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    Search for a Six-Pack

    The Ultimate Abdominal Mini-Course

    Written by Joseph Sheather

    2010 Australian Weight Training

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    Table of Contents

    Medical Disclaimer .......................................................................................................... 3

    I am lean everywhere else. Why cant I see my Abs? ..................................................... 4

    Fat Facts ...................................................................................................................... 5

    An Overview Of What It Takes To Get a Six-pack ........................................................... 7

    Anatomy of a Six-pack................................................................................................. 7

    Muscles of Concern ..................................................................................................... 7

    1. Important DOS and DONTS for Six-pack Success .................................................. 8

    2. Resistance Training for Six-pack Success ................................................................ 9

    3. Cardio Training for Six-pack Success ..................................................................... 10

    4. Nutrition Guidance for Six-pack Success .............................................................. 11

    Putting It All Together ................................................................................................... 15

    Assessment for Six-pack Success: ............................................................................. 15

    The Resistance Training Program for Six-pack Success: ............................................... 16Resistance Training Rules.......................................................................................... 18

    The Cardio Training Program for Six-pack Success: ...................................................... 20

    Cardiovascular Training Rules ................................................................................... 22

    The Nutrition Plans for Six-pack Success ...................................................................... 23

    Nutrition Plan For Muscle Gain ................................................................................. 23

    Nutrition Plan For Fat Loss ........................................................................................ 24

    Nutrition Plan Rules .................................................................................................. 25

    Resistance Training Exercise Descriptions .................................................................... 26

    Day 1 Exercises .......................................................................................................... 26

    Day 2 Exercises .......................................................................................................... 32

    Day 3 Exercises .......................................................................................................... 37

    Day 4 Exercises .......................................................................................................... 43

    The Journey Continues.................................................................................................. 48

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    Medical Disclaimer

    This program is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended as

    medical or professional advice. Always consult your doctor before making any changes

    to your diet or nutrition program. The use of diet and nutrition to control metabolic

    disorders and disease is a very complicated science, and is not the purpose of this

    program. The purpose of this program is to help healthy people reach their cosmetic

    fitness goals by educating them in proper nutrition and exercise guidelines.

    No health claims are made for this program. This nutrition and exercise program will not

    help cure, heal, or correct any illness, metabolic disorder, or medical condition. The

    author is not a medical doctor, registered dietitian, or clinical nutritionist; the author is a

    fitness and nutrition consultant.

    If you have diabetes, chronic hypertension, high blood cholesterol, cardiovascular

    disease, or any other medical condition or metabolic disorder requiring specialnutritional considerations, we suggest you consult a health care professional with a

    clinical nutrition background (MD, RD, or CCN) for your special nutrition program.

    Your nutrition plan will not be effective by itself. You must combine a good diet

    with an appropriate exercise program for optimal results. If you have been sedentary

    and are unaccustomed to vigorous exercise, you should obtain your physicians

    clearance before beginning an exercise program.

    The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that apparently healthy

    individuals who are male and over 40 or female and over 50 to have both a physical

    exam and a diagnostic exercise test prior to starting a vigorous exercise program. A

    diagnostic exercise test and physical examination is also recommended in individuals of

    any age who exhibit two or more of the major coronary risk factors (smoking, family

    history of heart disease, elevated blood cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, and

    diabetes). Any individual with a known history of heart disease or other heart problems

    should be required to have a medical evaluation including a graded exercise test before

    engaging in strenuous physical activity.

    The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or

    entity with respect to any of the information contained in this manual. The user

    assumes all risk for any injury, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused, directly or

    indirectly by using any information described in this course.

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    I am lean everywhere else. Why cant I see my Abs?Have you ever asked yourself this question? I hear it all the time from frustrated men

    and women who are in terrific shape but still have a small amount of extremely

    stubborn body-fat covering what is potentially a great six-pack.

    It is an amazing and terribly annoying function of the body which allows a layer of fat to

    remain over the abdominals when the rest of the body is lean, defined and shredded.

    I have written this ebook based on the observations and results of 15 years of

    consistent, intense, technical training and research. Myself, my training partners and my

    clients have proven what works and what doesnt and I have summarized everything

    you need to do in this 8 week program.

    Unlike other short-term training and nutrition blitzes Search for a Six-Pack is well-

    rounded, balanced and realistic. The meal plans and training program are healthy,

    effective and can be maintained permanently. I not only intend for you to give yourbody an 8 week overhaul I want to educate you about healthy lifestyle, eating and

    training choices. This is how you can maintain what you have achieved and continue to

    improve. is an outlet for a passion that has consumed more

    than half my life Weight Training. It has allowed me to write many articles and ebooks

    which have inspired people to eat, train and love life in the best way possible. Enjoy the

    journey through Search for a Six-Pack and continue towards your ultimate goals.

    Pictured below is a French bodybuilder from the nineties called Thierry Pastel. To me he

    typifies a perfect six-pack complementing a great physique. Other notable bodybuilders

    with great abs include: Serge Nubret, Achim Albrecht, Dexter Jackson, Shawn Ray,

    Darrem Charles, Pavol Jablonicky, Silvio Samuel, Ahmad Haider and more Google

    image them and check their amazing abs out for yourself.

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    Before I describe the battle tactics required to blow the last bit of stubborn fat off your

    body please read and absorb the following facts: These will clear up some of the

    misconceptions about abdominal body-fat and explain why it can be so hard to remove:

    Fat Facts

    Spot Reduction The ability to initiate localized fat burning activity by training a

    specific muscle such as the abdominals DOESNT EXIST. Hundreds of crunches

    wont burn away a spare tyre.

    Im sorry but no magic pills, supplements, drastic diets, drugs, surgery, crazy

    exercises, ridiculous equipment or any other such bullshit will get you a six-pack

    better or faster than proper training and nutrition

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    Genetics largely determine the individual distribution of your body-fat. Through

    the efficiency of evolution the main areas of fat storage are always the

    midsection, the hip and the thighs. These are the most efficient places to carry

    this stored energy therefore it will be one of these three sections to hold onto

    the last bit of body-fat.

    Nature also has a hand in this game. Women mostly have fat distributed to the

    hips and breasts which subconsciously attracts men. We are animals after all.

    Fat cells attract fat cells. Where you naturally carry body-fat is where the fat will

    always tend to build up if you put on weight.

