Download - Sarah Young Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy

  • 8/19/2019 Sarah Young Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy



    Delivering Sustainable 



    Sarah Young

    Land Use Consultants

    17th April 2007

  • 8/19/2019 Sarah Young Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy



    utline o! presentation

    1" #hat is bioenergy$

    2" %o& 'u(h energy is currently produ(ed !ro' bioenergy$

    )" #hat is the scale of the opportunity$

    *" Can bioenergy really (ontribute to&ards reducing CO2$

    +" #hat are the environmental impacts o! bioenergy produ(tion$

  • 8/19/2019 Sarah Young Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy



    1" #hat is bioenergy$

    , Bioenergy is the in(lusive ter' !or all !or's o! bio'ass and bio!uels

     - Biomass. re!ers to the use o! biodegradable 'atter as a sour(e o!

    rene&able heat or ele(tri(ity

     - Biofuels. are rene&able transport !uels in(luding.

    , Bioethanol

    , Biodiesel

    , Biogas

    , Biobutanol

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    #hat are the 'ain sour(es o! bioenergy$

    , Woodfuels e"g" short rotation(oppi(e /SC and short rotation!orestry /S3 !orest residues andlo& grade ti'ber 

    , Perennial grass crops e"g"'is(anthus

    , Conventional annual crops e"g"sugar beet3 (ereal (rops3 sorghu'3oil seed rape3 linseed andsun!lo&ers

    , Waste e"g" (o& and pig slurry3poultry litter and &ood &aste

    Bioenergy /in the !or' o! bio'ass or bio!uels (an be generated !ro' !our

    prin(iple sour(es.

    SC plantation


    ilseed rape

  • 8/19/2019 Sarah Young Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy



    2" %o& 'u(h energy is (urrently produ(ed !ro' bioenergy$

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    )" #hat is the s(ale o! the opportunity$

    Resource map of Forestry residues in GB

    , +56 o! the U89s ele(tri(ity supply by 2020 /(urrently1"+

    , 7 o! the heat 'ar:et by 201+ /(urrently 1

    , + o! the U89s transport !uel de'ands by 2010 /(urrently 0"2+


  • 8/19/2019 Sarah Young Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy



    %o& &ill this be realised$

    , Stra&3 &aste &ood and &ood!uel have the greatest i''ediate potential to(ontribute to rene&able heat and po&er 

    , Short rotation (oppi(e and 'is(anthus o!!er signi!i(ant potential in thelonger ter' but this &ill re?uire a signi!i(ant (hange in land5use

    , @n the 'ediu' to long ter'3 the develop'ent o! ne& (onversionte(hnologies &ill !avour the 'ore (arbon5e!!i(ient 'ulti5annual (rops/&ood!uels3 SC and 'is(anthus and redu(e the de'and !or oilseed rapeand &heat as bio!uels

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    =>isting bioenergy use

    #ood Based uels

    =le(tri(ity and %eat ;ransport


  • 8/19/2019 Sarah Young Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy



    but &ith se(ond generation bio!uels""

    #ood Based uels

    =le(tri(ity and %eat ;ransport


  • 8/19/2019 Sarah Young Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy



    *" Can bio'ass really (ontribute to&ards redu(ing C2$

    Electricity Generation % of green house gassavings versus fossil fuel


    Grid Electricity

    Electricity from miscanthus 84%

    Electricity from SRC woodchip 84%

    Electricity from forest residue 86%

    Electricity from straw 59%

    Small Scale Heating

    Oil red heatin !oiler "

    Com!ustion of woodchip 9#%Sour(e. Defra from: Carbon and energy balances for a range of biofuels options 3 She!!ield %alla' University /200)

    and WTW evaluation for production of ethanol from wheat 3 Lo& Carbon ehi(le Partnership3 /200*3 

  • 8/19/2019 Sarah Young Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy



    Can bio!uels really (ontribute to&ards redu(ing C2$

    Transport Fuels % saving in GHG versus fossil fuel reference

    Source: Sheeld Hallamniv! "#$$& ' (o) *+,


    Source: E-tech ".ay#$$/&

    0iesel "ultra lo) sulphur&

    $iodiesel from oilseed rape&

    5#% #8 "5'%

    $iodiesel fromrecycled (eeta!leoil

    85% "

    Second enerationdiesel

    " 94%

    ,etrol "ultra lo) sulphur&

    Ethanol from wheatrains

    49"6'% '"''%

    Ethanol from suar 54% #)"64%

  • 8/19/2019 Sarah Young Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy



    Con(lusions on (arbon savings

    , Carbon savings are difficult to predict as they are a!!e(ted by agri(ulturalpra(ti(e3 produ(tion3 pro(essing 'ethods and transportation o! the!eedsto(:

