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Cover-based Pathfinding

BSc. Computer Games Programming

Charlotte Lacombe--Bar


May 2012

Supervisor: Dr. Jean-Luc Lugrin

Second Reader: Wen Tang

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Cover-based Pathfinding

BSc. Computer Games Programming

Charlotte Lacombe--Bar


May 2012

Supervisor: Dr. Jean-Luc Lugrin

Second Reader: Wen Tang

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Most of today’s FPS-like games now implement a cover system accessible for

both the AI and player. In order for the AI to look as “intelligent” and human-

like as possible, it should take full advantage of the given cover system when

navigating the game environment.

The objective of this project is to develop a pathfinding algorithm derived from

A Star that will take into account cover points. The report will look at different

world discretization and pathfinding techniques before following the design,

implementation and testing of the chosen technique/algorithm.

The algorithm will be demonstrated on the 3d game engine Unity.

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I would like to thank my supervisor for overseeing this project and supporting


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ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... I

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................... 2

1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 4

1.1 Cover in Games ................................................................................ 4

1.2 Problem Overview ............................................................................ 5

1.3 Requirements ................................................................................... 5

2 METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................... 6

2.1 Unity .................................................................................................. 6

2.2 Evolutionary prototyping ................................................................. 6

2.3 Testing ............................................................................................... 8

3 RESEARCH ............................................................................................. 9

3.1 Pathfinding in Unity .......................................................................... 9

3.2 World Discretization ....................................................................... 10

3.2.1 Grids ......................................................................................... 10

3.2.2 Waypoints ................................................................................. 12

3.2.3 Navigation Meshes .................................................................. 13

3.3 Pathfinding algorithm .................................................................... 14

3.3.1 AStar ......................................................................................... 14

3.3.2 Heuristics ................................................................................. 16

3.3.3 Tactical Pathfinding ................................................................. 17

4 DESIGN .................................................................................................. 19

4.1 World Discretization ....................................................................... 21

5 IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................... 23

6 EVALUATION ........................................................................................ 25

6.1 First Prototype ................................................................................ 25

6.2 Second Prototype ........................................................................... 26

6.3 Third Prototype ............................................................................... 28

6.4 Final Prototype ............................................................................... 30

7 RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................... 32

8 CONCLUSION ............................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 33

APPENDIX A – PROJECT SPECIFICATION ............................................... 35

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1.1 Cover in Games

“More than anything else in the past ten years, there is one single-player

gameplay mechanic that has done more to revolutionize video games. That

mechanic is cover” [Ashcraft, 2010].

A cover system is a gameplay mechanic

which allows game characters to take

advantage of the environment in order to

avoid enemy fire and detection. It is mostly

used in first and third person shooters as well

as in stealth-action games. The concept of

cover appeared quite early on, with games

such as Space Invaders created in 1997,

allowing the player to stay briefly out of

enemy fire using destructible barriers (cf.

figure 1). However, proper cover systems

weren’t implemented as part of gameplay until 1995, with Time Crisis (cf.

figure 2), a first person shooting arcade game which allowed the player to

hide behind objects when pressing a pedal.

Figure 1: Space Invaders


Figure 2: Time Crisis Screenshots

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More games started using this as well, and later inspired the cover system of

Gears of Wars, whose success made cover mechanisms practically a

requirement of first and third person shooters developed afterwards.

1.2 Problem Overview

With players allowed to take advantage of cover, non-playable characters

(aka NPCs) need to be able to use this feature as well, in order to interact with

the game environment in a natural and human-like way.

Failing to do so will break the player’s immersion in the game, removing the

illusion that he is playing against intelligent enemies, capable of the same

game awareness as any other human player.

This report will focus on the navigational aspect of the problem and choose to

ignore the decision making component. It will look at different world

discretization and pathfinding algorithms used to navigate an agent as well as

how games incorporate cover in their AI. Based on the research done, a

framework will be presented implementing pathfinding techniques based on

the AStar algorithm which will take advantage of cover.

