Download - Santa Maria Public Airport District Taxilane Pavement ...Santa Maria Public Airport District Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation Addendum No. 2 18-4 MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE A. The CALTRANS

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

Changes to Specifications:

2.01 Replace Section 18 – Asphalt Concrete, CALTRANS Type A with the following text:



A. This item shall consist of asphalt pavement, placed, compacted, and constructed on an approved aggregate base course, or an approved existing or new asphalt pavement surface in accordance with these specifications and to the lines, grades, notes, details, and locations shown on the plans.

B. Finally, this item includes the application of a bituminous tack coat on the vertical edges of all match and join surfaces, and between asphalt lifts. 18-2 STANDARDS

A. Hot mix asphalt concrete material including mix design, composition, production, placement, equipment, construction standards, etc., shall comply with the CALTRANS Standard Specification Section 39-2 – Hot Mix Asphalt, included in the CALTRANS Technical Specifications, included in PART 5 – CALTRANS Technical Specifications, in this specification booklet.

B. Materials

a. HMA shall be Type A, ½” max (medium).

b. Asphalt Binder shall be PG64-10.

c. Use of RAP not permitted on this project.


A. The Contractor is responsible for procuring an asphalt pavement mix design for material

proposed for this project. Mix designs must be current (prepared within 6 months of the

anticipated start of paving date), and must accurately reflect proposed aggregate and oil

sources. If mix designs were prepared for another project, the mix design preparers shall

provide an up-date letter acknowledging the requirements of this project and certifying to

the mix designs continuing validity.

B. The Contractors Quality Control Plan shall address all issues related to asphalt pavement.

The Contractors Quality Control team shall provide adequate representation during

production paving operations. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to procure all cores for

testing, at locations identified by the Engineer. In addition, it is the responsibility of the

Contractor to fill all core holes with hot-mix asphalt concrete. The Contractor is free to, at

Contractors expense; procure his own set of cores for his own use.



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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2


A. The CALTRANS Standard Specification Section 39-2 for Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement includes

extensive sampling, testing, and acceptance protocols. Ultimate acceptance shall be in

accordance with that specification.

B. Asphalt emulsion tack coat shall be applied in accordance with application rates identified in

the CALTRANS Technical Specification. All excess material shall be cleaned and removed

from the surface.


Asphalt concrete pavement shall be measured by the number of tons of bituminous mixture

used in the accepted work. Recorded batch weights or truck scale weights will be used to

determine the basis for the tonnage.

The installation/application of tack coat is deemed incidental to the overall work. No

measurement or payment for tack coat will occur.

Payment for asphalt concrete surface successfully placed and compacted shall be made at

the contract unit price per ton under Bid Item No. 10; Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete Pavement.

No payment for asphalt concrete delivered to the site and not placed, and no payment for

material rejected by the inspector. Residual asphalt concrete in stockpiles shall be measured

and deducted from pay quantities.

Payment described and made shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for

all operations, hauling and placing of this material, and for all labor, equipment, tools and

incidentals necessary to complete the item.


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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

2.02 Add CALTRANS Technical Specification Section 39-2 Hot Mix Asphalt; Included as

Attachment A of this Addendum.

2.03 Revise text on page 77, Section 21-4 Materials


A. Office Work.

a. Radio

b. Computer

c. Phone

d. Schedule – updated weekly

e. Contractor shall register this project through SMARTS (the California State Water

Quality Control Board web site) and acquire a WDID Number, including payment of all

fees and permit obligations.

f. At the conclusion of the project, the Contractor shall apply for and receive a N.O.T.

B Field Work.

The Contractor shall employ materials in the type, size, and quantity as necessary to

accomplish all the goals of the SWPPP and Water Pollution Control Plans and Drawings.

All erosion and sediment control BMP’s identified in the Storm Water Pollution Control

Plan and implemented in the SWPPP shall comply with the Caltrans or CASQA

Stormwater BMP Handbook.

To now read:


A. Office Work.

a. Radio

b. Computer

c. Phone

d. Schedule – updated weekly

e. Document pre and post storm event inspections

f. Document BMPs that were implemented during the course of the project.

B Field Work.

The Contractor shall employ materials in the type, size, and quantity as necessary to

accomplish all the goals Section 21-1 of this specification.

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

2.04 Revise Text on Page 78 that reads:

K. The contractor shall implement site environmental management activities at the start of

construction, and shall maintain this effort for the duration, until the project Notice of

Termination (N.O.T.) is submitted and approved. The effort shall not subside, and shall include

evenings, weekends, holidays and extended non-work periods and contract suspension periods.

The contractor shall assume this obligation extends for the identified contract time plus 50%.

To now read:

K. The contractor shall implement site environmental management activities at the start of

construction, and shall maintain this effort for the duration of the project. The effort shall not

subside, and shall include evenings, weekends, holidays and extended non-work periods and

contract suspension periods. The contractor shall assume this obligation extends for the identified

contract time plus 50%.

Changes to Plans: None

Answers to Bidders Questions:


Q: Is the hot mix asphalt indexed, per section 9-1.07 Payment Adjustments due to Price Index Fluctuations? A: No, the hot mix asphalt is not indexed for this project.


Q: Would lime treating the hot mix asphalt aggregates be okay as an option? A: All current JMFs meeting the requirements of CALTRANS Section 39-2 are acceptable.


Q: Are the 30 days between coats of striping paint included in the 45 working days or not? Or would there be a suspension between coats if all other work is completed? A: A contract suspension will be issued to cover the 30 days cure period between coats of pavement markings.


/s/ Chris Hastert

General Manager

Attachments: Attachment A – CALTRANS Section 39-2 Hot Mix Asphalt

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

Attachment A

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2


39-2.01 GENERAL 39-2.01A General 39-2.01A(1) Summary Section 39-2.01 includes general specifications for producing and placing hot mix asphalt. HMA includes one or more of the following types: 1. Type A HMA 2. RHMA-G 3. OGFC 4. BWC 5. Minor HMA WMA technologies must be on the Authorized Material List for WMA authorized technologies. For HMA that uses asphalt binder containing crumb rubber modifier, submit a Crumb Rubber Usage Report form monthly and at the end of the project. Wherever reference is made to the following test methods, the year of publication for these test methods is as shown in the following table:

Test method Year of publication

AASHTO M 17 2011 (2015)

AASHTO M 323 2013

AASHTO R 30 2002 (2015)

AASHTO R 59 2011 (2015)

AASHTO T 27 2014

AASHTO T 49 2014

AASHTO T 59 2013

AASHTO T 96 2002 (2010)

AASHTO T 164 2014

AASHTO T 176 2008

AASHTO T 209 2012

AASHTO T 269 2014

AASHTO T 275 2007 (2012)

AASHTO T 283 2014

AASHTO T 304 2011

AASHTO T 305 2014

AASHTO T 308 2010

AASHTO T 312 2014

AASHTO T 313 2012 (2016)

AASHTO T 315 2012 (2016)

AASHTO T 324 2014

AASHTO T 329 2013

AASHTO T 335 2009

ASTM D36/D36M 2014ε1

ASTM D92 2012b

ASTM D217 2010

ASTM D297 2013

ASTM D445 2014

ASTM D1856 2009 (Reapproved 2015)

ASTM D2007 2011

ASTM D2074 2007 (Reapproved 2013)

ASTM D2995 1999 (Reapproved 2009)

ASTM D4791 2010

ASTM D5329 2009

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

ASTM D7741/D7741M 2011ε1

Asphalt Institute MS-2 7th edition (2015)

39-2.01A(2) Definitions binder replacement: Binder from RAP expressed as a percent of the total binder in the mix. coarse aggregate: Aggregate retained on a no. 4 sieve. fine aggregate: Aggregate passing a no. 4 sieve. leveling course: Thin layer of HMA used to correct minor variations in the longitudinal and transverse profile of the pavement before placement of other pavement layers. miscellaneous areas: Areas outside the traveled way and shoulders such as: 1. Median areas not including inside shoulders 2. Island areas 3. Sidewalks 4. Gutters 5. Ditches 6. Overside drains 7. Aprons at ends of drainage structures processed RAP: RAP that has been fractionated. supplemental fine aggregate: Mineral filler consisting of rock dust, slag dust, hydrated lime, hydraulic cement, or any combination of these and complying with AASHTO M 17. 39-2.01A(3) Submittals 39-2.01A(3)(a) General Reserved 39-2.01A(3)(b) Job Mix Formula 39-2.01A(3)(b)(i) General Except for the HMA to be used in miscellaneous areas and dikes, submit your proposed JMF for each type of HMA to be used. The JMF must be submitted on the Contractor Job Mix Formula Proposal form along with: 1. Mix design documentation on a Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data form dated within 12 months of the submittal for the JMF verification. 2. JMF verification on a Caltrans Hot Mix Asphalt Verification form and the Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data form that was submitted for the JMF verification, if applicable. 3. JMF renewal on a Caltrans Job Mix Formula Renewal form, if applicable 4. SDS for: 4.1. Asphalt binder 4.2. Supplemental fine aggregate except fines from dust collectors 4.3. Antistrip additives The Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data form must identify the AASHTO resource accredited lab responsible for the mix design and show documentation on aggregate quality. If you cannot submit a Department-verified JMF on a Caltrans Hot Mix Asphalt Verification form dated within 12 months before HMA production, the Engineer verifies the JMF. Submit a new JMF if you change any of the following: 1. Target asphalt binder percentage greater than ±0.2 percent 2. Asphalt binder supplier 3. Combined aggregate gradation 4. Aggregate sources 5. Liquid antistrip producer or dosage 6. Average binder content in a new processed RAP stockpile by more than ±2.00 percent from the average RAP binder content reported on page 4 of your Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data form 7. Average maximum specific gravity in a new processed RAP stockpile by more than ±0.060 from the average maximum specific gravity value reported on page 4 of your Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data form 8. Any material in the JMF, except lime supplier and source

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

Allow the Engineer 5 business days from a complete JMF submittal for document review of the aggregate qualities, mix design, and JMF. The Engineer notifies you if the proposed JMF submittal is accepted. If your JMF fails verification testing, submit an adjusted JMF based on your testing. The adjusted JMF must include a new Contractor Job Mix Formula Proposal form, Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data form, and the results of the failed verification testing. You may submit an adjusted aggregate gradation TV on a Contractor Job Mix Formula Proposal form before verification testing. Aggregate gradation TV must be within the TV limits specified. 39-2.01A(3)(b)(ii) Job Mix Formula Renewal You may request a JMF renewal by submitting: 1. Proposed JMF on a Contractor Job Mix Formula Proposal form 2. Previously verified JMF documented on a Caltrans Hot Mix Asphalt Verification form dated within 12 months 3. Mix design documentation on a Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data form used for the previously verified JMF 39-2.01A(3)(b)(iii) Job Mix Formula Modification For an authorized JMF, submit a modified JMF if you change any of the following: 1. Asphalt binder supplier 2. Liquid antistrip producer 3. Liquid antistrip dosage You may change any of the above items only once during the Contract. Submit your modified JMF request at least 15 days before production. Each modified JMF submittal must include: 1. Proposed modified JMF on Contractor Job Mix Formula Proposal form, marked Modified. 2. Mix design records on Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data form for the authorized JMF to be modified. 3. JMF verification on Hot Mix Asphalt Verification form for the authorized JMF to be modified. 4. Test results for the modified JMF in compliance with the mix design specifications. Perform tests at the mix design OBC as shown on the Contractor Asphalt Mix Design Data form. With an accepted modified JMF submittal, the Engineer verifies each modified JMF within 10 days of receiving all verification samples. 39-2.01A(3)(c) Quality Control Plan At least 5 business days prior to the pre-paving meeting, submit a QC plan for HMA. The QC plan must describe the organization and procedures for: 1. Controlling HMA quality characteristics 2. Taking samples, including sampling locations 3. Establishing, implementing, and maintaining QC 4. Determining when corrective actions are needed 5. Implementing corrective actions 6. Using methods and materials for backfilling core locations The QC plan must address the elements affecting HMA quality, including: 1. Aggregates 2. Asphalt binder 3. Additives 4. Production 5. Paving The QC plan must include aggregate QC sampling and testing during lime treatment. Allow 5 business days for review of the QC plan. If you change QC procedures, personnel, or sample testing locations, submit a QC plan supplement before implementing the proposed change. Allow 3 business days for review of the QC plan supplement. 39-2.01A(3)(d) Test Results

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

For mix design, JMF verification, production start-up, and each 10,000 tons, submit AASHTO T 283 and AASHTO T 324 (Modified) test results to the Engineer and electronically to: [email protected] Submit all QC test results, except AASHTO T 283 and AASHTO T 324 (Modified), within 3 business days of a request. Submit AASHTO T 283 QC tests within 15 days of sampling. For tests performed under AASHTO T 324 (Modified), submit test data and 1 tested sample set within 5 business days of sampling. If coarse and fine durability index tests are required, submit test results within 2 business days of testing. If a tapered notched wedge is used, submit compaction test result values within 24 hours of testing. 39-2.01A(3)(e) Reserved 39-2.01A(3)(f) Liquid Antistrip Treatment If liquid antistrip treatment is used, submit the following with your proposed JMF submittal: 1. One 1 pt sample 2. Infrared analysis, including copy of absorption spectra 3. Certified copy of test results 4. Certificate of compliance for each liquid antistrip shipment. On each certificate of compliance, include: 4.1. Your signature and printed name 4.2. Shipment number 4.3. Material type 4.4. Material specific gravity 4.5. Refinery 4.6. Consignee 4.7. Destination 4.8. Quantity 4.9. Contact or purchase order number 4.10. Shipment date 5. Proposed proportions for the liquid antistrip For each delivery of liquid antistrip to the HMA production plant, submit a 1 pt sample to METS. Submit shipping documents. Label each liquid antistrip sampling container with: 1. Liquid antistrip type 2. Application rate 3. Sample date 4. Contract number At the end of each day's production shift, submit production data in electronic and printed media. Present data on electronic media in a tab delimited format. Use line feed carriage return with 1 separate record per line for each production data set. Allow enough fields for the specified data. Include data titles at least once per report. For each HMA mixing plant type, submit the following information in the order specified: 1. For batch plant mixing: 1.1. Production date 1.2. Time of batch completion 1.3. Mix size and type 1.4. Each ingredient's weight 1.5. Asphalt binder content as a percentage of the total weight of mix 1.6. Liquid antistrip content as a percentage of the asphalt binder weight 2. For continuous mixing plant: 2.1. Production date 2.2. Data capture time 2.3. Mix size and type 2.4. Flow rate of wet aggregate collected directly from the aggregate weigh belt 2.5. Aggregate moisture content as a percentage of the dry aggregate weight 2.6. Flow rate of asphalt binder collected from the asphalt binder meter 2.7. Flow rate of liquid antistrip collected from the liquid antistrip meter

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

2.8. Asphalt binder content as a percentage of the total weight of mix calculated from: 2.8.1. Aggregate weigh belt output 2.8.2. Aggregate moisture input 2.8.3. Asphalt binder meter output 2.9. Liquid antistrip content as a percentage of the asphalt binder weight calculated from: 2.9.1. Asphalt binder meter output 2.9.2. Liquid antistrip meter output 39-2.01A(3)(g) Lime Treatment If aggregate lime treatment is used, submit the following with your proposed JMF submittal and each time you produce lime-treated aggregate: 1. Exact lime proportions for fine and coarse virgin aggregates 2. If marination is required, the averaged aggregate quality test results within 24 hours of sampling 3. For dry lime aggregate treatment, a treatment data log from the dry lime and aggregate proportioning device in the following order: 3.1. Treatment date 3.2. Time of day the data is captured 3.3. Aggregate size being treated 3.4. HMA type and mix aggregate size 3.5. Wet aggregate flow rate collected directly from the aggregate weigh belt 3.6. Aggregate moisture content, expressed as a percentage of the dry aggregate weight 3.7. Flow rate of dry aggregate calculated from the flow rate of wet aggregate 3.8. Dry lime flow rate 3.9. Lime ratio from the authorized JMF for each aggregate size being treated 3.10. Lime ratio from the authorized JMF for the combined aggregates 3.11. Actual lime ratio calculated from the aggregate weigh belt output, aggregate moisture input, and dry lime meter output, expressed as a percentage of the dry aggregate weight 3.12. Calculated difference between the authorized lime ratio and the actual lime ratio 4. For lime slurry aggregate treatment, a treatment data log from the slurry proportioning device in the following order: 4.1. Treatment date 4.2. Time of day the data is captured 4.3. Aggregate size being treated 4.4. Wet aggregate flow rate collected directly from the aggregate weigh belt 4.5. Moisture content of the aggregate just before treatment, expressed as a percentage of the dry aggregate weight 4.6. Dry aggregate flow rate calculated from the wet aggregate flow rate 4.7. Lime slurry flow rate measured by the slurry meter 4.8. Dry lime flow rate calculated from the slurry meter output 4.9. Authorized lime ratio for each aggregate size being treated 4.10. Actual lime ratio calculated from the aggregate weigh belt and slurry meter output, expressed as a percentage of the dry aggregate weight 4.11. Calculated difference between the authorized lime ratio and actual lime ratio 4.12. Dry lime and water proportions at the slurry treatment time Each day during lime treatment, submit the treatment data log on electronic media in tab delimited format on a removable CD-ROM storage disk. Each continuous treatment data set must be a separate record using a line feed carriage return to present the specified data on 1 line. The reported data must include data titles at least once per report. 39-2.01A(3)(h) Warm Mix Asphalt Technology If a WMA technology is used, submit the following with your proposed JMF submittal: 1. SDS for the WMA technology 2. For water injection foam technology: 2.1. Name of technology 2.2. Proposed foaming water content 2.3. Proposed HMA production temperature range

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

2.4. Certification from binder supplier stating no antifoaming agent is used 3. For additive technology: 3.1. Name of technology 3.2. Percent admixture by weight of binder and percent admixture by total weight of HMA as recommended by the manufacturer 3.3. Methodology for inclusion of admixture in laboratory-produced HMA 3.4. Proposed HMA production temperature range Collect and hold data for the duration of the Contract and submit the electronic media daily. The snapshot of production data must include the following: 1. Production date 2. Production location 3. Time of day the data is captured 4. HMA mix type being produced and target binder rate 5. HMA additive type, brand, and target rate 6. Temperature of the binder and HMA mixture 7. For a continuous mixing plant, the rate of flow of the dry aggregate calculated from the wet aggregate flow rate as determined by the conveyor scale 8. For a continuous mixing plant, the rate of flow of the asphalt meter 9. For a continuous mixing plant, the rate of flow of HMA additive meter 10. For batch plant mixing, actual batch weights of all ingredients 11. Dry aggregate to binder ratio calculated from metered ingredient output 12. Dry aggregate to HMA additive ratio calculated from metered output At the end of each day's production shift, submit electronic and printed media from the HMA plant process controller. Present data on electronic media in comma-separated values or tab-separated values format. The captured data for the ingredients represented by the production snapshot must have allowances for sufficient fields to satisfy the amount of data required by these specifications and include data titles at least once per report. 39-2.01A(3)(i) Reserved 39-2.01A(3)(j) Tack Coat Prior to applying tack coat, submit calculations for the minimum spray rate required to achieve the minimum residual rate. 39-2.01A(3)(k) Reserved 39-2.01A(3)(l) Data Cores Section 39-2.01A(3)(l) applies if a bid item for a data core is shown on the Bid Item List. Submit a summary of data cores taken and a photograph of each data core to the Engineer and to: [email protected] For each data core, the summary must include: 1. Project identification number 2. Date cored 3. Core identification number 4. Type of materials recovered 5. Type and approximate thickness of unstabilized material not recovered 6. Total core thickness 7. Thickness of each individual material to within: 7.1. 1/2 inch for recovered material 7.2. 1.0 inch for unstabilized material 8. Location, including: 8.1. County 8.2. Route 8.3. Post mile 8.4. Lane number 8.5. Lane direction 8.6. Station

