Download - Science Focus - Tongue Mapping Aquafresh Science Academy

  • 8/14/2019 Science Focus - Tongue Mapping Aquafresh Science Academy


    Science focuS ReSouRce

    The eect o tongue cleaning on thecomplex interaction between thedistribution o bacteria on the tongue,bacterial load and oral malodor hasbeen revealed in research and isdiscussed below.

    Trhc dstrbt f

    bctr th tIn their paper in The Archives of OralBiology(2008), Allaker et al provided

    the frst detailed mapping o the tonguesurace in relation to the bacteriaassociated with oral malodor. The studyanalysed the type and load o bacteriapresent in cultures collected rom six areaso the human tongue.

    Results showed that:

    on the dorsum o the tongue, there wasa trend towards increasing bacterial loadwhen moving rom the anterior to theposterior surace o the tongue

    the most heavily colonised tonguesite was the dorsal posterior to thecircumvallate papillae

    the relative proportions o bacterialgroup remained similar at each site,with Streptococcus salivarius being

    consistently lowest.

    To hear Dr Allaker discuss the fndingsrom this study go to the IADR/CEDSymposium section o the AquareshScience Academy website.

    Science focuS on...

    The large surface area of the

    tongue dorsum provides a

    unique environment that

    promotes accumulation of

    microorganisms and oral

    debris. It has recently been

    shown that there is a direct

    relationship between the

    distribution of bacteria on

    the tongue, bacterial load

    and oral malodor.

    Tongue mapping

    The human tongue

    For further information
  • 8/14/2019 Science Focus - Tongue Mapping Aquafresh Science Academy


    Science focuS ReSouRce

    Rltsh btw

    bctrl ld d

    rl ldrIn several studies, it has been identifedthat the dorsal posterior o the tonguemakes the primary contribution tooral malodor (summarised in Bordas

    et al 2008). However, in the past littleattention has been paid to the areaposterior to the circumvallate papillae(DPCP). In order to investigate this, anorganoleptic assessment using an intensityscale where 0=no malodor and 5=verystrong malodor was perormed. Subjectswere subdivided into those with slight/moderate malodor (intensity score 13) orstrong malodor (intensity score 45). Their

    study revealed that:

    subjects with strong malodor had higherlevels o total anaerobes, Gram-negative

    anaerobes and volatile sulur compound(VSC) producing bacteria recoveredrom the DPCP than those with slight/moderate malodor

    total aerobe and Streptococcus salivariusnumbers were higher at the DPCP in

    the slight/moderate group than in thestrong malodor group.

    effct f t cl

    bctrl ldAt the IADR/CED symposium on oralmalodor, Dr Allaker highlighted thatmost odor-causing bacteria are oundbeyond the reach o normal oral hygieneprocedures. To urther investigate this,Bordas et alsArchives of Oral Biologypaper (2008) studied whether tonguecleaning provided an improved method oreducing tongue bacterial load comparedwith tooth brushing.

    Ater collecting and analysing sampleso tongue coating beore and ater toothcleaning, they ound that:

    tooth brushing alone had no signifcantimpact on tongue bacterial populations

    tooth brushing and tongue scrapingconsistently, but modestly, reducedbacterial populations

    tooth brushing and thorough tonguecleaning with a high speed aspirationdevice resulted in highly signifcantreductions in bacteria.

    Bacterial counts by tongue area(CFU/sample x105)











    Tongue area

    DA = Dorsal anteriorDM = Dorsal middleDP = Dorsal posteriorDPCP = Dorsal posterior to the

    circumvallate papillaeLP = Lateral posteriorVP = Ventral posterior

    Total anaerobesTotal aerobesGram-negative anaerobesVSC-producing bacteriaStreptococcus salivarius

    Data are presented as meanSE (n=50)

    Frthr rdAllaker RP, Waite RD, Hickling J et al. Topographicdistribution of bacteria associated with oralmalodor on the tongue. Arch Oral Biol 2008; 53(suppl 1): S8S12.

    Bordas A, McNab R, Staples AM et al. Impactof different tongue cleaning methods on thebacterial load of the tongue dorsum. Arch OralBiol 2008; 53 (suppl 1): S13S18.

    For further information