1.3 Requirements

In order to provide a solution to the previously stated problem, the following

list of requirements must be achieved:

Project objectives include :

getting AI characters to follow a given path

implementing heuristic pathfinding taking cover points into account

allowing user input to change AI position and destination

Personal objectives include :

learning how to use and program for Unity

gaining a better knowledge of environment discretization

learning about and implementing pathfinding algorithms

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2.1 Unity

The framework was developed using Unity, a free game development tool

used to create 3D games for different platforms. It is made up of an editor

allowing users to easily change game content through a visual interface, and

an engine which executes the actual game. It is component based and

supports different scripting languages as well as C#.

Unity was chosen as it allows to quickly display results in 3D as well as 2D,

without having to spend time implementing a graphical interface. At the start

of the project, Unity didn't have pathfinding integrated into it yet (unlike other

engines such as the Unreal Development Kit) which allowed the creation of a

pathfinding system from scratch. However, the next release of Unity (version

3.5) will handle automatic navigation mesh generation and pathfinding. The

beta version has already been released and is available for testing [Unity

Technologies, 2012].

2.2 Evolutionary prototyping

“Evolutionary prototyping is a lifecycle model in which the system is

developed in increments so that it can readily be modified in response to end-

user and customer feedback” [CxOne, 2002]. It was chosen for this project as

the exact requirements and design of the final product were vague as they

relied on research and an understanding of Unity which wasn’t present at the

start of the project. Evolutionary prototyping allows the requirements of the

product to be redefined in response to user testing and gained knowledge.

The project was divided into several phases or stages, focusing on different

aspects of the problem. Initially, three phases were defined, where the first

phase implemented environment representation, including cover, the second

pathfinding and the third user input. This was changed so that the first phase

no longer tried to integrate cover in the environment and instead let the third

phase focus solely on cover, both with the environment and pathfinder. A

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fourth stage was added which allowed for user input to change runtime

variables, as previously done in the third phase. For each phase, the basic

requirements for the prototype were defined and then developed.

Once done, the prototypes were tested and depending on whether or not they

met the set requirements, the specifications were changed to allow for new

features or to remove bugs and design flaws. The process was then repeated

until a satisfying result was achieved. Each stage and its prototype are

described in further details in the evaluation section of this paper.

Stage 1

o Simple level with obstacles

o Actor can move to mouse click

o Waypoints connected to one another

Stage 2

o Implementation of A* algorithm

o Actor can ask pathfinder for path

o Actor avoids obstacles

Stage 3

o Creation of cover points

o Pathfinding can take cover into account

o Debug shows multiple paths

Stage 4

o Actor and enemies can be dragged across scene

o Enemy position

influence cover validity

Figure 3: Stages of development

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2.3 Testing

The testing of prototypes was done in two different ways. The first consisted

in running the application multiple times with different scenarios to check for

inconsistencies or implementations flaws. This method mostly helped finding

bugs and removing unwanted behaviours. Once this was done, prototypes

would be given to users to be informally tested in the university labs. A brief

explanation of the project was given before letting the user experiment with

the framework. All of the testers had prior knowledge of unity and therefore

had no problems with the concept of gizmos, prefabs and inspectors which

were used in the editor. Testers mostly played around in the editor by adding

waypoints and covers before briefly testing it. At the end of each session,

testers would be asked if any improvements should be made to the

framework. Whenever possible the answers would be taken into account in

order to refine the requirements of each prototype. This kind of testing often

led to additional features being added, most of them editor and debugging

oriented. A total of seven students took part in these tests, three of which

tested every prototype created during the project.

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In order to develop the AI navigation system, different types of environment

representations and pathfinding algorithms were researched as well as their


The research on environment representation will mainly focus on grids,

waypoints and navigation meshes. It will look at each technique’s pros and

cons in order to select the most suitable one for the project. Environment

representation isn’t the focus of this project and therefore it will not be

automatically generated but manually inserted by the user.

The pathfinding research is going to be more expansive as it will explore

different pathfinding algorithms and ways to expand them, trajectory

smoothing and heuristic constraints.

3.1 Pathfinding in Unity

As mentioned in the methodology section, the version of Unity used for this

project (3.42) does not have pathfinding integrated into it. However, some

users have provided packages and scripts implementing pathfinding for other

users to use in their own projects.