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

Each data core digital photograph must include a ruler laid adjacent to the data core. Each photograph must include: 1. Core 2. Project identification number 3. Core identification number 4. Date cored 5. County 6. Route 7. Post mile 8. Lane number 9. Lane direction 39-2.01A(3)(m)–39-2.01A(3)(o) Reserved 39-2.01A(4) Quality Assurance 39-2.01A(4)(a) General AASHTO T 324 (Modified) is AASHTO T 324 with the following parameters: 1. Target air voids must equal 7.0 ± 1.0 percent 2. Specimen height must be 60 ± 1 mm 3. Number of test specimens must be 4 to run 2 tests 4. Do not average the 2 test results 5. Test specimen must be a 150 mm gyratory compacted specimen 6. Test temperature must be set at: 6.1. 113 ± 2 degrees F for PG 58 6.2. 122 ± 2 degrees F for PG 64 6.3. 131 ± 2 degrees F for PG 70 and above 7. Measurements for impression must be taken at every 100 passes along the total length of the sample 8. Inflection point is the number of wheel passes at the intersection of the creep slope and the stripping slope at maximum rut depth 9. Testing shut off must be set at 25,000 passes 10. Submersion time for samples must not exceed 4 hours Take samples under California Test 125. If a WMA technology is used, a technical representative for the WMA technology must attend the preconstruction meeting. 39-2.01A(4)(b) Job Mix Formula Verification The Engineer verifies the JMF from samples taken from HMA produced by the plant to be used. The production set point at the plant must be within ±0.2 from the asphalt binder percentage TV shown in your Contractor Job Mix Formula Proposal form. Notify the Engineer at least 2 business days before sampling materials. Samples may be taken from a different project including a non-Department project if you make arrangements for the Engineer to be present during sampling. In the Engineer's presence and from the same production run, take samples of: 1. Aggregates. Coarse, fine, and supplemental fine aggregates must be taken from the combined cold-feed belt or the hot bins. If lime treatment is required, samples must be taken from individual stockpiles before lime treatment. Samples must be at least 120 lb for each coarse aggregate, 80 lb for each fine aggregate, and 10 lb for each type of supplemental fine aggregate. For hot-bin samples, the Department combines these aggregate samples to verify the TV submitted on a Contractor Job Mix Formula Proposal form. 2. Asphalt binder. Take at least two 1 qt samples. Each sample must be in a cylindrical-shaped can with an open top and friction lid. If the asphalt binder is modified or rubberized, the asphalt binder must be sampled with the components blended in the proportions to be used. 3. RAP. Samples must be at least 50 lb from each fractionated stockpile used or 100 lb from the belt. 4. Plant-produced HMA. The HMA samples must be at least 250 lb.

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Addendum No. 2

For aggregate, RAP, and HMA, split the samples into at least 4 parts and label their containers. Submit 3 parts and keep 1 part. After acceptance of the JMF submittal, the Engineer verifies each proposed JMF within 20 days of receiving all verification samples. For JMF verification, the Engineer tests the following for compliance with the specifications: 1. Aggregate quality 2. Aggregate gradation 3. HMA quality characteristics for Department acceptance To verify the HMA for air voids, voids in mineral aggregate, and dust proportion, the Engineer uses an average of 3 briquettes. The Engineer tests plant-produced material. If the Engineer verifies the JMF, the Engineer furnishes you a Hot Mix Asphalt Verification form. If the Engineer's test results on plant-produced samples do not show compliance with the specifications, the Engineer notifies you. Submit a JMF adjusted after verification failure based on your testing unless the Engineer authorizes reverification without adjustments. Engineer authorized reverification without adjustment is not JMF adjusted after verification failure. A JMF adjusted after verification failure may include a change in: 1. Asphalt binder content TV up to ±0.20 percent from the OBC value submitted on the Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data form 2. Aggregate gradation TV within the TV limits specified in the aggregate gradation table You may adjust the JMF only once due to a failed verification test. For each HMA type and aggregate size specified, the Engineer verifies up to 2 proposed JMF submittals including a JMF adjusted after verification failure. Do not resubmit any of the 2 proposed submittals including a JMF adjusted after verification failure that failed verification on any other Caltrans projects. If you submit more than 2 JMFs for each type of HMA and aggregate size, the Engineer deducts $3,000 from payments for each verification exceeding this limit. This deduction does not apply to verifications initiated by the Engineer or if a JMF expires while HMA production is stopped longer than 30 days. A verified JMF is valid for 12 months. 39-2.01A(4)(c) Job Mix Formula Authorization You may start HMA production if: 1. Engineer's review of the JMF shows compliance with the specifications 2. Department has verified the JMF within 12 months before HMA production 3. Engineer authorizes the verified JMF 39-2.01A(4)(d) Job Mix Formula Renewal For a JMF renewaland upon request, in the Engineer's presence and from the same production run, take samples of: 1. Aggregates. Coarse, fine, and supplemental fine aggregates must be taken from the combined cold-feed belt or the hot bins. If lime treatment is required, samples must be taken from individual stockpiles before lime treatment. Samples must be at least 120 lb for each coarse aggregate, 80 lb for each fine aggregate, and 10 lb for each type of supplemental fines. For hot-bin samples, the Department combines these aggregate samples to verify the TV submitted on a Contractor Job Mix Formula Proposal form. 2. Asphalt binder. Take at least two 1 qt samples. Each sample must be in a cylindrical-shaped can with an open top and friction lid. If the asphalt binder is modified or rubberized, the asphalt binder must be sampled with the components blended in the proportions to be used. 3. RAP. Samples must be at least 50 lb from each fractionated stockpile. 4. Plant-produced HMA. The HMA samples must be at least 250 lb. Notify the Engineer at least 2 business days before sampling materials. For aggregate, RAP, and HMA, split samples into at least 4 parts. Submit 3 parts and use 1 part for your testing. Allow the Engineer 5 business days from a complete JMF reverification submittal for document review of the aggregate qualities, mix design, and JMF.

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Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

The most recent aggregate quality test results within the past 12 months may be used for verification of JMF renewal or upon request, the Engineer may perform aggregate quality tests for verification of JMF renewal. The Engineer verifies the JMF for renewal under section 39-2.01A(4)(b) except: 1. Engineer keeps the samples until you provide test results for your part on a Contractor Job Mix Formula Renewal form. 2. Department tests samples of materials obtained from the HMA production unit after you submit test results that comply with the mix design specifications. 3. After completion of the JMF verification renewal document review, the Engineer verifies each proposed JMF within 20 days of receiving the verification renewal samples and the complete Contractor Job Mix Formula Renewal form. 4. You may not adjust the JMF due to a failed verification. 5. For each HMA type and aggregate gradation specified, the Engineer verifies at no cost to you 1 proposed JMF renewal within a 12-month period. If the Engineer verifies the JMF renewal, the Engineer furnishes you a Hot Mix Asphalt Verification form. The Hot Mix Asphalt Verification form is valid for 12 months. 39-2.01A(4)(e) Job Mix Formula Modification The Engineer verifies the modified JMF after the modified JMF HMA is placed and verification samples are taken within the first 750 tons. The Engineer tests verification samples for compliance with: 1. Hamburg wheel track mix design specifications 2. Air void content 3. Voids in mineral aggregate on plant-produced HMA mix design specifications 4. Dust proportion mix design specifications The Engineer may test for moisture susceptibility for compliance with the mix design specifications. If the modified JMF is verified, the Engineer revises your Hot Mix Asphalt Verification form to include the new asphalt binder source, new liquid antistrip producer, or new liquid antistrip dosage. Your revised form will have the same expiration date as the original form. If a modified JMF is not verified, stop production and any HMA placed using the modified JMF is rejected. The Engineer deducts $2,000 from payments for each JMF modification. 39-2.01A(4)(f) Certifications 39-2.01A(4)(f)(i) General Laboratories testing aggregate and HMA qualities used to prepare the mix design and JMF must be qualified under AASHTO re:source program and the Department's Independent Assurance Program. 39-2.01A(4)(f)(ii) Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Before production, the HMA plant must have a current qualification under the Department's Material Plant Quality Program. 39-2.01A(4)(f)(iii)–39-2.01A(4)(f)(v) Reserved 39-2.01A(4)(g) Reserved 39-2.01A(4)(h) Quality Control 39-2.01A(4)(h)(i) General QC test results must comply with the specifications for Department acceptance. Condition each at-the-plant sample of HMA mixture for AASHTO 324 and AASHTO 283 in compliance with sections 7.1.2, 7.1.3, and 7.1.4 of AASHTO R 30. Condition each at-the-plant sample of HMA mixture when composite aggregate absorption factor is greater than 2.0 percent as indicated by the JMF in compliance with sections 7.1.2, 7.1.3, and 7.1.4 of AASHTO R 30. Prepare 3 briquettes for air voids content and voids in mineral aggregate determination. Report the average of 3 tests. Except for smoothness, if 2 consecutive QC test results or any 3 QC test results for 1 day's production do not comply with the materials specifications: 1. Stop HMA production 2. Notify the Engineer 3. Take corrective action 4. Demonstrate compliance with the specifications before resuming production and placement

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

For QC tests performed under AASHTO T 27, results are considered 1 QC test regardless of number of sieves out of compliance. Do not resume production and placement until the Engineer authorizes your corrective action proposal. 39-2.01A(4)(h)(ii) Reserved 39-2.01A(4)(h)(iii) Aggregates 39-2.01A(4)(h)(iii)(A) General Reserved 39-2.01A(4)(h)(iii)(B) Aggregate Lime Treatments If lime treatment is required, sample coarse and fine aggregates from individual stockpiles before lime treatment. Combine aggregate in the JMF proportions. Test the aggregates under the test methods and frequencies shown in the following table: Aggregate Quality Control During Lime Treatment

Quality characteristic Test method Minimum sampling and testing frequency

Sand equivalenta, b AASHTO T 176 1 per 750 tons of untreated aggregate

Percent of crushed particles AASHTO T 335

1 per 10,000 tons or 2 per project whichever is greater

Los Angeles Rattler AASHTO T 96

Fine aggregate angularity AASHTO T 304, Method A

Flat and elongated particles ASTM D4791 aReport test results as the average of 3 tests from a single sample. bUse of a sand reading indicator is required as shown in AASHTO T 176, Figure 1. Sections 4.7, "Manual Shaker," 7.1.2, "Alternate Method No. 2," and 8.4.3, "Hand Method," do not apply. Prepare the stock solution as specified in section 4.8.1, "Stock solution with formaldehyde," except omit the addition of formaldehyde. For lime slurry aggregate treatment, determine the aggregate moisture content at least once every 2 hours of treatment. Calculate moisture content under AASHTO T 255 and report it as a percent of dry aggregate weight. Use the moisture content calculations as a set point for the proportioning process controller. The device controlling lime and aggregate proportioning must produce a treatment data log. The log must consist of a series of data sets captured at 10-minute intervals throughout daily treatment. The data must be a treatment activity register and not a summation. The material represented by a data set is the quantity produced 5 minutes before and 5 minutes after the capture time. Collected data must be stored by the controller for the duration of the Contract. If 3 consecutive sets of recorded treatment data indicate a deviation of more than 0.2 percent above or below the lime ratio in the authorized JMF, stop treatment and take corrective action. If a set of recorded treatment data indicates a deviation of more than 0.4 percent above or below the lime ratio in the authorized JMF, stop treatment and do not use the material represented by that set of data in HMA. If 20 percent or more of the total daily treatment indicates a deviation of more than 0.2 percent above or below the lime ratio in the authorized JMF, stop treatment and do not use that day's treated aggregate in HMA. The Engineer may order you to stop aggregate treatment activities for any of following: 1. You fail to submit treatment data log. 2. You fail to submit aggregate QC data for marinated aggregate. 3. You submit incomplete, untimely, or incorrectly formatted data. 4. You do not take corrective actions. 5. You take late or unsuccessful corrective actions. 6. You do not stop treatment when proportioning tolerances are exceeded. 7. You use malfunctioning or failed proportioning devices. If you stop treatment for noncompliance, notify the Engineer of any corrective actions taken and conduct a successful 20-minute test run before resuming treatment. 39-2.01A(4)(h)(iv) Liquid Antistrip Treatment For continuous mixing or batch-plant mixing, sample asphalt binder before adding liquid antistrip. For continuous mixing, sample the combined asphalt binder and liquid antistrip after the static mixer.

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

39-2.01A(4)(h)(v) Production Start-up Evaluation You and the Engineer evaluate HMA production and placement at production start-up. Within the first 750 tons produced on the 1st day of HMA production, in the Engineer's presence, and from the same production run, take samples of: 1. Aggregates 2. Asphalt binder 3. RAP 4. HMA Sample aggregates from the combined cold-feed belt or hot bin. Take RAP samples from the RAP system. For aggregates, RAP, and HMA, split the samples into at least 4 parts and label their containers. Submit 3 parts and keep 1 part. You and the Engineer must test the samples and report test results, except for AASHTO T 324 (Modified) and AASHTO T 283 test results, within 5 business days of sampling. For AASHTO T 324 (Modified) and AASHTO T 283 test results, report test results within 15 days of sampling. If you proceed before receipt of the test results, the Engineer may consider the HMA placed to be represented by these test results. Take one 4- or 6-inch diameter density core for each 250 tons or portion thereof of HMA placed. For each density core, the Engineer reports the bulk specific gravity determined under AASHTO T 275, Method A, in addition to the percent of theoretical maximum density. 39-2.01A(4)(h)(vi) Hot Mix Asphalt Density During HMA placement determine HMA density using a nuclear gauge. On the 1st day of production, develop a correlation factor between cores and nuclear gauge under California Test 375. Test for in-place density using cores and a nuclear gauge. Test at random locations you select and include the test results in your QC production tests reports. 39-2.01A(4)(h)(vii) Tapered Notched Wedge Perform QC testing on the completed tapered notched wedge joint as follows: 1. Perform density tests using a calibrated nuclear gauge at a rate of 1 test for every 750-foot section along the joint. Select random locations for testing within each 750-foot section. 2. Perform density tests at the centerline of the joint, 6 inches from the upper vertical notch, after the adjacent lane is placed and before opening the pavement to traffic. 3. Determine theoretical maximum density. 4. Determine percent compaction of the longitudinal joint as the ratio of the daily average density to the maximum density test results. Determine percent compaction values each day the tapered notched wedge joint is completed. If the percent compaction of 1 day's production is less than 91 percent, that day’s notched wedge joint is rejected. Discontinue placement of the tapered notched wedge and notify the Engineer of changes you will make to your construction process to comply with the specifications. 39-2.01A(4)(h)(viii) Density Cores Except for HMA pavement placed using method compaction, take 4- or 6-inch diameter density cores at least once every 5 business days. Take 1 density core for every 250 tons of HMA from random locations the Engineer selects. Take density cores in the Engineer's presence, and backfill and compact holes with authorized material. Before submitting a density core, mark it with the density core's location and place it in a protective container. If a density core is damaged, replace it with a density core taken within 1 foot longitudinally from the original density core location. Relocate any density core located within 1 foot of a rumble strip to 1 foot transversely away from the rumble strip. For a tapered notched wedge joint, take 4- or 6-inch diameter density cores 6 inches from the upper vertical notch of the completed longitudinal joint for every 3,000 feet at locations selected by the Engineer. Take cores after the adjacent lane is placed and before opening the pavement to traffic. Take cores in the presence of the Engineer, and backfill and compact holes with authorized material. Before submitting a density core, mark it with the core's location, and place it in a protective container. 39-2.01A(4)(h)(ix) Reserved 39-2.01A(4)(i) Department Acceptance 39-2.01A(4)(i)(i) General

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

The Department tests treated aggregate for acceptance before lime treatment except for gradation. The Engineer takes HMA samples for AASHTO T 283 and AASHTO T 324 (Modified) from any of the following locations: 1. Plant 2. Truck 3. Windrow The Engineer takes HMA samples for all other tests from any of the following locations: 1. Plant 2. Truck 3. Windrow 4. Mat behind the paver To obtain workability of the HMA sample for splitting, the Engineer reheats each sample of HMA mixture not more than 2 cycles. Each reheat cycle is performed by placing the loose mixture in a mechanical forced-draft oven for 2 hours or less after the sample reaches 140 degrees F. The Engineer conditions each at-the-plant sample of HMA mixture for AASHTO 324 and AASHTO 283 in compliance with sections 7.1.2, 7.1.3, and 7.1.4 of AASHTO R 30. The Engineer conditions each at-the-plant sample of HMA mixture when composite aggregate absorption factor is greater than 2.0 percent as indicated by the JMF in compliance with sections 7.1.2, 7.1.3, and 7.1.4 of AASHTO R 30. No single aggregate or HMA test result may represent more than 750 tons or one day's production, whichever is less, except AASHTO T 283 and AASHTO T 324 (Modified). Except for smoothness, if 2 consecutive Department acceptance test results or any 3 Department acceptance test results for 1 day's production do not comply with the specifications: 1. Stop HMA production 2. Take corrective action 3. Demonstrate compliance with the specifications before resuming production and placement For Department acceptance tests performed under AASHTO T 27, results are considered 1 Department acceptance test regardless of the number of sieves out of compliance. The Engineer accepts HMA based on: 1. Authorized JMF 2. Authorized QC plan 3. Asphalt binder compliance 4. Asphalt emulsion compliance 5. Visual inspection 6. Pavement smoothness 39-2.01A(4)(i)(ii) In-Place Density Except for HMA pavement placed using method compaction, the Engineer tests the density core you take from each 250 tons of HMA. The Engineer determines the percent of theoretical maximum density for each density core by determining the density core's density and dividing by the theoretical maximum density. Density cores must be taken from the final layer, cored through the entire pavement thickness shown. Where OGFC is required, take the density cores before placing OGFC. If the percent of theoretical maximum density does not comply with the specifications, the Engineer must accept the HMA and take a payment deduction as shown in the following table:

Reduced Payment Factors for Percent of Maximum Theoretical Density

HMA percent of maximum theoretical density

Reduced payment factor

HMA percent of maximum theoretical density

Reduced payment factor

91.0 0.0000 97.0 0.0000

90.9 0.0125 97.1 0.0125

90.8 0.0250 97.2 0.0250

90.7 0.0375 97.3 0.0375

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Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

90.6 0.0500 97.4 0.0500

90.5 0.0625 97.5 0.0625

90.4 0.0750 97.6 0.0750

90.3 0.0875 97.7 0.0875

90.2 0.1000 97.8 0.1000

90.1 0.1125 97.9 0.1125

90.0 0.1250 98.0 0.1250

89.9 0.1375 98.1 0.1375

89.8 0.1500 98.2 0.1500

89.7 0.1625 98.3 0.1625

89.6 0.1750 98.4 0.1750

89.5 0.1875 98.5 0.1875

89.4 0.2000 98.6 0.2000

89.3 0.2125 98.7 0.2125

89.2 0.2250 98.8 0.2250

89.1 0.2375 98.9 0.2375

89.0 0.2500 99.0 0.2500

<89.0 Remove and replace >99.0 Remove and replace

For acceptance of a completed tapered notched wedge joint, the Engineer determines density from cores you take every 3,000 feet. 39-2.01A(4)(i)(iii) Pavement Smoothness For areas that require pavement smoothness determined using an inertial profiler, the pavement surface must: 1. Have no areas of localized roughness with an International Roughness Index greater than 160 in/mi 2. Comply with the Mean Roughness Index requirements shown in the following table for a 0.1 mile section:

HMA Pavement Smoothness Acceptance Criteria

HMA thickness Mean Roughness Index requirement

> 0.25 foot 60 in/mi or less

≤ 0.25 foot 75 in/mi or less

Note: These requirements do not apply to the OGFC surface. Smoothness requirements for OGFC are specified in section 39-2.04A(4)(c)(iii).

