Download - SBR的DAT-IAT法新型工艺及设备的研究与应用 · System )、CASS(Cyclic Activated Sludge System)、CAST(Cyclic Activated Sludge Technology) 、 DAT-IAT(Demand Aeration

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SBR 的 DAT-IAT 法新型工艺及设备的研究与应用

张大群 王秀朵


【摘要】 本文通过介绍新型的 DAT-IAT 工艺的工作原理、工作过程、

工艺特点,以及该工艺主要的工艺参数和机械设备,表明了 DAT-IAT 系统是

普通活性污泥法与传统 SBR 法有机结合的一种新型工艺。该工艺具有增加了


灵活性等特点。另外,重点研究了 DAT-IAT 工艺处理系统中的关键设备滗水


水器的机械结构及特点。工程实例证明所发明的 DAT-IAT 工艺是一种高效的


关键词:SBR 工艺;DAT-IAT 工艺;机械设备;滗水器。


SBR(Sequence Batch Reactor) 工艺在同一反应池中,完成进水、反应、

沉淀、滗水、排泥等工序,与其它处理工艺相比,SBR 工艺使污水处理构筑

物大大简化。SBR 工艺早在 1914 年即已开发,但由于当时人工管理繁琐,监



济的水质检测仪表,污水处理厂的运行管理逐渐实现了自动化,SBR 工艺以



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技术中的热门工艺,澳大利亚近 10 多年来建成采用 SBR 工艺的污水处理厂近

600 座,中、大型的 SBR 污水处理厂也日益增多。我国目前在云南省昆明市

已有两座采用 SBR 工艺的大中型污水处理厂,运行情况良好。天津经济技术


抚顺三宝屯污水处理厂 25 万吨/日采用 SBR 工艺正在开工。工业废水处理厂


随着 SBR 工艺在工程设计中的应用,其技术也得到了长足的发展。由传

统的 SBR 工艺发展了 ICEAS(Intermittent Cyclic Extended Aeration

System )、CASS(Cyclic Activated Sludge System)、CAST(Cyclic Activated

Sludge Technology) 、 DAT-IAT(Demand Aeration Tank-Intermittent

Aeration Tank)、MSBR 等工艺,这些工艺各有各的特点,大大丰富了 SBR 工

艺的内容。各种 SBR 工艺的分类如下:





下面主要介绍新型的 DAT-IAT 工艺及设备。

二、DAT-IAT 系统工艺的工作原理

SBR 法是活性污泥法的变法,是依靠活性污泥微生物的活动来净化污水

的,这一点 SBR 工艺与传统活性污泥工艺完全一致,只是运行方式不同,传


元的功能不变,污水依次流过各单元,从而完成处理过程。SBR 工艺一般采


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DAT-IAT 系统的主体构筑物由一个连续曝气池和一个间歇曝气池串连

而成。一般情况下,DAT 连续进水、连续曝气,其出水连续流入 IAT,在 IAT









分 砂 鼓风机房

格栅 进水泵房




沉砂池 DAT 反应池 IAT 反应池

DAT-IAT 系统典型工艺流程

DAT-IAT 系统是 SBR 工艺完善和发展的新型式,它的反应机理以及污染

物去除机制与连续活性污泥法相同,DAT 池为预反应池,也称为连续曝气区,

池中水流呈完全混合流态,绝大部分有机物在这个池中降解。IAT 相当一个

传统的 SBR 池。但进水为连续流。

三、DAT-IAT 系统的工作过程

DAT 池和 IAT 池串联组成,DAT 连续进水,连续曝气(也可间歇曝气),

IAT 也是连续进水,但间歇曝气,清水和剩余活性污泥均由 IAT 池排出。和

典型的 SBR 反应池一样,IAT 池运行操作由进水、反应、沉淀、出水和待机


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与典型的 SBR 工艺不同的是,DAT-IAT 系统的处理水是连续进入 DAT,