    , ;he 'ost (arbon e!!i(ient (onversion te(hnologies are those that produceheat or CHP dire(tly !ro' the energy (rop rather than those that produ(eele(tri(ity

    , Superior (arbon savings (an be a(hieved !ro' second generationbiofuels produ(ed !ro' bio'ass

    , @n addition3 the estimated yield per he(tare !ro' se(ond generation!eedsto(: is at least three ti'es greater than that o! rapeseed bio'ass

  • 8/19/2019 Sarah Young Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy



    +" #hat are the environ'ental i'pa(ts o! bioenergy$

    Range of impacts both positive and negative that arise from use of


    o(us on.

    Wood based fuels:

    , short rotation (oppi(e /SC, short rotation !orestry /S, !orest residues and lo& grade ti'ber 

    ot (overing""

     Perennial grass crops

     Conventional annual crops


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    #hat is short rotation (oppi(e$

    , Densely planted3 high yieldingvarieties o! either &illo& or


    , %arvested on average every 25+years

    , =>pe(ted li!espan o! 1+52+years /(orresponding to around

    6 harvests

    , Shoots usually harvested during

    the &inter as (hips3 short billetsor as &hole ste's

    , Yields !ro' SC at !irst harvestrange !ro' 7512 tonnes dry


  • 8/19/2019 Sarah Young Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy



    Threats Opportunities

    andscape   • (hange in lands(ape(hara(ter 

    • obs(ure lands(ape!eatures

    • add stru(tural diversity• restore and reinstate boundary


    Biodiversity   • displa(e open !ar'landbird spe(ies

    • da'age sensitive &etlandhabitats

    • in(rease abundan(eEdiversityground !lora !ar'land birdspe(ies and invertebrates

    • provide habitat !or s'all'a''als

    • bu!!er &oodlands and vulnerablehabitats

    Water    • high &ater re?uire'ents   • i'prove &ater ?uality• ta(:le nitrate pollution proble's

    • treat &aste&ater 

    !oil   • soil (o'pa(tion   • redu(e soil erosion andsedi'entation proble's

    "rchaeology   • da'age ar(haeologi(alsites and deposits

    #hat are the environ'ental i'pa(ts o! SC$

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    4anage'ent re(o''endations !or SC

    #o: Benefits:

    use 'i>ed spe(ies biodiversity3 lands(ape

    in(orporate headlands3 rides F open spa(es biodiversity3 lands(ape

    lo(ate to 'ini'ise transport redu(e C2

    (oppi(e (y(li(ally biodiversity3 lands(ape

    li'it use o! !ertiliser3 herbi(ides F pesti(ides biodiversity3 &ater ?uality

    #on$t: %mpacts:

    establish large 'ono(ulture blo(:s biodiversity3 lands(ape

    repla(e land o! high value !or biodiversity biodiversity

    plant in lo& rain!all areas or on &aterlogged soils biodiversity

    blo(: re(reational a((ess &ell5being

    plant on sites o! ar(haeologi(al interest heritage

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    #hat is short rotation !orestry$

    , Cultivation o! !ast5gro&ing trees thatrea(h their e(ono'i(ally opti'u' siGe

    bet&een H520 years old

    , #hen !elled 5 repla(ed by ne& plantingor regenerate !ro' stu'ps as (oppi(e

    , arieties 'ay in(lude native spe(iessu(h as alder3 ash3 bir(h3 poplar3

    sy(a'ore /(ultivars3 and non5native

    spe(ies su(h as eu(alyptus and

    southern bee(h (nothofagus)

  • 8/19/2019 Sarah Young Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy



    Threats Opportunities

    andscape   • non native spe(ies 5 i'pa(ton lands(ape (hara(ter 

    • inappropriate in so'e openlands(apes

    • (reation o! ne& nativebroadleaved &oodland

    • e>pansion o! e>isting &oodland

    Biodiversity   • trees &ith dense (anopies -dis(ourage ground !eedingbirds

    • displa(e birds adapted toopen habitats

    • in(rease biodiversity i! nativespe(ies used

    • understorey vegetation (anprovide habitat !or invertebrateand 'a''al spe(ies

    • in(rease abundan(eEdiversity&oodland birds

    Water    • non5native spe(ies5 high&ater re?uire'ents

    • lo&er inputs re?uired - redu(enitrate pollution

    !oil   • soil (o'pa(tion duringharvesting

    • stabilising i'pa(t 5 redu(e soilerosion

    "rchaeology   • root gro&th 5 da'age

    ar(haeologi(al sites anddeposits

    #hat are the environ'ental i'pa(ts o! S$

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    #o: Benefits:

    in(orporate 10520 o! open spa(e biodiversity3 lands(ape

    leave so'e areas to 'ature to old age biodiversity

    'a>i'ise diversity o! &oodland stru(ture biodiversity3 lands(ape

    harvest (y(li(ally biodiversity3 lands(ape

    use U8 #oodland Assuran(e Standard biodiversity3 &ater ?uality

    #on$t: %mpacts:

    plant in sensitive open lands(apes biodiversity3 lands(ape

    use non5native spe(ies biodiversity

    use e>(eptionally heavy e?uip'ent soil stru(ture3 &ater 

    harvest !orests on high (arbon soils release C2

    plant on sites o! ar(haeologi(al interest heritage

     4anage'ent re(o''endations !or S

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    #hat are !orest residues and lo& grade ti'ber$

    , &orest residues 5 harvestingresidues /i"e" lop and top or

    brash and s'all round&ood

    /i"e" s'all ste's o! no

    (o''er(ial value

    , o' grade timber 5 poor?uality !inal (rop and &ood !ro'

    un'anaged (oppi(e

    De'and !or &ood!uel !orbioenergy has the potential to

    (reate an e(ono'i( rationale

    !or the re5introdu(tion o!

    traditional sustainable

    &oodland 'anage'ent

  • 8/19/2019 Sarah Young Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy



    Threats Opportunities

    andscape   • visual i'pa(t o! ne&a((ess tra(:s

    • per(eption o! rapid(hanges to lands(ape

    • diversi!i(ation o! age stru(ture o!&oodlands /redu(e stor' da'age

    • restoration o! histori( (oppi(edlands(apes

    Biodiversity   • depletion o! nutrients

    •deprivation o! !ood andhabitat !or s'allinvertebrates3invertebrates3 !ungiand bats et(

    • inade?uateregeneration !ollo&ing(utting due to deer 

    , diversi!i(ation o! &oodland stru(ture

    , in(rease in edge and ride habitats, in(rease in ground !lora by redu(tion

    in shadiness

    , thinning or !elling o! Plantations on An(ient #oodland Sites /PA#S

    ,restoration o! negle(ted (oppi(e&oodlands

    , re'oval o! invasive s(rub and trees, re'oval o! rhododendron and other

    invasive spe(ies !ro' open habitats

    #hat are the environ'ental i'pa(ts o! !orest residues and L

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    Threats OpportunitiesWater    • in(reased runo!! and

    i'paired &ater ?uality

    • in(reased sedi'entationo! &ater (ourses

    !oil   • da'age to &oodland soils

    • in(reased sus(eptibility tosoil erosion a!terharvesting

    • (ounter 20th (entury in(reasein nitrogen and potassiu'levels in soils

    • establish'ent ground (over - redu(e soil erosion

    "rchaeology   • heavy 'a(hinery and(reation o! &oodlandtra(:s 5 da'age toar(haeologi(al sites

    , redu(ed ris: o! &indblo&disturbing re'ains

    #hat are the environ'ental i'pa(ts o! !orest residues and L

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    #o: Benefits:

    adapt e>tra(tion rate to suit soilE biodiversity biodiversity3 soils

    underta:e (he(:s !or prote(ted spe(ies biodiversity

    in(rease stru(tural diversity o! &oodland biodiversity3 lands(ape

    leave so'e !orest brashE (ut &ood biodiversity( soil F &ater 

    use U8 #oodland Assuran(e Standard biodiversity3 &ater ?uality

    #on$t: %mpacts:

    use e>(eptionally heavy harvesting e?uip'ent soil stru(ture3 &ater 

    e>tra(t dead&ood biodiversity

    &hole tree harvest on sensitive sites biodiversity3 soil

    4anage'ent re(o''endations !or !orest residues and L

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    , Produ(tion o! bioenergy !ro' &ood sour(es - o!!ers real potential to redu(egreenhouse gases and deliver substantial environ'ental bene!its


    , is: o! pla(ing environ'ental pressure on our li'ited natural resour(es

    , ;o realise opportunities3 it is (ru(ial that bioenergy is produ(ed sustainably" #e 'ustensure that &e.

    5 deliver real (arbon savings

    5 avoid sensitive sites

    5 pla(e parti(ular e'phasis on se(uring the !uture 'anage'ent o! se'i5natural&oodland

    5 use high environ'ental standards to 'a>i'ise environ'ental bene!its