Download - School Calendar 2014

  • 8/12/2019 School Calendar 2014


    Republic of the PhilippinesDepartment of- f d u cationNational Capital RegionDIWSION OF CITY SCHOOTSQuezon City ,}no District, Metro Manila


    April 1,2014DIVISION MEMORAIYDUM:NO. 60 s.2014Assistant School Division SuperintendentsPublic Elementary and Secondary PrincipalsPrivate Elementary and Secondary School HeadsC lass Advisers/Teachers/StudentsAll Concerned

    For the information and strict observance of all concerned, herewith attached is DepEdOrder No. l8 s. 2014 and its enclosures entitled u'School Calendar for School Year 2014- 2015" which reflects the approved core school events and activities, and bears theactual teaching-learnings days.School Year 2014-2015 shall consist of 201 school days inclusive of the five-day In-Service Training (INSET) break and parent-teacher conferences and shall begin on Ju4e 2.2W. This implies the prompt implementation of Brigada Eskwela and Oplan BalikEskwela activities in oll public schools to ensure that the first day of regular classesstarts exactly on that day.

    3. Attention is further invited to paragraph3,4, and 5 of the DepEd Order.4. Wide and immediate dissemination of the contents of this Memorandum to all concernedstakeholders is desired.

    CIANO NGUITO, CESO VSchools ivision Superintend enp,Incl.: As stated



    Pl 2014/cvp

  • 8/12/2019 School Calendar 2014


    fiepubtir of tbe SUtlrwinegme$nutrilsnt of GUurstron

    2I f'lAR UCIl4DepEd ORDERNo. 1$, s. 2Ql4scHool, CALELDAR FOR SCH(Xlr YEAR {Syf 2014-2015To: UndersecretariesAssistant SecretariesBureau Directors

    Directors of Seryices, Centers and Heads of UnitsRegional DiiectorsSchools Division SuperintendentsHeads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools (AIl Others Concerned1. The School Calendar for School Year (SY) 2Al4-2O15 reflects the schoolevents and activities for the said SY. the core events and activities for this SY shallrepresent ttre actual teaching-learning days and shall be strictly observed in allschools.2; The SY 2QL4-2OLS shall begin on Monday, .fune 2, 2A14 and shatl end onFrlday, Merch 27r 2OL5. The SY will consist of 201 school days, inciusive of tbefive-day In-Service Training (INSETI break and the parent-teacher conferences. Thedifierent school events and activities, including the number oJ school days perquarter, are contained in Enclosure No. 1..3. Private sctrools may deviate from this School Calendar. However, they maynot start classes eadier than the first Moaday of June and not later than the lastd,ay of August, as"pi

  • 8/12/2019 School Calendar 2014


    Enclosure No.1 to DepEd Order No. 18, s ,2A14Calendar for Schaol Year ?A14 - 201 5

    MonthNo, of$choolDays Date

    No. ofDays perQuarter ActivityMay 0 3-919-2426-3053 days

    c Palarang PambansaBrigada EskwelaOplan Balik EslrwelaaaJune 20 212

    21o Beginnlng of classes for SY 2A14 - 2015lndependence Day (regular holiday)

    1st Parent-Teacher Conferencs -{Saturdav)Ia

    July 22 28 r Eid'l Fitr fregular holidav - TentativelAugust 11 7-B16 ' 1tt Quarter ExaminationsI Distribution of Cards/Parent-TeacherConference (Saturdav)August I 212527

    {as perconsulta-tion withNETRC} 53 days

    . Ninoy Aquino Day (special non-workingholiday). National Heroes Day (regular holiday)e National Career AssessmentExarnination (NCAE) for K to 12 *Grade 9$eptember 22October 23 5

    516 - 1720-24


    . Eid'l Adha (Sunday - regular holiday -Tentative). World Teachers Day ($unday)r znd Quarter Examinationso Mid-Year Assessrnent and INSET /Sernestral Break {For Students Only}. Distribution of Gards/ Parent-TeacherConference (Saturday)November 20 1