The final surface of HMA must comply with the Mean Roughness Index requirements before placing OGFC. Correct pavement to the Mean Roughness Index specifications. Areas of localized roughness greater than 160 in/mi must be corrected regardless of the Mean Roughness Index values of a 0.1-mile section. 39-2.01A(4)(i)(iv) Dispute Resolution You and the Engineer must work together to avoid potential conflicts and to resolve disputes regarding test result discrepancies. Notify the Engineer within 5 business days of receiving a test result if you dispute the test result. If you or the Engineer dispute the other's test results, submit your test results and copies of paperwork including worksheets used to determine the disputed test results. An independent third party performs referee testing. Before the third party participates in a dispute resolution, it must be qualified under AASHTO re:source program, and the Department's Independent Assurance Program. The independent third party must have no prior direct involvement with this Contract. By mutual agreement, the independent third party is chosen from: 1. Department laboratory in a district or region not in the district or region the project is located 2. Transportation Laboratory 3. Laboratory not currently employed by you or your HMA producer

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

If the Department's portion of the split QC samples or acceptance samples are not available, the independent third party uses any available material representing the disputed HMA for evaluation. For a dispute involving JMF verification, the independent third party performs referee testing as specified in the 5th paragraph of section 39-2.01A(4)(b). If the independent third party determines the Department's test results are valid, the Engineer deducts the independent third party's testing costs from payments. If the independent third party determines your test results are valid, the Department pays the independent third party's testing costs. 39-2.01B Materials 39-2.01B(1) General Reserved 39-2.01B(2) Mix Design 39-2.01B(2)(a) General The HMA mix design must comply with the superpave HMA mix design as described in MS-2 Asphalt Mix Design Methods by the Asphalt Institute. The Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data form must show documentation on aggregate quality. 39-2.01B(2)(b) Hot Mix Asphalt Treatments If the proposed JMF indicates that the aggregate is being treated with dry lime or lime slurry with marination, or the HMA with liquid antistrip, then testing the untreated aggregate under AASHTO T 283 and AASHTO T 324 is not required. If HMA treatment is required or being used by the Contractor, determine the plasticity index of the aggregate blend under California Test 204. Do not use an aggregate blend with a plasticity index greater than 10. If the plasticity index is from 4 to 10, treat the aggregate blend with dry lime with marination or lime slurry with marination. If the plasticity index is less than 4, treat the aggregate blend with dry lime or lime slurry with marination, or treat the HMA with liquid antistrip. 39-2.01B(2)(c) Warm Mix Asphalt Technology For HMA with WMA additive technology, produce HMA mix samples for your mix design using your methodology for inclusion of WMA admixture in laboratory-produced HMA. Cure the samples in a forced-air draft oven at 275 degrees F for 4 hours ± 10 minutes. For WMA water injection foam technology, the use of foamed asphalt for mix design is not required. 39-2.01B(3) Asphalt Binder Asphalt binder must comply with section 92. For a leveling course, the grade of asphalt binder for the HMA must be PG 64-10 or PG 64-16. 39-2.01B(4) Aggregates 39-2.01B(4)(a) General Aggregates must be clean and free from deleterious substances. The aggregates for a leveling course must comply with the gradation specifications for Type A HMA in section 39-2.02B. 39-2.01B(4)(b) Aggregate Gradations Aggregate gradation must be determined before the addition of asphalt binder and must include supplemental fine aggregates. Test for aggregate gradation under AASHTO T 27. Do not wash the coarse aggregate. Wash the fine aggregate only. Use a mechanical sieve shaker. Aggregate shaking time must not exceed 10 minutes for each coarse and fine aggregate portion. Choose a TV within the TV limits shown in the tables titled "Aggregate Gradations." Gradations are based on nominal maximum aggregate size. 39-2.01B(4)(c) Aggregate Lime Treatments 39-2.01B(4)(c)(i) General If aggregate lime treatment is required as specified in section 39-2.01B(2)(b), the virgin aggregate must comply with the aggregate quality specifications. Lime for treating aggregate must comply with section 24-2.02. Water for lime treatment of aggregate with lime slurry must comply with section 24-1.02B. Notify the Engineer at least 24 hours before the start of aggregate treatment. Do not treat RAP.

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

The lime ratio is the pounds of dry lime per 100 lb of dry virgin aggregate expressed as a percentage. Water content of slurry or untreated aggregate must not affect the lime ratio. Coarse and fine aggregate fractions must have the lime ratio ranges shown in the following table:

Aggregate fractions Lime ratio percent

Coarse 0.4–1.0

Fine 1.5–2.0

Combined 0.8–1.5

The lime ratio for fine and coarse aggregate must be within ±0.2 percent of the lime ratio in the accepted JMF. The lime ratio must be within ±0.2 percent of the authorized lime ratio when you combine the individual aggregate sizes in the JMF proportions. The lime ratio must be determined before the addition of RAP. If marination is required, marinate treated aggregate in stockpiles from 24 hours to 60 days before using in HMA. Do not use aggregate marinated longer than 60 days. Treated aggregate must not have lime balls or clods. 39-2.01B(4)(c)(ii) Dry Lime If marination is required: 1. Treat and marinate coarse and fine aggregates separately 2. Treat the aggregate and stockpile for marination only once 3. Treat the aggregate separately from HMA production Proportion dry lime by weight with an automatic continuous proportioning system. If you use a batch-type proportioning system for HMA production, control proportioning in compliance with the specifications for continuous mixing plants. Use a separate dry lime aggregate treatment system for HMA batch mixing including: 1. Pugmill mixer 2. Controller 3. Weigh belt for the lime 4. Weigh belt for the aggregate If a continuous mixing plant for HMA production without lime-marinated aggregates is used, use a controller that measures the blended aggregate weight after any additional water is added to the mixture. The controller must determine the quantity of lime added to the aggregate from the aggregate weigh belt input in connection with the manually input total aggregate moisture, the manually input target lime content, and the lime proportioning system output. Use a continuous aggregate weigh belt and pugmill mixer for lime treatment in addition to the weigh belt for the aggregate proportioning to asphalt binder in the HMA plant. If you use a water meter for moisture control for lime treatment, the meter must comply with Department's MPQP manual. When mixing dry lime with aggregate, the aggregate moisture content must ensure complete lime coating. The aggregate moisture content must not cause aggregate to be lost between the point of weighing the combined aggregate continuous stream and the dryer. Add water to the aggregate for mixing and coating before dry lime addition. Immediately before mixing lime with aggregate, water must not visibly separate from the aggregate. Mix aggregate, water, and dry lime with a continuous pugmill mixer with twin shafts. Immediately before mixing lime with aggregate, water must not visibly separate from the aggregate. Store dry lime in a uniform and free-flowing condition. Introduce dry lime to the pugmill in a continuous process. The introduction must occur after the aggregate cold feed and before the point of proportioning across a weigh belt and the aggregate dryer. Prevent loss of dry lime. The pugmill must be equipped with paddles arranged to provide sufficient mixing action and mixture movement. The pugmill must produce a homogeneous mixture of uniformly coated aggregates at mixer discharge. If the aggregate treatment process is stopped longer than 1 hour, clean the equipment of partially treated aggregate and lime. Aggregate must be completely treated before introduction into the mixing drum. 39-2.01B(4)(c)(iii) Lime Slurry

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

For lime slurry aggregate treatment, treat aggregate separate from HMA production. Stockpile and marinate the aggregate. Proportion lime and water with a continuous or batch mixing system. Add lime to the aggregate as slurry consisting of mixed dry lime and water at a ratio of 1 part lime to from 2 to 3 parts water by weight. The slurry must completely coat the aggregate. Immediately before mixing lime slurry with the aggregate, water must not visibly separate from the aggregate. Proportion lime slurry and aggregate by weight in a continuous process. 39-2.01B(5) Liquid Antistrip Treatment Liquid antistrip must be from 0.25 to 1.0 percent by weight of asphalt binder. Do not use liquid antistrip as a substitute for asphalt binder. Liquid antistrip total amine value must be 325 minimum when tested under ASTM D2074. Use only 1 liquid antistrip type or brand at a time. Do not mix liquid antistrip types or brands. Store and mix liquid antistrip under the manufacturer's instructions. 39-2.01B(6)–39-2.01B(7) Reserved 39-2.01B(8) Hot Mix Asphalt Production 39-2.01B(8)(a) General Do not start HMA production before verification and authorization of JMF. The HMA plant must have a current qualification under the Department's Material Plant Quality Program. Weighing and metering devices used for the production of HMA modified with additives must comply with the Department's MPQP. If a loss-in-weight meter is used for dry HMA additive, the meter must have an automatic and integral material delivery control system for the refill cycle. Calibrate the loss-in-weight meter by: 1. Including at least 1 complete system refill cycle during each calibration test run 2. Operating the device in a normal run mode for 10 minutes immediately before starting the calibration process 3. Isolating the scale system within the loss-in-weight feeder from surrounding vibration 4. Checking the scale system within the loss-in-weight feeder for accuracy before and after the calibration process and daily during mix production 5. Using a minimum 15 minute or minimum 250 lb test run size for a dry ingredient delivery rate of less than 1 ton per hour. 6. Complying with the limits of Table B, "Conveyor Scale Testing Extremes," in the Department's MPQP Proportion aggregate by hot or cold-feed control. Aggregate temperature must not be more than 375 degrees F when mixed with the asphalt binder. Asphalt binder temperature must be from 275 to 375 degrees F when mixed with aggregate. Mix HMA ingredients into a homogeneous mixture of coated aggregates. HMA must be produced at the temperatures shown in the following table:

HMA Production Temperatures

HMA compaction Temperature (°F)


Density based Method

≤ 325 305–325

HMA with WMA technology

Density based Method

240–325 260–325

If you stop production for longer than 30 days, a production start-up evaluation is required. 39-2.01B(8)(b) Liquid Antistrip If 3 consecutive sets of recorded production data show that the actual delivered liquid antistrip weight is more than ±1 percent of the authorized mix design liquid antistrip weight, stop production and take corrective action.

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Santa Maria Public Airport District

Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

If a set of recorded production data shows that the actual delivered liquid antistrip weight is more than ±2 percent of the authorized mix design liquid antistrip weight, stop production. If the liquid antistrip weight exceeds 1.2 percent of the asphalt binder weight, do not use the HMA represented by that data. The continuous mixing plant controller proportioning the HMA must produce a production data log. The log must consist of a series of data sets captured at 10-minute intervals throughout daily production. The data must be a production activity register and not a summation. The material represented by the data is the quantity produced 5 minutes before and 5 minutes after the capture time. For the duration of the Contract, the collected data must be stored by the plant controller or a computer's memory at the plant. The Engineer orders proportioning activities stopped for any of the following reasons: 1. You fail to submit data 2. You submit incomplete, untimely, or incorrectly formatted data 3. You fail to take corrective actions 4. You take late or unsuccessful corrective actions 5. You fail to stop production when proportioning tolerances are exceeded 6. You use malfunctioning or failed proportioning devices If you stop production, notify the Engineer of any corrective actions taken before resuming. 39-2.01B(8)(c) Warm Mix Asphalt Technology Proportion all ingredients by weight. The HMA plant process controller must be the sole source of ingredient proportioning control and be fully interfaced with all scales and meters used in the production process. The addition of the HMA additive must be controlled by the plant process controller. Liquid ingredient additive, including a normally dry ingredient made liquid, must be proportioned with a mass flow meter at continuous mixing plants. Use a mass flow meter or a container scale to proportion liquid additives at batch mixing plants. Continuous mixing plants using HMA additives must comply with the following: 1. Dry ingredient additives for continuous production must be proportioned with a conveyor scale or a loss-in-weight meter. 2. HMA plant process controller and ingredient measuring systems must be capable of varying all ingredient-feed rates proportionate with the dry aggregate delivery at all production rates and rate changes. 3. Liquid HMA additive must enter the production stream with the binder. Dry HMA additive must enter the production stream at or before the mixing area. 4. If dry HMA additives are used at continuous mixing HMA plants, bag-house dust systems must return all captured material to the mix. This requirement is waived for lime-treated aggregates. 5. HMA additive must be proportioned to within ±0.3 percent of the target additive rate. Batch mixing plants using HMA additives must comply with the following: 1. Metered HMA additive must be placed in an intermediate holding vessel before being added to the stream of asphalt binder as it enters the pugmill. 2. If a container scale is used, weigh additive before combining with asphalt binder. Keep the container scale separate from other ingredient proportioning. The container scale capacity must be no more than twice the volume of the maximum additive batch size. The container scale's graduations must be smaller than the proportioning tolerance or 0.001 times the container scale capacity. 3. Dry HMA additive proportioning devices must be separate from metering devices for the aggregates and asphalt binder. Proportion dry HMA additive directly into the pugmill, or place in an intermediate holding vessel to be added to the pugmill at the appropriate time in the batch cycle. Dry ingredients for batch production must be proportioned with a hopper scale. 4. Zero tolerance for the HMA additive batch scale is ±0.5 percent of the target additive weight. The indicated HMA additive batch scale weight may vary from the preselected weight setting by up to ±1.0 percent of the target additive weight. 39-2.01B(9) Geosynthetic Pavement Interlayer Geosynthetic pavement interlayer must comply with the specifications for pavement fabric, paving mat, paving grid, paving geocomposite grid, or geocomposite strip membrane as shown. The asphalt binder for geosynthetic pavement interlayer must be PG 64-10, PG 64-16, or PG 70-10. 39-2.01B(10) Tack Coat

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Addendum No. 2

Tack coat must comply with the specifications for asphaltic emulsion or asphalt binder. Choose the type and grade of emulsion or binder. 39-2.01B(11) Miscellaneous Areas and Dikes For miscellaneous areas and dikes: 1. Choose the aggregate gradation from: 1.1. 3/8-inch Type A HMA aggregate gradation 1.2. 1/2-inch Type A HMA aggregate gradation 1.3. dike mix aggregate gradation 2. Choose asphalt binder Grade PG 64-10, PG 64-16 or PG 70-10. 3. Minimum asphalt binder content must be: 3.1. 6.40 percent for 3/8-inch Type A HMA aggregate gradation 3.2. 5.70 percent for 1/2-inch Type A HMA aggregate gradation 3.3. 6.00 percent for dike mix aggregate gradation If you request and the Engineer authorizes, you may reduce the minimum asphalt binder content. Aggregate gradation for dike mix must be within the TV limits for the specified sieve size shown in the following table:

Dike Mix Aggregate Gradation (Percentage Passing)

Sieve size Target value limit Allowable tolerance

1/2" 100 --

3/8" --- 95 - 100

No. 4 73–77 TV ± 10

No. 8 58–63 TV ± 10

No. 30 29–34 TV ± 10

No. 200 0 - 14

For HMA used in miscellaneous areas and dikes, sections 39-2.01A(3), 39-2.01A(4), 39-2.01B(2), 39-2.01B(4)(c), and 39-2.01B(5)–(10) do not apply. 39-2.01C Construction 39-2.01C(1) General Do not place HMA on wet pavement or frozen surface. You may deposit HMA in a windrow and load it in the paver if: 1. Paver is equipped with a hopper that automatically feeds the screed 2. Loading equipment can pick up the windrowed material and deposit it in the paver hopper without damaging base material 3. Activities for depositing, pickup, loading, and paving are continuous 4. For method compaction: 4.1. The temperature of the HMA and the HMA produced with WMA water injection technology in the windrow does not fall below 260 degrees F 4.2. The temperature of the HMA produced using WMA additive technology in the windrow does not fall below 250 degrees F HMA placed in a windrow on the roadway surface must not extend more than 250 feet in front of the loading equipment or material transfer vehicle. You may place HMA in 1 or more layers on areas less than 5 feet wide and outside the traveled way, including shoulders. You may use mechanical equipment other than a paver for these areas. The equipment must produce uniform smoothness and texture. HMA handled, spread, or windrowed must not stain the finished surface of any improvement, including pavement. Do not use petroleum products such as kerosene or diesel fuel to release HMA from trucks, spreaders, or compactors. HMA must be free of: 1. Segregation 2. Coarse or fine aggregate pockets

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3. Hardened lumps 4. Marks 5. Tearing 6. Irregular texture Complete finish rolling activities before the pavement surface temperature is: 1. Below 150 degrees F for HMA with unmodified binder 2. Below 140 degrees F for HMA with modified binder 39-2.01C(2) Spreading and Compacting Equipment 39-2.01C(2)(a) General Paving equipment for spreading must be: 1. Self-propelled 2. Mechanical 3. Equipped with a screed or strike-off assembly that can distribute HMA the full width of a traffic lane 4. Equipped with a full-width compacting device 5. Equipped with automatic screed controls and sensing devices that control the thickness, longitudinal grade, and transverse screed slope Install and maintain grade and slope references. The screed must be heated and produce a uniform HMA surface texture without tearing, shoving, or gouging. The paver must not leave marks such as ridges and indentations unless you can eliminate them by rolling. Rollers must be equipped with a system that prevents HMA from sticking to the wheels. You may use a parting agent that does not damage the HMA or impede the bonding of layers. In areas inaccessible to spreading and compacting equipment: 1. Spread the HMA by any means to obtain the specified lines, grades, and cross sections 2. Use a pneumatic tamper, plate compactor, or equivalent to achieve thorough compaction 39-2.01C(2)(b) Material Transfer Vehicle If a material transfer vehicle is specified, the material transfer vehicle must have sufficient capacity to prevent stopping the paver and must be capable of: 1. Either receiving HMA directly from trucks or using a windrow pickup head to load it from a windrow deposited on the roadway surface 2. Remixing the HMA with augers before transferring into the paver's receiving hopper or feed system 3. Transferring HMA directly into the paver's receiving hopper or feed system 39-2.01C(2)(c) Method Compaction Equipment For method compaction, each paver spreading HMA must be followed by at least one of each of the following 3 types of rollers: 1. Breakdown roller must be a vibratory roller specifically designed to compact HMA. The roller must be capable of at least 2,500 vibrations per minute and must be equipped with amplitude and frequency controls. The roller's gross static weight must be at least 7.5 tons. 2. Intermediate roller must be an oscillating-type pneumatic-tired roller at least 4 feet wide. Pneumatic tires must be of equal size, diameter, type, and ply. The tires must be inflated to 60 psi minimum and maintained so that the air pressure does not vary more than 5 psi. 3. Finishing roller must be a steel-tired, 2-axle tandem roller. The roller's gross static weight must be at least 7.5 tons. Each roller must have a separate operator. Rollers must be self-propelled and reversible. 39-2.01C(2)(d)–39-2.01C(2)(f) Reserved 39-2.01C(3) Surface Preparation 39-2.01C(3)(a) General