AngryAnt’s path project is available on Unity's assets store and is free to use

as well as extensively documented. It allows the user to create waypoints and

link them together in the editor using the Navigation inspector [Johansen,


Arongranberg's A* Pathfinding Project is also available on the asset store and

consists of two versions, including a free one. This project is more extensive

than AngryAnt's as it includes a lot more features. These include automatic

navmesh (aka navigation mesh) generation, handling of many different graph

types, use of path modifiers and support of various heuristics [Granberg,


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Figure 4: Arongranberg's A* Pathfinding Project [Granberg, 2011]

UnifyWiki, the wiki for unity related scripts, shaders and tutorials also has a

few examples of pathfinding scripts, including AStarHelper and

WaypointMaster. Those scripts are pretty simple and while they provide an

understanding of pathfinding, they do not however provide in-editor

functionalities like the packages mentioned above [Unify Community, 2012].

3.2 World Discretization

In order to search a game environment the pathfinding algorithm needs a

simplified representation of the game world in terms of navigation data that

can be stored and searched through. “Fundamentally, all search spaces are

graphs: they all consist of some number of atomic unit units of navigation, or

nodes, and some number of connections, or edges, between pair of nodes”

[Tozour, 2003].

This section will discuss the data representation needed by the algorithm to

understand the game environment and will describe three commonly used

techniques in games: grids, waypoints graphs and navigation meshes.

However, a lot of other methods exist such as quadtrees, corner graphs,

volumes, etc...

3.2.1 Grids

“The simplest way to represent a search space is with a regular grid of

squares, rectangles, hexagons, or triangles” [Tozour, 2003]. The grid is

placed on top of the environment, dividing it in cells which are flagged as

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navigable or not. Figure 5 shows the same environment with a. using a

square grid representation and b. a hexagonal representation. Navigable

nodes can be seen in white and non-navigable in grey.

Figure 5: Grid Graph [Tozour, 2003]

The number of neighbours a node can have depends on the type of the node

and affect the way an agent will be able to move in the level (cf. Figure 6).

Those are the key points to be taken into account when looking at

implementing a grid based graph:

o Popular in 2D strategy games with top down perspective, but can also

be used for 3D with a few modifications added

o Requires huge amount of cells to provide accuracy (slows down

pathfinding and has a bigger memory footprint)

o Has difficulties with entities with different shape and movement


o Can be recalculated easily when environment changes

Figure 6: Grid movements

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3.2.2 Waypoints

“Waypoint graphs tend to be very popular with 3D games, as they generally

handle 3D game worlds quite easily. Because you can place a waypoint at

any point in 3D space, you can use waypoint graphs very easily for navigating

outdoor terrain or three-dimensional game worlds” [Tozour, 2003].

Figure 7: Waypoint Graph [Tozour, 2003]

Those are the key points to be taken into account when looking at

implementing a waypoint graph:

o Works well in human architectures such as corridors and tight spaces

(areas which constrain character’s movement to straight lines)

o Not realistic in large rooms and open areas, since they introduce

artificial limitations that do not exist in the game world

o Usually requires hand tuning by level designers, however can be

computed automatically from geometry

o Higher quality graphs with better accuracy/realism are achieved by

adding more and more nodes which increases memory footprint and

slows down pathfinding

o Has difficulties with entities with different shape and movement


o Does not deal gracefully with environment changes at run-time.

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3.2.3 Navigation Meshes

“A navigation mesh is a representation that covers the walkable surfaces of

the world with convex polygons” [Tozour, 2003]. They are created from the

polygonal representation of the environment, usually using the ground plane.

Figure 8 shows two different types of navigation meshes: a) triangle based

and b) N-sided-poly based. N-sided-poly based meshes give a better

representation of search space and allow the pathfinding to run faster as it

has a smaller memory footprint than triangle-based navigation mesh.

However, they tend to make agent movement stick too closely to walls and

game geometry.