然后进入 IAT。连续进水使对进水的控制大大简化,这样的双池系统也



反应阶段分两部分:在 DAT 中连续曝气,池中水流呈完全混合流态,绝

大部分有机物在这个池中降解。经 DAT 处理后的混合液通过两池间的导流系

统连续不断进入 IAT,IAT 间歇曝气进一步去除有机物,使处理出水达到排



沉淀阶段只发生在 IAT。当 IAT 停止曝气后,活性污泥絮体静态沉淀与

上清液分离,DAT 注入 IAT 的混合液流速很低,对 IAT 不产生扰动,因而其



排水阶段只发生在 IAT,当池水位上升到最高水位时,沉淀阶段结束,

设置在 IAT 末端的滗水器开动,将上清液缓慢地排出池外,当池水位降到最



在 IAT 池滗水后完成了一个运行周期,两周期间的间歇时间就是待机阶


四、DAT-IAT 系统的特点

1.传统 SBR 工艺的特点

SBR 工艺是一种控制的非稳态系统,即采用某些方法将系统的非稳态行

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态系统只能满足简单的处理要求,如去除 COD 和 SS 等,而对于去除 N、P 等

则无能为力。N 、P 等物质的去除要求更好地控制水污染物的不稳定性。这


SBR 相对于连续流系统还有许多其它方面的优点。首先,这种反应器运

行灵活简洁。它可以配合不同的进水水质调整运行模式。第二,SBR 流态上



三,SBR 的沉淀阶段使泥水有效分离,出水悬浮物浓度低,无需另设澄清池。

第四,SBR 工艺中无二沉池及回流污泥系统,很多情况还可不设初沉池,因


SBR 工艺经过近年 10 多年的深入研究和发展已经基本完善,但仍存在着



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机废水则需要较长的反应时间。再次,SBR 工艺操作运行较为复杂,必须采


2.DAT-IAT 系统的特点

DAT-IAT 系统是普通活性污泥法与传统 SBR 同有机结合的一种型式,整

个系统有 SBR 工艺的优点,又改进了 SBR 工艺的不足,具有以下特点:

1)增加了工艺处理的稳定性:DAT 起到了水力均衡和防止连续进水对出

水水质的影响,特别是在处理高浓度工业废水时,DAT 连续曝气加强了系统

对难降解有机物的降解,相对缩短了运行周期。DAT 池连续曝气也使整个系

统更接近于完全混合式,更有利于消除高浓度工业废水中毒性物质或 COD 浓



来说,在保留沉淀分离效果的前提下,尽可能提高曝气容积比,与传统 SBR



3)提高了设备的利用率:由于 DAT 池连续进水,因此不需要增设进水

的闸阀及自控装置;DAT 池连续曝气,减少了整个系统的曝气强度,提高了


4)增加了整个系统的灵活性:DAT-IAT 系统可以根据进、出水量、水

质变化来调整 DAT 池与 IAT 池的工作状态和 IAT 池的运转周期,使之处于最



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序号 设计参数名称 取 值 备 注

1 池子个数 3 座以上 小规模时取 3~6 座

大规模时取若干组,每组 3 池

2 有效水深 3~7m

3 回流比 50%~200%

4 污泥负荷 0.05~0.1kgBOD/kgMLSS*d 采用低负荷运行

5 混合液污泥深度 3~5g/l

6 泥龄 20~30d

7 耗氧量 1.3~2.0kgO2/kgBOD

8 周期工作时间 3. 4. 6. 负荷小时,周期时间长

9 排出比 1/3~1/6

六、DAT-IAT 工艺的 6种专用机械设备及滗水器开发

DAT-IAT 工艺处理系统中主要用 6 种专用机械设备,这是:进水泵房粗




由于 SBR 反应池排水的不连续性,决定了排水装置应具备有:当排水时


序阶段不影响工艺进行。滗水器是 SBR 工艺最常采用的排清水设备,它能从





多种动力形式的滗水器,但归纳起来主要可分三种类型: 机械式滗水器;

虹吸式滗水器; 自力(浮力)式滗水器。简述如下:

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1. 机械式滗水器














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机械旋转式滗水器外形图 机械套筒式滗水器




吸口向下,上端用总管连接,总管与 U 形管相通,U 形管一端高出水面一端


清液。运行时通过控制进排气阀的开闭,采用 U 型管水封,来形成滗水器中







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电磁阀式软管滗水器 电磁阀式肘节滗水器

气水置换箱式滗水器 自力阀式滗水器


天津经济技术开发区污水处理厂日处理污水 10 万吨,污水主要来源于区




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该厂已于 1999 年正式投产使用。


宽B=32m,有效水深H=4.3m,反应池最低水位时水深 3.75m,污泥负荷

0.052kgBOD/kgMLSS d,混合液浓度(MLSS)5g/L,IAT运行周期T=3h(曝气、

沉淀、滗水各 1h)每组反应池中DAT和IAT体积相同,各长 40m,中间设两道


液回流比最大可达R=4.0 在IAT两侧距导流墙 8米处设 2台潜污泵,每台流量

0.55-0.6m3/s,扬程 2 米。回流泵的开停由PLC按预设程序自动控制,停泵的





采用鼓风曝气,曝气设备为膜片式微孔曝气器。曝气器总数 19838 个。

厂内设 4台单级高速离心风机,单台供气量Q=18000m3/h,风压P=0.5bar。




确保反应池的正常运行。本工程排水选用虹吸式滗水器,每池 3 台,每台滗

水能力为 700m3/h。滗水器在最高水位时自动开动,最低水位时自动停止,滗


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Study and Application of DAT – IAT of SBR New Process

Technology and Equipment

Zhang Daqiu Wang Xiuduo

Tianjin Municipal Engineering Design Institute

Abstract: Through the introduction of operation principle, procedures and technological

features of new process DAT – IAT as well as the main technological parameters and

mechanical equipment, this essay gave the presentation of DAT – IAT system to be a new type

of process characterized with the organic combination between plain activating sludge method

and conventional SBR process. This technology enhanced the stability of process and increased

the tank volume application efficiency, raised the equipment application yield and flexibility of

the whole system. Additionally, the key equipment named water filter in DAT – IAT treatment

process was studied mainly. Three kinds of water filter: mechanical water filter, siphon type

filter and floating type filter were introduced with their mechanical structures and features

respectively. The practical cases in engineering demonstrate that the invented DAT – IAT

process was one kind of new process for sludge disposal with high efficiency.

Key words: SBR process; DAT – IAT process; mechanical equipment; water filter.

I Preface

The process SBR (Sequence Batch Reactor) in one reaction tank will perform the procedures of

feeding water, reacting, precipitating, filtering and mud removing etc.. In comparison with

other disposal process, SBR process brings the sludge disposal with simplifying structure frame

a great deal. SBR process had been developed early in 1914, while because of the

over-elaborate manual management at that time and lagging measuring method, the technology

is difficult to be promoted for application. In recent years, due to the wide application of

computer in automatic control process, meanwhile, due to the development of in-line oxygen

measuring meters and water level meter with high accuracy and more economical process

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control water quality measuring meters, the operation and management in sludge disposal plant

has achieved automation gradually. SBR process has drawn a wide attention for its unique

advantage and has been promoted for application rapidly. It has become a hot process in sludge

disposal technology in the world. In recent ten years, nearly 600 plants have been constructed

with SBR process in Australia. More and more middle and large scale of SBR sludge disposal

plants have been built. At present, there are two large and middle scale of sludge disposal plants

with SBR process have been built in Kunming City Yunnan Province with well operation

condition. In Tianjin Economical and Technical Development Area, one sludge disposal plant

with daily handling capacity 100,000 tons with SBR process has been put into operation

successfully in 1999. Fushun Sanbaotun Sludge disposal plant is just running for operation with

handling capacity 250,000 tons/day with SBR process. SBR process has been widely used in

industrial waste water treatment both at home and abroad.

With the application of SBR process in engineering design, the technology has been developed

a great deal with the conventional SBR process to develop ICEAS (Intermittent Cyclic

Extended Aeration System), CASS (Cyclic Activated Sludge System), CAST (Cyclic Activated

Sludge Technology), DAT – IAT (Demand Aeration Tank-Intermittent Aeration Tank) and

MSBR process, and so forth. These processes have their own features with rich SBR process

contents. The classification of various SBR processes is as follows:

1) In feeding water mode: continuous feeding and intermittent feeding water type;

2) In handling load amount: high loading and low loading;

3) In reaction tank type: completely combined tank and cyclic water channel type;

4) In feeding water aeration or not: limit aeration, non-limit aeration, semi-limit aeration.

