Download - Sample file - · 2018. 4. 28. · or Blizzard Product and Product Line names, including but not limited to Warcraft, World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft: The Role-Playing

Page 1: Sample file - · 2018. 4. 28. · or Blizzard Product and Product Line names, including but not limited to Warcraft, World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft: The Role-Playing

Glory to the Alliance!Draw blade and spear to battle the Scourge, the Burning

Legion and the Horde! Keep your eyes sharp and your tongue sharper as you match wits with

rival political factions. Bolster the Alliance’s strengths... or prey upon its weaknesses.

Everything an Alliance Hero Needs

Contains three new races: furbolgs, half-elves and Wildhammer dwarves.

Contains 12 prestige classes, including the demon hunter, gunman and mountain king.

Introduces variant classes, racial iconic classes, and creature classes, allowing you to play just the sort of character you want.

Brims with new feats, spells, magic items, technological devices, and other

abilities and items to decimate your opponents.

Contains information on the Alliance’s history, its leaders, and its current military and political structure, narrated by famed dwarf explorer Brann Bronzebeard.

Includes two adventures to challenge Alliance heroes.

w w w . s w o r d s o r c e r y . c o m

ISBN 1-58846-773-2 WW17207 $34.99 U.S.

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Check out upcoming Sword and Sorcery Studio products online at:

Distributed for Sword and Sorcery Studio by White Wolf Publishing, Inc.This printing of Alliance Player’s Guide is published in accordance with the Open Game License. See the Open Game License Appendix of this book for more information. Arthaus, the Arthaus logo, Sword and Sorcery, Sword and Sorcery Studios, the Sword and Sorcery logo, Manual of Monsters, Magic & Mayhem, Shadows & Light and More

Magic & Mayhem are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. (c) 2006 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. Alliance Player’s Guide is a trademark, and Warcraft, World of Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered

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Special Thanks — Luke JohnsonTo my late grandfathers, Donald R. Johnson and Edward Schnaper. I think they would be proud.

Authors:Scott Bennie (feats, exemplar, savagekin, half-elf history,

military units, “The Dog of Warcraft”), Bruce Graw (sapper, Chapter 5, Ironforge dwarf history), Luke Johnson (Chapters 1 and 2, prestige classes, creatures), Mur Lafferty (feats, dead shot, furbolg, high elf, and Wildhammer dwarf history, Alliance history, tactics, military units, “Gift for the Bride”), Adam Loyd (ace, night elf and gnome history), Aaron Rosenberg (windwarrior, Chapter 4, Church of the Holy Light, Kirin Tor, military units), and Andrew Rowe (human history, Argent Dawn, Chapter 7, creatures).

Creative and Rules Design Assistance and Additional Material:

Chris Metzen, Ben Brode, Samwise Didier, Bob Fitch, Evelyn Fredericksen, Brian Hsieh, Micky Neilson, Lisa Pearce, and Gloria Soto

Developer:Luke Johnson

Editor: Ellen P. Kiley

Managing Editor:Stewart Wieck

Art Director:Mike Chaney

Layout and Design: Mike Chaney

Cover Artist:Samwise Didier , Glenn Rane, & Justin Thavirat

Interior Artists:Hannah Spute, Saytr, James Stowe, Patrick McEvoy,

Harald Osterle, Jeff Laubenstein, Samwise Didier, Rene Koiter, Michel Koiter, Glenn Rane, Justin Thavirat, Bill Petras, & David Griffiths





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Introduction 4

Chapter 1: New Races 6Dwarf, Wildhammer 6Furbolg 9Half-Elf 11Vital Statistics 13

Chapter 2: Class Options 14Variant Classes 14 Lone Druid 14 Totemic Druid 15 Druid of the Claw 15 Druid of the Fang 16 Druid of the Talon 16 Focused Mage 17 Auradin 18Racial Iconic Classes 18 Furbolg Shaman 18

Gnome Tinker 19 High Elf Mage 20 Human Mage 20 Human Paladin 21 Ironforge Dwarf Warrior: Dwarf Sharpshooter 21 Night Elf Druid 22 Wildhammer Barbarian 23Creature Classes 23 Ancient Protector 25 Dryad 27 Keeper of the Grove 29 Mountain Giant 31 Vital Statistics 33Feats 34