    A very important fact read carefully and think about it:

    o Fat cells increase insize and number when you put on weight,

    o Fat cells only decrease insize when you lose weight they never decrease

    in number,

    o This means that every time your weight goes up and down you increase

    your bodies ability to gain body-fat.

    For men the last place that they will lose body-fat will most likely be the

    abdominals. For women the hip and thighs. This is why the search for a six-pack

    must be a holistic, whole-body approach.

    If you cover all areas consistently and effectively even the most stubborn bit of

    body-fat will eventually disappear. It just depends how much you want it.

    Now that you know some background information about the peculiarities of body-fat

    distribution I will take you through a fail-safe, multi-tiered plan of attack which will

    ensure a sensible and effective journey to the joy of abdominal definition.

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    An Overview Of What It Takes To Get a Six-pack

    Anatomy of a Six-pack

    Muscles of Concern

    Rectus Abdominis This is a long muscle that extends along the front of the abdomen.It is the famous body-part that becomes prominent when you burn off the fat revealing

    a six-pack in all its gloryYay!*Trained by crunches, sit-ups, reverse crunches, leg raises etc

    External Obliques These core muscles are on the side and front of your abdomen

    wrapping around your waist covering the internal obliques. Defined obliques frame a

    six-pack impressively and look like the bars of a xylophone aligned with each other at

    45 running down the side of your waist.* Trained by db side bends, oblique crunches, rotational exercises etc

    Internal Obliques These are under the external obliques and are formed in theopposite direction.* Trained by oblique, diagonal, twisting and rotational exercises

    Transverse Abdominis This is the deepest of the abdominal muscles and lies under the

    obliques wrapping around the spine providing stability and protection.* Trained by rotational exercises

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    Multifidus Muscle This is a thin, stiff, core muscle deep in the spine. It stabilizes the

    vertebral joints allowing them to work and move effectively reducing structural

    degeneration.* Trained by rotational exercises

    Erector Spinae This is a group of three long postural muscles that run from the back ofthe neck to the lower back.* Trained by back extension, deadlifts, good mornings etc

    1. Important DOS and DONTS for Six-pack Success


    perform regular, intense resistance training

    perform low intensity, high intensity and interval training cardio sessions

    eat small, frequent meals that are high-protein, low-carb, with plenty of fresh

    salads, veges, lean meats, fish, nuts and water

    maintain as much muscle as possible whilst shedding body-fat

    eat and train perfectly 90% of the time, 10% percent of the time let your hair

    down a little

    plan to incorporate your nutrition and training as a permanent lifestyle choice

    stay away from fad diets and fat loss drugs/supplements

    perform regular health/fitness assessments

    use a personal trainer, a training partner and a website like

    train every part of your mid-section inside and out: lower abs, upper abs,

    obliques, erectors, core muscles, intercostals, serratus etc

    know your energy in vs. energy out food and exercise equation this is the blue-

    print of your six-pack lifestyle

    live with integrity, own your life

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    buy an Ab King Pro

    be slack push yourself to the limit

    over-eat, miss meals or consume something for pleasure that will do your head

    in later

    make the mistake of starving yourself and losing muscle: less muscle = slower

    metabolism, slower metabolism = increased fat storage

    make pathetic excuses

    follow the same routine every week mix it up

    move ahead without research and a plan

    make vague or unrealistic goals

    forget to picture yourself where you want to be

    2. Resistance Training for Six-pack Success

    Employ free-weight compound movements:

    Compound exercises (squat, leg press, bench press, dead-lift, chin-up etc.) require more

    control and more muscle involvement which will increase the calorific demand on the

    body burning more body-fat during and after the workout.

    Perform exercises standing rather than seated:

    Example Stand up for Dumbbell and Barbell shoulder pressing movements instead of

    using a bench. This will require greater core involvement improving the strength and

    tone of your mid-section and will also burn more calories as the lower body takes the

    stress rather than a bench.

    Use your legs in upper body movements:

    Examples BB Push Press, Standing Cable Row + Squat, Lunge + Shoulder Press etc

    Exercises such as these have everything increased core involvement, muscle group

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    involvement and calorie burning. This is resistance training-based cardio activity at its


    Perform single-limb movements:

    This will again increase core involvement as you focus on remaining symmetrical whileone side of your body is creating force.

    Perform compound agonist/antagonist supersets:

    Examples: Pressing exercises for chest superset with rowing exercises for back (i.e.

    Bench Press + BB Row) or pressing exercises for shoulders superset with pulling

    exercises for lats i.e. (Standing Arnold Press + Wide Grip Chin-ups). Because of all the

    major muscle groups working and requiring energy extreme calorie burning and

    strength work is the result!

    Decrease rest time between sets, increase volume and intensity:

    This will cause your energy systems to search for body-fat to eliminate as the energy

    systems are pushed into overload.

    3. Cardio Training for Six-pack Success

    Perform medium to high intensity cardio exercise immediately after resistance training:

    During an intense weight training session the main source of energy used, glycogen

    sugar stored in muscle cells and liver, is depleted. This leaves fat readily available to be

    burnt during cardio work which can be performed at a higher intensity over a shorter

    time period immediately after your weights workout. The fat-burning potential at this

    point is basically double so make the most of it.

    Perform cardio exercise first thing in the morning:

    After fasting for approximately 10 hours (average time between dinner and breakfast)

    you have a unique opportunity to burn away some body-fat, ESPECIALLY if you have had

    a healthy dinner that is high in nutrition and low in calories (more on that later).Perform an hour of sustained cardio before breakfast to get straight into those fat

    stores without needing to burn off a mountain of glycogen first.

    Use a variety of cardio types and styles:

    I have talked about his many times in the past Mix up your exercise routine or your

    body will adapt and stand still. Keep your body guessing and it will continue to change

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    and improve. There is a multitude of variables that you can adjust to keep your cardio

    routine fresh.

    Type: sustained and continuous, low intensity

    short, medium high intensity

    interval trainingfartlek (eclectic) training

    Style: cardio machines treadmill, rower, stepper, x-trainer, bike

    classes high impact, barbell, combat, step, circuit, boot camp, boxing,

    dance etc

    recreational walking, running, roller-blading, swimming, surfing,

    climbing, dancing etc

    sport all continuous, dynamic sporting activities

    Make adjustments to the type, style, timing, duration and intensity of your cardio


    4. Nutrition Guidance for Six-pack Success

    We are now at the point where you will be separated into two distinct groups:

    Group One - those of you that truly own your life, want to be happy, want to be healthy

    and would love a great set of abs


    Group Two - those of you that are ruled by your addictions, are in an endless cycle of

    self-sabotage and make constant excuses by playing the victim.