II Operation Principle of DAT – IAT system process

SBR process is the one which changed from activated sludge system process relying on the

moving of activated sludge microbe to purify the sludge water. This character is the same

completely for both SBR process and the conventional activated sludge process, only the

operation mode is different. The conventional one adopted continuous operation mode with

sludge water continuously feeding into the disposal system and also continuously flow out from

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the system. The function of every unit in the system remained unchanged with sludge water

flowing through various units resulted in the complete disposal procedure. SBR process

generally adopts intermittent running mode with intermittently feeding sludge water into the

treatment system and intermittently flowing out of the system. Only one treatment unit is

allocated in the system with playing different function in different time duration. After the

sludge water flows into the unit, the treatment in the unit with different function will be

performed according to time sequence.

The main structure of DAT – IAT system is consisted of one continuous aeration tank and one

intermittent aeration tank with serial connection. Generally, DAT is continuous feeding water

and continuous aeration, the outlet water will flow into IAT continuously carrying out the

procedures of reaction, precipitation and outlet of water etc.. The typical process flow chart is

as follows.

(See the next page beginning with the flow chart.)

handling out

precipitated sand inlet water sludge flow back Remained sludge Handling out

Sludge cake Draining into water system

Sand precipitation

Blower room

grid Inlet water pump room

DAT IAT Reaction Reaction

Tank Tank

Dewatering room Sludge storing tank

Chloride adding room

Sand precipitate


DAT – IAT system typical flow chart


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DAT-IAT system is the new type of process developed and optimized from SBR process. Its

reaction principle and removing contaminated material mechanism is the same as continuous

activating sludge method. DAT is the pre-reaction tank, also named continuous aeration zone.

The water solution in the tank is complete mixing liquid status. Most of organic materials are

dissolved in the tank. IAT is equal to one conventional SBR tank, but featured with continuous

flowing of inlet water.

III Operation procedures of DAT – IAT system

DAT tank and IAT tank are connected in serial. DAT is continuous inlet water and continuous

aeration (can be intermittent aeration). IAT is also continuous inlet water but intermittent

aeration. Purified water and remained activated sludge will be drained out from IAT tank. The

same as typical SBR reaction tank, IAT tank operation is consisted of five durations including

inlet water, reaction, precipitation, outlet water, and waiting for operation.

1. Inlet water duration

Being different from SBR process, the treated water in DAT – IAT system is feeding into DAT

continuously and then into IAT. The continuous inlet water brings simplifying the control

procedures of inlet water, thus the double tank system also avoided short cut for water.

2. Reaction duration

The reaction duration is separated into two parts: continuous aeration in DAT with complete

mixing liquid of water flow in the tank. Most of organic materials are dissolved in the tank.

After the treatment in DAT, the mixed liquid will flow into IAT through flow guiding system

located between the two tanks. The intermittent aeration in IAT will remove further the organic

materials and make the treated water to reach the drainage standard.

3. Precipitation duration

The precipitation is only occurred in IAT. After aeration stopped in IAT, the activated

sludge-flocculating constituent is precipitated statically and separated from the above

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transparent liquid. The flow-rate of mixed liquid from DAT into IAT is very low without

producing interference to IAT. Therefore, the precipitation efficiency is obviously higher than

the general second precipitation tank dynamically.

4. Drainage water duration

The drainage duration only occurred in IAT. When the water level in the tank reached the

maximum level, the precipitation ended. The filter located at the end of IAT will start up. The

filter will drain the above transparent liquid out of the tank. When the water level dropped down

to the minimum level, water filtering stopped.

5. Duration waiting for operation

After the filtering in IAT tank, one operation circle completed. The time interval between the

two circles is the time waiting for operation. This duration can be determined longer or shorter

depending on the sludge water quality and treatment requirement.

IV Features of DAT – IAT system

1. Character of the conventional SBR process

SBR system is one unstable system under control, i.e. a certain method is adopted to limit the

unstable situation within a range in the system. The conventional activated sludge method is

one unstable status without any control.

The sludge water existed in daily life and industrial production, the released liquid from the

embedded garbage, under ground water and the contaminated materials in soil can be divided

into organic materials and inorganic material, toxic and nontoxic materials, the materials with

the density higher than water or lower than water, the materials with easy solved into water or

not solved into water, as well as the materials with biologically dissolved and non-dissolved.