Figure 8: Navigation Mesh Graph [Tozour, 2003]

Those are the key points to be taken into account when looking at

implementing a navigation mesh graph:

o Allows for optimal path for entities with different shape and movement


o Can handle both small indoor areas as well as large outdoor


o Requires storage of high number of polygons when geometry is


o Guarantee that an entity can freely walk from any point within a

polygon to any other point within that same polygon

o Can be automatically generated from geometry or created manually

o Does not need to store obstacles

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3.3 Pathfinding algorithm

Pathfinding is a technique used to find the path of an agent between two

points in an environment where the path is defined as a list of points or nodes.

Dijkstra's algorithm is a classic algorithm for traversing graphs with edges of

differing weights. It begins by looking at the start node, stores all its

neighbours in a list and evaluates those closest to the start node first. The

algorithm takes a path’s length or cost into account but ignores the direction of

the goal [Stout, 1999].

Best-First-Search is similar to Dijkstra’s algorithm, except that instead of

nodes in the list being scored by their distance from the start, they are scored

by an estimate of the distance remaining to the goal [Stout, 1999].

AStar takes the best of both algorithms by evaluating the node in the list

based on both the cost of the node in relation to the starting node and the

estimate of the distance left to reach the goal.

3.3.1 AStar

AStar is one of the best established algorithms when searching for an optimal

path as it is simple to use while still highly efficient. It is not as fast as some

pathfinding algorithms but it guarantees to find the cheapest path if the goal

can be reached. It uses a heuristic to project the path in the right direction by

looking at nodes with a higher probability of leading to the goal, therefore

avoiding searching the whole graph and making the algorithm faster.

The algorithm contains two lists of nodes, commonly referred to as the open

and closed list. The closed list stores the nodes which it has already explored

while the open list contains the nodes which are waiting to be evaluated.

Every node in the graph stores a cost and heuristic value which is accessed

by the algorithm when deciding which node to explore next from the open list.

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The chosen node is the one with the lowest score f(n) = g(n) + h(n)


f(n) is the score assigned to node n,

g(n) is the actual cheapest cost of arriving at n from start node,

h(n) is the heuristic estimate of the cost to the goal from n [Stout, 1999].

The following figure (cf. figure 9) demonstrates the basic structure of the

AStar algorithm in pseudo code.

Figure 9: AStar Pseudo Code [Game Garden, 2006]

The cost of a node is calculated by adding up the cost of all the nodes which

had to be traversed from the start to reach the current node. The estimate, or

heuristic, is usually calculated by multiplying the distance between the node

and the goal with the minimum node cost. Figure 10 provides functionalities

for calculating the heuristic of a node and the cost from one node to another,

where movement cost is calculated both by the distance and speed allowed

by the terrain.

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Figure 10: Cost Function and Heuristic [Sterren, 2002]

3.3.2 Heuristics

The heuristic function has a lot of influence on the pathfinding algorithm and

can be used to control AStar’s behaviour.

If the heuristic, h(n), is equal to zero, then only the node’s cost, g(n), plays a

role, and AStar becomes equivalent to Dijkstra’s algorithm. If it is always lower

or equal to the cost of moving from the current node to the goal, then the

shortest path will be found. However, the lower the heuristic, the more nodes

are examined by the algorithm and the more time it takes to find the goal. If

the heuristic is equal to the cost of moving from the current node to the goal

node, then the AStar algorithm will perform best as it will only select nodes

that are on the cheapest path. However, this is a best case scenario and is

rarely achievable. If the heuristic is slightly greater than the cost of moving

from the current node to the goal, the algorithm will run much faster, however

the path found may not be the shortest or cheapest. The higher the heuristic

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is compared to the cost, the more it resembles Best-First-Search [Patel,


3.3.3 Tactical Pathfinding

“In cost functions for conventional (shortest path) path-finding, the costs for a

move from one position to another solely consist of the corresponding travel

costs. Such a cost function can easily be extended to invoke a position

evaluation function for each of the positions visited. This position evaluation

function can, for example, add costs to make it more expansive (and less

attractive) to cross the player’s line-of-fire or to be visible to hostile guards”

[Straatman, 2005].

Figure 11: Examples of position evaluation [Straatman, 2005]

In the previous section, figure 10 showed an example of a cost function to

help determine the shortest path available. Figure 12 provides a revised

function which looks at both travel time and location risk in order to calculate

the cost between two nodes.