    If you are in Group One this journey is going to be easy, fun and totally effective.

    If you are rotting away in Group Two you must stop that bullshit right this minute

    Know this: You and you alone are in complete control of your life and choose every part

    of that life yourself. You make all the decisions. Nobody else does it for you. You are notthe victim of a higher power. You are a victim of your own lack of integrity and fear of

    self-responsibility. No more excuses.

    Right. Lets get down to business. Its as simple as this:

    No matter how much you exercise if you are not eating correctly you will not reduce

    body-fat effectively. Nutrition is the key.

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    The DNA of fat loss is this simple but infinitely powerful equation:


    This means: Calories taken into the body through food balanced with calories burnt bythe body by normal metabolism and exercise.

    To reduce body-fat ENERGY IN must decrease and be sourced from fresh, healthy,

    balanced, varied, unprocessed food sources that are high in basic clean nutrients,

    vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, bioflavonoids and low in empty calories.

    ENERGY OUT must entail a rigorous, balanced, consistent, varied and progressive

    exercise regime that will approach the Six-pack battle from every conceivable angle.

    Foods to embrace

    Organic vegetables of many colours especially dark green

    Salads of many colours

    Fresh herbs and spices

    Unprocessed brown grains

    Organic, lean meat, chicken and fish

    Unsalted nuts

    Low-fat milk, cheese and yoghurt

    Soy milk and tofu

    Free-range Eggs

    Limited organic fruit, dark chocolate and good red wine

    Quality protein powder

    BCAAs and Glutamine

    Essential fatty Acids

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    Juice Plus+

    Herbal teas

    Filtered water

    Foods to avoid

    Starchy vegetables potato, sweet potato and pumpkin

    Suspicious fresh supermarket produce

    White and processed carbohydrates bread, rice, pasta, noodles

    Fatty and processed meats and fillers

    Sweets and chocolate bars

    Chips and other high-salt or high-sugar processed snacks

    Cakes and desserts

    Soft drinks, cordials and pre-made fruit juice

    Artificial colours, flavours and sweeteners

    Products containing sucrose, high-fructose corn-syrup, maltodextrin and other

    obesity-causing, designer sugars

    High-sugar alcohols and mixers

    Fast food and any other highly processed garbage

    Deep-fried food

    Energy drinks


    Saturated and trans fats

    Once you give your body the correct food and nutrition it requires, and reduce the

    intake of all the crap it doesnt need, you have already done yourself a huge favour.

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    The following steps need to be implemented for Six-pack Success and general health:

    1. Focus on the good food from the first list

    2. Cut out the shit food from the second list

    3. Decrease portion size and increase meal frequency

    4. Eat a minimum of five meals each day

    5. Never miss breakfast or lunch

    6. Eat a large breakfast, a medium-sized lunch and a light dinner with at least two

    healthy snacks in between

    7. Increase protein and water intake, decrease carbohydrate and fat intake

    8. Record all food and liquid intake in a food diary every day and include a note about

    daily training and exercise

    9. Buy a Calorie Counter book or computer program to help with your energy in vs.

    energy out calorie and exercise equation (the apple iphone has a fantastic

    application perfect for fat loss)

    If you know how many calories you are consuming, and how many calories you are

    burning each day, then it is super easy to adjust one or both sides of the equation tocreate a calorific deficit. This will ensure that you always know where you stand and

    what to adjust if something isnt working.

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    Putting It All Together

    Assessment for Six-pack Success:

    a. Three Photographs taken of the mid-section from the front, the side and the

    rear with abs tensed but not pulled in

    b. Waist measurement taken around the waist at the navel with abs tensed but

    not pulled in

    c. Three Skinfold Measurments taken from the lower abs beside the navel, on the

    obliques and the gross love-handle over the kidneys. Measured while standing

    If you dont have access to skinfold calipers grab two inches of skin vertically

    between the thumb and forefinger and squeeze together then measure thethickness of the fold with a ruler

    Measure and record at the beginning of the program, at the end of week 4 and at the

    end of week 8.

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    The Resistance Training Program for Six-pack Success:

    Day 1

    5 minutes on the rower for a warm-up

    Chest/Back Thickness Build Muscle Tone Muscle

    Bench Press 3 x 10 2 x 20


    70 BB Row 3 x 10 2 x 20

    Fit-ball DB Chest Press 3 x 10 2 x 20


    Single-arm DB Row 3 x 10 each side 2 x 20 each side

    Machine Chest Press 3 x 10 2 x 20


    Neutral Grip Cable Row 3 x 10 2 x 20


    Fit-ball Crunch 4 x 20 4 x 20


    DB Side Bend 4 x 20 each side 4 x 20 each side

    10 minutes of upper body stretches for a cool-down

    Day 2

    5 minutes on the stationary bike for a warm-up

    Quads/Hamstrings Build Muscle Tone Muscle

    BB Squat 3 X 10 2 X 20+

    Seated Leg Curl 3 x 10 2 x 20

    45 Leg Press 3 x 10 2 x 20


    BB Slightly Bent-leg Deadlift 3 x 10 2 x 20

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    DB Step-up 3 x 10 each side 2 x 20 each side


    45 Calf Press 3 x 15 2 x 20

    Lower Abs/Core

    Lying Hip-lift 4 x 20 4 x 20


    Level Cable Rotation 4 x 20 each side 4 x 20 each side

    10 minutes of lower body stretches for a cool-down

    Day 3

    5 minutes on the rower for a warm-up

    Shoulders/Back Width Build Muscle Tone Muscle

    Overhead Smith Press 3 x 10 2 x 20


    Neutral Grip Chin-up 3 x 10 2 x 20 (assisted)