All these materials are naturally and very strenuously changed with time and space changes,

also with unstable status character. These natural and strenuous changes are often relative to

environment non-stability. The conventional theory reckons that the stability is the precondition

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to guarantee the outlet water quality and be less than a certain standard. Thus during designing

the treatment process, these random and potential changes are assumed as stability. Many

engineering people adopt flow rate balance for their designing the treatment building, but this

cannot effectively compensate the changes of quality flow speed. This design makes the

systems to become unstable system without control. In practical running, the non-control and

unstable system can only meet the requirement of simple disposal, such as removing COD and

SS etc., but it cannot remove N and P. Removing N and P matters requires more better

non-stability of controlled water contaminated materials. This non-stability without control

cannot be achieved.

SBR has many advantages over the continuous flow system in other aspects. First, this reactor

has features of flexible and simple operation and can cooperate different inlet water quality with

regulating operation mode. Second, SBR belongs to complete mixing in its flow status and

promotes flow with time in organic material dissolving. Therefore, in order to achieve higher

removing rate, only the reaction time is required for adjustment resulted in reduction of landing

greatly. This feature is especially suitable to middle and small scale of water treatment plant.

Third, in the duration of precipitation of SBR, the sludge and water separate efficiently, the

density of floating material in outlet water is low without requiring clarifying tank. And

Furthermore, SBR process has no secondary precipitation tank and flow back sludge system. In

many conditions, the preliminary precipitation tank is not necessary to set bringing with low

construction cost and less landing area.

SBR process has been perfect basically through the deepening research and development for

more than ten years. Some points needed improving, however, still exist. First of all,

intermittent inletting water causes the process not to be continuous. If the water treatment

process is continuously running, multiple tank system will be needed to set up with increasing

investment. Secondly, some organic waste water with high density and difficult to be dissolved

will need longer time for reaction. Last, SBR process operation is more complicated and must

adopt automatic control with more attached devices.

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2. Features of DAT – IAT system

With the advantages of SBR process and improvement of SBR process weakness, DAT – IAT

system is one type of process combined with general activated sludge method and conventional

SBR process with the following features:

1) Enhancing the stability of process disposal: DAT plays the role of water force balance and

preventing the outlet water quality from being affected by continuous feeding water.

Particularly during the treatment of industrial wastewater with high density, the continuous

aeration of DAT strengthens the system to dissolve the difficult dissolved organic material and

shortens the running circle time relatively. The continuous aeration of the DAT system makes it

to be more likely to the complete mixed type with being favorable to removing the harmful

effect resulted from high density of toxic materials in industrial waste water or accumulation

caused by high COD density.

2) Increasing the utilization ratio of tank volume: In regard to sludge water disposal building

jointly built by aeration and secondary precipitation tank, under the precondition of remaining

precipitation separation effect, the aeration volume ratio is enhanced as much as possible.

Comparison with the conventional SBR process and other changed types of method, the

aeration volume ratio is the highest for its process feature of continuous aeration in DAT – IAT

tank and intermittent aeration of IAT.

3) Raising the utilization of equipment: Because of the continuous feeding water in DAT tank,

it is not necessary to add inlet water valve and automatic control unit; DAT tank continuous

aeration reduced the aeration strength of the whole system increasing the utilization of aeration

devices. The rated blowing strength and power of the required blower are also reduced.

4) Enhancing the flexibility of the whole system: The operation condition in DAT tank and

IAT tank and the running circle in IAT tank will be regulated according to the inlet and outlet

water quantity and quality of DAT – IAT system resulted in optimizing the working condition.

Meanwhile, with respect to the requirement of removing nitrogen and dephosphorization, the

aeration time will be adjusted to create the environment of lack of oxygen or disgust of oxygen.

