Download - SAP CRM Marketing Interview FAQ's

  • 8/16/2019 SAP CRM Marketing Interview FAQ's



    • defne marketing?• what is the name ! t " # $ are $sed in %reating marketing

    &"an?• e'&"ain the %$rrent marketing &"an ! that # $ are designed?• what are the e"ements that are $sed t %reating marketing

    &"an?• di(eren%e )*w marketing &"an and marketing &"an e"ement?• %an # $ %reate %am&aign with $t marketing &"an e"ement?• what d # $ mean )# master )$dgets?• what is the di(eren%e )*w %am&aign de+e" &ment and

    %am&aign &"anning?• what are the %am&aign $sed )# # $r %"ients?• defne %am&aign e'e%$ti n?• h w t e'e%$te r ad sh w %am&aign?• what is %am&aign ana"#sis? h w and when it is d ne?• what the r "e ! ,O-.A in market &"an?• h w t % mmit )$dgets in /I s#stem $sing ,RM?• defne %am&aign a$t mati n t "?• what is the di(eren%e )*w m$"tiwa+e0 re%$rring and e+ent

    trigger %am&aign?• what are the e"ements r % m& nents that # $ %an $sed t

    design %am&aign• a$t mati n?• what is /. segmentati n?• what is the r "e ! &r 1e%t s#stem in marketing &"ans?• defne marketing attri)$tes?• what are the marketing attri)$tes that ha+e )een $sed in the

    %am&aign designed in # $r re%ent &r 1e%t?• what are the ste&s in+ "+ed in the /. segmentati n?• what is the di(eren%e )*w attri)$te and attri)$te set?• defne data s $r%e? h w man# data s $r%es are a+ai"a)"e?• what d # $ mean )# in! set?• what is the di(eren%e )*w in! set and attri)$te set?

  • 8/16/2019 SAP CRM Marketing Interview FAQ's


    • what t " # $ $sed t %reate target gr $&?• what is the di(eren%e )*w &r f"e set and &r f"e?• defne target gr $&?• h w t assign m$"ti&"e +a"$es ! r an attri)$te?• what are the t2 % des %reating attri)$te0 attri)$te set0 data

    s $r%e and attri)$te "ist?• what is the staging area?• what are the +ersi ns that # $ are seen in segment )$i"der

    t "?• h w t assign marketing attri)$tes t a /. re% rd?• what )asis we %an s&"it target gr $&s?• what is the di(eren%e )*w 33kee&33 and 33rem +e 33 that # $

    are seen in &r f"e %reati n?• h w t %reate "eads ! r the entire target gr $& at a time?• h w t de"ete target gr $& !r m &r f"e?• what are the standard w rk4 ws 5id0 des%ri&ti n6 that are

    $sing d$ring %am&aign a$t mati n &r %ess25e'7 sending /.t %hanne"0 adding /. t target gr $&6?

    • defne w rk4 w?• what is the di(eren%e )*w )$siness s%enari and )$siness

    &r %ess?• what is the marketing s%enari r &r %ess?• what are the di(erent s%enari s and &r %esses that # $ ha+e

    im&"emented ! r a %"ient 5$nder marketing6?• %an # $ integrate R8 data t marketing in ,RM s#stem?• %an # $ $se &ri%ing %$st mi9ati n ! R8 in ,RM marketing

    s%enari ?• what is "ead? h w t :$a"i!# a "ead?• what mean )# "ead :$a"if%ati n and "ead generati n?• what is "ead assessment?• defne "ead rigin and "ead gr $&?• what is the &ath and t2 % de ! r %reating n$m)er ranges ! r

    "ead?• defne &"anned ke# fg$res?• &aths ! r $&" ading %he%k ) k and )$dget & sting?

  • 8/16/2019 SAP CRM Marketing Interview FAQ's


    • what is the $se ! fe"d ;t#&e; in !$nds &"an?