    70 Overhead DB Press 3 x 10 2 x 20


    Wide Grip Pulldowns 3 x 10 2 x 20

    65 Arnold Press 3 x 10 2 x 20


    Reverse Grip Pulldown 3 x 10 2 x 20


    Fit-ball Prone Ab-roll 4 x 20 4 x 20


    Fit-ball Crunch/Rotate Combo 4 x 20 4 x 20

    10 minutes of upper body stretches for a cool-down

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    Day 4

    5 minutes on the rower for a warm-up

    Biceps/Triceps Build Muscle Tone Muscle

    Standing Strict BB Curl 3 x 10 2 x 20


    Close Grip Bench Press 3 x 10 2 x 20

    Standing Cable Curl 3 x 10 2 x 20


    Rope Tricep Pushdown 3 x 10 2 x 20

    Kneeling Hammer Curl 3 x 10 2 x 20


    Bench Dips 3 x 15 2 x 20

    Upper abs/Obliques

    Weighted Smith Crunch 4 x 20 4 x 20


    Fit-ball Slow Rotation 4 x 20 each side 4 x 20 each side

    10 minutes of upper body stretches for a cool-down

    Resistance Training Rules

    Read my article The Perfect Rep on before

    you begin. It explains every aspect of resistance training technique and

    methodology. It will help you generate maximum benefit from the training


    Check the attached photos and exercise descriptions frequently to review your


    Execute each set with perfect technique and 100% intensity

    The symbol + is used to show a Superset. This is where a set of one exercise is

    followed immediately by a set of another exercise

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    The Cardio Training Program for Six-pack Success:

    Day 1

    Immediately after Day 1 resistance training.

    20 minutes of Interval Training on the Rower:

    1 minute at 50% maximum effort

    30 seconds at 80% maximum effort

    Repeat for 20 minutes for the first 4 weeks

    Increase to 30 minutes for the last 4 weeks

    Day 2

    Immediately after Day 2 resistance training.

    20 minutes of Interval Training on the Stationary Bike:

    1 minute at 50% maximum effort

    30 seconds at 80% maximum effort

    Repeat for 20 minutes for the last 4 weeks

    Increase to 30 minutes for the last 4 weeks

    Day 3

    Immediately after Day 3 resistance training.

    20 minutes of Interval Training on the X-Trainer/Stepper/Climber:

    1 minute at 50% maximum effort

    30 seconds at 80% maximum effort

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    Repeat for 20 minutes for the first 4 weeks

    Increase to 30 minutes for the last 4 weeks

    Day 4

    Immediately after Day 4 resistance training.

    20 minutes of Interval Training on the Treadmill:

    1 minute at 50% maximum effort

    30 seconds at 80% maximum effort

    Repeat for 20 minutes for the first 4 weeks

    Increase to 30 minutes for the last 4 weeks

    Day 5

    On your first day off from resistance training.

    Go for a 40 minute Jog/Run first thing in the morning for the first 4 weeks

    Increase to 1 hour for the last 4 weeks

    Day 6

    On your second day off from resistance training.

    Go for a 40 minute Jog/Run first thing in the morning for the first 4 weeks

    Increase to 1 hour for the last 4 weeks

    Day 7

    Take it easy. Relax and have a lovely day

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    Cardiovascular Training Rules

    Drink plenty of water and dont eat for at least an hour before your workout

    If you cant sustain the interval training pattern for the set time then eitherdecrease the workload or perform your best steady-state effort until the time is


    If you can cope with the workload comfortably then increase the resistance

    and/or speed when necessary

    Push yourself and make the most of this cardiovascular effort because after

    weight training your fat burning potential has doubled

    Take the time to warm-up and cool-down properly

    Stop immediately if you feel something is wrong and seek medical advice

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    The Nutrition Plans for Six-pack Success

    Nutrition Plan For Muscle Gain

    Meal 1

    4 whole eggs cooked how you like

    2 pieces of wholegrain toast

    1 tsp of glutamine powder

    2 BCAA capsules

    Large glass of water

    Meal 2

    Protein shake:

    500 mls of skim milk or soy milk

    2 Tbs of low fat/sugar yoghurt

    1 serve of 80%+ protein powder

    Meal 3

    Big serve of steamed, green vegetables

    400 grams of lean chicken, beef, lamb, turkey or fish

    Half a cup of brown rice

    Large glass of water

    Meal 4

    Protein shake:

    500 mls of skim milk or skim soy milk

    1 serve of 80%+ protein powder

    1 tsp of glutamine powder

    2 BCAA capsules

    Meal 5

    A big serve of salad with lettuce, baby spinach, red and green capsicum, spanish

    onion, tomato, olives, mushroom, carrot, beetroot and low-fat cheese

    300 grams of lean chicken, beef, lamb, turkey or fish

    Large glass of water

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    Meal 6

    Small tin of tuna or tub or low-fat cottage cheese

    Small handful of almonds

    1 Multivitamin/mineral

    2-4 Omega 3 capsules

    Nutrition Plan For Fat Loss

    Meal 1

    2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites cooked to how you like

    1 piece of wholegrain toast

    1 tsp of glutamine powder

    2 BCAA capsules Large glass of water

    Meal 2

    Protein shake:

    300 mls of skim milk or soy milk

    1 Tbs of low fat/sugar yoghurt

    1 serve of 80%+ protein powder

    Meal 3

    Big serve of steamed, green vegetables

    300 grams of lean chicken, beef, lamb, turkey or fish

    Large glass of water

    Meal 4

    Green tea

    Small handful of raw almonds

    1 tsp of glutamine powder 2 BCAA capsules

    Meal 5

    A medium serve of salad with lettuce, baby spinach, red and green capsicum,

    spanish onion, tomato, olives, mushroom, carrot, beetroot and low-fat cheese

    200 grams of lean chicken, beef, lamb, turkey or fish

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    Large glass of water

    Meal 6

    1 Multivitamin/mineral

    2-4 Omega 3 capsules

    Nutrition Plan Rules

    Follow this meal plan with 100% dedication for 6 days per week

    On Day 7 you may choose one main meal and one snack meal of your choice.

