Download - Schiller Park real estate appraisers_708.449.4100


Single Family Housing
Schiller Park, Illinois 60176

Single family home data taken from the MRED MLS

In the last 30 days there were 4 closed sales of Detached Homes 7 went under contract and there were 4 new listings

In the last 12 months median sales prices increased +5.0%

Marketing Time is down -8.3% to an average of 100 days on the market

Now there is a 5.5 Month Supply of Inventory at the current level of absorption, this level is considered a oversupply

Distressed sales, Bank Owned and Short Sales account for approximately 27% of total sales

Citywide Services performs residential real estate appraisals in Schiller Park. Appraisals for divorce, estate, bankruptcy, tax appeal, bail bonds, and for sale by owner. Call 708-449-4100