Chapter 3: Prestige Classes 42Ace 42Dead Shot 45 Demon Hunter 47Exemplar 50Gunman 52Mountain King 56Sapper 58Savagekin 61Sister of Steel 63Ursa Totemic 65Warden 68Windwarrior 70

Chapter 4: Magic 75 Magic Among the Alliance 75Spells 79Magic Items 91 Magic Armor 91 Magic Weapons 92 Rings 93 Wondrous Items 94

Chapter 5: Technology 100Races and Technology 100Tech-Mods 101 Weapon Tech-Mods 101 Armor Tech-Mods 103

Ring Tech-Mods 105 Wondrous Item Tech-Mods 106Technological Devices 107 Dwarven Technological Devices 107 Gnomish Technological Devices 111 Other Technological Devices 119

Chapter 6: History and Culture 123Night Elf History 123 Night Elf Culture 125High Elf History 129 High Elf Culture 130Half-Elf History 132 Half-Elf Culture 132Human History 133 Human Culture 137Ironforge Dwarf History 140 Ironforge Dwarf Culture 142Wildhammer Dwarf History 143 Wildhammer Dwarf Culture 143Gnome History 145 Gnome Culture 146Furbolg History 147 Furbolg Culture 148The Argent Dawn 150The Church of the Holy Light 152The Kirin Tor 154

Chapter 7: Alliance History and Current Situation 161

Alliance Timeline 165State of the Alliance 167

Chapter 8: The Alliance Military 181Alliance Tactics 181Military Forces 183 Human Forces 183 Dwarf Forces 186 High Elf Forces 188 Night Elf Forces 189

Chapter 9: Creatures 194Ancients 194Avatar of Vengeance 199Battle Ram 200Cat, Saber 201Chimera 203Dire Cobra 204Dragonhawk 205Dryad 206Faerie Dragon 207Gryphon 208Hippogryph 209Keeper of the Grove 210Mountain Giant 211Spirit of Vengeance 212Treant 214Warhorse, heavy 215Wisp 216

Chapter 10: Adventures 217The Dog of Warcraft 217 Gift for the Bride 224




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A L L I A N C E P L A Y E R ’ S G U I D E



Since you’re reading this book, you’re probably playing a character who is a member of the Alliance — which is great, because that’s what this book is all about. However, this book contains plenty of information useful for Horde characters and independents as well, from feats to prestige classes to inside information on the Alliance’s workings.

Within these pages, behold the following chapters:

Chapter 1: New RacesAhhh, Fresh MeatThis chapter introduces three races that are friendly

to the Alliance: furbolgs, half-elves and Wildhammer dwarves. Each race receives a standard race description, allowing you to play them just as you can humans, night elves, gnomes and all the rest. Furbolgs and Wildhammer dwarves have racial levels, as well.

Chapter 2: Class OptionsBe All That You Can Be: In the Alliance!This chapter contains loads of new possibilities for

Warcraft characters. This chapter, which introduces several new concepts and game elements to the World of Warcraft RPG, is divided into four subsections.

Variant Classes take the classes in WoW RPG and alter them slightly, creating classes that are somewhat different than the standard druid, mage, and so forth that appear in WoW RPG. If you want to play a druid without an animal companion (and receive a commensurate ability for doing so), you’ll find the rules here.

Racial Iconic Classes are also variant classes, as above, but these classes represent certain racial icons. The dwarf sharpshooter, for instance, is an icon on Azeroth, and this section gives you the rules to play one.

Creature Classes allow you to play an ancient protector, dryad, keeper of the grove, or mountain giant from level 1.

Feats is the final section, and it’s appropriately hefty.

Chapter 3: Prestige Classes

Your Might Cannot Be Matched

This chapter includes 2 new (and, in a couple cases, revised) prestige classes to which your character can aspire.

Chapter 4: MagicAll Is ManaThis chapter provides an overview of how the Alliance

and its component races feel about magic in general, and also about specific kinds of magic. It contains new spells and magic items, as well, which the Alliance developed or uses extensively.

Chapter 5: TechnologyClick-Click-Boom!This chapter explores the relationship between

the Alliance and its component




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Chapter 6: History and Culture

Chapter 7: Alliance History and Current Affairs

Fiction Spots Warcraft on the Web

Chapter 8: The Alliance Military

Chapter 9: Creatures

Chapter 10: Adventures

The Alliance & Horde Compendium

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