    Dont go overboard

    Dont overeat, but dont miss any meals

    If you are a vegetarian then supplement any meat, chicken or fish with high-

    protein, low-fat, low-carb vegetarian alternatives

    Make sure your fridge is full of all the food you need

    Monitor you ENERGY IN ENERGY OUT equation each day

    Drink lots of water

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    Resistance Training Exercise Descriptions

    Day 1 Exercises

    1. Bench PressTarget Area Chest

    Ancillary Muscles Anterior and Lateral Deltoids, Triceps

    Goal To build, strengthen and thicken the chest

    Alternate Exercises Flat Smith Machine Press, Push-up

    Set up the rack slightly below arm length at the appropriate width

    For grip width hold the hands under the barbell with shoulders and elbows at 90

    then grasp it

    Pull the shoulder blades together behind the back and keep them there

    throughout the movement

    Keep the feet wide and flat on the floor, the chest up and the abdominalsengaged

    Lift the BB off the rack and starting from above the upper chest lower slowly

    down to the lower chest

    When you feel a stretch through the chest and shoulders push the BB back to the

    starting position

    Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up

    2. 70 BB RowTarget Area The muscles of the Scapula, Upper Back, Middle Back, Posterior


    Ancillary Muscles Latissimus Dorsi, Biceps, Forearms, Lower Back, Gluteals,

    Hamstrings, Quadriceps

    Goal To build, strengthen and thicken the upper and middle back

    Alternate Exercises 70 Cable Row, 70 Smith Machine Row

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    Stand with feet shoulder width apart holding a barbell with an overhand grip on

    the outside of the legs

    Bend the knees slightly and lean forward until the torso is at 70

    Keep the back arched, the chest and head up and the abdominals engaged

    From full extension pull the BB in constant contact with the thighs up the legs

    into the hips squeezing the shoulder blades together

    Slowly release the BB down the thighs stretching the upper back by opening theshoulders blades, maintain the original body position

    Breathe out on the way up and in on the way down

    3. Fit-ball DB Chest PressTarget Area Chest

    Ancillary Muscles - Anterior and Lateral Deltoids, Triceps, Gluteals, Lower Back

    Goal To build, strengthen and thicken the chest

    Alternate Exercises Flat DB Bench Press, Fit-ball Cable Chest Press

    Sit on a fit-ball holding two dumbbells on your legs

    Roll forward and lie down bringing the dumbbells onto the chest

    The feet should be shoulder width apart, the hips pushed upwards, the

    abdominals engaged and the head slightly down over the back of the ball

    Push the dumbbells to full extension above the middle of the chest then pull the

    shoulder blades together and keep them there throughout the movement

    Slowly lower the dumbbells down to the outside of the chest until a gentle

    stretch is felt

    Push them back up to the starting position

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    The path that the dumbbells follow is like an inverted U

    Roll back to the seated position when the set is finished

    Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up

    4. Single-arm DB RowTarget Area The muscles of the Scapula, Upper Back, Middle Back, PosteriorDeltoids

    Ancillary Muscles Latissimus Dorsi, Biceps, Forearms

    Goal To unilaterally build, strengthen and thicken the upper and middle back

    Alternate Exercises Single-arm Cable Row, Single-arm Machine Row

    In a prone position start on one side of the body placing the toe and knee of one

    leg on a flat bench with a straight arm from the same side in line with knee

    Place the other leg out to the side on the floor keeping it straight

    Try and make a fairly even triangle of support between the knee on the bench,

    the hand on the bench and the foot on the floor

    Distribute most of the bodyweight onto the knee Grasp a dumbbell letting it hang straight down with the hand facing the side of

    the body

    Looking down keep the back slightly arched, the torso parallel with the bench,

    the shoulders parallel with the floor and the abdominals engaged

    Drop the shoulder as far down as possible stretching the upper back without

    twisting the torso

    This is the starting position

    From here pull the DB up until it touches the obliques keeping the elbow beside

    the body

    Bring the shoulder up squeezing the shoulder blade in towards the middle of the


    Slowly release down to the starting position letting the shoulder drop without

    twisting the torso

    Breathe out on the way up and in on the way down

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    5. Machine Chest PressTarget Area Chest

    Ancillary Muscles Anterior and Lateral Deltoids, Triceps

    Goal To build, strengthen and thicken the chest

    Alternate Exercises Bench Press, DB Bench Press

    Set up the seat so that the handles are in line with lower chest Grasp the handles in the middle, sit right back, keep the head back, lift the chest,

    pull the shoulders behind the body

    Use the assistance lever to move the handles forward then push them out to full

    extension keeping the shoulders back

    Release slowly until a stretch is felt across the chest and shoulders then push out


    Breathe out on the way forward and in on the way back

    6. Neutral Grip Cable RowTarget Area The muscles of the Scapula, Upper Back, Middle Back, Posterior


    Ancillary Muscles Latissimus Dorsi, Lower Back, Biceps, Forearms

    Goal To build, strengthen and thicken the upper and middle back

    Alternate Exercises Neutral Grip Rowing Machine, T-Bar Row

    Depending on the set-up, i.e. braced knee or braced feet, place yourself far

    enough away from the handle so that when the arms are at full extension and

    the body is in the correct position the resistance is off the weight stack

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    Once you are holding the handles make sure the back is straight and the

    abdominals contracted before the weight is lifted off the stack and the body is

    moved into the starting position

    When the weight is up arch the back slightly, contract the abdominals, lift the

    head and chest and let the shoulders stretch forward opening up the shoulders

    blades without the chest dropping Pull the bar all the way in towards the stomach through the elbows pull the

    shoulders back squeezing the shoulder blades together

    Pause briefly then release slowly letting the shoulder stretch forwards to the

    starting position

    Breathe out as you pull in towards the body and breathe in as you release out

    7. Fit-ball CrunchTarget Area Abdominals

    Ancillary Muscles Obliques, Lower Back

    Goal To tone and strengthen the abdominalsAlternate Exercises Slow Crunch, Machine Crunch

    Place a fit-ball under the lower to middle back with feet wide and flat on the


    Cross the arms over the chest and make sure the torso is level and slightly over

    the back of the ball

    Contract the upper abdominals and slowly lift the head, shoulders and back up

    to 45 without moving the fit-ball

    At the same time contract the lower abdominals lifting the hip up slightly

    As the abdominals are contracting try and pull them in towards the spine rather

    than push them outwards.

