Download - Scavenger Hunt #5- Objects & Food


Name ______________ Hour ____

Scavenger Hunt #5 Checklist

___ The theme for this hunt is either FOOD or OBJECTS.

___ 30 images (minimum) of one of the themes were taken of at least 10 different food items or objects and are ready to edit Monday May 18th. Hint: Take your pictures as steady as possible. Try different light.___10 images were edited in iPhoto or Photoshop.

___ Artist Statement was typed and is a minimum of 150 words. See below for details.

___ All images were approved. At least 10 were added to the per teacher approval.

Artist Statement

For this statement I would like you to pick three of the food items or objects that you took and create a 5 sentences story about each one of them. Explain why they important. Total 15 sentences.Please see rubric.