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V Main processes design parameters

No. Name of Design parameters Value Remarks 1 Number of tanks More than 3 tanks 3 ~ 6 tanks put into

use for small scale 2 Effective water depth 3 ~ 7 m 3 Flow back ratio 50% ~ 200% 4 Sludge load 0.05 ~ 0.1kg BOD/

KG MLSS*d Adopt low load in running

5 Sludge depth of mixed solution 3 ~5g/l 6 Sludge age 20 ~30d 7 Oxygen consumption 1.3~20.dgO2/g\kgBOD 8 Operation circle time 3. 4. 6. Long circle time for

low load 9 Drainage ratio 1/3 ~ 1/6

VI 6 kinds of special mechanical equipment of DAT – IAT process and development of water


There are 6 kinds of special mechanical equipment mainly to be put into use in DAT – IAT

process disposal system, i.e. thick grid in inlet water pump room; spiral flow and horizontal

flow removing sand machine; fine grid of sand precipitation tank; aeration system equipment

(middle and large scale of blower with minor hole aeration, floating type of long stroke aeration

machine for small scale of plant); water filter; condensing dewatering machine. The water filter

is the key point for research and development.

Because of non-continuous drainage of water in SBR reaction tank, it should be available for

the drainage equipment: the above clarified liquid could be drained in uniform out of the tank

without stirring the activated sludge during drainage; whereas the inlet water, reaction and

precipitation will not affect the proceeding of the process. Water filter is most frequently used

for drainage of clarified water in SBR process. It is able to filter out the clarified water out of

the tank without stirring the precipitation from the static surface of tank with outstanding water

mechanical properties and being changeable for lifting up and dropping down automatically and

stably with water level changes.

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For the time being, experts of water treatment equipment both home and abroad have made a

great deal of research work and developed water filters with multiple driving force modes. They

can be summarized in three types mainly: (1) mechanical type of water filter; (2) siphon type of

water filter; (3) self-force (floating force) type water filter. The description is delivered in brief

as follows:

1. Mechanical type of water filter

There are mainly two types of mechanical type of water filter domestically now, spiral type and

sleeve type. The spiral type of water filter is consisted of the following units: motor and reducer

as the executing devices, four lever mechanism, carrier channel, floating box (slag stopping

unit), submerged flow-out weir, rotating joint etc.. The sill rotating water pipe performs spiral

moving under driving by motor and reducer as well as the executing mechanism and four levers

structure. The above-clarified liquid will be filtered out and the water level drops down

synchronously. The floating box (slag stopping unit) can form a zone without floating particle

and foam at the above weir and between the front and rare end. The distance between the weirs

can be adjusted to be applicable to the minor changes of submerged depth of weir.

Mechanical spiral type of water filter

There are two types of sleeve type of water filter, i.e. guide screw and wire rope types. The

sleeve water filer, no matter which kind of it, is fixed on one platform inside the tank and driven


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by motor through guide screw and wire rope resulted in the up and down moving flow-out weir.

The drainage water pipe under the weir is inserted into the bushing with rubber sealed and

moving with weir. The sleeve is connected on head water pipe and through which the

above-clarified liquid will be filtered out of the tank. Above the weir, there is a floating box for

stooping floating slag and foam connected by hinge like shears in order to be suitable to the

minor changes of submerged weir depth.


Profile of spiral type Sleeve type of mechanical mechanical water filter water filter

1- bottom pipe; 2 - straight pipe and sleeve pipe

2. Siphon type of water filter

Siphon type of water filter is actually a submerged flow-out weir being consisted of a group of

vertical short pipes with downward sucking port and connecting with head pipe at upward port.

The head pipe is connected with U pipe on which one end above the water surface and the other

end lower the min. water level of reaction tank. The higher end has one automatic valve

ventilated with air, the lower end connected with outlet water pipe for flowing out the above

clarified liquid. During operation, the vacuum and air filling space alternatively inside the water

filter are formed through controlling open and close of inlet and outlet air valves and adopting

U type of pipe water sealing, to achieve the water filter on and off, preventing the mixed liquid

from flowing into. The min. water level of water filter is limited above the sucking port of short

pipes to prevent the accession of floating particle and foam.