    Hold the position for a second for a peak contraction then lower slowly down to

    the starting position

    Breathe out on the way up and in on the way down

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    8. DB Side BendTarget Area Obliques

    Ancillary Muscles Abdominals, Lower Back, Forearms

    Goal To tone and strengthen the obliques

    Alternate Exercises Slow Fit-ball Rotation, Cable Side Bend

    Stand up straight with feet shoulder width apart holding one dumbbell on theside with that arm relaxed

    Place the other hand on the hip

    Pull the abdominals in and keep them engaged throughout the movement

    Without moving the hip or the legs or twisting the torso bend the body slowly to

    the side

    The DB should run down the leg until a stretch is felt on the opposite obliques

    then contract them moving the torso back up until the whole body is straight

    Swap sides at the end of the set and continue without resting

    Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up

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    Day 2 Exercises

    1. BB SquatTarget Area Quadriceps, Gluteals

    Ancillary Muscles Hamstrings, Lower BackGoal To build and strengthen the quadriceps and gluteals

    Alternate Exercises Smith Machine Squat, Fit-ball DB Squat

    In a power rack set up the barbell so that it is slightly lower than shoulder height

    and set up the safety bars in line with the top of the hips

    Grip the BB a hand-space wider than shoulder width and step under it squeezing

    the shoulder blades together to rest the BB on the trapezius

    Stand up with the weight and step back so there is room to perform the


    Take a shoulder width stance, lift the chest and head, arch the back, engage the

    abdominals In this position bend the knees lowering yourself towards the floor allowing the

    chest to go slightly forwards and the hips to go slightly backwards

    Stop before the lower back starts to round or at 90 at the knees then push back

    up to the starting position but dont lock out the knees

    Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up

    2. Seated Leg CurlTarget Area Hamstrings

    Ancillary Muscles Calves

    Goal To build and strengthen the hamstrings

    Alternate Exercise Lying Leg Curl, Lying DB Leg Curl

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    Adjust the back-rest so that when seated the back, hips and thighs are flat

    against the pad and the knee-pad is just below the knees

    Adjust the leg pad so it rests on the back of the ankle

    Hold the toes in towards the body and keep them there throughout the


    Pull the legs in all the way making sure to get the peak contraction right at the

    bottom then release slowly almost to the top Breathe out on the way down and in on the way up

    3. 45 Leg PressTarget Area Quadriceps, Gluteals

    Ancillary Muscles Hamstrings

    Goal To build and strengthen the quadriceps and gluteals

    Alternate Exercise Seated Leg Press, Front Squat

    Adjust the back-rest so the angle of the seat is fully open

    Set the safety-catch so that the sled can only come down to the point where the

    knees go slightly below 90 during the movement

    Place the feet approximately shoulder-width apart with the toes turned out

    slightly, near the top of the plate

    Remove the rack and slowly lower the sled down keeping the toes, knees and hip

    in line until you get to 90 at the knee

    Push the sled back up to the top but dont lock out the knees

    Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up

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    4. BB Slightly Bent-leg DeadliftTarget Area Hamstrings, Lower Back, Gluteals

    Ancillary Muscles Calves, Forearms

    Goal To build and strengthen the hamstrings, lower back and gluteals

    Alternate Exercises DB Slightly Bent-leg Deadlifts, Back Extension

    Take a shoulder width stance holding the barbell with an overhand grip on theoutside of the legs

    Bend the knees slightly and maintain the angle throughout the movement

    Keep the head and chest up, the back slightly arched and engage the abdominals

    Slowly bend forward at the waist sliding the BB down against the legs until the

    hamstrings stretch (approximately 90 at the hips)

    The back must remain arched to engage the hamstrings and the legs slightly bent

    to protect the knees

    Contract the gluteals lifting the BB back up the legs to the starting position

    Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up

    5. DB Step-upTarget Area Quadriceps, Gluteals

    Ancillary Muscles Hamstrings, Adductors, Calves

    Goal To build and strengthen the quadriceps unilaterally

    Alternate Exercises Stationary Lunge, Single-leg Squat

    Holding a pair of dumbbells place one foot on a flat bench with the straight leg

    approximately half a metre on the floor behind

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    With the head and chest up contract the quadriceps and gluteals of the leg on

    the bench straightening it and stepping the whole body onto the bench

    Touch lightly with the other foot then control the body slowly down to the

    starting position keeping the original leg on the bench for the entire set

    Make sure the hips, knees and feet remain in line throughout the set

    Breathe out on the way up and in on the way down

    6. 45 Toe PressTarget Area Gastrocnemius

    Ancillary Muscle Tibialus Anterior, Soleus

    Goal To build and strengthen the calves

    Alternate Exercises Donkey Calf Raise, Seated Toe Press

    Adjust the back-rest so the angle of the seat is fully open

    Place the safety-catch 3 quarters of your leg length up the sled

    Place 1 third of your feet on the bottom of the sled shoulder width apart then

    push the sled up removing the rack With knees almost straight slowly lower the toes down towards the body

    stretching the calves intensely then push the toes up as far as possible pausing at

    the top to get a powerful contraction

    Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up

    7. Lying Hip-liftTarget Area Lower Abdominals

    Ancillary Muscles Upper Abdominals, Obliques, Lower Back

    Goal To tone and strengthen the lower abdominals

    Alternate Exercises V-ups, Hanging Leg Raise

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    Lie face up on a flat bench and grasp the edge firmly behind the head

    Hips and knees are bent at 90 and the back is flat on the bench

    From this position contract the stomach lifting the legs, hips and lower back off

    the bench up and back toward the elbows, the hip and knees must remain at 90

    Once the knees are above the elbows and the stomach is pulled in towards the

    spine and contracted firmly, pause, then lower slowly down until the hips almost

    touch the bench Keep a continuous tension on the abdominals

    Breathe out on the way up and in on the way down

    8. Level Cable RotationTarget Area Core

    Ancillary Muscles Midsection

    Goal To strengthen the core and tone the midsection

    Alternate Exercises Low to High Cable Rotation, High to Low Cable Rotation

    Set up a cable attachment at chest height and grasp the handle vertically with

    both hands either clasped together or above and below each other

    Stand approximately 2 metres away with the body at 180 degrees to the pulley

    and hold the handle out in front with the arms straight

    Keep the head and chest up, engage the abdominals, bend the knees slightly

    With straight arms rotate the cable and torso 90 towards the pulley then rotate

    180 right across the body to the other side then slowly bring it 180 back to the

    pulley again

    At the end of the set rest briefly then repeat on the other side

    Breathe in as you rotate towards the pulley and out as you rotate away

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    Day 3 Exercises

    1. Overhead Smith PressTarget Area Anterior and Lateral Deltoids

    Ancillary Muscles Upper Trapezius, Triceps, Serratus Anterior

    Goal To build and strengthen the shoulders

    Alternate Exercises Machine Shoulder Press, Military Press

    Set up an incline bench to approximately 70

    Place it in the centre so when seated the bar comes down to the upper chest

    Take grip on the bar when the elbows and shoulders are at 90 and roll it off the


    Keep the head and back against the bench, lift the chest slightly and engage the


    Slowly lower the bar to approximately chin level or when a stretch is felt through

    the shoulders then push it up until the arms are almost fully extended

    Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up

    2. Neutral Grip Chin-upTarget Area Latissimus Dorsi

    Ancillary Muscles Biceps, Forearms

    Goal To build and strengthen the latissimus dorsi

    Alternate Exercises Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown, Neutral Grip Pulldown Machine