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Figure 12: Tactical Cost Function [Sterren, 2002]

By simply adding cost to locations which are not considered tactically sound,

the obtained path can demonstrate a higher degree of understanding of the


Figure 13: Shortest Path VS Tactical Path [Sterren, 2002]

Figure 13 demonstrates two different path calculate in the same environment,

with a) having used cost and heuristic functions solely based on travel time

while b) implemented the function from figure 12.

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This section will look at the different components that make up the application

and briefly explain why they were used. The following diagram (cf. figure 3)

presents a simplified overview of the application.

Figure 14: System Overview

The actor (a) is a game agent which can navigate the level by following a

path. An actor can have multiple paths but can only follow one at a time. In

order to get a path, the actor must query the pathfinder (b) and give it its

current location, the desired goal and a navigation point visitor (c). Whenever

the user clicks on the scene, the desired location is set to the mouse position

and the actor asks the pathfinder for two paths, one using Basic AStar (c)

which can be seen on the scene as the red line, and the other using Cover

AStar (c), which is drawn in green.

The pathfinder (b) is a component made up of a pathfinding algorithm and

navigation data, aka world discretization, constituting of cover points (f),

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waypoints (e) and the connections between them. The pathfinding algorithm

implements AStar but uses the navigation point visitor (c) given by the actor

as a parameter to calculate the cost and heuristic of navigation points, and to

determine the best navigation point available. The pathfinding component has

its own inspector accessible in the editor (cf. figure 4) which allows the user to

assign values to pathfinding variables, such as the influence cover points

should have compared to waypoints and the maximum distance allowed

between two connected points. The inspector also has two buttons which

allow the user to create or clear the connections between navigation points

while still in the editor.

Figure 15: Editor

Navigation point visitor (c) is an interface implemented by Basic AStar and

Cover AStar which provides functions for calculating the cost and heuristic of

a navigation point. Basic AStar calculates those according to distance while

Cover AStar takes into account both distance and the weight of the point,

making cover points cost less than waypoints. Navigation point visitor also

provides a function which determines the best navigation point from a given

lists. Both Basic AStar and Cover AStar define the best point as the one with

lowest cost and heuristic. However if new classes were to inherit from

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navigation point visitor, it could decide the best point to be the cover point with

the lowest cost calculated according to distance, allowing for different


The cover manager (d) is in charge of updating the costs of cover points (f).

Whenever a new path needs to be calculated, it checks every enemy (g) in

the level to see if it has moved and updates cover points accordingly. If an

enemy can see a cover point, its cost is set to neutral and it is represented as

a red box when in debug.

Waypoints (e) are manually added to the level by the user in editor mode by

dragging the waypoint prefab into the scene. Once placed, they can be

connected to each other and cover points using the pathfinder’s inspector (b).

This provides a network of nodes which is used by the pathfinding component

(b) to create paths.

Cover points (f) work in the same way as waypoints (e) as they are also

placed manually using prefabs. Unlike waypoints however, they don’t only

consist of a position but of an area in space which can be disabled or enabled

by the cover manager (d). When disabled, the cover point acts like a


4.1 World Discretization

“With a large number of designers creating a large number of world pieces, a

design team can end up wasting a lot of time adding path points just to allow

the AI to navigate the game world properly. An automated solution also allows

you to solve the problem just once, rather than having to address it in every

part of the game world separately” [Tozour, 2003]. However, taking into

account the scope of this project, an automated solution would have required

too much time. Therefore, navigation points will have to be added manually to

every scene as this solution is simpler to implement. This works well for cover

points as “manual placement is a great way to fine tune the behaviours by

placing cover locations exactly where you want them. So if you have special

geometry, or need to customize the cover location per level to fit in with a

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story, then manually adding cover locations to the level is ideal”

[Champandard, 2007]. Cover points can also easily be attached to game

objects as prefabs to make level creation faster.