    55 days

    c All Saints Day (special non-workingholiday)' Bonifacio Day (regular holiday)December 15 2030 I $tart of Christmas BreakRizal Day {reqular holiday}January 2A 5g-924

    r Resurnption of classes (Monday)r 3td Quarter Examinationso Distribution of Cardsl Parent-TeacherConference (Saturdey)' Early Registration Dav {Saturday)February 20 25

    40 days

    . EDSA People Power lAnniversary(Observance)March zCI 511

    (as perconsul-tation withNETRC)12

    ' National Achievement Test (NAT)(Secondary - Fourth Year)c National Achievement Test (NAn(Elementary - Grade lll). National Achievernent Test (NAT)(Elementary - Grade VI)

    School Calendar 2014 - 2015/WenC/BSE

  • 8/12/2019 School Calendar 2014


    19 - 2023 -2426-2727

    r 4tn Quarter Examinations (FinalExarninations for Grade Vl andYear lVe 4th Quarter Examinations (FinalExaminations) for Grades I - V andGrades 7 - I' Graduation. Last dav of classesAprll6 - 10I


    234. Maundy Thursday (regular holiday)o Good Friday (regular holiday)o Black Saturday (special non-workingholiday). Distribution of Cardso Araw ng Kagitingan {regular holiday}o $tart of Summer classes (Monday)

    May 14 - 1018 - 232325 -29

    o Labor Day (regular holiday). Palarong Pambansa. Brigada EskwelaI End of Summer classes tFriday) andFinal Exarninations. Oplan Balik Esl

  • 8/12/2019 School Calendar 2014


    Enclosure No, 2 to DepEd Order No. 1.8, s. ZAI4lmplementing Guidelines of the School Year 2014 - 2015Calendar of the School Activities

    1. The school vear s.hall formally open on Mondqy, June 2, 2OI4 and shall end onFfiday, Morch 2Z 2A$. The school year shall consist of Two Hundred One {207) classdays. Thls is inclusive of the 5-day semestral break and the parent-teacher conferenceswhich shall be held on a Saturday of the month after the quarterly examinations. Theconference is intended to apprise the parents on the progress or performance of theirchildren and ensure parental involvement in school activities. The last week of everyquarter shall be the culminating performance of students where there shall be an exhibitand exhibition of students' outputs and performances to demonstrate attainment ofperformance standards at all grades/year levels, To ensure quality in the schooloperotion ond actual teaching-tearning, a 180-day non-negotidble contoct time forteochers, and the physical presence of school heads is expected every school doy, evenduring attending official business, the 201 doys shall be enforced.2. As part of their opening rites, all schools are expected to conduct a generalassembly for the purpose of orienting stakeholders on the curriculum, co-curricularprograms and ancillary services lined up for the year in support of learner developmentandcontinuousirnprovementofschooloutcomes,before the first dav to ensure that conduct of classes is done from the first dclasses" For the secondary level, the general orientation shall include a career exposureprogram for the Grades 7 to 9 students to acquaint them with the various careerpathways they can pursue. For Grades 9 and Year lV students, a career guidanceprogram shalt be conducted between july until November 2014 which will help preparethe students for possible careers or courses they wish to pursue after high school.3. All elementary schools shall administer the Eady Childhood Care andDevelopment (ECCD) Checklist for Kindergarten Children@ otfollowing the schedule specified in the ECCD Manual and the School ReodinesS Yesr-EndAssessment (SreYA) at the end of the school year. The Philippine lnlormol Readinglnventory (Phil-l\l) assessment tools in Filipino shall be administered to Grade ll, whileEnglish and Filipino to Grades ll-Vl as classroom based assessment within the schoolyear. The result will be used as basis for planning and formulating appropriateinterventions for children. Meanwhile, all secondary schools shall perform a diagnosticassessment on the readiness for learning of Grade 7 students in order to preparedevelop mentally-a ppropriate interventio n programs.4. At the end of the Second Quarter, a midterm break shall be observed to ga -Ugle.tndiviOuatteactrer , as well as to conduct theJglgylgg@isJinsupportofcontinuingprofessionaldevelopment.School Calendar ?074 - 2OtS/w eng/BgE