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Before placing HMA, remove loose paving particles, dirt, and other extraneous material by any means including flushing and sweeping. 39-2.01C(3)(b) Subgrade Prepare subgrade to receive HMA under the sections for the material involved. Subgrade must be free of loose and extraneous material. 39-2.01C(3)(c) Reserved 39-2.01C(3)(d) Prepaving Inertial Profiler Section 39-2.01C(3)(d) applies to existing asphalt concrete surfaces receiving an HMA overlay if a bid item for prepaving inertial profiler is shown on the Bid Item List. Before starting paving activities, perform prepaving inertial profiler measurements. Prepaving inertial profiler work includes taking profiles of the existing pavement and analyzing the data with ProVAL to determine existing pavement International Roughness Index, Mean Roughness Index, and areas of localized roughness. If the Contract includes cold planing, take prepaving inertial profiler measurements before cold planning. If the Contract includes replace asphalt concrete surfacing, take prepaving inertial profiler measurements after replacing the asphalt concrete surfacing. 39-2.01C(3)(e) Prepaving Grinding Section 39-2.01C(3)(e) applies to existing asphalt concrete surfaces: 1. That will not be cold planned or milled 2. That will receive an HMA overlay less than or equal to 0.25 foot exclusive of OGFC 3. If a bid item for prepaving grinding day is shown on the Bid Item List After performing prepaving inertial profiling, correct areas of localized roughness greater than 180 in/mi. Notify the Engineer of those areas of localized roughness that cannot be corrected by prepaving grinding according to the ProVAL smoothness assurance analysis grinding report. The Engineer responds to your notification within 5 business days. For those areas of localized roughness that cannot be corrected by grinding, the Engineer may order you to either (1) not correct the areas of localized roughness or (2) correct areas of localized roughness by a different method and take profiles of the corrected areas with an inertial profiler. Corrective work performed by a different method, taking profiles of the corrected areas, the associated traffic control is change order work. If ordered not to correct areas of localized roughness, the smoothness specifications do not apply to the final pavement surface placed in those areas. After correcting areas of localized roughness, take profiles of the corrected area and submit profile data as specified in section 36-3.01C(3). Dispose of grinding residue. Pave within 7 days of correcting areas. The final pavement surface must comply with section 39-2.01A(4)(i)(iii). If the Engineer determines more time is required for prepaving grinding than the Contract allows for and if prepaving grinding is a controlling activity, the Engineer makes a time adjustment. 39-2.01C(3)(f) Tack Coat Apply a tack coat: 1. To existing pavement including planed surfaces 2. Between HMA layers 3. To vertical surfaces of: 3.1. Curbs 3.2. Gutters 3.3. Construction joints Equipment for the application of tack coat must comply with section 37-1.03B. Before placing HMA, apply a tack coat in 1 application at the minimum residual rate shown in the following table for the condition of the underlying surface: Tack Coat Application Rates for HMA

HMA over: Minimum residual rates (gal/sq yd)

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CSS1/CSS1h, SS1/SS1h and QS1h/CQS1h asphaltic emulsion

CRS1/CRS2, RS1/RS2 and QS1/CQS1 asphaltic emulsion

Asphalt binder and PMRS2/PMCRS2 and PMRS2h/PMCRS2h asphaltic emulsion

New HMA (between layers) 0.02 0.03 0.02

Concrete pavement and existing asphalt concrete surfacing

0.03 0.04 0.03

Planed pavement 0.05 0.06 0.04

If a stress absorbing membrane interlayer as specified in section 37-2.05 is applied, the tack coat application rates for new HMA apply. Notify the Engineer if you dilute asphaltic emulsion with water. The weight ratio of added water to asphaltic emulsion must not exceed 1 to 1. Measure added water either by weight or volume under section 9-1.02 or use water meters from water districts, cities, or counties. If you measure water by volume, apply a conversion factor to determine the correct weight. With each dilution, submit: 1. Weight ratio of water to bituminous material in the original asphaltic emulsion 2. Weight of asphaltic emulsion before diluting 3. Weight of added water 4. Final dilution weight ratio of water to asphaltic emulsion Apply a tack coat to vertical surfaces with a residual rate that will thoroughly coat the vertical face without running off. If authorized, you may: 1. Change tack coat rates 2. Omit tack coat between layers of new HMA during the same work shift if: 2.1. No dust, dirt, or extraneous material is present 2.2. Surface is at least 140 degrees F Immediately in advance of placing HMA, apply additional tack coat to damaged areas or where loose or extraneous material is removed. Close areas receiving tack coat to traffic. Do not allow the tracking of tack coat onto pavement surfaces beyond the job site. If you use an asphalt binder for tack coat, the asphalt binder temperature must be from 285 to 350 degrees F when applied. 39-2.01C(3)(g) Geosynthetic Pavement Interlayer Where shown, place geosynthetic pavement interlayer over a coat of asphalt binder and in compliance with the manufacturer's instructions. Do not place the interlayer on a wet or frozen surface. If the interlayer, in compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions, does not require asphalt binder, do not apply asphalt binder before placing the interlayer. Before placing the interlayer or asphalt binder: 1. Repair cracks 1/4 inch and wider, spalls, and holes in the pavement. This repair is change order work. 2. Clean the pavement of loose and extraneous material. If the interlayer requires asphalt binder, immediately before placing the interlayer, apply asphalt binder at a rate specified by the interlayer manufacturer; at 0.25±0.03 gal per square yard of interlayer; or at a rate that just saturates the interlayer; whichever is greater. Apply asphalt binder the width of the interlayer plus 3 inches on each side. At an interlayer overlap, apply asphalt binder on the lower interlayer the same overlap distance as the upper interlayer. If asphalt binder tracked onto the interlayer or brought to the surface by construction equipment causes interlayer displacement, cover it with a small quantity of HMA.

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If the interlayer placement does not require asphalt binder, apply tack coat prior to placing HMA at the application rates specified under section 39-2.01C(3)(f) based on the condition of the underlying surface on which the interlayer was placed. Align and place the interlayer with no overlapping wrinkles, except a wrinkle that overlaps may remain if it is less than 1/2 inch thick. If the overlapping wrinkle is more than 1/2 inch thick, cut the wrinkle out and overlap the interlayer no more than 2 inches. Overlap the interlayer borders between 2 to 4 inches. In the direction of paving, overlap the following roll with the preceding roll at any break. You may use rolling equipment to correct distortions or wrinkles in the interlayer. Before placing HMA on the interlayer, do not expose the interlayer to: 1. Traffic, except for crossings under traffic control and only after you place a small HMA quantity 2. Sharp turns from construction equipment 3. Damaging elements Pave HMA on the interlayer during the same work shift. The minimum HMA thickness over the interlayer must be 0.12 foot including at conform tapers. 39-2.01C(4) Longitudinal Joints 39-2.01C(4)(a) General Longitudinal joints in the top layer must match lane lines. Alternate the longitudinal joint offsets in the lower layers at least 0.5 foot from each side of the lane line. Other longitudinal joint placement patterns are allowed if authorized. A vertical longitudinal joint of more than 0.15 foot is not allowed at any time between adjacent lanes open to traffic. For an HMA thickness of 0.15 foot or less, the distance between the ends of the adjacent surfaced lanes at the end of each day's work must not be greater than can be completed in the following day of normal paving. For an HMA thickness greater than 0.15 foot, you must place HMA on adjacent traveled way lanes or shoulder such that at the end of each work shift the distance between the ends of HMA layers on adjacent lanes is from 5 to 10 feet. Place additional HMA along the transverse edge at each lane's end and along the exposed longitudinal edges between adjacent lanes. Hand rake and compact the additional HMA to form temporary conforms. You may place kraft paper or other authorized release agent under the conform tapers to facilitate the taper removal when paving activities resume. If placing HMA against the edge of existing pavement, saw cut or grind the pavement straight and vertical along the joint and remove extraneous material. 39-2.01C(4)(b) Tapered Notched Wedge For divided highways with an HMA lift thickness greater than 0.15 foot, you may construct a 1-foot wide tapered notched wedge joint as a longitudinal joint between adjacent lanes open to traffic. A vertical notch of 0.75 inch maximum must be placed at the top and bottom of the tapered wedge. The tapered notched wedge must keep its shape while exposed to traffic. Pave the adjacent lane within 1 day. Construct the tapered portion of the tapered notched wedge with an authorized strike-off device. The strike-off device must provide a uniform slope and must not restrict the main screed of the paver. You may use a device attached to the screed to construct longitudinal joints that will form a tapered notched wedge in a single pass. The tapered notched wedge must be compacted to a minimum of 91 percent compaction. 39-2.01C(5) Pavement Edge Treatments Construct edge treatment on the HMA pavement as shown. Where a tapered edge is required, use the same type of HMA used for the adjacent lane or shoulder. The edge of roadway where the tapered edge is to be placed must have a solid base, free of debris such as loose material, grass, weeds, or mud. Grade the areas to receive the tapered edge as required. The tapered edge must be placed monolithic with the adjacent lane or shoulder and must be shaped and compacted with a device attached to the paver. The device must be capable of shaping and compacting HMA to the required cross section as shown. Compaction must be accomplished by constraining the HMA to reduce the cross sectional area by 10 to 15 percent. The device must produce a uniform surface texture without tearing, shoving, or gouging and

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must not leave marks such as ridges and indentations. The device must be capable of transitioning to cross roads, driveways, and obstructions. For the tapered edge, the angle of the slope must not deviate by more than ±5 degrees from the angle shown. Measure the angle from the plane of the adjacent finished pavement surface. If paving is done in multiple lifts, the tapered edge must be placed with each lift. Short sections of hand work are allowed to construct tapered edge transitions. 39-2.01C(6) Widening Existing Pavement If widening existing pavement, construct new pavement structure to match the elevation of the existing pavement's edge before placing HMA over the existing pavement. 39-2.01C(7) Shoulders, Medians, and Other Road Connections Until the adjoining through lane's top layer has been paved, do not pave the top layer of: 1. Shoulders 2. Tapers 3. Transitions 4. Road connections 5. Driveways 6. Curve widenings 7. Chain control lanes 8. Turnouts 9. Turn pockets If the number of lanes changes, pave each through lane's top layer before paving a tapering lane's top layer. Simultaneous to paving a through lane's top layer, you may pave an adjoining area's top layer, including shoulders. Do not operate spreading equipment on any area's top layer until completing final compaction. If shoulders or median borders are shown, pave shoulders and median borders adjacent to the lane before opening a lane to traffic. If shoulder conform tapers are shown, place conform tapers concurrently with the adjacent lane's paving. If a driveway or a road connection is shown, place additional HMA along the pavement's edge to conform to road connections and driveways. Hand rake, if necessary, and compact the additional HMA to form a smooth conform taper. 39-2.01C(8) Leveling Section 39-2.01C(8) applies if a bid item for hot mix asphalt (leveling) is shown on the Bid Item List. Fill and level irregularities and ruts with HMA before spreading HMA over the base, existing surfaces, or bridge decks. You may use mechanical equipment other than a paver for these areas. The equipment must produce uniform smoothness and texture. HMA used to change an existing surface's cross slope or profile is not paid for as hot mix asphalt (leveling). 39-2.01C(9) Miscellaneous Areas and Dikes Prepare the area to receive HMA for miscellaneous areas and dikes, including excavation and backfill as needed. Spread the HMA in miscellaneous areas in 1 layer and compact to the specified lines and grades. In median areas adjacent to slotted median drains, each layer of HMA must not exceed 0.20 foot maximum compacted thickness. The finished surface must be: 1. Textured uniformly 2. Compacted firmly 3. Without depressions, humps, and irregularities 39-2.01C(10)–39-2.01C(14) Reserved 39-2.01C(15) Compaction 39-2.01C(15)(a) General Rolling must leave the completed surface compacted and smooth without tearing, cracking, or shoving. If a vibratory roller is used as a finish roller, turn the vibrator off. Do not open new HMA pavement to traffic until its mid depth temperature is below 160 degrees F. If the surface to be paved is both in sunlight and shade, pavement surface temperatures are taken in the shade.

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39-2.01C(15)(b) Method Compaction Use method compaction for any of the following conditions: 1. HMA pavement thickness shown is less than 0.15 foot 2. Replace asphalt concrete surfacing 3. Leveling courses 4. Areas the Engineer determines conventional compaction and compaction measurement methods are impeded HMA compaction coverage is the number of passes needed to cover the paving width. A pass is 1 roller's movement parallel to the paving in either direction. Overlapping passes are part of the coverage being made and are not a subsequent coverage. Do not start a coverage until completing the prior coverage. Method compaction must consist of performing: 1. Breakdown compaction of each layer with 3 coverages using a vibratory roller. The speed of the vibratory roller in miles per hour must not exceed the vibrations per minute divided by 1,000. If the HMA layer thickness is less than 0.08 foot, turn the vibrator off. 2. Intermediate compaction of each layer of HMA with 3 coverages using a pneumatic-tired roller at a speed not to exceed 5 mph. 3. Finish compaction of HMA with 1 coverage using a steel-tired roller. Start rolling at the lower edge and progress toward the highest part. The Engineer may order fewer coverages if the layer thickness of HMA is less than 0.15 foot. The compacted lift thickness must not exceed 0.25 foot. 39-2.01C(15)(c)–39-2.01C(15)(e) Reserved 39-2.01C(16) Smoothness Corrections If the pavement surface does not comply with section 39-2.01A(4)(i)(iii), grind the pavement to within specified tolerances, remove and replace the pavement, or place an overlay of HMA. Do not start corrective work until your method is authorized. Do not use equipment with carbide cutting teeth to grind the pavement unless authorized. Smoothness corrections must leave at least 75 percent of the specified HMA thickness. If ordered, core the pavement at the locations selected by the Engineer. Coring, including traffic control, is change order work. Remove and replace deficient pavement areas where the overlay thickness is less than 75 percent of the thickness specified. Corrected HMA pavement areas must be uniform rectangles, half the lane width, with edges: 1. Parallel to and along the nearest HMA pavement edge or lane line 2. Perpendicular to the pavement centerline On ground areas not to be overlaid with OGFC, apply a fog seal under section 37-4.02. Where corrections are made within areas requiring testing with inertial profiler, reprofile the entire lane length with the inertial profiler. Where corrections are made within areas requiring testing with a 12-foot straightedge, retest the corrected area with the straightedge. 39-2.01C(17) Data Cores Section 39-2.01C(17) applies if a bid item for data core is shown on the Bid Item List. Take data cores of the completed HMA pavement, underlying base, and subbase material. Notify the Engineer 3 business days before coring. Protect data cores and surrounding pavement from damage. Take 4-inch or 6-inch diameter data cores: 1. At the beginning, end, and every 1/2 mile within the paving limits of each route on the project 2. After all paving is complete 3. From the center of the specified lane On a 2-lane roadway, take data cores from either lane. On a 4-lane roadway, take data cores from the outermost lane in each direction. On a roadway with more than 4 lanes, take data cores from the innermost lane and the outermost lane in each direction. Each core must include the stabilized materials encountered. You may choose not to recover unstabilized material but you must identify the material. Unstabilized material includes any of the following:

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1. Granular material 2. Crumbled or cracked stabilized material 3. Sandy or clayey soil Where data core samples are taken, backfill and compact the holes with an authorized material. After data core summary and photograph submittal, dispose of cores. 39-2.01D Payment The payment quantity for geosynthetic pavement interlayer is the area measured from the actual pavement covered. Except for tack coat used in minor HMA, payment for tack coat is not included in the payment for hot mix asphalt. The Department does not adjust the unit price for an increase or decrease in the tack coat quantity. The payment quantity for HMA of the type shown on the Bid Item List is measured based on the combined mixture weight. If recorded batch weights are printed automatically, the bid item for HMA is measured by using the printed batch weights, provided: 1. Total aggregate and supplemental fine aggregate weight per batch is printed. If supplemental fine aggregate is weighed cumulatively with the aggregate, the total aggregate batch weight must include the supplemental fine aggregate weight. 2. Total virgin asphalt binder weight per batch is printed. 3. Each truckload's zero tolerance weight is printed before weighing the first batch and after weighing the last batch. 4. Time, date, mix number, load number and truck identification is correlated with a load slip. 5. Copy of the recorded batch weights is certified by a licensed weigh master and submitted. The payment quantity for place hot mix asphalt dike of the type shown on the Bid Item List is the length measured from end to end. Payment for the HMA used to construct the dike is not included in the payment for place hot mix asphalt dike. The payment quantity for place hot mix asphalt (miscellaneous areas) is the area measured for the in-place compacted area. Payment for the HMA used for miscellaneous areas is not included in the payment for place hot mix asphalt (miscellaneous areas). The Engineer does not adjust the unit price for an increase or decrease in the prepaving grinding day quantity. 39-2.02 TYPE A HOT MIX ASPHALT 39-2.02A General 39-2.02A(1) Summary Section 39-2.02 includes specifications for producing and placing Type A hot mix asphalt. You may produce Type A HMA using an authorized WMA technology. 39-2.02A(2) Definitions Reserved 39-2.02A(3) Submittals 39-2.02A(3)(a) General Reserved 39-2.02A(3)(b) Job Mix Formula The JMF must be based on the superpave HMA mix design as described in MS-2 Asphalt Mix Design Methods by the Asphalt Institute. 39-2.02A(3)(c) Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Submit QC test results for RAP gradation with the combined aggregate gradation within 2 business days of taking RAP samples during Type A HMA production. 39-2.02A(3)(d)–39-2.02A(3)(f) Reserved 39-2.02A(4) Quality Assurance 39-2.02A(4)(a) General Reserved 39-2.02A(4)(b) Quality Control 39-2.02A(4)(b)(i) General Reserved 39-2.02A(4)(b)(ii) Aggregates

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Addendum No. 2

Test the quality characteristics of aggregates under the test methods and frequencies shown in the following table: Aggregate Testing Frequencies