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    Set-up the handles so that the hands are facing each other between 15 and 30

    centimetres apart (6 12 inches)

    Use a counter-weight that allows about ten chin-ups with good form

    Start at full extension with the knees and hips at the front of the pad and the

    body leaning out from the hands

    The chest and head is up with the back arched and the stomach tensed Pull up concentrating on contracting through the elbows instead of the hands

    until the chin is level with the hands

    Release slowly to full extension maintaining the original body position

    Breathe out on the way up and in on the way down

    3. 70 Overhead DB PressTarget Area Anterior and Lateral Deltoid

    Ancillary Muscles Upper Trapezius, Triceps, Serratus Anterior

    Goal To build and strengthen the shoulders

    Alternate Exercises Machine Shoulder Press, Overhead Cable Press

    Set up an incline bench to approximately 70 and lift the seat so that you cant

    slide out

    Hold two dumbbells on the outside of the shoulders with the palms facing

    forward then push to full extension above the head

    With the dumbbells touching lower them slowly down to the outside of the

    shoulders and stop slightly above then push them back to the starting position

    The path that the dumbbells follow is like an inverted U

    Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up

    4. Wide Grip PulldownsTarget Area Latissimus Dorsi, Upper Back and the muscles of the Scapula

    Ancillary Muscles Posterior Deltoids, Pec Minor, Biceps, Forearms

    Goal To build, strengthen and widen the upper back

    Alternate Exercises Wide Grip Chin-up, Wide Grip Pulldown Machine

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    Set up the thigh pads so they are tight on the legs

    Take a grip on the bar so that when the elbows and shoulders are at 90 the

    hands are a hand-space wider

    Sit down with the arms at full extension above the head, lift the head and chest,

    arch the back slightly and engage the abdominals

    Contract the back pulling the bar down to the chin then release slowly back to

    full extension As you bring the bar down concentrate on pulling through the elbows and

    bringing the shoulder blades together behind the back

    Breathe out on the way down and in on the way up

    5. 65 Arnold PressTarget Area Anterior and Lateral Deltoids

    Ancillary Muscles Triceps, Trapezius, Serratus Anterior

    Goal To build and strengthen the shoulders

    Alternate Exercises DB Shoulder Press, Machine Shoulder Press

    Set up an incline bench to approximately 65

    Sit down with the head back holding to dumbbells in the same position as the

    top of a bicep curl

    The DBs should be parallel in a straight line with the hands facing the shoulders

    and the forearms should be parallel and perpendicular to the floor, both should

    be shoulder width apart

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    From this position push the DBs straight up above the head constantly turning

    them until the hands face away from the body at full extension with the DBs

    parallel and in line

    Then release them slowly through the same path constantly turning until the

    starting position is reached

    Breathe out on the way up and in on the way down

    6. Reverse Grip PulldownTarget Area Latissimus Dorsi

    Ancillary Muscles Biceps, Forearms

    Goal To build and strengthen the latissimus dorsi

    Alternate Exercises Reverse Grip Chin-up, Reverse Grip Pulldown Machine

    Set up the thigh pads so they are tight on the legs

    Take an underhand grip on a straight bar and sit down with the arms at full

    extension above the head

    Lift the head and chest, arch the back slightly and engage the abdominals

    Contract the back pulling the bar down to the chest then release slowly back to

    full extension

    Concentrate on pulling through the elbows

    Breathe out on the way down and in on the way up

    7. Fit-ball Prone Ab-rollTarget Area Abdominals

    Ancillary Muscles Obliques, Lower Back, Hip Flexors, Latissimus Dorsi

    Goal To tone and strengthen the abdominals

    Alternate Exercises Ab-wheel, Prone Hold

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    With hands clasped place the forearms on a fit-ball with the elbows and

    shoulders at 90

    The legs are at full extension and on the toes

    The hips are up so that the body makes an open upside down V and the

    abdominals are constantly contracted inwards intensely

    Without relaxing the abdominals or changing the body position slowly roll the fit-

    ball forwards 2 or 3 inches with the forearms Flex the stomach even harder then pull back to where the arms are at 90 again

    Breathe in on one movement component and out on the next

    8. Deep Fit-ball Crunch/Rotate Combo

    Target Area Abdominals, Obliques

    Ancillary Muscles Core, Lower Back

    Goal To tone and strengthen the mid-section

    Alternate Exercises Fit-ball Slow Rotation, Side to Side Floor Crunch

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    In front of a mirror place a fit-ball under the lower to middle back with feet wide

    and flat on the floor and against the wall

    Carefully lower your torso over the back of the ball until your head touches it

    Cage the hands lightly over the ears with the elbows pointing straight out to the


    Contract the abdominals slowly, hard and in towards the spine lifting the torso to

    45 whilst keeping the fit-ball and hips still

    From this position slowly rotate the torso as far as possible to one side keepingthe hip facing the mirror