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5.1 World Discretization

Waypoints and cover points are created using the waypoint and coverpoint

script respectively, both of which inherit from the navigationpoint script. This

script handles most of functions needed to provide data to the pathfinding

component. These include storing the node’s cost, heuristic and parent as

well as keeping track of all the connections available to other navigation


The waypoint and coverpoint script are only interested in providing a visual

representation to the user through the use of gizmos, and therefore implement

the OnDrawGizmos function. The following code sample is used to represent

waypoints and their connections.

Unlike waypoints, cover points are more than just points as they represent

areas in the level. The user should be able to rotate and scale them however

he sees fit. However, gizmos don’t automatically rotate and scale with the

object transform (cf. Figure 16).

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The code shown below draws a cube that has the same characteristics as its

actual object and that can be manipulated. This is done by setting the gizmos

matrix to the object’s world matrix [Wong, 2011].

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This section will examine the development of the framework step by step by

looking at each prototype. It will talk about the problems encountered and

explain what measures were put in place to provide the solution which led to

the final product.

6.1 First Prototype

The aim of the first prototype was to provide a basic environment which could

be used as a test bed. The level consisted of an agent represented by a

yellow rectangle, a floor, a few obstacles represented as green rectangles and

a camera allowing the user to view the scene (cf. figure 3).

Figure 16: In Editor Level

Three more scripts were created at this stage to allow the user to place

waypoints on the level while in the editor. The first script, Waypoint,

implements gizmos and connects to other waypoints if those are in range and

an actor can walk from one waypoint to another without encountering any


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Figure 17: In Editor Waypoints

Gizmos are used to display game debug information, both in the editor and at

runtime. They can easily be enabled or disabled at any time, however they

are not available in release mode. The

Waypoint script uses them to represent

waypoints as blue spheres and connections

as green lines, as can be seen in figure 4.

The two other scripts, PathfinderScript and

PathfinderEditor were created to handle

pathfinding. As the actual implementation of

a pathfinding system wasn’t required for this

prototype, PathfinderScript simply finds all

the waypoints objects in the level and

connects them to each other. PathfinderEditor is used to customise the

Pathfinder object’s inpector (cf. figure 5) in order to allow the user to connect

waypoints while still in the editor, by simply clicking on a button.

6.2 Second Prototype

The goal of the second prototype consisted in implementing a pathfinding

algorithm. It builds on the previous prototype by altering existing scripts to

allow the game actor to access the pathfinding component and ask for a path

to follow.

Figure 18: Pathfinder Inspector

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Figure 19: Actor Navigation Progression

The AStar pathfinding algorithm was implemented as part of PathfinderScript,

and a function was created to allow the actor to query a path. The Waypoint

script was changed to allow access of the variables needed by the AStar

algorithm, such as the cost and heuristic values of the waypoint. Figure 6

shows a small video demonstrating the actor navigating the environment while

avoiding obstacles. At this point, only distance is being taken in account by

the pathfinding algorithm, and as such, the actor is following the shortest path


During the testing phase of this prototype, it was discovered that at times the

actor would move awkwardly instead of following what the user would assume

to be the shortest path. The reason for this is that the pathfinding algorithm

would be given the start and goal points of the actor, find the closest waypoint

to these positions and calculate the shortest path from one waypoint to the

other (cf. figure 7). This was solved by having the pathfinding algorithm create

temporary waypoints at the given start and goal positions and calculate the

path from these instead (cf. figure 8).

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In order to find out what caused the problem, debugging was done using the

existing waypoint gizmos which rendered the scene quite cluttered. This led to

the decision of disabling waypoint gizmos at run-time and allowing the actor to

draw the path to follow. A new script call path was created which stored the

list of waypoints. It includes a function which returns the next position the

actor should move to and a function to check if the path is finished. It also

includes debugging functionalities which allows the actor to draw lines

representing the path and to choose which colour to draw those lines with.

6.3 Third Prototype

The aim of the third prototype was to incorporate cover into the framework.

Once again, this prototype was based on the work done in the previous

prototypes. Cover was added to the environment as a white wired box which

can be manually placed in the level (cf. figure 9). It is made up of the

Coverpoint script which acts similarly to the Waypoint script, as they can both

generate connections to each other and be used by the pathfinding

component to make up a path. In order to avoid duplicated code and allow the

user to be able to continue adding similar classes in the future without having

to change any of the pathfinding scripts, a script NavigationPoint was created.