Quality characteristic Test method Minimum testing frequency

Gradationa AASHTO T 27

1 per 750 tons and any remaining part Sand equivalentb, c AASHTO T 176

Moisture contentd AASHTO T 255

Crushed particles AASHTO T 335

1 per 10,000 tons or 2 per project whichever is greater

Los Angeles Rattler AASHTO T 96

Flat and elongated particles ASTM D4791

Fine aggregate angularity AASHTO T 304 Method A

aIf RAP is used, test the combined aggregate gradation under California Test 384. bReported value must be the average of 3 tests from a single sample. cUse of a sand reading indicator is required as shown in AASHTO T 176, Figure 1. Sections 4.7, "Manual Shaker," 7.1.2, "Alternate Method No. 2," and 8.4.3, "Hand Method," do not apply. Prepare the stock solution as specified in section 4.8.1, "Stock solution with formaldehyde," except omit the addition of formaldehyde. dTest at continuous mixing plants only. If RAP is used, test the RAP moisture content at continuous mixing plant and batch mixing plant. For lime treated aggregate, test aggregate before treatment and test for gradation and moisture content during HMA production. 39-2.02A(4)(b)(iii) Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Sample and test processed RAP at a minimum frequency of 1 sample per 1,000 tons with a minimum of 6 samples per fractionated stockpile. If the fractionated stockpile has not been augmented, the 3 RAP samples taken and tested for mix design can be part of this minimum sample requirement. If a processed RAP stockpile is augmented, sample and test processed RAP quality characteristics at a minimum frequency of 1 sample per 500 tons of augmented RAP. The combined RAP sample when tested under AASHTO T 164 must be within ±2.00 percent of the average asphalt binder content reported on page 4 of your Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data form. If a new processed RAP stockpile is required, the average binder content of the new processed RAP stockpile must be within ±2.00 percent of the average binder reported on page 4 of your Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data form. The combined RAP sample when tested under AASHTO T 209 must be within ±0.06 of the average maximum specific gravity reported on page 4 of your Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data form. During Type A HMA production, sample RAP twice daily and perform QC testing for: 1. Aggregate gradation at least once a day under California Test 384 2. Moisture content at least twice a day 39-2.02A(4)(b)(iv)–39-2.02A(4)(b)(viii) Reserved 39-2.02A(4)(b)(ix) Type A Hot Mix Asphalt Production Test the quality characteristics of Type A HMA under the test methods and frequencies shown in the following table: Type A HMA Production Testing Frequencies

Quality characteristic Test method Minimum testing frequency

Asphalt binder content AASHTO T 308, Method A 1 per 750 tons and any remaining part

HMA moisture content AASHTO T 329 1 per 2,500 tons but not less than 1 per paving day

Air voids content AASHTO T 269 1 per 4,000 tons or 2 every 5 paving days, whichever is greater

Voids in mineral aggregate MS-2 Asphalt Mixture Volumetrics 1 per 10,000 tons or 2 per project

whichever is greater Dust proportion MS-2 Asphalt Mixture Volumetrics

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Density of core California Test 375 2 per paving day

Nuclear gauge density California Test 375 3 per 250 tons or 3 per paving day, whichever is greater

Hamburg wheel track AASHTO T 324 (Modified) 1 per 10,000 tons or 1 per project, whichever is greater Moisture susceptibility AASHTO T 283

39-2.02A(4)(c)–39-2.02A(4)(d) Reserved 39-2.02A(4)(e) Department Acceptance The Department accepts Type A HMA based on compliance with: 1. Aggregate quality requirements shown in the following table:

Aggregate Quality

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Aggregate gradationa AASHTO T 27 JMF ± Tolerance

Percent of crushed particles Coarse aggregate (min, %) One-fractured face Two-fractured faces Fine aggregate (min, %) (Passing No. 4 sieve and retained on No. 8 sieve.) One-fractured face


95 90 70

Los Angeles Rattler (max, %) Loss at 100 Rev. Loss at 500 Rev.

AASHTO T 96 12 40

Sand equivalent (min.)b, c AASHTO T 176 47

Flat and elongated particles (max, % by weight at 5:1)

ASTM D4791 10

Fine aggregate angularity (min, %)d AASHTO T 304, Method A 45 aThe Engineer determines combined aggregate gradations containing RAP under California Test 384. bReported value must be the average of 3 tests from a single sample. cUse of a sand reading indicator is required as shown in AASHTO T 176, Figure 1. Sections 4.7, "Manual Shaker," 7.1.2, "Alternate Method No. 2," and 8.4.3, "Hand Method," do not apply. Prepare the stock solution as specified in section 4.8.1, "Stock solution with formaldehyde," except omit the addition of formaldehyde. dThe Engineer waives this specification if HMA contains 10 percent or less of nonmanufactured sand by weight of total aggregate. Manufactured sand is fine aggregate produced by crushing rock or gravel.

2. If RAP is used, RAP quality requirements shown in the following table:

Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Quality

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Binder content (% within the average value reported) AASHTO T 164 ±2.00

Specific gravity (within the average value reported) AASHTO T 209 ±0.06

3. In place Type A HMA quality requirements shown in the following table: Type A HMA Acceptance In Place

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Asphalt binder content (%) AASHTO T 308 Method A

JMF -0.30, +0.50

HMA moisture content (max, %) AASHTO T 329 1.00

Air voids content at Ndesign (%)a, b AASHTO T 269 4.0 ± 1.5 (5.0 ± 1.5 for 1-inch aggregate)

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Voids in mineral aggregate on laboratory-produced HMA (min, %)d Gradation: No. 4 3/8-inch 1/2-inch 3/4-inch 1-inch with NMAS = 1-inch with NMAS = 3/4-inch

MS-2 Asphalt Mixture Volumetrics

16.5–19.5 15.5–18.5 14.5–17.5 13.5–16.5 13.5–16.5 14.5–17.5

Voids in mineral aggregate on plant-produced HMA (min, %)a Gradation: No. 4 3/8-inch 1/2-inch 3/4-inch 1-inch with NMAS = 1-inch with NMAS = 3/4-inch

MS-2 Asphalt Mixture Volumetricsc

15.5–18.5 14.5–17.5 13.5–16.5 12.5–15.5 12.5–15.5 13.5–16.5

Dust proportion MS-2 Asphalt Mixture Volumetrics


Density of core (% of max theoretical density)e, f California Test 375


Hamburg wheel track (min number of passes at 0.5-inch rut depth) Binder grade: PG 58 PG 64 PG 70 PG 76 or higher

AASHTO T 324 (Modified)

10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000

Hamburg wheel track (min number of passes at inflection point) Binder grade: PG 58 PG 64 PG 70 PG 76 or higher

AASHTO T 324 (Modified)

10,000 10,000 12,500 15,000

Moisture susceptibility (min, psi, dry strength) AASHTO T 283 100

Moisture susceptibility (min, psi, wet strength) AASHTO T 283 70 aPrepare 3 briquettes. Report the average of 3 tests. bThe Engineer determines the bulk specific gravity of each lab-compacted briquette under AASHTO T 275, Method A, and theoretical maximum specific gravity under AASHTO T 209, Method A. cDetermine bulk specific gravity under AASHTO T 275, Method A. dThe Engineer determines the laboratory-prepared Type A HMA value for only mix design verification. eThe Engineer determines percent of theoretical maximum density under California Test 375 except the Engineer uses: 1. AASHTO T 275 to determine in-place density of each density core 2. AASHTO T 209, Method A to determine theoretical maximum density instead of calculating test maximum density fThe Engineer determines theoretical maximum density under AASHTO T 209, Method A, at the frequency specified in California Test 375, part 5, section D. gFor lime-treated aggregates, the dust proportion requirement is 0.6–1.5.

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Addendum No. 2

39-2.02B Materials 39-2.02B(1) General Reserved 39-2.02B(2) Type A Hot Mix Asphalt Mix Design The mix design for Type A HMA must comply with the requirements shown in the following table: Type A HMA Mix Design Requirements

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Air voids content (%) AASHTO T 269a Ninitial > 8.0 Ndesign = 4.0 (Ndesign = 5.0 for 1-inch aggregate) Nmax > 2.0

Gyration compaction (no. of gyrations) AASHTO T 312 Ninitial = 8 Ndesign = 85.0 Nmax = 130

Voids in mineral aggregate (min, %)b Gradation: No. 4 3/8-inch 1/2-inch 3/4-inch 1-inch with NMAS = 1-inch with NMAS = 3/4-inch

MS-2 Asphalt Mixture Volumetrics

16.5–19.5 15.5–18.5 14.5–17.5 13.5–16.5 13.5–16.5 14.5–17.5

Dust proportion MS-2 Asphalt Mixture Volumetrics


Hamburg wheel track (min number of passes at 0.5-inch rut depth) Binder grade: PG 58 PG 64 PG 70 PG 76 or higher

AASHTO T 324 (Modified)c

10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000

Hamburg wheel track (min number of passes at the inflection point) Binder grade: PG 58 PG 64 PG 70 PG 76 or higher

AASHTO T 324 (Modified)c

10,000 10,000 12,500 15,000

Moisture susceptibility, dry strength (min, psi) AASHTO T 283c 100

Moisture susceptibility, wet strength (min, psi) AASHTO T 283c, d 70 aCalculate the air voids content of each specimen using AASHTO T 275, Method A, to determine bulk specific gravity. Use AASHTO T 209, Method A, to determine theoretical maximum specific gravity. Use a digital manometer and pycnometer when performing AASHTO T 209. bMeasure bulk specific gravity using AASHTO T 275, Method A. cTest plant-produced Type A HMA. dFreeze thaw required. For Type A HMA mixtures using RAP, the maximum allowed binder replacement is 25.0 percent in the upper 0.2 foot exclusive of OGFC and 40.0 percent below. The binder replacement is calculated as a percentage of the approved JMF target asphalt binder content. For Type A HMA with a binder replacement percent less than or equal to 25 percent of your specified OBC, you may request that the performance graded asphalt binder grade with upper and lower temperature classifications be reduced by 6 degrees C from the specified grade.

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Addendum No. 2

For Type A HMA with a binder replacement greater than 25 percent of your specified OBC and less than or equal to 40 percent of OBC, you must use a performance graded asphalt binder grade with upper and lower temperature classifications reduced by 6 degrees C from the specified grade. 39-2.02B(3) Asphalt Binder Reserved 39-2.02B(4) Aggregates 39-2.02B(4)(a) General Before the addition of asphalt binder and lime treatment, the aggregates must comply with the requirements shown in the following table: Aggregate Quality

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Percent of crushed particles: Coarse aggregate (min, %) One-fractured face Two-fractured faces Fine aggregate (min, %) (Passing No. 4 sieve and retained on No. 8 sieve.) One-fractured face


95 90 70

Los Angeles Rattler (max, %) Loss at 100 Rev. Loss at 500 Rev.

AASHTO T 96 12 40

Sand equivalent (min)a AASHTO T 176 47

Flat and elongated particles (max, % by weight at 5:1) ASTM D4791 10

Fine aggregate angularity (min, %)b AASHTO T 304, Method A 45 aThe reported value must be the average of 3 tests from a single sample. Use of a sand reading indicator is required as shown in AASHTO T 176, Figure 1. Sections 4.7, "Manual Shaker," 7.1.2, "Alternate Method No. 2," and 8.4.3, "Hand Method," do not apply. Prepare the stock solution as specified in section 4.8.1, "Stock solution with formaldehyde," except omit the addition of formaldehyde. bThe Engineer waives this specification if the Type A HMA contains 10 percent or less of nonmanufactured sand by weight of total aggregate, except if your JMF fails verification. Manufactured sand is fine aggregate produced by crushing rock or gravel. 39-2.02B(4)(b) Aggregate Gradations The aggregate gradations for Type A HMA must comply with the requirements shown in the following table:

Aggregate Gradation Requirements

Type A HMA pavement thickness shown Gradation

0.10 foot 3/8 inch

Greater than 0.10 to less than 0.20 foot 1/2 inch

0.20 to less than 0.25 foot 3/4 inch

0.25 foot or greater 3/4 inch or 1 inch

Aggregate gradation must be within the TV limits for the specified sieve size shown in the following tables:

Aggregate Gradations for Type A HMA (Percentage Passing) 1 inch

Sieve size Target value limit Allowable tolerance

1" 100 --

3/4" 88–93 TV ± 5

1/2" 72–85 TV ± 6

3/8" 55–70 TV ± 6

No. 4 35–52 TV ± 7

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Addendum No. 2

No. 8 22–40 TV ± 5

No. 30 8–24 TV ± 4

No. 50 5–18 TV ± 4

No. 200 3.0–7.0 TV ± 2.0

3/4 inch

Sieve size Target value limit Allowable tolerance

1" 100 --

3/4" 90–98 TV ± 5

1/2" 70–90 TV ± 6

No. 4 42–58 TV ± 5

No. 8 29–43 TV ± 5

No. 30 10–23 TV ± 4

No. 200 2.0–7.0 TV ± 2.0

1/2 inch

Sieve size Target value limit Allowable tolerance

3/4" 100 --

1/2" 95–98 TV ± 5

3/8" 72–95 TV ± 5

No. 4 52–69 TV ± 5

No. 8 35–55 TV ± 5

No. 30 15–30 TV ± 4

No. 200 2.0–8.0 TV ± 2.0

3/8 inch

Sieve size Target value limit Allowable tolerance

1/2" 100 --

3/8" 95–98 TV ± 5

No. 4 55–75 TV ± 5

No. 8 30–50 TV ± 5

No. 30 15–35 TV ± 5

No. 200 2.0–9.0 TV ± 2.0

No. 4

Sieve size Target value limit Allowable tolerance

3/8" 100 --

No. 4 95–98 TV ± 5

No. 8 70–80 TV ± 6

No. 30 34–45 TV ± 5

No. 200 2.0–12.0 TV ± 4.0

39-2.02B(5) Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement You may substitute RAP for part of the virgin aggregate in a quantity up to 25 percent of the aggregate blend. Provide enough space at your plant for complying with all RAP handling requirements. Provide a clean, graded base, well drained area for stockpiles. If RAP is from multiple sources, blend the RAP thoroughly and completely before fractionating. For RAP substitution greater than 15 percent of the aggregate blend, fractionate RAP stockpiles into 2 sizes, a coarse fraction RAP retained on 3/8-inch sieve and a fine fraction RAP passing 3/8-inch sieve. For RAP substitution of 15 percent of the aggregate blend or less, fractionation is not required. The RAP fractionation must comply with the requirements shown in the following table:

RAP Stockpile Fractionation Gradation Requirements

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Addendum No. 2

Size Test method Requirement

Coarse (% passing the 1-inch sieve) California Test 202a 100

Fine (% passing the 3/8-inch sieve) California Test 202a 98–100 aMaximum mechanical shaking time is 10 minutes.

You may use the coarse fractionated stockpile, the fine fractionated stockpile, or a combination of the coarse and fine fractionated stockpiles. Isolate the processed RAP stockpiles from other materials. Store processed RAP in conical or longitudinal stockpiles. Processed RAP must not be agglomerated or be allowed to congeal in large stockpiles. 39-2.02B(6)–39-2.02B(10) Reserved 39-2.02B(11) Type A Hot Mix Asphalt Production If RAP is used, the asphalt plant must automatically adjust the virgin asphalt binder to account for RAP percentage and RAP binder. During production, you may adjust hot- or cold-feed proportion controls for virgin aggregate and RAP. RAP must be within ±3 of RAP percentage described in your Contractor Job Mix Formula Proposal form without exceeding 25 percent. 39-2.02C Construction Where the pavement thickness shown is 0.30 foot or greater, you may place Type A HMA in multiple lifts not less than 0.15 foot each. If placing Type A HMA in multiple lifts: 1. Table in Section 39-2.02B(4)(b) does not apply 2. Aggregate gradation must comply with the requirements shown in the following table:

Aggregate Gradation Requirements

Type A HMA lift thickness Gradation

0.15 to less than 0.20 foot 1/2 inch

0.20 foot to less than 0.25 foot 3/4 inch

0.25 foot or greater 3/4 inch or 1 inch

3. Apply a tack coat before placing a subsequent lift 4. The Engineer evaluates each HMA lift individually for compliance If the ambient air temperature is below 60 degrees F, cover the loads in trucks with tarpaulins. If the time for HMA discharge to truck at the HMA plant until transfer to paver's hopper is 90 minutes or greater and if the ambient air temperature is below 70 degrees F, cover the loads in trucks with tarpaulins, unless the time from discharging to the truck until transfer to the paver's hopper or the pavement surface is less than 30 minutes. The tarpaulins must completely cover the exposed load until you transfer the mixture to the paver's hopper or the pavement surface. Spread Type A HMA at the ambient air and surface temperatures shown in the following table: Minimum Ambient Air and Surface Temperatures

Lift thickness (feet)

Ambient air (F) Surface (F)

Unmodified asphalt binder

Modified asphalt binder

Unmodified asphalt binder

Modified asphalt binder

Type A HMA and Type A HMA produced with WMA water injection technology

0.15 55 50 60 55

≥0.15 45 45 50 50

Type A HMA produced with WMA additive technology

0.15 45 45 50 45

≥0.15 40 40 40 40

For Type A HMA and Type A HMA produced with WMA water injection technology placed under method compaction, if the asphalt binder is: 1. Unmodified, complete:

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1.1. 1st coverage of breakdown compaction before the surface temperature drops below 250 degrees F 1.2. Breakdown and intermediate compaction before the surface temperature drops below 190 degrees F 1.3. Finish compaction before the surface temperature drops below 150 degrees F 2. Modified, complete: 2.1. 1st coverage of breakdown compaction before the surface temperature drops below 240 degrees F 2.2. Breakdown and intermediate compaction before the surface temperature drops below 180 degrees F 2.3. Finish compaction before the surface temperature drops below 140 degrees F For Type A HMA produced with WMA additive technology placed under method compaction, if the asphalt binder is: 1. Unmodified, complete: 1.1 1st coverage of breakdown compaction before the surface temperature drops below 240 degrees F 1.2. Breakdown and intermediate compaction before the surface temperature drops below 190 degrees F 1.3. Finish compaction before the surface temperature drops below 140 degrees F 1.4 You may continue static rolling below 140 degrees F to remove roller marks. 2. Modified, complete: 2.1. 1st coverage of breakdown compaction before the surface temperature drops below 230 degrees F 2.2. Breakdown and intermediate compaction before the surface temperature drops below 170 degrees F 2.3. Finish compaction before the surface temperature drops below 130 degrees F 2.4. You may continue static rolling below 130 degrees F to remove roller marks. You may cool Type A HMA with water when rolling activities are complete if authorized. 39-2.02D Payment Not Used 39-2.03 RUBBERIZED HOT MIX ASPHALT–GAP GRADED 39-2.03A General 39-2.03A(1) Summary Section 39-2.03 includes specifications for producing and placing rubberized hot mix asphalt–gap graded. You may produce RHMA-G using a WMA technology. 39-2.03A(2) Definitions Reserved 39-2.03A(3) Submittals 39-2.03A(3)(a) General At least 5 business days before use, submit the permit issued by the local air district for asphalt rubber binder blending equipment. If an air quality permit is not required by the local air district for producing asphalt rubber binder, submit verification from the local air district that an air quality permit is not required. At least 10 days before RHMA-G production, submit the name of an authorized laboratory to perform QC testing for asphalt rubber binder. The authorized laboratory must comply with the Caltrans Independent Assurance Program. 39-2.03A(3)(b) Job Mix Formula With your proposed JMF, include the SDS for: 1. Base asphalt binder 2. CRM and asphalt modifier 3. Blended asphalt rubber binder components The JMF must be based on the superpave HMA mix design as described in MS-2 Asphalt Mix Design Methods by the Asphalt Institute. 39-2.03A(3)(c) Asphalt Rubber Binder

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Addendum No. 2

Submit a proposal for asphalt rubber binder design and profile. In the design, include the asphalt binder, asphalt modifier, and CRM and their proportions. If you change asphalt rubber binder supplier or any component material used in asphalt rubber binder or its percentage, submit a new JMF. For the asphalt rubber binder used, submit: 1. Log of production daily. 2. Certificate of compliance with test results for CRM and asphalt modifier with each truckload delivered to the HMA plant. The certificate of compliance for asphalt modifier must represent no more than 5,000 lb. 3. Certified weight slips for the CRM and asphalt modifier furnished. 4. QC test results on viscosity within 2 business days after sampling. 5. QC test results on cone penetration, resilience, and softening point within 3 business days after sampling. Submit a certificate of compliance for the CRM and asphalt modifier. With the certificate of compliance, submit test results for CRM and asphalt modifier with each truckload delivered to the HMA plant. 39-2.03A(4) Quality Assurance 39-2.03A(4)(a) General Reserved 39-2.03A(4)(b) Job Mix Formula Verification If you request, the Engineer verifies RHMA-G quality requirements within 7 days of receiving all verification samples and after the JMF document submittal has been accepted. 39-2.03A(4)(c) Quality Control 39-2.03A(4)(c)(i) General Reserved 39-2.03A(4)(c)(ii) Asphalt Rubber Binder 39-2.03A(4)(c)(ii)(A) General The asphalt rubber binder blending plant must be authorized under the Department's Material Plant Quality Program. Take asphalt rubber binder samples from the feed line connecting the asphalt rubber binder tank to the HMA plant. 39-2.03A(4)(c)(ii)(B) Asphalt Modifier Test asphalt modifier under the test methods and frequencies shown in the following table:

Asphalt Modifier for Asphalt Rubber Binder

Quality characteristic Test method Frequency

Viscosity ASTM D445 1 per shipment

Flash point ASTM D92

Molecular analysis: Asphaltenes Aromatics

ASTM D2007 1 per shipment

39-2.03A(4)(c)(ii)(C) Crumb Rubber Modifier Sample and test scrap tire crumb rubber and high natural crumb rubber separately. Test CRM under the test methods and frequencies shown in the following table: Crumb Rubber Modifier for Asphalt Rubber Binder

Quality characteristic Test method Frequency

Scrap tire crumb rubber gradation California Test 385 1 per 10,000 lb

High natural crumb rubber gradation California Test 385 1 per 3,400 lb

Wire in CRM California Test 385

1 per 10,000 lb Fabric in CRM California Test 385

CRM particle length --

CRM specific gravity California Test 208

Natural rubber content in high natural crumb rubber ASTM D297 1 per 3,400 lb

39-2.03A(4)(c)(ii)(D) Asphalt Rubber Binder

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Addendum No. 2

Test asphalt rubber binder under the test methods and frequencies shown in the following table:

Quality characteristic Test method Frequency

Cone penetration ASTM D217

1 per lota Resilience ASTM D5329

Softening point ASTM D36/D36M

Viscosity ASTM D7741/D7741M 15 minutes before use per lota aThe lot is defined in the Department's MPQP.