    As you are turning raise the outer elbow and drop the inner elbow contracting

    the obliques on the inner side

    Rotate slowly back to the middle and lower the torso back to the starting

    position, repeat the movement on the other side

    Perform the movement slowly, keep the abdominals contracted inwards,

    maintain a 45 angle at the top, keep the fit-ball and hips still and keep each

    movement component slow, clean and separate

    Breathe in on one movement component and out on the next

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    Day 4 Exercises

    1. Standing Strict BB CurlTarget Area Biceps

    Ancillary Muscles ForearmsGoal To build and strengthen the bicep

    Alternate Exercises Standing Cable Curl, Standing DB Curl

    Stand with feet shoulder width apart holding a barbell with a underhand grip on

    the out side of the legs

    Keep the head and chest up with slightly bent knees and abdominals contracted

    Bend the elbows lifting the BB up towards the shoulders without the elbows

    moving forward

    Squeeze the biceps then slowly lower the BB down, without the elbows moving

    backwards, until it touches the legs

    Breathe out on the way up and in on the way down

    2. Close Grip Bench PressTarget Area Triceps

    Ancillary Muscles Chest, Anterior and Lateral Deltoids

    Goal To build and strengthen the triceps

    Alternate Exercises Close Grip Smith Press, Close Grip Push-up

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    On a flat bench set up the barbell at a height where the hands are shoulder

    width apart and the arms fully extended towards the ceiling

    Lie under the BB so that it is above eye level and take a shoulder width grip

    Lift it off and bring it forward holding it above the chest then with elbows

    pointing forwards lower it slowly down to just below the chest

    Then push it back up to above the middle of the chest keeping the elbows in Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up

    3. Standing Cable CurlTarget Area Biceps

    Ancillary Muscles Forearms

    Goal To build and strengthen the biceps

    Alternate Exercises Standing BB Curl, Standing DB Curl

    Stand with feet shoulder width apart facing one metre away from a low cable

    pulley attachment

    Hold the straight bar handle with a underhand grip on the out side of the legs Keep the head and chest up with slightly bent knees and abdominals contracted

    Bend the elbows lifting the bar up towards the shoulders with the elbows

    moving forward slightly

    Squeeze the biceps then slowly lower the BB down, with the elbows moving

    backwards slightly, until it touches the legs

    Breathe out on the way up and in on the way down

    4. Rope Tricep PushdownTarget Area Triceps

    Ancillary Muscles Forearms, Abdominals

    Goal To build and strengthen the triceps

    Alternate Exercises Reverse Tricep Pushdown, V-bar Tricep Pushdown

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    Attach a rope to the top of a cable pulley and grasp it with the hands facing each


    Pull it down towards the body until the elbow are touching the ribs and step

    back about one metre from the machine

    Keeping the elbows against the side of the body lean forward at the waist to

    about 70 with the head and chest up and the abdominals engaged

    With the hands together in front of the shoulder extend the rope down and outuntil the hands are at full extension on the outside of the legs then release

    slowly up and in to the shoulders keeping the elbows still

    Breathe out on the way down and in on the way up

    5. Standing DB Hammer CurlTarget Area Biceps, Brachialus, Brachioradialus

    Ancillary Muscles Forearms

    Goal To build and strengthen the biceps, brachialus and brachioradialus

    Alternate Exercises Seated DB Hammer Curl, Rope Hammer Curl

    With a close stance hold the dunbbells facing each other on the outside of the


    Keep the head and chest up with slightly bent knees and abdominals contracted

    Bend the elbows lifting the DBs up towards the shoulders without the elbows

    moving forwards

    Squeeze the biceps then slowly lower the DBs down, without the elbows moving

    backwards, until the arms are almost straight

    Breathe out on the way up and in on the way down

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    6. Bench DipsTarget Area Triceps

    Ancillary Muscles Lower Chest, Anterior and Lateral Deltoids

    Goal To build and strengthen the triceps

    Alternate Exercises Bar Dips, Machine Dips

    On a flat bench sitting on the middle of the long edge place hands on either side

    of the legs so that the grip width is no wider than the hips

    Lift the body with the hands and place the feet flat approximately 1 metre to 1.5

    metres out in front keeping the feet close together

    Look up and lift the chest then slowly bend the elbows lowering the body

    towards the floor until the elbows get to approximately 90

    Push back up until the arm is straight

    The back and hips must be in constant contact with the edge of the bench on the

    way down and up, the chest and head must also stay up

    Increase resistance by placing a weight on the thighs

    Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up

    7. Weighted Smith CrunchTarget Area Abdominals

    Ancillary Muscles Obliques

    Goal To tone and strengthen the abdominals

    Alternate Exercises Machine Crunch, Weighted Crunch

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    Place an incline bench set at about 30 under the smith machine and lie on down

    with the feet of the foot of the frame and the bar above the stomach

    With straight arms hold the bar at shoulder width and roll it off the hooks

    Engage the abdominals pulling them in towards lifting the upper back off the

    bench and looking straight ahead

    Contract the stomach and push the bar up to full extension pausing at the topthen release slowly to the starting position

    Breathe out on the way up and in on the way down

    8. Fit-ball Slow RotationTarget Area Abdominals, Obliques

    Ancillary Muscles Core, Lower Back

    Goal To tone and strengthen the mid-section

    Alternate Exercises Fit-ball Crunch/Rotate Combo, Side to Side Floor Crunch

    In front of a mirror place a fit-ball under the lower to middle back with feet wide

    and flat on the floor and against the wall

    Contract the abdominals pulling them in towards the spine holding the torso at

    about 40

    Cage the hands lightly over the ears with the elbows pointing straight out to the


    From this position slowly rotate the torso as far as possible to one side keeping

    the ball still and the hip facing the mirror

    As you are turning raise the outer elbow and drop the inner elbow contracting

    the obliques on the inner side

    Then rotate slowly all the way around to the other side repeating the action

    Perform the movement slowly, keep the abdominals contracted inwards,

    maintain a 40 angle, keep the fit-ball and hips still and take about 5 seconds to

    move all the way across

    Keep the breathing shallow and consistent

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    The Journey Continues

    By now you will be significantly leaner, more muscular, fitter and healthier than you

    have ever been in your life. If you started this program in good shape then you should

    be the proud owner of a ripped six-pack. If you were out of shape at the

    commencement of your Search for a Six-Pack Journey then lean abs are just around the


    So where do you go from here?


    Follow Search for a Six-Pack for another 8 weeks

    Go to, download my eBook Red Hot Bod

    and follow this new training system with 100% intensity

    Adopt Australian Weight Training as your Online Personal Trainer and use all the

    available tools to take your physique to the next level

    Whatever path you choose Ill be right there ready to guide, help and encourage. Grab

    this opportunity with both hands and give it everything youve got. There is nothing

    stopping you from creating the body you have always wanted. Now is your time


    Joey Sheather

    Unleash the inner mongrel