using a search engine, there are some general considerations you should keep in mind to ensure a successful search.

In this section, we will consider how to select search terms and how to revise a search strategy to improve your results.

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Phrasing Searches as QuestionsMany of us have a natural tendency to phrase searches as a question. We go to Google or other sites with a question we want answered, so it seems logical to type in the question and search for that answer.

However, this is an ineffective method of searching. Search engines and websites search for keywords, and most words in a question aren’t directly related to the information you want find. Some search engines can ignore these “stop words,” but they are not always effective in doing so. It is best not to include them.

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THINK!In the following question, which words are not relevant to the answer you’re trying to find?

What should I do to avoid coming down with the flu?

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THINK!In the following question, which words are not relevant to the answer you’re trying to find?

What should I do to avoid coming down with the flu?

ANSWER: The words in bold are not necessary and should not be included in your search.

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Selecting KeywordsWe now know to avoid searching using questions. Instead, you should use keywords that capture the main concepts you are trying to find. Use to following tips to select effective keywords.

• Include all relevant terms•Exclude unnecessary words•Consider what terms a doctor would use to describe

a concept to you

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Revising Your Search StrategySometimes, the initial keywords you choose do not provide the information you want to find. In this case, you will need to revise your strategy to get better results. Consider the following:

•Brainstorm alternative terms for your keywords

•Add or remove keywords to make you search broader or more specific as desired

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THINK!You are having trouble finding quality information about the reasons why some people develop COPD. You used the search terms “reasons people have COPD.” What other terms could you try?

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THINK!You are having trouble finding quality information about the reasons why some people develop COPD. You used the search terms “reasons people have COPD.” What other terms could you try?

ANSWER: You could try using the terms “chronic pulmonary obstructive disease,” “emphysema,” or “chronic bronchitis” to clarify the COPD acronym. You could also use “causes” instead of “reasons.”