Retain the sample from each lot. Test for cone penetration, resilience, and softening point for the first 3 lots and, if all 3 lots pass, the testing frequency may be reduced to once for every 3 lots. If QC test results indicate that the asphalt rubber binder does not comply with the specifications, take corrective action and notify the Engineer. 39-2.03A(4)(c)(iii) Aggregates Test the quality characteristics of aggregates under the test methods and frequencies shown in the following table: Aggregate Testing Frequencies

Quality characteristic Test method Minimum testing frequency

Gradation AASHTO T 27 1 per 750 tons and any remaining part

Sand equivalenta, b AASHTO T 176

Moisture contentc AASHTO T 255

Crushed particles AASHTO T 335

1 per 10,000 tons or 2 per project, whichever is greater

Los Angeles Rattler AASHTO T 96

Flat and elongated particles ASTM D4791

Fine aggregate angularity AASHTO T 304, Method A aReported value must be the average of 3 tests from a single sample. bUse of a sand reading indicator is required as shown in AASHTO T 176, Figure 1. Sections 4.7, "Manual Shaker," 7.1.2, "Alternate Method No. 2," and 8.4.3, "Hand Method," do not apply. Prepare the stock solution as specified in section 4.8.1, "Stock solution with formaldehyde," except omit the addition of formaldehyde. cTest at continuous mixing plants only. For lime treated aggregate, test aggregate before treatment and test for gradation and moisture content during RHMA-G production. 39-2.03A(4)(c)(iv)–39-2.03A(4)(c)(viii) Reserved 39-2.03A(4)(c)(ix) Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt–Gap Graded Production Test the quality characteristics of RHMA-G under the test methods and frequencies shown in the following table: RHMA-G Production Testing Frequencies

Quality characteristic Test method Minimum testing frequency

Asphalt binder content AASHTO T 308, Method A 1 per 750 tons and any remaining part

HMA moisture content AASHTO T 329 1 per 2,500 tons but not less than 1 per paving day

Air voids content AASHTO T 269 1 per 4,000 tons or 2 every 5 paving days, whichever is greater

Voids in mineral aggregate MS-2 Asphalt Mixture Volumetrics 1 per 10,000 tons or 2 per project whichever is greater Dust proportion MS-2 Asphalt Mixture Volumetrics

Density of core California Test 375 2 per paving day

Nuclear gauge density California Test 375 3 per 250 tons or 3 per paving day, whichever is greater

Hamburg wheel track AASHTO T 324 (Modified) 1 per 10,000 tons or 1 per project, whichever is greater Moisture susceptibility AASHTO T 283

39-2.03A(4)(d) Reserved

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Taxilane Pavement Rehabilitation

Addendum No. 2

39-2.03A(4)(e) Department Acceptance 39-2.03A(4)(e)(i) General The Department accepts RHMA-G based on compliance with: 1. Aggregate quality requirements shown in the following table:

Aggregate Quality

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Aggregate gradation AASHTO T 27 JMF ± Tolerance

Percent of crushed particles Coarse aggregate (min, %) One-fractured face Two-fractured faces Fine aggregate (min, %) (Passing No. 4 sieve and retained on No. 8 sieve.) One-fractured face


-- 90 70

Los Angeles Rattler (max, %) Loss at 100 Rev. Loss at 500 Rev.

AASHTO T 96 12 40

Sand equivalent (min)a, b AASHTO T 176 47

Flat and elongated particles (max, % by weight at 5:1)

ASTM D4791 Report only

Fine aggregate angularity (min, %)c AASHTO T 304, Method A 45 aReported value must be the average of 3 tests from a single sample. bUse of a sand reading Indicator is required as shown in AASHTO T 176, Figure 1. Sections 4.7, "Manual Shaker," 7.1.2, "Alternate Method No. 2," and 8.4.3, "Hand Method," do not apply. Prepare the stock solution as specified in section 4.8.1, "Stock solution with formaldehyde," except omit the addition of formaldehyde. cThe Engineer waives this specification if RHMA-G contains 10 percent or less of nonmanufactured sand by weight of total aggregate. Manufactured sand is fine aggregate produced by crushing rock or gravel. 2. In-place RHMA-G quality requirements shown in the following table: RHMA-G Acceptance In Place

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Asphalt binder content (%) AASHTO T 308 Method A

JMF -0.40, +0.50

HMA moisture content (max, %) AASHTO T 329 1.00

Air voids content @ Ndesign (%)a, b AASHTO T 269 4.0 ± 1.5

Voids in mineral aggregate on laboratory-produced HMAd (min, %) Gradation: 1/2-inch and 3/4-inch

MS-2 Asphalt Mixture Volumetricsc


Voids in mineral aggregate on plant-produced HMA (min, %)a Gradation: 1/2-inch and 3/4-inch

MS-2 Asphalt Mixture Volumetricsc


Dust proportiona MS-2 Asphalt Mixture Volumetrics

Report only

Density of core (% of max theoretical density)e, f California Test 375 91.0–97.0

Hamburg wheel track (min number of passes at 0.5-inch rut depth) Binder grade: PG 58

AASHTO T 324 (Modified)


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Addendum No. 2

PG 64 PG 70

20,000 25,000

Hamburg wheel track (min number of passes at inflection point) Binder grade: PG 58 PG 64 PG 70

AASHTO T 324 (Modified)

10,000 12,500 15,000

Moisture susceptibility (min, psi, dry strength) AASHTO T 283 100

Moisture susceptibility (min, psi, wet strength) AASHTO T 283 70 aPrepare 3 briquettes. Report the average of 3 tests. bThe Engineer determines the bulk specific gravity of each lab-compacted briquette under AASHTO T 275, Method A, and theoretical maximum specific gravity under AASHTO T 209, Method A. cDetermine bulk specific gravity under AASHTO T 275, Method A. dThe Engineer determines the laboratory-prepared RHMA-G value for only mix design verification. eThe Engineer determines percent of theoretical maximum density under California Test 375 except the Engineer uses: 1. AASHTO T 275, Method A, to determine in-place density of each density core instead of using the nuclear gauge 2. AASHTO T 209, Method A to determine theoretical maximum density instead of calculating test maximum density fThe Engineer determines theoretical maximum density under AASHTO T 209, Method A, at the frequency specified in California Test 375, part 5, section D. 39-2.03A(4)(e)(ii) Asphalt Rubber Binder 39-2.03A(4)(e)(ii)(A) General The Department does not use asphalt rubber binder design profile for production acceptance. 39-2.03A(4)(e)(ii)(B) Asphalt Modifier The Department accepts asphalt modifier based on compliance with the requirements shown in the following table:

Asphalt Modifier for Asphalt Rubber Binder

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Viscosity at 100 °C (m2/s x 10-6) ASTM D445 X ± 3a

Flash point (min, °C) ASTM D92 207

Molecular analysis: Asphaltenes (max, % by mass) Aromatics (min, % by mass)

ASTM D2007

0.1 55

aThe symbol X is the asphalt modifier viscosity. 39-2.03A(4)(e)(ii)(C) Crumb Rubber Modifier CRM used must be on the Authorized Materials List for Crumb Rubber Modifier. CRM must be a ground or granulated combination of scrap tire crumb rubber and high natural scrap tire crumb rubber, CRM must be 75.0 ± 2.0 percent scrap tire crumb rubber and 25.0 ± 2.0 percent high natural scrap tire crumb rubber by total weight of CRM. Scrap tire crumb rubber and high natural scrap tire crumb rubber must be derived from waste tires described in Pub Res Code § 42703. The Department accepts CRM, scrap tire crumb rubber, and high natural crumb rubber based on compliance with the requirements shown in the following table: Crumb Rubber Modifier for Asphalt Rubber Binder

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Scrap tire crumb rubber gradation (% passing No. 8 sieve) California Test 385 100

High natural crumb rubber gradation (% passing No. 10 sieve)

California Test 385 100

Wire in CRM (max, %) California Test 385 0.01

Fabric in CRM (max, %) California Test 385 0.05

CRM particle length (max, in) -- 3/16

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Addendum No. 2

CRM specific gravity California Test 208 1.1–1.2

Natural rubber content in high natural crumb rubber (%) ASTM D297 40.0–48.0

Scrap tire crumb rubber and high natural crumb rubber are sampled and tested separately. 39-2.03A(4)(e)(ii)(D) Asphalt Rubber Binder For Department acceptance testing, take samples of asphalt rubber binder in the Engineer's presence every 5 lots or once a day, whichever is greater. Each sample must be in a 6 qt can with open top and friction lid. The Department accepts asphalt rubber binder based on compliance with the requirements shown in the following table:

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Cone penetration at 25 °C (0.10 mm) ASTM D217 25–70

Resilience at 25 °C (min, % rebound) ASTM D5329 18

Softening point (°C) ASTM D36/D36M 52–74

Viscosity at 190 °C (centipoises)a ASTM D7741/D7741M 1,500–4,000 aPrepare sample for viscosity test under California Test 388.

39-2.03A(4)(e)(iii)–39-2.03A(4)(e)(v) Reserved 39-2.03B Materials 39-2.03B(1) General Reserved 39-2.03B(2) Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt–Gap Graded Mix Design For RHMA-G, the mix design must comply with the requirements shown in the following table: RHMA-G Mix Design Requirements

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Air voids content (%) AASHTO T 269a Ndesign = 4.0

Gyration compaction (no. of gyrations) AASHTO T 312 Ndesign = 50–150b

Voids in mineral aggregate (min, %) SP-2 Asphalt Mixture Volumetricsc


Dust proportion SP-2 Asphalt Mixture Volumetrics

Report only

Hamburg wheel track (min, number of passes at 0.5-inch rut depth) Binder grade: PG 58 PG 64 PG 70

AASHTO T 324 (Modified)d

15,000 20,000 25,000

Hamburg wheel track (min, number of passes at the inflection point) Binder grade: PG 58 PG 64 PG 70

AASHTO T 324 (Modified)d

10,000 12,500 15,000

Moisture susceptibility, dry strength (min, psi) AASHTO T 283d 100

Moisture susceptibility, wet strength (min, psi) AASHTO T 283d, e 70 aCalculate the air voids content of each specimen using AASHTO T 275, Method A, to determine bulk specific gravity and AASHTO T 209, Method A, to determine theoretical maximum specific gravity. Under AASHTO T 209, use a digital manometer and pycnometer when performing AASHTO T 209. bSuperpave gyratory compactor ram pressure may be increased to a maximum of 825kPa, and specimens may be held at a constant height for a maximum of 90 minutes. cMeasure bulk specific gravity using AASHTO T 275, Method A. dTest plant produced RHMA.

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Addendum No. 2

eFreeze thaw required. Determine the quantity of asphalt rubber binder to be mixed with the aggregate for RHMA-G as follows: 1. Base the calculations on the average of 3 briquettes produced at each asphalt rubber binder content. 2. Plot asphalt rubber binder content versus average air voids content for each set of 3 specimens and connect adjacent points with a best-fit curve. 3. Calculate voids in mineral aggregate for each specimen, average each set, and plot the average versus asphalt rubber binder content. 4. Calculate the dust proportion and plot versus asphalt rubber binder content. 5. From the curve plotted, select the theoretical asphalt rubber binder content at 4 percent air voids. 6. At the selected asphalt rubber binder content, calculate dust proportion. 7. Record the asphalt rubber binder content in the Contractor Hot Mix Asphalt Design Data Form as the OBC. The OBC must not fall below 7.5 percent by total weight of the mix. Laboratory mixing and compaction must comply with superpave HMA mix design as described in MS-2 Asphalt Mix Design Methods by the Asphalt Institute, except the mixing temperature of the aggregate must be from 300 to 325 degrees F. The mixing temperature of the asphalt rubber binder must be from 375 to 425 degrees F. The compaction temperature of the combined mixture must be from 290 to 320 degrees F. 39-2.03B(3) Asphalt Rubber Binder 39-2.03B(3)(a) General Asphalt rubber binder must be a combination of: 1. Asphalt binder 2. Asphalt modifier 3. CRM The combined asphalt binder and asphalt modifier must be 80.0 ± 2.0 percent by weight of the asphalt rubber binder. 39-2.03B(3)(b) Asphalt Modifier Asphalt modifier must be a resinous, high-flash-point, aromatic hydrocarbon and must comply with the requirements shown in the following table:

Asphalt Modifier for Asphalt Rubber Binder

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Viscosity at 100 °C (m2/s x 10-6) ASTM D445 X ± 3a

Flash point (min, °C) ASTM D92 207

Molecular analysis: Asphaltenes (max, % by mass) Aromatics (min, % by mass)

ASTM D2007 0.1 55

aThe symbol X is the proposed asphalt modifier viscosity. X must be between 19 and 36. A change in X requires a new asphalt rubber binder design.

Asphalt modifier must be from 2.0 to 6.0 percent by weight of the asphalt binder in the asphalt rubber binder. 39-2.03B(3)(c) Crumb Rubber Modifier CRM must be a ground or granulated combination of scrap tire crumb rubber and high natural scrap tire crumb rubber. CRM must be 75.0 ± 2.0 percent scrap tire crumb rubber and 25.0 ± 2.0 percent high natural scrap tire crumb rubber by total weight of CRM. Scrap tire crumb rubber and high natural scrap tire crumb rubber must be derived from waste tires described in Pub Res Code § 42703. The CRM must comply with the requirements shown in the following table: Crumb Rubber Modifier for Asphalt Rubber Binder

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Scrap tire crumb rubber gradation (% passing No. 8 sieve) California Test 385 100

High natural crumb rubber gradation (% passing No. 10 sieve) California Test 385 100

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Addendum No. 2

Wire in CRM (max, %) California Test 385 0.01

Fabric in CRM (max, %) California Test 385 0.05

CRM particle length (max, in)a -- 3/16

CRM specific gravity California Test 208 1.1–1.2

Natural rubber content in high natural crumb rubber (%) ASTM D297 40.0–48.0 aTest at mix design and for certificate of compliance. CRM must be ground or granulated at ambient temperature. If steel and fiber are cryogenically separated, separation must occur before grinding or granulating. Cryogenically produced CRM particles must be ground or granulated and not pass through the grinder or granulator. CRM must be dry, free-flowing particles that do not stick together. CRM must not cause foaming when combined with the asphalt binder and asphalt modifier. You may add calcium carbonate or talc up to 3 percent by weight of CRM. 39-2.03B(3)(d) Design and Profile Design the asphalt rubber binder from testing you perform for each quality characteristic and for the reaction temperatures expected during production. The profile must include the same component sources for the asphalt rubber binder used. The 24-hour (1,440-minute) interaction period determines the design profile. At a minimum, mix asphalt rubber binder components, take samples, and perform and record the tests shown in the following table:

Asphalt Rubber Binder Reaction Design Profile

Quality characteristic Test method Minutes of reaction a

Limit 45 60 90 120 240 360 1440

Cone penetration at 25 °C (0.10 mm)

ASTM D217 X b -- -- -- X -- X 25–70

Resilience at 25 °C (min, % rebound)

ASTM D5329 X -- -- -- X -- X 18

Field softening point (°C)


X -- -- -- X -- X 52–74

Viscosity (centipoises) ASTM D7741/D7741M

X X X X X X X 1,500–4,000

aSix hours (360 minutes) after CRM addition, reduce the oven temperature to 275 °F for 16 hours. After the 16-hour (960 minutes) cool down after CRM addition, reheat the binder to the reaction temperature expected during production for sampling and testing at 24 hours (1,440 minutes). bX denotes required testing.

39-2.03B(3)(e) Asphalt Rubber Binder Production 39-2.03B(3)(e)(i) General Deliver scrap tire crumb rubber and high natural crumb rubber in separate bags. 39-2.03B(3)(e)(ii) Mixing Proportion and mix asphalt binder, asphalt modifier, and CRM simultaneously or premix the asphalt binder and asphalt modifier before adding CRM. If you premix asphalt binder and asphalt modifier, mix them for at least 20 minutes. When you add CRM, the temperature of the asphalt binder and asphalt modifier must be from 375 to 440 degrees F. After interacting for at least 45 minutes, the asphalt rubber binder must comply with the requirements shown in the following table:

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Cone penetration at 25 °C (0.10 mm) ASTM D217 25–70

Resilience at 25 °C (min, % rebound) ASTM D5329 18

Softening point (°C) ASTM D36/36M 52–74

Viscosity at 190 °C (centipoises)a ASTM D7741/D7741M 1,500–4,000 aPrepare sample for viscosity test under California Test 388.