It is inherited by both Coverpoint and Waypoint. NavigationPoint implements

all the functionalities required for pathfinding which used to be in Waypoint. As

such, Coverpoint and Waypoint only take care of drawing themselves at this

point in the project. Two red boxes representing enemies were also added to

Figure 21: Using closest waypoint Figure 20: Creating new waypoint

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the level. For the time being, they only exist for decorating purposes as they

do not implement scripts, or affect other scene components in any way.

Figure 22: In Editor Cover

With cover part of the environment, the pathfinding component can now

favour paths that contain more cover than others. This was done by adding a

cost to all navigation points which are not considered as cover. In order to do

this, three new scripts were created, INavigationPointVisitor, DistanceVisitor

and CoverVisitor. The first script, INavigationPointVisitor, is an abstract class

which cannot be instantiated and whose role is to provide a set of functions to

be implemented in inherited classes DistanceVisitor and CoverVisitor. The

functions in charge of calculating cost and heuristic values of a navigation

point were part of the pathfinding component but were removed and put in

DistanceVisitor and CoverVisitor instead. DistanceVisitor calculates the cost

of each navigation point, only taking into account the distance between those

points while CoverVisitor adds the cost related to cover. When calling the

pathfinding component, the actor now needs to add an INavigationPointVisitor

argument which will tell the pathfinding algorithm how to calculate the cost

and heuristic. Figure 10 displays screenshots of different tests done,

demonstrating the differences between the two heuristic used. The red line

shows the shortest path, calculated with DistanceVisitor, while the green line

shows the path favouring cover, calculated with CoverVisitor.

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Figure 23: Distance vs. Cover Heuristic

The technique is not entirely accurate but it can easily be fine-tuned to fit in

with the current level by adding or removing weight on the non-cover

navigation points. This prototype fails to take into account the position of

enemies in relation to covers. On top of that, while testing the framework

users did not like that cover location had to be pre-calculates, and would have

preferred having cover surrounding the obstacle and have the simulation

decide at run-time whether the cover is acceptable or not. As enemy-cover

line of sigh was part of the requirements of the next prototype, those issues

were solved in the next section.

6.4 Final Prototype

The first requirement of this prototype was to allow enemy line of sight to

affect the validity of cover. A CoverManager script was created for this

purpose. The script finds all the cover points and enemies in the scene and

then checks every cover at run-time to see whether it can be seen from where

an enemy is standing. If the cover isn’t valid, its cost is set to equal that of a

normal waypoint. CoverManager also implements debugging functionalities

which displays available cover in red when enabling gizmos (cf. figure 11).

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Figure 24: Run-time Cover Debug

The second requirement of this prototype was user input. With this in mind, a

drag script was created and added to the actor and enemy objects, allowing

the user to move them around the scene. A new variable was also created

which allowed the user to decide

the influence cover should have

on the pathfinding algorithm. The

pathfinder’s inspector (cf. figure

12) was altered to make that

variable accessible and was also

given a new button to clear the

navigation network, as it was

suggested during testing by

several users. Finally, a map was chosen from the first person shooter game

Call of Duty and replicated in order to be able to test the framework in a more

complex environment.

Figure 25: Pathfinder Inspector

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The solution provided in this paper contains several flaws which were not

addressed. The pathfinding component doesn’t have the means to

differentiate long and short exposures to enemy fire, nor does it take into

account the movement of enemies while following a path. Some techniques to

overcome this are offered in [Sterren, 2002] as well a method to lower CPU

time spent on ray casting tests which are done when checking whether a

cover is valid or not. A similar technique addressing the same issue is given in

the form of a line-of-sight lookup table in [Straatman, 2005].

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Ashcraft, Brian. 2010. How Cover Shaped Gaming’s Last Decade. In Kotaku.

Available online at

last-decade. Accessed 03 May 2012.

Champandard, Alex J. 2007. Strategies for Implementing Cover Behaviors.

Available online at

Accessed 03 May 2012.