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Siphon type of water filter

3. Self force (floating force) type of water filter

There are also multiple types of self force (floating force) type of water filter, such as the above

mentioned two types of mechanical type of water filter which can be formed into self force type

of water filter. The difference of this type of water filter from others is only the floating force is

relying on the floating box itself above the weir, in this way the level of weir moves up and

down without the additional mechanical force. This water filter can be separated into ribbon

type weir, disk type weir and pipe type weir for its shape of weir. The lower part of weir utilizes

flexible hose or elbow type of connector to be applicable to the changes of position moving

resulted in the clarified liquid flows out of the tank. The floating box itself also plays the role of

stooping slag. In order to prevent the mixed solution from flowing into the pipe line, after every

filtering water, solenoid and self forced valves will be used for close the weir, or adopt the air

and water displacement floating box to lift the weir above the water surface.

Solenoid type of hose water filter Solenoid type of elbow water filter


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Air & water displacement Self valve type of water filter water filter

VII Reference cases in Engineering

Sludge Water Plant in Tianjin Economical and Technical Development Area has the daily

disposal capacity 100,000 tons with the sludge water source from daily life sludge water in the

area and production waste water in industrial park. The design inlet water quality is BOD5

150mg/L, CODCr 400mg/L, SS 200mg/L. The design outlet water quality is BOD5 30mg/L,

CODCr 120mg/L, SS 30mg/L. Meanwhile it requires removing NH3 – N 10mg/L. Due to the

sludge water in Development area is affected by industrial production very much, the water

quality and water quantity change greatly. Through the solution comparison and selection,

combined together with the technical features of loan country, DAT – IAT process is selected in

the plant. The plant has been put into operation officially in 1999.

There are six sets of tank in DAT – IAT system with each tank volume 11000 m3, the tank

dimensions are the length L=80m, width B=32m, the effective water depth H=4.3m, the deepest

water depth 3.75m in reaction tank. The sludge load is 0.052kgBOD/kgMLSS•d. The mixed

solution density (MLSS) 5g/L, IAT operation circle time T=3h (aeration, precipitation, water

filtering are 1h respectively). The volumes both for DAT and IAT are the same for every group

of reaction tank with respective length 40m. Two sets of flow guiding wall in the middle are

located. In order to maintain the enough compound solution density in DAT, the compound

solution from IAT will be needed to flow back to DAT with the max. flow back ratio up to

R=4.0. On both sides of IAT with the distance to flow guide wall 8 meters, 2 sets of submerged

sludge pump are equipped with the flow rate 0.55 – 0.6 m3/s for each pump and stroke 2 meters.

The start and shutdown of the flow back pump will be controlled by PLC system automatically


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according to the preset program. The shutdown time will be arranged during the water filtering.

The flow back sludge pipes of the two pumps are separated into four exits in DAT located at the

four corners of the tank. The liquid will inject to the tank center along the tank bottom at high

speed playing stirring function to the whole tank and forming complete mixed liquid. The

mixed liquid will flow into IAT through two sets of flow guide wall. The liquid from flow guide

wall will access into IAT at very low speed from the bottom without generating sludge stirring

to IAT precipitation.

The blowing aeration is adopted with film sheet aerator or micro-hole aerator of the aeration

equipment. The total aerator number is 19838 sets. 4 sets of single class of high-speed

centrifugal blower are equipped inside the plant. The single set can supply air Q=18000m3/h,

blowing pressure P=0.5 bar. The motor power N is 400kw.

The sludge generation factor is YT=1.1, sludge age tDS=22d, the daily sludge output volume

V=2400m3/d. SS meters are allocated for each tank to adjust the pump startup and shutdown

time and circle at any time according to the sludge density to ensure the normal operation of the

reaction tank. This engineering select siphon type water filter for water drainage with three sets

for each tank and filtering capacity per set is 700m3/h. The filter will start automatically at high

water level and stop automatically at the low water level. The water filter is erected at the end

of IAT. 作者个人信息:

﹡ 张大群 天津市市政工程设计研究院 (水)总工程师 教授级高工 天津水工业工程设备有限公司 总经理

﹡ 王秀朵 天津市市政工程设计研究院 副总工程师 教授级高工

论文信息: 主题:污水处理工艺创新 专题:其他与污水处理有关的最新技术成果 题目:SBR 的 DAT-IAT 法新型工艺及设备的研究与应用 关键词:SBR 工艺;DAT-IAT 工艺;滗水器

地址:天津市和平区营口道 239 号 邮编:300050 E-mail:[email protected]电话:(022)27836375 传真:(022)27836420