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Addendum No. 2

Do not use the asphalt rubber binder during the first 45 minutes of the reaction period. During this period, the asphalt rubber binder mixture must be between 375 degrees F and the lower of 425 or 25 degrees F below the asphalt binder's flash point shown in the SDS. If any asphalt rubber binder is not used within 4 hours after the reaction period, discontinue heating. If the asphalt rubber binder drops below 375 degrees F, reheat before use. If you add more scrap tire crumb rubber to the reheated asphalt rubber binder, the binder must undergo a 45-minute reaction period. The added scrap tire crumb rubber must not exceed 10 percent of the total asphalt rubber binder weight. Reheated and reacted asphalt rubber binder must comply with the viscosity specifications. Do not reheat asphalt rubber binder more than twice. 39-2.03B(4) Aggregates 39-2.03B(4)(a) General For RHMA-G, before the addition of asphalt binder and lime treatment, the aggregates must comply with the requirements shown in the following table: Aggregate Quality

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Percent of crushed particles Coarse aggregate (min, %) One-fractured face Two-fractured faces Fine aggregate (min, %) (Passing No. 4 sieve and retained on No. 8 sieve.) One-fractured face


-- 90 70

Los Angeles Rattler (max, %) Loss at 100 Rev. Loss at 500 Rev.

AASHTO T 96 12 40

Sand equivalent (min)a AASHTO T 176 47

Flat and elongated particles (max, % by weight at 5:1) ASTM D4791 Report only

Fine aggregate angularity (min, %)b AASHTO T 304, Method A 45 aReported value must be the average of 3 tests from a single sample. The use of a sand reading indicator is required as shown in AASHTO T 176, Figure 1. Sections 4.7, "Manual Shaker," 7.1.2, "Alternate Method No. 2," and 8.4.3, "Hand Method," do not apply. Prepare the stock solution as specified in section 4.8.1, "Stock solution with formaldehyde," except omit the addition of formaldehyde. bThe Engineer waives this specification if the HMA contains 10 percent or less of nonmanufactured sand by weight of total aggregate unless your JMF fails verification. Manufactured sand is fine aggregate produced by crushing rock or gravel. 39-2.03B(4)(b) Aggregate Gradations The aggregate gradations for RHMA-G must comply with the requirements shown in the following table:

Aggregate Gradation Requirements

RHMA-G pavement thickness shown Gradation

0.10 to less than 0.20 foot 1/2 inch

0.20 foot or greater 3/4 inch

For RHMA-G, the aggregate gradations must be within the TV limits for the specified sieve size shown in the following tables:

Aggregate Gradations for RHMA-G (Percentage Passing)

3/4 inch

Sieve size Target value limit Allowable tolerance

1" 100 --

3/4" 95–98 TV ± 5

1/2" 83–87 TV ± 6

3/8" 65–70 TV ± 5

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Addendum No. 2

No. 4 28–42 TV ± 6

No. 8 14–22 TV ± 5

No. 200 0.0–6.0 TV ± 2.0

1/2 inch

Sieve size Target value limit Allowable tolerance

3/4" 100 --

1/2" 90–98 TV ± 6

3/8" 83–87 TV ± 5

No. 4 28–42 TV ± 6

No. 8 14–22 TV ± 5

No. 200 0.0–6.0 TV ± 2.0

39-2.03B(5) Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt–Gap Graded Production Asphalt rubber binder must be from 375 to 425 degrees F when mixed with aggregate. If the dry and wet moisture susceptibility test result for treated plant-produced RHMA-G is less than the RHMA-G mix design requirement for dry and wet moisture susceptibility strength, the minimum dry and wet strength requirement is waived, but you must use one of the following treatments: 1. Aggregate lime treatment using the slurry method 2. Aggregate lime treatment using the dry lime method 3. Liquid antistrip treatment of RHMA-G 39-2.03C Construction Use a material transfer vehicle when placing RHMA-G. Do not use a pneumatic tired roller to compact RHMA-G. Spread and compact RHMA-G and RHMA-G produced with WMA water injection technology at an ambient air temperature of at least 55 degrees F and a surface temperature of at least 60 degrees F. Spread and compact RHMA-G produced with WMA addititive technology at an ambient air temperature of at least 50 degrees F and a surface temperature of at least 50 degrees F. If the ambient air temperature is below 70 degrees F, cover loads in trucks with tarps. The tarps must completely cover the exposed load until you transfer the mixture to the paver's hopper or to the pavement surface. Tarps are not required if the time from discharge to truck until transfer to the paver's hopper or the pavement surface is less than 30 minutes. For RHMA-G and RHMA-G produced with WMA water injection technology placed under method compaction: 1. Complete the 1st coverage of breakdown compaction before the surface temperature drops below 285 degrees F. 2. Complete breakdown and intermediate compaction before the surface temperature drops below 250 degrees F. Use a static steel-tired roller instead of the pneumatic-tired roller for intermediate compaction. 3. Complete finish compaction before the surface temperature drops below 200 degrees F. For RHMA-G produced with WMA additive technology placed under method compaction: 1. Complete the 1st coverage of breakdown compaction before the surface temperature drops below 260 degrees F 2. Complete breakdown and intermediate compaction before the surface temperature drops below 230 degrees F 3. Complete finish compaction before the surface temperature drops below 180 degrees F 4. You may continue static rolling below 140 degrees F to remove roller marks Spread sand at a rate between 1 and 2 lb/sq yd on new RHMA-G pavement when finish rolling is complete. Sand must be free of clay or organic matter. Sand must comply with section 90-1.02C(3). Keep traffic off the pavement until spreading of the sand is complete. 39-2.03D Payment Not Used

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Addendum No. 2

39-2.04 OPEN GRADED FRICTION COURSES 39-2.04A General 39-2.04A(1) Summary Section 39-2.04 includes specifications for producing and placing open graded friction courses. Open graded friction courses include HMA-O, RHMA-O, and RHMA-O-HB. You may produce OGFC using a WMA technology. 39-2.04A(2) Definitions Reserved 39-2.04A(3) Submittals Submit a complete JMF, except do not specify an asphalt binder content. For RHMA-O and RHMA-O-HB, the JMF submittal must comply with section 39-2.03A(3)(c). 39-2.04A(4) Quality Assurance 39-2.04A(4)(a) General Reserved 39-2.04A(4)(b) Quality Control 39-2.04A(4)(b)(i) General Reserved 39-2.04A(4)(b)(ii) Asphalt Rubber Binder For RHMA-O and RHMA-O-HB, the asphalt rubber binder must comply with the specifications in 39-2.03A(4)(c)(ii). 39-2.04A(4)(b)(iii) Aggregates Test the quality characteristics of aggregates under the test methods and frequencies shown in the following table: Aggregate Testing Frequencies

Quality characteristic Test method Minimum testing frequency

Gradation AASHTO T 27 1 per 750 tons and any remaining part

Moisture contenta AASHTO T 255 1 per 1500 tons and any remaining part

Crushed particles AASHTO T 335 1 per 10,000 tons or 2 per project, whichever is greater Los Angeles Rattler AASHTO T 96

Flat and elongated particles ASTM D4791 aTest at continuous mixing plants only. For lime treated aggregate, test aggregate before treatment and test for gradation and moisture content during OGFC production. 39-2.04A(4)(b)(iv) Open Graded Friction Course Production Test the quality characteristics of OGFC under the test methods and frequencies shown in the following table: OGFC Testing Frequencies

Quality characteristic Test method Minimum testing frequency

Asphalt binder content AASHTO T 308, Method A 1 per 750 tons and any remaining part

HMA moisture content AASHTO T 329

1 per 2,500 tons but not less than 1 per paving day

39-2.04A(4)(c) Department Acceptance 39-2.04A(4)(c)(i) General The Department accepts OGFC based on compliance with: 1. Aggregate quality requirements shown in the following table:

Aggregate Quality

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Aggregate gradation AASHTO T 27 JMF ± Tolerance

Percent of crushed particles: Coarse aggregate (min, %) One-fractured face Two-fractured faces


90 90

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Addendum No. 2

Fine aggregate (min, %) (Passing No. 4 sieve and retained on No. 8 sieve.) One-fractured face


Los Angeles Rattler (max, %) Loss at 100 Rev. Loss at 500 Rev.

AASHTO T 96 12 40

Flat and elongated particles (max, % by weight @ 5:1) ASTM D4791 Report only

2. In-place OGFC quality requirements shown in the following table:

OGFC Acceptance In Place

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Asphalt binder content (%) AASHTO T 308, Method A JMF -0.40, +0.50

HMA moisture content (max, %) AASHTO T 329 1.00

39-2.04A(4)(c)(ii) Asphalt Rubber Binder The Department accepts asphalt rubber binder in RHMA-O and RHMA-O-HB under 39-2.03A(4)(e)(ii). 39-2.04A(4)(c)(iii) Pavement Smoothness Pavement smoothness of OGFC must comply with the requirements shown in the following table for a 0.1 mile section:

OGFC Pavement Smoothness Acceptance Criteria

OGFC placement on Mean Roughness Index requirement

New construction or HMA overlay 60 in/mi or less

Existing pavement 75 in/mi or less

Milled surface 75 in/mi or less

39-2.04A(4)(c)(iv)–39-2.04A(4)(c)(v) Reserved 39-2.04B Materials 39-2.04B(1) General When mixed with asphalt binder, aggregate must not be more than 325 degrees F except aggregate for OGFC with unmodified asphalt binder must be not more than 275 degrees F. 39-2.04B(2) Open Graded Friction Course Mix Design The Department determines the asphalt binder content under California Test 368 within 20 days of your complete JMF submittal and provides you a Caltrans Hot Mix Asphalt Verification form. For OGFC, the 1st paragraph of section 39-2.01B(2)(a) does not apply. 39-2.04B(3) Asphalt Binder Asphalt rubber binder in RHMA-O and RHMA-O-HB must comply with section 39-2.03B(3). 39-2.04B(4) Aggregates 39-2.04B(4)(a) General Aggregates must comply with the requirements shown in the following table: Aggregate Quality

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Percent of crushed particles Coarse aggregate (min, %) One-fractured face Two-fractured faces Fine aggregate (min, %) (Passing No. 4 sieve and retained on No. 8 sieve.) One-fractured face


-- 90 90

Los Angeles Rattler (max, %) Loss at 100 Rev. Loss at 500 Rev.

AASHTO T 96 12 40

Flat and elongated particles (max, % by weight at 5:1) ASTM D4791 Report only

39-2.04B(4)(b) Aggregate Gradations

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Addendum No. 2

The aggregate gradations for HMA-O must comply with the requirements shown in the following table:

Aggregate Gradation Requirements

HMA-O pavement thickness shown Gradation

0.10 foot or greater to less than 0.15 foot 1/2 inch

0.15 foot or greater 1 inch

The aggregate gradations for RHMA-O and RHMA-O-HB must comply with the requirements shown in the following table:

Aggregate Gradation Requirements

RHMA-O and RHMA-O-HB pavement thickness shown


0.10 foot or greater 1/2 inch

For RHMA-O and RHMA-O-HB, the 1-inch aggregate gradation is not allowed. For OGFC, the aggregate gradations must be within the TV limits for the specified sieve size shown in the following tables:

Aggregate Gradations for OGFC (Percentage Passing)

1 inch

Sieve size Target value limit Allowable tolerance

1 1/2" 100 --

1" 99–100 TV ± 5

3/4" 85–96 TV ± 5

1/2" 55–71 TV ± 6

No. 4 10–25 TV ± 7

No. 8 6–16 TV ± 5

No. 200 0.0–6.0 TV ± 2.0

1/2 inch

Sieve size Target value limit Allowable tolerance

3/4" 100 --

1/2" 95–100 TV ± 6

3/8" 78–89 TV ± 6

No. 4 28–37 TV ± 7

No. 8 7–18 TV ± 5

No. 30 0–10 TV ± 4

No. 200 0.0–3.0 TV ± 2.0

If lime treatment is required, you may reduce the lime ratio for the combined aggregates from 1.0 to 0.5 percent for OGFC. 39-2.04B(5) Sand Sand for spreading over RHMA-O and RHMA-O-HB pavement must be free of clay or organic matter. Sand must comply with section 90-1.02C(3). 39-2.04C Construction Use a material transfer vehicle when placing OGFC. If the ambient air temperature is below 70 degrees F, cover loads in trucks with tarps. The tarps must completely cover the exposed load until you transfer the mixture to the paver's hopper or to the pavement surface. Tarps are not required if the time from discharge to truck until transfer to the paver's hopper or the pavement surface is less than 30 minutes. Apply a tack coat before placing OGFC. The tack coat application rate must comply with the requirements of the following table: Tack Coat Application Rates for OGFC

OGFC over: Minimum residual rates (gal/sq yd)

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Addendum No. 2

CSS1/CSS1h, SS1/SS1h, and QS1h/CQS1h asphaltic emulsion

CRS1/CRS2, RS1/RS2, and QS1/CQS1 asphaltic emulsion

Asphalt binder and PMRS2/PMCRS2 and PMRS2h/PMCRS2h asphaltic emulsion

New HMA 0.03 0.04 0.03

Concrete pavement and existing asphalt concrete surfacing

0.05 0.06 0.04

Planed pavement 0.06 0.07 0.05

Compact OGFC with steel-tired, 2-axle tandem rollers. If placing over 300 tons of OGFC per hour, use at least 3 rollers for each paver. If placing less than 300 tons of OGFC per hour, use at least 2 rollers for each paver. Each roller must weigh from 126 to 172 lb per linear inch of drum width. Turn the vibrator off. Compact OGFC with 2 coverages. The Engineer may order fewer coverages if the layer thickness of OGFC is less than 0.20 foot. For HMA-O and HMA-O produced with WMA water injection technology: 1. With unmodified asphalt binder: 1.1. Spread and compact only if the atmospheric temperature is at least 55 degrees F and the surface temperature is at least 60 degrees F. 1.2. Complete the 1st coverage using 2 rollers before the surface temperature drops below 240 degrees F. 1.3. Complete all compaction before the surface temperature drops below 200 degrees F. 2. With modified asphalt binder, except asphalt rubber binder: 2.1. Spread and compact only if the atmospheric temperature is at least 50 degrees F and the surface temperature is at least 50 degrees F. 2.2. Complete the 1st coverage using 2 rollers before the surface temperature drops below 240 degrees F. 2.3. Complete all compaction before the surface temperature drops below 180 degrees F. For HMA-O produced with WMA additive technology: 1. With unmodified asphalt binder: 1.1. Spread and compact only if the atmospheric temperature is at least 45 degrees F and the surface temperature is at least 50 degrees F. 1.2. Complete the 1st coverage using 2 rollers before the surface temperature drops below 230 degrees F. 1.3. Complete all compaction before the surface temperature drops below 190 degrees F. 2. With modified asphalt binder, except asphalt rubber binder: 2.1. Spread and compact only if the atmospheric temperature is at least 40 degrees F and the surface temperature is at least 40 degrees F. 2.2. Complete the 1st coverage using 2 rollers before the surface temperature drops below 230 degrees F. 2.3. Complete all compaction before the surface temperature drops below 170 degrees F. Spread sand at a rate between 1 and 2 lb/sq yd on new RHMA-O and RHMA-O produced with WMA water injection technology, and RHMA-O-HB and RHMA-O-HB produced with WMA water injection technology pavement after finish rolling activities are complete. Keep traffic off the pavement until spreading of the sand is complete. For RHMA-O produced with WMA additive technology and RHMA-O-HB produced with WMA additives technology: 1. Spread and compact if the ambient air temperature is at least 45 degrees F and the surface temperature is at least 50 degrees F 2. Complete the 1st coverage using 2 rollers before the surface temperature drops below 270 degrees F 3. Complete all compaction before the surface temperature drops below 240 degrees F

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Addendum No. 2

If you choose to correct OGFC for smoothness, the Engineer determines if the corrective method causes raveling. OGFC that is raveling must be removed and replaced. 39-2.04D Payment Not Used 39-2.05 BONDED WEARING COURSES 39-2.05A General 39-2.05A(1) General 39-2.05A(1)(a) Summary Section 39-2.05 includes specifications for producing and placing bonded wearing courses. Placing a BWC consists of applying a polymer-modified asphaltic emulsion and placing the specified HMA in a single pass with an integrated paving machine. BWC using RHMA-G, RHMA-O, or HMA-O must comply with the specifications for RHMA-G, RHMA-O, or HMA-O. 39-2.05A(1)(b) Definitions Reserved 39-2.05A(1)(c) Submittals With your JMF submittal, include: 1. Asphaltic emulsion target residual rate 2. Weight ratio of water to bituminous material in the original asphaltic emulsion Within 3 business days following the 1st job site delivery, submit test results for asphaltic emulsion properties performed on a sample taken from the asphaltic emulsion delivered. Within 1 business day of each job site delivery of asphaltic emulsion, submit to METS a 2-quart sample and a certificate of compliance. Ship each sample so that it is received at METS within 48 hours of sampling. Each day BWC is placed, submit the residual and application rate for the asphaltic emulsion. During production, submit certified volume or weight slips for the materials supplied. 39-2.05A(1)(d) Quality Assurance 39-2.05A(1)(d)(i) General For each job site delivery of asphaltic emulsion, take a 2 qt sample in the presence of the Engineer. Take samples from the delivery truck at mid load from a sampling tap or thief. If the sample is taken from the tap, draw and discard 4 qt before sampling. If you unload asphalt binder or asphaltic emulsion into a bulk storage tank, do not use material from the tank until you submit test results for a sample taken from the bulk storage tank. Testing must be performed by an AASHTO-accredited laboratory. 39-2.05A(1)(d)(ii) Quality Control Take two 1 gal samples of BWC in metal containers. Test the asphaltic emulsion under ASTM D2995 at least once per paving day at the job site. 39-2.05A(1)(d)(iii) Department Acceptance The Department accepts asphaltic emulsion based on compliance with the requirements shown in the following table: Asphaltic Emulsion

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Saybolt Furol viscosity at 25 °C (Saybolt Furol seconds) AASHTO T 59 20–100

Sieve test on original emulsion at time of delivery (max, %) AASHTO T 59 0.05

24-hour storage stability (max, %) AASHTO T 59 1

Residue by evaporation (min, %) California Test 331


Tests on residue from evaporation test:

Torsional recovery, measure entire arc of recovery at 25 C (min, %) California Test 332


Penetration at 25 C (0.01 mm) AASHTO T 49 70–150

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Addendum No. 2

The Department accepts the BWC based on the submitted asphaltic emulsion target residual rate 0.02 gal/sq yd when tested under ASTM D2995. 39-2.05A(2) Materials 39-2.05A(2)(a) General Reserved 39-2.05A(2)(b) Asphaltic Emulsion The asphaltic emulsion must comply with the requirements shown in the following table: Asphaltic Emulsion

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Saybolt Furol viscosity at 25 °C (Saybolt Furol seconds) AASHTO T 59 20–100

Sieve test on original emulsion at time of delivery (max, %) AASHTO T 59 0.05

24-hour storage stability (max, %) AASHTO T 59 1

Residue by evaporation (min, %) California Test 331


Tests on residue from evaporation test:

Torsional recovery, measure entire arc of recovery at 25 C (min, %) California Test 332


