Download - Savasana



Savasana is very simple asana. The Sanskrit word shava means corpse. This pose looks like sleeping pose. You have to concentrate on each part of the body.

Benefits: This is to be done after doing any asana. This is for relaxation.

Steps :

1. Lie flat on your back, like our sleeping pose. Legs should be separated.

2. Keep your arms at your side and your palms facing up. Just relax.

3. Close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly through the nostrils.

4. Start concentrating from your head to your feet. Be relaxe

Duration : 2-3 minute

Pdamasan means sitting in a lotus pose. Padama=Lotus, Asan= Pose.

Benefits: strengthen the legs and back bone. Builds flexibility.

Steps :

1. Sit on the floor and stretch the legs.

2. Now hold the right leg in both the hands, fold the legs slowly and place it on the left thigh so that it touches naval.

3. Likewise fold the left hand, hold it with both the hands and place it on the right thigh close to the other.

4. At this point both the knees should touch the floor and the foot should face upwardly. The spinal chord should be straight at this point.

Duration: 2-3 Minutes

Bakasan is like a crane pose. It is compact arm balancing posture. This is a compact arm balancing posture.

Benefits: strengthening the arms as well as the abdominal organs. . Spine flexibility improves.


1. Sit down on knees. Maintain equal distance between both the knees and keep the feet flat on the mat. 2. Place the palms in between the knees and flat on the ground while maintaining the knees and elbows at the same level.

3. Bend the torso forward while lifting both the legs up so that the whole body balances solely on the palms.

Duration: 1-2 Minutes

Salabhasana : Sanskrit words "shalabh" which means "grasshopper".

Benefits : Strengthens thighs. Spine becomes straight and strong.Steps:

1. Lye down on your belly.

2. Keep both hands on floor, palms facing down.

3. Slowly raise both the legs to 45 degrees. And Hold.

Duration: 2-3 Minutes

Salamba Sirsasana : In this, we have to stand on the head, with our feet upward.

Benefits: Increases blood circulation to head. Strengthens neck.


1. Keep your head on the floor and raise both your legs upward.

2. Take support of both elbows on ground.

Duration: 2-3 Minutes

Gomukhasana : Sanskrit words Go means "cow", Mukha means "head" or "mouth". The pose looks like head of the cow.

Benefits : Increases blood circulation. Stretches back and hand muscles.

Steps :

1. Sit on knees with both the knees folded.

2. Take oen hand to the back., while touching head..3. Take another hand back, from the down. And try to touch / hold the first hand 4. Repeats the same with exchange of hands.Duration : 2-3 minutes