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Save The Energy In The World



Which types of medias are already used?

Informative Text Content->establish a general review of our activities on the environment. For information purposes only.

Advice Text Content->a wealth of advices on how to effectively reduce its spending while saving the Environment

Informative Video Content

-> interviews from professionals specialized in ecology -> activities about sustainable development -> Advertising campaigns, carried out by Ecological Companies -> Interactive Videos

Educative Content by Gaming

-> intended to raise awareness of young people

What does already exist in social media?


- Tinkuy

Les Vgtaliseurs



This application answers to a real need of communication on these subjects.

application will be launched at the beginning of 2012

Allows the consumers to analyze their profile of consumption.

The application will allow comparing the energy consumption of every place of residence in front of a national average

Users can also confront their consumptions with friends, exchange craftiness and participate in competitions of energy saving.

SaveTheEnergyInTheWorld, the Green Channel

-> make people aware of the importance of sustainable environmental policy ->deliver content information only (text or video) make People feel closer to the subject ->broadcast commercials advertising ->simple tips and practices for energy conservation Various forms (articles, videos) ->simple tips and practices for energy conservation. -> some links leading to a serious game with educational content for younger people

Our recommandations

Create a page which allows to find an answer to our questions very quickly.

Permit to find people concern as you are in your region or city

Permit to create your own subject

Thanks you for your attention!

Make The Green Be With You!

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