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September 1, 2015 General SCoVE goals for 2015-2016 Educational Resource Domain

• Continue with the development and maintenance of the EDU+ platform. By adding more educational websites and free journals through suggestions or own research. As well as to continue with the monthly newsletter shout-outs.

• Gain more partnerships with companies like VetStream to provide free/discounted resources to IVSA members/ to establish other enterprise projects. Nominated SCoVE ambassadors from each vet school will focus on achieving vet school subscriptions to VetStream.

• Continue with the close collaboration with Wikivet on the VET Talks project. Continue to gain more professor collaborations worldwide and update IVSA members on new VET Talks entries and update the website and continue to publicize the website.

• Highlight more interactive applications/online libraries on EDU+ • Cooperate with DAD on increasing awareness of book aid support • Develop Vet Education Forum further

Vocational Guidance Domain (CAREER+) & TRAINEE+

• Highlight on social media and SCoVE blog website the veterinary professional courses, leadership, business and IT courses, SCoVE’s work etc.

• Develop an interactive career map on the SCoVE blog website- to show the different career paths available. Use Prezi.

• Vetstage Platform- collaboration between ExCo, MOD and SCoVE. Provide opportunities on training projects.

• Guidance on extra-veterinary skills: e.g. linkedin, lyra

Policy Domain/ Curriculum Domain

• Educate school children, vet students, Pet owner and Animal health professionals on Pet ownership policy. Collaborate with SCOH and Working group on Policy Statement Committee (WGPSPP).

• Collaborate as well on developing new policies e.g. Human & Animal health. • Collaborate on developing policies of in-cooperating One Health and Animal Welfare into the

veterinary curriculum.

Bhavisha Patel Chair 2015/2016, IVSA Standing Committee on Veterinary Education (SCoVE)




IVSA Standing Committee on Veterinary Education (SCoVE) IVSA Info Office, DSR, Dyrlægevej 9, 1870, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark Tel Email [email protected] Website Chair 2015/2016: Bhavisha Patel ExCo Committee Co-ordinator: Aqil Jeenah    

Page 2: Scove application information


Standing Committee of Veterinary Education 2015-2016 Committee board roles

Education Resource Coordinator As education resource coordinator, you will lead the EDU+ ( project! With our newly designed EDU+ platform website, the coordinator will continue to maintain the website by adding new online resources, updating the website, developing monthly newsletters and helping to gain more IVSA partnerships for free subscriptions and discounts for IVSA members. As well as this they have full control of the EDU+/VET Talks Facebook page to post daily-weekly updates of the EDU+ website additions. This role does require a good degree of IT skills and they will help to create surveys. VET Talks Wikivet Coordinator As VET Talks coordinator, you will lead the project of VET Talks. A project that was jointly co-founded by SCoVE and Wikivet founder Nick Short. The coordinator will be in direct contact with the Wikivet group and will cooperate with upcoming developments for the VET Talks website (!vettalks/c7e4 You will help gain more vet school participation to the project via contacting vet schools or professors directly or through IVSA to gain more worldwide online lecture participation for VET Talks. The coordinator will have access to the EDU+/VET Talks Facebook page to update IVSA members of new lectures and VET Talks update. Good web advertisement/web-use is useful.

Vocational Guidance Coordinator The coordinator is in charge of educating students on career opportunities, business management, leadership, professionalism, and extra veterinary skills (like IT and ethics). We will create an online interactive leaflet of a how to guide on ‘Advice for students on placement’. Help advertise more professional development programs and websites etc. On the SCoVE blog website ( you will help design a creative map of careers within veterinary medicine, collaborating with AWC and SCOH, for a prezzi presentation. Social media coordinator and SCoVE web designer This role includes managing the SCoVE Facebook page and SCoVE blog website and controlling our social media entries. They will advertise on Facebook more suggestions of articles, education related conferences, charity work and many other veterinary related work. The role does require good IT skills, (web/graphic design) for creating logos/pictures/surveys/websites. We hope to enhance our IVSA Facebook SCoVE forum for students to gain easier communication within IVSA community, and to allow multiple discussions on various topics to occur simultaneously. The web designer will play an active role in developing all our websites and creating logos for other projects and assisting with IT/graphic for projects like Vet Career Map and more etc. SCoVE Policy Statement Liaison Officer The Policy Statement officer has an important role to establish new policies on pet ownership, human health and animal health relationship, one-health in cooperation into the veterinary curriculum and other animal welfare policies. They will play an active role in educating all animal professionals, owners and schools. They will cooperate closely with Animal Welfare and One Health committees and other international groups. They will also be part of the Working group of Policy Statements and will relay SCoVE’s ideas to them.   SCoVE official members If you don’t fancy having a big role in SCoVE but would like to participate and help out, then SCoVE would love to have an extra hand and share your enthusiasm for improving veterinary education! New projects will develop along the way and new roles will be created and new tasks to be done. We look forward to your application! Please fill in both the application form and motivation letter:

IVSA Standing Committee on Veterinary Education (SCoVE) IVSA Info Office, DSR, Dyrlægevej 9, 1870, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark Email [email protected] Website Chair 2015/2016: Bhavisha Patel