Penetration at 25 C (0.01 mm) AASHTO T 49 70–150

39-2.05A(2)(c) Reserved 39-2.05A(3) Construction 39-2.05A(3)(a) General Do not dilute the asphaltic emulsion. Do not place BWC if rain is forecast for the project area within 24 hours by the National Weather Service. 39-2.05A(3)(b) Spreading and Compacting Equipment Use method compaction for placing the BWC. Use a material transfer vehicle when placing BWC. The material transfer vehicle must receive HMA directly from the truck. Use an integrated distributor paver capable of spraying the asphaltic emulsion, spreading the HMA, and leveling the mat surface in 1 pass. Apply asphaltic emulsion at a uniform rate for the full paving width. The asphaltic emulsion must not be touched by any part of the paver including wheels or tracks. If the spray bar is adjusted for changing pavement widths, the paver must prevent excess spraying of asphaltic emulsion beyond 2 inches of the HMA edge. 39-2.05A(3)(c) Applying Asphaltic Emulsion Before spreading HMA, apply asphaltic emulsion on dry or damp pavement with no free water. Apply emulsion at a temperature from 120 to 180 degrees F and in a single application at the residual rate specified for the condition of the underlying surface. Asphaltic emulsion must have a target residual rate for the surfaces to receive the emulsion as shown in the following table: Asphaltic Emulsion Target Residual Rate

Surface to receive asphaltic emulsion Target residual rates

Concrete pavement (gal/sq yd) 0.09–0.11

Dense, compacted, new HMA pavement (gal/sq yd) 0.11–0.14

Open textured, dry, aged or oxidized existing asphalt concrete pavement (gal/sq yd)


If you request and your request is authorized, you may change the asphaltic emulsion application rates. 39-2.05A(3)(d) Placing and Compacting Hot Mix Asphalt Construct a transverse joint if the HMA remains in the paver for more than 30 minutes. Do not reintroduce HMA spread over asphaltic emulsion into the paving process. Do not overlap or hot lap HMA. Pave through lanes after paving adjacent: 1. Shoulders 6. Curve widenings 2. Tapers 7. Chain control lanes 3. Transitions 8. Turnouts 4. Road connections 9. Turn pockets

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Addendum No. 2

5. Driveways 10. Ramps For BWC placed on areas adjacent to through lanes that extend into the through lanes, cut the BWC to a neat, straight vertical line at the lane line. If you spill asphaltic emulsion into the paver hopper, stop paving and remove the contaminated material. 39-2.05A(4) Payment Payment for asphaltic emulsion is not included in the payment for the type of HMA used in a bonded wearing course. 39-2.05B Bonded Wearing Courses–Gap Graded 39-2.05B(1) General 39-2.05B(1)(a) Summary Section 39-2.05B includes specifications for producing bonded wearing course–gap graded. 39-2.05B(1)(b) Definitions Reserved 39-2.05B(1)(c) Submittals Include film thickness and calculations and AASHTO T 305 results with your JMF submittal. 39-2.05B(1)(d) Quality Assurance 39-2.05B(1)(d)(i) General Reserved 39-2.05B(1)(d)(ii) Quality Control 39-2.05B(1)(d)(ii)(A) General Reserved 39-2.05B(1)(d)(ii)(B) Aggregates Test the quality characteristics of the aggregates under the test methods and frequencies shown in the following table: Aggregate Testing Frequencies

Quality characteristic Test method Minimum testing frequency

Gradation AASHTO T 27 1 per 750 tons and any remaining part

Sand equivalenta AASHTO T 176

Moisture contentb AASHTO T 255 1 per 1500 tons and any remaining part

Crushed particles AASHTO T 335

1 per 10,000 tons or 2 per project, whichever is greater

Los Angeles Rattler AASHTO T 96

Flat and elongated particles ASTM D4791

Fine aggregate angularity AASHTO T 304, Method A aReported value must be the average of 3 tests from a single sample. The use of a sand reading indicator is required as shown in AASHTO T 176, Figure 1. Sections 4.7, "Manual Shaker," 7.1.2, "Alternate Method No. 2," and 8.4.3, "Hand Method," do not apply. Prepare the stock solution as specified in section 4.8.1, "Stock solution with formaldehyde," except omit the addition of formaldehyde. bTest at continuous mixing plants only. For lime treated aggregate, test the aggregate before treatment and test for gradation and moisture content during BWC-G production. 39-2.05B(1)(d)(ii)(C) Bonded Wearing Course–Gap Graded Production Take two 1 gal samples of BWC-G in metal containers. Test the quality characteristics of BWC-G under the test methods and frequencies shown in the following table: BWC-G Testing Frequencies

Quality characteristic Test method Minimum testing frequency

Asphalt binder content AASHTO T 308, Method A 1 per 750 tons and any remaining part

HMA moisture content AASHTO T 329 1 per 2,500 tons but not less than 1 per paving day

39-2.05B(1)(d)(ii)(D)–39-2.05B(1)(d)(ii)(G) Reserved 39-2.05B(1)(d)(iii) Department Acceptance

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Addendum No. 2

The Department accepts BWC-G based on compliance with: 1. Asphalt binder content at JMF -0.40, +0.50 percent when tested under AASHTO T 308, Method A. 2. Aggregate quality requirements shown in the following table: Aggregate Quality

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Aggregate gradation AASHTO T 27 JMF ± Tolerance

Percent of crushed particles Coarse aggregate (min, %) One-fractured face Two-fractured faces Fine aggregate (min, %) (Passing no. 4 sieve and retained on no. 8 sieve.) One fractured face


-- 90 85

Los Angeles Rattler (max, %) Loss at 100 Rev. Loss at 500 Rev.

AASHTO T 96 12 35

Sand equivalent (min)a AASHTO T 176 47

Flat and elongated particles (max, % by weight at 5:1) ASTM D4791 25

Fine aggregate angularity (min, %) AASHTO T 304, Method A 45 aReported value must be the average of 3 tests from a single sample. The use of a sand reading indicator is required as shown in AASHTO T 176, Figure 1. Sections 4.7, "Manual Shaker," 7.1.2, "Alternate Method No. 2," and 8.4.3, "Hand Method," do not apply. Prepare the stock solution as specified in section 4.8.1, "Stock solution with formaldehyde," except omit the addition of formaldehyde. 39-2.05B(2) Materials 39-2.05B(2)(a) General Reserved 39-2.05B(2)(b) Bonded Wearing Course–Gap Graded Mix Design For BWC-G, the 1st paragraph of section 39-2.01B(2)(a) does not apply. Determine the proposed OBC from a mix design that complies with the requirements shown in the following table:

Hot Mix Asphalt Mix Design Requirements

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Film thickness (min, m) Asphalt Institute MS-2 Table 8.1 a


Drain down (max, %) AASHTO T 305 b 0.1 aFilm thickness is calculated based on the effective asphalt content and determined as follows:

FT = ( Pbe

) 106 SA x Gb x 1000

where: FT = Film thickness in m Pbe = Effective asphalt content by total weight of mix using MS-2

Asphalt Mix Design Methods SA = Estimated surface area of the aggregate blend in m2/kg from

Table 8.1 in the Asphalt Institute MS-2 Asphalt Mix Design Methods

Gb = Specific gravity of asphalt binder

bCombine aggregate and asphalt at the asphalt binder supplier's instructed mixing temperature. Coated aggregates that fall through the wire basket

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Addendum No. 2

during loading must be returned to the basket before conditioning at 350 °F for 1 hour.

The OBC must be greater than 4.9 percent by total weight of mix. 39-2.05B(2)(c) Asphalt Binder Reserved 39-2.05B(2)(d) Aggregates The aggregates must comply with the requirements shown in the following table: Aggregate Quality

Quality characteristic Test method Requirement

Percent of crushed particles Coarse aggregate (min, %) One-fractured face Two-fractured faces Fine aggregate (min, %) (Passing No. 4 sieve and retained on No. 8 sieve.) One-fractured face


-- 90 85

Los Angeles Rattler (max, %) Loss at 100 Rev. Loss at 500 Rev.

AASHTO T 96 12 35

Sand equivalent (min)a AASHTO T 176 47

Flat and elongated particles (max, % by weight @ 5:1) ASTM D4791 25

Fine aggregate angularity (min, %) AASHTO T 304, Method A 45 aReported value must be the average of 3 tests from a single sample. The use of a sand reading indicator is required as shown in AASHTO T 176, Figure 1. Sections 4.7, "Manual Shaker," 7.1.2, "Alternate Method No. 2," and 8.4.3, "Hand Method," do not apply. Prepare the stock solution as specified in section 4.8.1, "Stock solution with formaldehyde," except omit the addition of formaldehyde. The aggregate gradations for BWC-G must comply with the requirements shown in the following table:

Aggregate Gradation Requirements

BWC-G pavement thickness shown Gradation

less than 0.08 foot No. 4 or 3/8 inch

0.08 foot or greater 1/2 inch

The proposed aggregate gradation must be within the TV limits for the specified sieve sizes shown in the following tables:

Aggregate Gradations for BWC-G (Percentage Passing) 1/2 inch

Sieve size Target value limit Allowable tolerance

3/4" 100 --

1/2" 80–100 TV ± 6

3/8" 55–80 TV ± 6

No. 4 25–40 TV ± 7

No. 8 19–32 TV ± 5

No. 16 16–22 TV ± 5

No. 30 10–18 TV ± 4

No. 50 8–13 TV ± 4

No. 100 6–10 TV ± 2

No. 200 4.0–7.0 TV ± 2.0

3/8 inch

Sieve size Target value limit Allowable tolerance

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Addendum No. 2

1/2" 100 --

3/8" 80–100 TV ± 6

No. 4 25–40 TV ± 7

No. 8 19–32 TV ± 5

No. 16 16–22 TV ± 5

No. 30 10–18 TV ± 4

No. 50 8–13 TV ± 4

No. 100 7–11 TV ± 2

No. 200 6.0–10.0 TV ± 2.0

No. 4

Sieve size Target value limit Allowable tolerance

1/2" 100 --

3/8" 95–100 TV ± 2

No. 4 42–55 TV ± 7

No. 8 19–32 TV ± 5

No. 16 16–22 TV ± 5

No. 30 10–18 TV ± 4

No. 50 8–13 TV ± 4

No. 100 7–11 TV ± 2

No. 200 6.0–10.0 TV ± 2.0

39-2.05B(3) Construction Apply asphaltic emulsion when the ambient air and pavement temperatures are above 50 degrees F. 39-2.05B(4) Payment Not Used 39-2.06 HOT MIX ASPHALT ON BRIDGE DECKS 39-2.06A General Section 39-2.06 includes specifications for producing and placing hot mix asphalt on bridge decks. HMA used for bridge decks must comply with the specifications for Type A HMA in section 39-2.02. 39-2.06B Materials Do not use the 1-inch or 3/4-inch aggregate gradation for HMA on bridge decks. The grade of asphalt binder for HMA must be PG 64-10 or PG 64-16. 39-2.06C Construction Spread and compact HMA on bridge decks using method compaction. If a concrete expansion dam is to be placed at a bridge deck expansion joint, tape oil-resistant construction paper to the deck over the area to be covered by the dam before placing the tack coat and HMA across the joint. Apply a tack coat at the minimum residual rate specified in section 39-2.01C(3)(f). For HMA placed on a deck seal, use the minimum residual rate specified for concrete pavement. For HMA placed on a deck seal: 1. Place the HMA within 7 days after installing the deck seal. 2. If a paper mask is placed on the deck under section 54-5.03, place the HMA continuously across the paper mask. 3. Place HMA in at least 2 approximately equal layers. 4. For placement of the 1st HMA layer: 4.1. Comply with the HMA application temperature recommended by the deck seal manufacturer. 4.2. Deliver and place HMA using equipment with pneumatic tires or rubber-faced wheels. Do not operate other vehicles or equipment on the bare deck seal. 4.3. Deposit HMA on the deck seal in such a way that the deck seal is not damaged. Do not use a windrow. 4.4. Place HMA in a downhill direction on bridge decks with grades over 2 percent. 4.5. Self-propelled spreading equipment is not required. 39-2.06D Payment

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Addendum No. 2

Not Used 39-2.07 MINOR HOT MIX ASPHALT 39-2.07A General 39-2.07A(1) Summary Section 39-2.07 includes specifications for producing and placing minor hot mix asphalt. Minor HMA must comply with section 39-2.02 except as specified in this section 39-2.07. The inertial profiler requirements in section 36-3 do not apply. 39-2.07A(2) Definitions Reserved 39-2.07A(3) Submittals The QC plan and test results in sections 39-2.01A(3)(c) and 39-2.01A(3)(d) do not apply. 39-2.07A(4) Quality Assurance 39-2.07A(4)(a) General The JMF renewal requirements in section 39-2.01A(4)(d) do not apply. Test pavement smoothness with a 12 foot straightedge. 39-2.07A(4)(b) Quality Control Testing for compliance with the following quality characteristics is not required: 1. Flat and elongated particles 2. Fine aggregate angularity 3. Hamburg wheel track 4. Moisture susceptibility 39-2.07A(4)(c) Department Acceptance The Department accepts minor HMA under section 39-2.02A(4)(e) except for compliance with requirements for the following quality characteristics: 1. Flat and elongated particles 2. Fine aggregate angularity 3. Hamburg wheel track 4. Moisture susceptibility 39-2.07B Materials 39-2.07B(1) General Reserved 39-2.07B(2) Minor Hot Mix Asphalt Mix Design The Hamburg wheel track and moisture susceptibility requirements do not apply to the mix design for minor HMA. 39-2.07B(3) Asphalt Binder The grade of asphalt binder for minor HMA must be PG-64-10 or PG-64-16. 39-2.07B(4) Liquid Antistrip Treatment Treat minor HMA with liquid antistrip unless you submit AASHTO T 283 and AASHTO T 324 (Modified) test results showing compliance with section 39-2.02B and dated within 12 months of the submittal. 39-2.07C Construction Not Used 39-2.07D Payment Not Used 39-2.08–39-2.10 RESERVED 39-3 EXISTING ASPHALT CONCRETE 39-3.01 GENERAL 39-3.01A General Section 39-3.01 includes general specifications for performing work on existing asphalt concrete facilities. Work performed on existing asphalt concrete facilities must comply with section 15. 39-3.01B Materials Not Used 39-3.01C Construction Before removing a portion of an asphalt concrete facility, make a 2-inch deep saw cut to a true line along the limits of the removal area.

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Addendum No. 2

39-3.01D Payment Not Used 39-3.02 REPLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACING 39-3.02A General Section 39-3.02 includes specifications for replacing asphalt concrete surfacing. 39-3.02B Materials HMA to be used for replacing asphalt concrete surfacing must comply with Type A HMA as specified in section 39-2.02. The grade of asphalt binder must be PG 64-10 or PG 64-16. Tack coat must comply with section 39-2.01B(10). 39-3.02C Construction Where replace asphalt concrete surfacing is shown, remove the full depth of the existing asphalt concrete surfacing and replace with HMA. The Engineer determines the exact limits of asphalt concrete surfacing to be replaced. Replace asphalt concrete in a lane before the lane is specified to be opened to traffic. Before removing asphalt concrete, outline the replacement area and cut neat lines with a saw or grind to full depth of the existing asphalt concrete. Do not damage asphalt concrete and base remaining in place. If you excavate the base beyond the specified plane, replace it with HMA. Do not use a material transfer vehicle for replacing asphalt concrete surfacing. Before placing HMA, apply a tack coat as specified in section 39-2.01C(3)(f). Place HMA using method compaction as specified in section 39-2.01C(2)(c). 39-3.02D Payment The payment quantity for replace asphalt concrete surfacing is the volume determined from the dimensions shown. 39-3.03 REMOVE ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKES 39-3.03A General Section 39-3.03 applies to removing asphalt concrete dikes outside the limits of excavation. 39-3.03B Materials Not Used 39-3.03C Construction Reserved 39-3.03D Payment Not Used 39-3.04 COLD PLANING ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 39-3.04A General Section 39-3.04 includes specifications for cold planning asphalt concrete pavement. Cold planning asphalt concrete pavement includes the removal of pavement markers, traffic stripes, and pavement markings within the area of cold planning. Schedule cold planing activities such that the pavement is cold planed, the HMA is placed, and the area is opened to traffic during the same work shift. 39-3.04B Materials HMA for temporary tapers must be of the same quality that is used for the HMA overlay or comply with the specifications for minor HMA in section 39-2.07. 39-3.04C Construction 39-3.04C(1) General Do not use a heating device to soften the pavement. The cold planing machine must be: 1. Equipped with a cutter head width that matches the planing width unless a wider cutter head is authorized. 2. Equipped with automatic controls for the longitudinal grade and transverse slope of the cutter head and: 2.1. If a ski device is used, it must be at least 30 feet long, rigid, and a 1-piece unit. The entire length must be used in activating the sensor. 2.2. If referencing from existing pavement, the cold planing machine must be controlled by a self-contained grade reference system. The system must be used at or near the centerline of the roadway. On the adjacent pass with the cold planing machine, a joint-matching shoe may be used.

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3. Equipped to effectively control dust generated by the planing operation 4. Operated such that no fumes or smoke is produced. Replace broken, missing, or worn machine teeth. If you do not complete placing the HMA surfacing before opening the area to traffic, you must: 1. Construct a temporary HMA taper to the level of the existing pavement. 2. Place HMA during the next work shift. 3. Submit a corrective action plan that shows you will complete cold planing and placement of HMA in the same work shift. Do not restart cold planing activities until the corrective action plan is authorized. 39-3.04C(2) Grade Control and Surface Smoothness Install and maintain grade and transverse slope references. You may adjust the planed depth up to ± 0.03 foot from the depth shown to achieve uniform pavement profile, cross slope, and surface smoothness. The average cold planed depth must be equal to or greater than the depth shown. The final cut must result in a neat and uniform surface. The completed surface of the planed pavement must not vary more than 0.02 foot when measured with a 12-foot straightedge parallel with the centerline. With the straightedge at right angles to the centerline, the transverse slope of the planed surface must not vary more than 0.03 foot. If you encounter delaminations during planing operations notify the Engineer immediately. If authorized, adjust the planed depth up to ± 0.05 foot to eliminate delaminations. Authorized work beyond the ± 0.05 foot range or other authorized mitigation work is change order work. Where lanes are open to traffic, the drop-off of between adjacent lanes must not be more than 0.15 foot. 39-3.04C(3) Planed Material Remove cold planed material concurrently with planing activities such that the removal does not lag more than 50 feet behind the planer. 39-3.04C(4) Temporary HMA Tapers If a drop-off between the existing pavement and the planed area at transverse joints cannot be avoided before opening to traffic, construct a temporary HMA taper. Completely remove temporary tapers before placing permanent surfacing. 39-3.04D Payment Not Used 39-3.05 REMOVE BASE AND SURFACING 39-3.05A General Section 39-3.05 includes specifications for removing base and asphalt concrete surfacing. 39-3.05B Materials Not Used 39-3.05C Construction Where base and surfacing are described to be removed, remove base and surfacing to a depth of at least 6 inches below the grade of the existing surfacing. Backfill resulting holes and depressions with embankment material under section 19. 39-3.05D Payment The payment quantity for remove base and surfacing is the volume determined from the dimensions shown. 39-3.06–39-3.08 RESERVED