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Page 2: Se7en

1. This shot is a close up that shows the top of a book will an actors name shown in scribbled writing. The writing and the non diegetic soundtrack creates a mysterious and distorted mood. This fits the thriller genre as it creates a mysterious tone and makes the audience ask questions and want to keep watching.

2. This frame is a plain black screen with another actor’s name in the corner. The font is the same as the last shot, being clear when it first appears and gradually getting more distorted, making the audience focus on the writing. There is also a non diegetic soundtrack in the background which the audience is uncertain of when it first appears.

3. This shot is a close up of a picture on a table. The picture shows someone’s hands, that are very disfigured. This creates the theme of uncertainty for the audience. The audience will carry on watching as they want to know who took that picture, why it is there and who’s hands they are.

4. In this shot, there is an extreme close up of someone’s fingers fiddling with a razor blade. The fingers look very worn and rough, suggesting that they have been through a lot. The razor blade brings tension to the shot as blade connote danger. This makes the audience continue watching.

5. This shot is an extreme close up of a man’s fingers handling something that the audience can’t recognise. This creates uncertainty to the audience as they don’t know what is happening. The sound in this fits the shot as the soundtrack is eerie and quite disturbing for the audience.

6. This frame is a close up of a picture that shows a disfigured face. This person seems to be dead which makes the audience keep watching as they want to know who it is and why they are dead. Therefore, tension is created through this imagery and the shot is less than 1 second, which shocks the audience.

7. This shot shows some cardboard and books with the title of the film, ‘Se7en’ in the corner. The shot has low key lighting which is typical to the thriller genre. A finger enters the shot and picks up the book. This person’s hand looks battered with plasters which makes the audience keep watching to find out more.

8. This shot leads to a book opening. The audience will keep watching as they want to know what that book is due to its mysterious theme. Also, the book looks big and full which suggests that it may be important. The audience becomes intrigued and continues to watch the film. This is typical as opening sequences draw in the audience.

9. This frame shows someone’s hand with a pen writing in a book, suggesting that it is the book in the previous shot. This adds to the suggested importance of the book. However, the writing is unreadable which makes the audience keep watching. The sound track continues in this shot which also adds to the tension created.