  • 8/12/2019 School Calendar 2014


  • 8/12/2019 School Calendar 2014


    Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd order No. 19, s, 2014Activity/$cnool Gelebration ilfiandated by Law

    Month Activityttllay 2Ol4

    Palarong PambansaBrigada EskwelaStakeholders' Orientation on K- lZ/Basic Enhanced Education CurriculumlHSETiPlanning Week


    Opening of Classeslndependence Day {Fegular Holiday}World Environment DaySafe Kids WeekFNOY 1 B Trees Proiect ($aturday)Pambansang Gawad sa Ulirang Kabataan(National Level Competitlon)Nationwide Search for the Outstanding W,A,T,C.H. SCHOOLS(National Level Cornpefition)


    Career Guidance WeekNational Nutrition MonthNational Disaster and Preparedness MonthItlational Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation WeekScience and Technology WeEkSavings Gredlt Consciousness WeekEid'l Fitr (Legal Holiday) (Tentative)PN0Y 1B Trees Proiect {saturdav}


    1 st Quarter ExaminationsASEAN Day$ight Saving MonthBuwan ng Wikang Parnbansatlrfhite Cane Daylnternational Youth DayNinoy Aquino Day {special Non-Working Holiday}National Heroes Day {REgular Holiday}National Career Assessment ExaminationPNOY 1B Trees Proiect {$aturday}


    Crirne Preventlon MonthClean and Green MonthLiteracy MonthSclence and Math WeekLinggo ng Kasuotang FilipinoHistory Weeklnternational Day of PeacePNOY 1B Trees Proiect {$aturday}T

    OctoberEid'l Adha {Legal lloliday} (Tentative}Consurner Welfare MonthWorld Teachers DayChildren's MonthClean and Green MonthScoutins Msnth

    School Calendar 2014 * 20$ln/eng/BSE

  • 8/12/2019 School Calendar 2014



    Week of the ElderlyGlobal Handwashlng DayNational Health Education WeelrNational Leadership Training for $tudent Go\rernrnent Officers{Saturday and Sunday}Znd Quarter ExaminationsNational Level Science and Math Fair {Secondary Level}Mid-Year Assessment and INSET/Semestral Break .(for Students Only)PNOY 1B Trees Proieet {Saturday}


    National Readlng MonthFilipino Values MonthMala ria Awareness ltf onthPhilippine Education Placernent Test (PEPT)Deaf Awareness tfVeekDrug Abuse Prevention and Control WeekNational Youth DayPNOY I B Trees Project (Saturday)Bonifacio DayNational Music Cornpetition For Young Afiists(National Level Competitionl

    December Historical,

    World AIDS DayEducation WeekHuman Rights WeekGultural, and Arts Festival of Excellence {RNFE}(National Lavel Competitlon)PNOY 1B Trees Proiect ($aturday)

    January 201 5National Cancer Consiousness WeekAutism Consiousness WeekBreast Gancer Gonsiousness Week3rd Quarter ExarninationsEarly Registration Day (Saturday)PNOY 1ts Trees Proiect {Saturday}

    Febru ary NationalPhilippine Arts MonthPremyo Hizal Ul/riting Gontests(National Level Competition)Children with lntellectual Disabilities WeekNational DentaUoral Health WeelrBantay Puso Vt/eekLeprosy Prevention WeekPNOY 1B Trees Proiect {$aturday}


    National Achievernent Test {Grade$ 3, 6 and 4th Year}Women's MonthFire Frevention MonthGlobal Peace FestivalCareer Guidance VVeekGirl Child WeekGraduation CeremoniesPNOY 1B Trees Project {Saturday}

    School Calendar 2gL4 - a0 fSAroeng/BSf

  • 8/12/2019 School Calendar 2014



    Maundy ThursdayGood FridayAraw ng Kagitingan {Hegular Holiday)Festival of TalentsStart of Clasges (Summer Classes)

    MayPalarong PambansaLabor Day (Hegular Holiday)End of Summer ClassesFinal Examinations (Su