CxOne. 2002. Evolutionary Prototyping. Available online at Accessed 03 May 2012.

Game Gardens. 2006. Path Finding Tutorial. Available online at http://www- Accessed 03 May 2012.

Granberg, Aron. 2011. A* Pathfinding Project. Available online at Accessed 03 May 2012.

Johansen, Emil. 2011. Path. Available online at

Accessed 03 May 2012.

Patel, Amit J. 2010. Amit’s Thoughts on Pathfinding. Available online at Accessed 03 May 2012.

van der Sterren, William. 2002. Tactical Pathfinding with A*. In Game

Programming Gems 3, Charles River Media.

Stout, Bryan. 1999. Smart Move: Intelligent Path-Finding. In Gamasutra.

Available online at

?print=1. Accessed 03 May 2012.

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Straatman, Remco. 2005. Killzone’s AI: Dynamic Procedural Tactics. Guerrilla

Games. Available online at Accessed 03

May 2012.

Time Crisis. In Arcade History. Available online at http://www.arcade- Accessed 03 May 2012.

Tozour, P. 2003. Search space representations. In AI Game Programming

Wisdom 2, 85-102. Charles River Media.

Unify Community. 2012. Unify Community Wiki. Available online at h Accessed 03 May


Unity Technologies. 2012. Unity Game Engine. Available online at Accessed 03 May 2012.

Wong, Nicholas. 2011. How to rotate gizmos to fit a game object in Unity.

Available online at

gizmos-to-fit-a-game-object-in-unity. Accessed 03 May 2012.

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Working Title

Cover-based pathfinding


The objective of this project is to develop a pathfinding algorithm derived from

A Star that will take into account cover points. The algorithm will be

demonstrated on the 3d game engine Unity.


Most of today’s FPS-like games now implement a cover system accessible for

both the AI and player. In order for the AI to look as “intelligent” and human-

like as possible, it should take full advantage of the given cover system when

navigating the game environment. This means that instead of always taking

the shortest route to its goal, an AI agent should be able to take the shortest

route with the most cover points providing it with protection in order to reach

its goal.


In order to develop the AI navigation system, I will research different types of

environment representations and pathfinding algorithms as well as their


The research on environment representation will mainly focus on grids,

pathNodes and Navmeshes. It will look at each technique’s pros and cons in

order to select the one most suitable for the project. Environment

representation isn’t the focus of this project and therefore it will not be

automatically generated but manually inserted by the user.

The pathfinding research is going to be more expansive as it will explore

different pathfinding algorithms and ways to expand them, trajectory

smoothing and multiple heuristic constraints.


I will use evolutionary prototyping for my methodology. My project will be

divided into phases focusing on different aspects of the problem, which will be

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prototyped one after the other, each one building on top of the previous

version. The first phase will focus on implementing environment

representation, the second will use it to implement pathfinding and the third

will allow for user input to change runtime variables.

For each phase, I will first identify the basic requirements for the prototype

and then develop it. Once done, I will test the prototype and depending on

whether or not it meets the requirements set, change the specifications and

prototype. If I am satisfied with my prototype, I will keep as a base for the

next prototype.


Personal objectives include:

learning how to use and program for Unity

gaining a better knowledge of environment discretization

learning about and implementing pathfinding algorithms

Project objectives include:

getting AI characters to follow a given path

implementing heuristic pathfinding taking cover points into account

allowing user input to change AI position and destination


The following schedule stands as an approximation of the tasks that should

be carried out each month. Those tasks may be subject to change as the

project develops.


Research pathfinding algorithms

Research, compare and document world discretization techniques

Decide on a world discretization technique

Draft paper introduction

Draft paper research on discretization techniques

Get basic AI following a path in Unity


Research, compare and document pathfinding algorithms

Implement basic pathfinding techniques in Unity

Test pathfinding techniques in Unity

Draft paper design and implementation

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Research and document heuristics in pathfinding

Implement pathfinding using cover heuristics in Unity

Test pathfinding using cover heuristics in Unity

Continue to draft paper design and implementation


Implement user input

Test code and different variables

Continue to draft paper design and implementation


Finish paper